5,253 research outputs found

    Providing End-to-End Delay Guarantees for Multi-hop Wireless Sensor Networks over Unreliable Channels

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    Wireless sensor networks have been increasingly used for real-time surveillance over large areas. In such applications, it is important to support end-to-end delay constraints for packet deliveries even when the corresponding flows require multi-hop transmissions. In addition to delay constraints, each flow of real-time surveillance may require some guarantees on throughput of packets that meet the delay constraints. Further, as wireless sensor networks are usually deployed in challenging environments, it is important to specifically consider the effects of unreliable wireless transmissions. In this paper, we study the problem of providing end-to-end delay guarantees for multi-hop wireless networks. We propose a model that jointly considers the end-to-end delay constraints and throughput requirements of flows, the need for multi-hop transmissions, and the unreliable nature of wireless transmissions. We develop a framework for designing feasibility-optimal policies. We then demonstrate the utility of this framework by considering two types of systems: one where sensors are equipped with full-duplex radios, and the other where sensors are equipped with half-duplex radios. When sensors are equipped with full-duplex radios, we propose an online distributed scheduling policy and proves the policy is feasibility-optimal. We also provide a heuristic for systems where sensors are equipped with half-duplex radios. We show that this heuristic is still feasibility-optimal for some topologies

    Real-time and fault tolerance in distributed control software

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    Closed loop control systems typically contain multitude of spatially distributed sensors and actuators operated simultaneously. So those systems are parallel and distributed in their essence. But mapping this parallelism onto the given distributed hardware architecture, brings in some additional requirements: safe multithreading, optimal process allocation, real-time scheduling of bus and network resources. Nowadays, fault tolerance methods and fast even online reconfiguration are becoming increasingly important. All those often conflicting requirements, make design and implementation of real-time distributed control systems an extremely difficult task, that requires substantial knowledge in several areas of control and computer science. Although many design methods have been proposed so far, none of them had succeeded to cover all important aspects of the problem at hand. [1] Continuous increase of production in embedded market, makes a simple and natural design methodology for real-time systems needed more then ever

    Dual ceiling protocol for real-time synchronization under preemption threshold scheduling

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    AbstractThe application of object-oriented design methods to real-time embedded systems is seriously hindered by the lack of existing real-time scheduling techniques that can be seamlessly integrated into these methods. Preemption threshold scheduling (PTS) enables a scalable real-time system design and thus has been suggested as a solution to this problem. However, direct adoption of PTS may lead to long priority inversion since object-oriented real-time systems require synchronization considerations in order to maintain consistent object states. In this paper, we propose the dual ceiling protocol (DCP) in order to solve this problem. While DCP exploits both priority ceilings and preemption threshold ceilings, this is not a straightforward integration of existing real-time synchronization protocols for PTS. We present the rationale for the locking conditions of DCP and show that it leads to the least blocking and response times by comparison with other real-time synchronization protocols. We also present its blocking properties and schedulability analyses. We implemented PTS and DCP in a real-time object-oriented CASE tool and present the associated experimental results, which show that the proposed protocol is a viable solution that is superior to other real-time synchronization protocols for PTS

    Advanced Bit Stuffing Mechanism for Reducing CAN Message Response Time

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    Datacenter Traffic Control: Understanding Techniques and Trade-offs

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    Datacenters provide cost-effective and flexible access to scalable compute and storage resources necessary for today's cloud computing needs. A typical datacenter is made up of thousands of servers connected with a large network and usually managed by one operator. To provide quality access to the variety of applications and services hosted on datacenters and maximize performance, it deems necessary to use datacenter networks effectively and efficiently. Datacenter traffic is often a mix of several classes with different priorities and requirements. This includes user-generated interactive traffic, traffic with deadlines, and long-running traffic. To this end, custom transport protocols and traffic management techniques have been developed to improve datacenter network performance. In this tutorial paper, we review the general architecture of datacenter networks, various topologies proposed for them, their traffic properties, general traffic control challenges in datacenters and general traffic control objectives. The purpose of this paper is to bring out the important characteristics of traffic control in datacenters and not to survey all existing solutions (as it is virtually impossible due to massive body of existing research). We hope to provide readers with a wide range of options and factors while considering a variety of traffic control mechanisms. We discuss various characteristics of datacenter traffic control including management schemes, transmission control, traffic shaping, prioritization, load balancing, multipathing, and traffic scheduling. Next, we point to several open challenges as well as new and interesting networking paradigms. At the end of this paper, we briefly review inter-datacenter networks that connect geographically dispersed datacenters which have been receiving increasing attention recently and pose interesting and novel research problems.Comment: Accepted for Publication in IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorial

    Scheduling Techniques for Operating Systems for Medical and IoT Devices: A Review

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    Software and Hardware synthesis are the major subtasks in the implementation of hardware/software systems. Increasing trend is to build SoCs/NoC/Embedded System for Implantable Medical Devices (IMD) and Internet of Things (IoT) devices, which includes multiple Microprocessors and Signal Processors, allowing designing complex hardware and software systems, yet flexible with respect to the delivered performance and executed application. An important technique, which affect the macroscopic system implementation characteristics is the scheduling of hardware operations, program instructions and software processes. This paper presents a survey of the various scheduling strategies in process scheduling. Process Scheduling has to take into account the real-time constraints. Processes are characterized by their timing constraints, periodicity, precedence and data dependency, pre-emptivity, priority etc. The affect of these characteristics on scheduling decisions has been described in this paper

    Transaction processing in real-time database systems

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    Scheduling transactions in a real-time database requires an integrated approach in which the schedule does not only guarantee execution before the deadline, but also maintains data consistency. The problem has been studied under a common framework which considers both concurrency control issues and the real-time constraints in centralized and distributed transaction processing. A real-time transaction processing model has been defined for a centralized system. The proposed protocols use a unified approach to maximize concurrency while meeting real-time constraints at the same time. In order to test the behavior of the model and the proposed protocols, a real-time transaction processing testbed has been developed using discrete event simulation techniques. The results indicate that different protocols work better under different load scenarios and that the overall performance can be significantly enhanced by modifying the underlying system configuration. Among other system and transaction parameters, the effect of data partitioning, buffer management, preemption, disk contention, locking mode and multiprocessing has been studied;For the distributed environment, new concepts of real-time nested transactions and priority propagation have been proposed. Real-time nested transactions incorporate the deadline requirements in the hierarchical structure of nested transactions. Priority propagation addresses the issues related to transaction aborts in real-time nested transaction processing. The notion of priority ceiling has been used to avoid the priority inversion problem. The proposed protocols exhibit freedom from deadlock and have tightly bounded waiting period. Both of these properties make them very suitable for distributed real-time transaction processing environment

    Software parametrization of feasible reconfigurable real-time systems under energy and dependency constraints

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    Enforcing temporal constraints is necessary to maintain the correctness of a realtime system. However, a real-time system may be enclosed by many factors and constraints that lead to different challenges to overcome. In other words, to achieve the real-time aspects, these systems face various challenges particularly in terms of architecture, reconfiguration property, energy consumption, and dependency constraints. Unfortunately, the characterization of real-time task deadlines is a relatively unexplored problem in the real-time community. Most of the literature seems to consider that the deadlines are somehow provided as hard assumptions, this can generate high costs relative to the development time if these deadlines are violated at runtime. In this context, the main aim of this thesis is to determine the effective temporal properties that will certainly be met at runtime under well-defined constraints. We went to overcome these challenges in a step-wise manner. Each time, we elected a well-defined subset of challenges to be solved. This thesis deals with reconfigurable real-time systems in mono-core and multi-core architectures. First, we propose a new scheduling strategy based on configuring feasible scheduling of software tasks of various types (periodic, sporadic, and aperiodic) and constraints (hard and soft) mono-core architecture. Then, the second contribution deals with reconfigurable real-time systems in mono-core under energy and resource sharing constraints. Finally, the main objective of the multi-core architecture is achieved in a third contribution.Das Erzwingen zeitlicher Beschränkungen ist notwendig,um die Korrektheit eines Echtzeitsystems aufrechtzuerhalten. Ein Echtzeitsystem kann jedoch von vielen Faktoren und Beschränkungen umgeben sein, die zu unterschiedlichen Herausforderungen führen, die es zu bewältigen gilt. Mit anderen Worten, um die zeitlichen Aspekte zu erreichen, können diese Systeme verschiedenen Herausforderungen gegenüberstehen, einschliesslich Architektur, Rekonfigurationseigenschaft, Energie und Abhängigkeitsbeschränkungen. Leider ist die Charakterisierung von Echtzeit-Aufgabenterminen ein relativ unerforschtes Problem in der Echtzeit-Community. Der grösste Teil der Literatur geht davon aus, dass die Fristen (Deadlines) irgendwie als harte Annahmen bereitgestellt werden, was im Verhältnis zur Entwicklungszeit hohe Kosten verursachen kann, wenn diese Fristen zur Laufzeit verletzt werden. In diesem Zusammenhang ist das Hauptziel dieser Arbeit, die effektiven zeitlichen Eigenschaften zu bestimmen, die zur Laufzeit unter wohldefinierten Randbedingungen mit Sicherheit erfüllt werden. Wir haben diese Herausforderungen schrittweise gemeistert. Jedes Mal haben wir eine wohldefinierte Teilmenge von Herausforderungen ausgewählt, die es zu lösen gilt. Zunächst schlagen wir eine neue Scheduling-Strategie vor, die auf der Konfiguration eines durchführbaren Scheduling von Software-Tasks verschiedener Typen (periodisch, sporadisch und aperiodisch) und Beschränkungen (hart und weich) einer Mono-Core-Architektur basiert. Der zweite Beitrag befasst sich dann mit rekonfigurierbaren Echtzeitsystemen in Mono-Core unter Energie und Ressourcenteilungsbeschränkungen. Abschliessend wird in einem dritten Beitrag das Verfahren auf Multi-Core-Architekturen erweitert

    Bandwidth sensitive routing in diffServ networks with heterogeneous bandwidth requirements

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    This paper studies the problem of finding optimal routes for premium class traffic in a DiffServ network such that (1) loop-freedom is guaranteed in the entire network under hop-by-hop routing assumption; and (2) the maximum relative congestion among all links is minimized. This problem is called the Extended Optimal Premium Routing (eOPR) problem, which is proven to be NP-hard. We use the integer programming method to mathematically formulate the eOPR problem and find the optimal solutions for small scale networks. We also study heuristic algorithms in order to handle large scale networks. Simulation results are compared with the optimal solutions obtained by solving the integer programming models. The results show that the Bandwidth-inversion Shortest Path (BSP) algorithm can be a good candidate to route premium traffic in DiffServ networks.published_or_final_versio
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