2,330 research outputs found


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    This study investigated the impact of the wiki-enhanced task-based language teaching (TBLT) approach on students’ writing skill in the context of English as a foreign language (EFL) in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). In addition, it explored the students’ and teacher’s views and perceptions toward the implementation of the wiki-enhanced TBLT approach. The study data were collected quantitatively and qualitatively from two classrooms in a public high school in the UAE, which consisted of 30 students. The quantitative data were collected via a pretest–posttest design from the two assigned groups of students: the control and experimental groups. The qualitative data were collected via a survey of the students and a semi-structured interview with the teacher. The study was conducted during a whole academic semester. The findings of the study show that implementing the wiki-enhanced TBLT technique considerably improves EFL learners’ writing skills in relation to the four language components examined in this study: syntactic complexity, grammatical accuracy, fluency, and lexical complexity. In addition, the students enjoyed working together on writing tasks using the wiki-enhanced TBLT approach. Their responses showed that the TBLT approach encourages better performance in collaborative writing tasks and classroom engagement. Moreover, the classroom teachers indicated that the implementation of this approach played a significant role in promoting students’ performance, communication, collaboration, and engagement in the target language (English) in the experimental group. Furthermore, the findings showed that students can construct new knowledge with the aid of their peers, thereby improving their capacity to devise and discuss original ideas. As students can practice collaborative writing while at home, the wiki-enhanced TBLT approach is beneficial for online learning. Adopting this approach increased students’ participation in class because they were more comfortable working together while using technology, improving the quality of their writing and assignments. Several theoretical and pedagogical implications regarding the implementation of this approach have been drawn. The first theoretical implication of this study is that the wiki approach supports previous efforts to move the socio constructivist perspective of learning from the spoken discourse to the written discourse. The second theoretical implication is that it provides support to Chapelle\u27s framework (2003) where learning should be focused on tasks that require the use of the target language. Learning should take place in meaningful and real-life contexts, and instruction should be tailored to the individual needs of the learner. The third theoretical implication is that his study is the first to be conducted in the Gulf region, especially in the UAE. Regarding the pedagogical implications of the TBLT approach, the first pedagogical implication is that teachers need to consider the wiki-enhanced TBLT approach a standard and favored classroom strategy. The second pedagogical implication is that the wiki approach can be used by teachers as a teaching strategy to promote students’ participation and engagement and create a friendly social environment in the L2 classroom. The third pedagogical implication is that technology has proved to be integral in the classroom in teaching and learning the target language. The fourth pedagogical implication is for course designers who need to consider the wiki-enhanced TBLT approach as part of the curriculum. Based on these findings, future research can consider examining the effect of the wiki-enhanced TBLT approach on EFL learners’ writing skill at different levels, such as primary, college, or university students. Future research might also investigate the effect of Google Docs–based TBLT approach on developing students’ writing skill and explore students’ perceptions toward using this approach

    Tecnologias em aulas de escrita em inglĂȘs como segunda lĂ­ngua/lĂ­ngua estrangeira

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    This paper presents a systematic review on the use of technologies in English as a Second Language (ESL) and as a Foreign Language (EFL) writing classes. The pursued objectives were to: 1) review recent empirical studies for the use of technologies in ESL/EFL writing classes; and 2) synthesize and assess the impacts of digital technologies on written texts and the writing process. Hence, the findings of this review are relevant because the arrival of new technologies has changed the environment in which digital writing is practiced and there is a lack of rigorous literature reviews that allow a better comprehension of these impacts (Lira-Gonzales & GrĂ©goire, 2022).Este artĂ­culo presenta una revisiĂłn sistemĂĄtica sobre el uso de tecnologĂ­as en clases de escritura de inglĂ©s como Segunda Lengua (ISL) y Lengua Extranjera (ILE). Los objetivos perseguidos fueron: 1) revisar estudios empĂ­ricos recientes para el uso de tecnologĂ­as en las clases de escritura de ISL/ILE; y 2) sintetizar y evaluar los impactos de las tecnologĂ­as digitales en los textos escritos y en el proceso de escritura. Por lo tanto, los hallazgos de esta revisiĂłn son relevantes porque la llegada de las nuevas tecnologĂ­as ha cambiado el entorno en el que se practica la escritura digital y existe un vacĂ­o de revisiones bibliogrĂĄficas rigurosas que permitan una mejor comprensiĂłn de estos impactos (Lira-Gonzales y GrĂ©goire, 2022).Este artigo apresenta uma revisĂŁo sistemĂĄtica sobre o uso de tecnologias em aulas de escrita de InglĂȘs como Segunda LĂ­ngua (ISL) e LĂ­ngua Estrangeira (ILE). Os objetivos foram: 1) revisar estudos empĂ­ricos recentes para o uso de tecnologias nas aulas de redação ISL/ILE; e 2) sintetizar e avaliar os impactos das tecnologias digitais em textos escritos e no processo de escrita. Portanto, os achados desta revisĂŁo sĂŁo relevantes porque a chegada de novas tecnologias mudou o ambiente em que a escrita digital Ă© praticada e hĂĄ um vĂĄcuo de rigorosas revisĂ”es bibliogrĂĄficas que permitem uma melhor compreensĂŁo desses impactos (Lira-Gonzales e GrĂ©goire, 2022)

    Student Wiki Pages: Online collaboration in a networked environment

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    This chapter is concerned with student collaboration and ‘peer-support’ pedagogy as facilitated by online learning environments. Specifically the chapter discusses the use of wiki tools as part of the e-learning strategy in a first year BA (Hons) Communication and Media unit at Bournemouth University. The pedagogical aim here is to assess students’ ability to work effectively in a computer-mediated environment by applying interpersonal communication skills taught in the unit, whilst fostering a professional engagement with the unit’s theoretical foundation and facilitating student-centred learning. The Student Wiki Pages is an educational strategy that encourages students to develop active learning, media literacy and scholarship at the start of their degree programmes, providing a solid underpinning for their future studies. Collaboratively producing a wiki means students have to be self-reflexive and critically evaluate their own notes from lectures and set readings on a weekly basis. Drawing on evidence from 2010/2011, the chapter will demonstrate how the Student Wiki Pages helped inspire students’ commitment to learning by analysing five core areas where student performance improved. Practical complexities of assessing collaborative learning will be evaluated, together with a discussion on how to manage student expectations in relation to grading and feedback

    Technological Applications for Language Teaching

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    This paper suggests resources for teaching language for general or specific purposes with web-based technology. The authors review the most widely spread technological terms, options, and pedagogical uses

    A Technology-Enhanced German Language Course: Effects of Technology Implementation and Cross-Cultural Exchange on Students’ Language Skills, Perceptions and Cultural Awareness

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    This study employed a within-group case study design using a mixed methods approach. In doing so, the researcher used a concurrent triangulation process during a one semester intermediate German language course. In addition to the textbook, the researcher implemented a Technology to Support German Language Enhancement (TSGLE) intervention. The TSGLE included use of the following Web 2.0 technologies: blogs, podcasts, online chat, and wiki, to create an environment of increased asynchronous and synchronous interaction. Additionally, students embarked on a cross-cultural, virtual exchange with university students from Germany by interacting through a blog, a collaborative video conference session, a German film screening, email, and individual video conference sessions. Although certain challenges arise with adapting to technology use and communicating with native speakers, quantitative and qualitative data indicate regular use of Web 2.0 technologies and participating in a cross-cultural exchange can enhance language acquisition and cultural awareness


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    The use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education has increased manifold in the present times. The role and use of ICT as a tool for English Language Teaching (ELT) is increasingly explored by educators as they assist in creating collaborative and independent learning environment. ICT plays a pertinent role in enhancing motivation, creativity and critical thinking of the learners. In the study, the attitudes of the students and teachers of the secondary schools of Manipur, a state in northeast India towards using ICT in teaching and learning English language are investigated. The paper aims to make the teachers and learners aware of the use of ICT in English as a Second Language (ESL) classroom. Through the questionnaires administered to both teachers and learners, the importance and challenges in the pedagogy of ELT using ICT is identified and discussed. The findings of the survey indicate that most of the teachers and learners held positive approach towards integrating ICT in teaching and learning English language.

    Technology-Enhanced Language Learning: A Meta-Analysis Study On English Language Teaching Tools

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    This meta-analysis study explores the effectiveness of technology-enhanced language learning in the context of English language teaching. Through a comprehensive review of relevant literature, various research studies were examined to gain insights into the impact and potential of technology in language learning. The findings highlight that the use of new technologies positively contributes to learners' language learning skills and enhances their overall proficiency. Mobile learning and ICT tools have been identified as effective resources that facilitate English language learning by providing accessible and efficient learning environments. Additionally, the research indicates that technology-supported language learning is as effective as learning with human teachers, indicating the potential of technology to offer personalized and tailored learning experiences. However, it is crucial to provide teachers with proper training and support to confidently integrate technology into their teaching practices. Educational institutions should offer comprehensive training programs and allocate sufficient time for teachers to enhance their technological skills and confidently utilize educational technologies. These findings underscore the importance of technology in enhancing language learning outcomes and emphasize the need for ongoing support and professional development for teachers in integrating technology into language teaching

    Blended Learning for ELT

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    Information and communication technology (ICT) has grown exponentially during the past three decades considerably changed many aspects in industrial and trading sectors. Currently, it is revolutionizing education. One of the most important results of the revolution is the emergent of blended learning, which combines the best of face-to-face and ICT application. This article reviews current ideas, practices, and empirical information concerning the nature of blended learning in general and Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL), a version of blended learning particularly used in English Language Teaching (ELT), in particular. All of these will hopefully enrich creative ideas for implementing blended learning in ELT to enhance our studentñ€ℱs achievement

    Review of Second Language Teaching and Learning in the Net Generation

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