1,822 research outputs found

    Mitosis based speculative multithreaded architectures

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    In the last decade, industry made a right-hand turn and shifted towards multi-core processor designs, also known as Chip-Multi-Processors (CMPs), in order to provide further performance improvements under a reasonable power budget, design complexity, and validation cost. Over the years, several processor vendors have come out with multi-core chips in their product lines and they have become mainstream, with the number of cores increasing in each processor generation. Multi-core processors improve the performance of applications by exploiting Thread Level Parallelism (TLP) while the Instruction Level Parallelism (ILP) exploited by each individual core is limited. These architectures are very efficient when multiple threads are available for execution. However, single-thread sections of code (single-thread applications and serial sections of parallel applications) pose important constraints on the benefits achieved by parallel execution, as pointed out by Amdahl’s law. Parallel programming, even with the help of recently proposed techniques like transactional memory, has proven to be a very challenging task. On the other hand, automatically partitioning applications into threads may be a straightforward task in regular applications, but becomes much harder for irregular programs, where compilers usually fail to discover sufficient TLP. In this scenario, two main directions have been followed in the research community to take benefit of multi-core platforms: Speculative Multithreading (SpMT) and Non-Speculative Clustered architectures. The former splits a sequential application into speculative threads, while the later partitions the instructions among the cores based on data-dependences but avoid large degree of speculation. Despite the large amount of research on both these approaches, the proposed techniques so far have shown marginal performance improvements. In this thesis we propose novel schemes to speed-up sequential or lightly threaded applications in multi-core processors that effectively address the main unresolved challenges of previous approaches. In particular, we propose a SpMT architecture, called Mitosis, that leverages a powerful software value prediction technique to manage inter-thread dependences, based on pre-computation slices (p-slices). Thanks to the accuracy and low cost of this technique, Mitosis is able to effectively parallelize applications even in the presence of frequent dependences among threads. We also propose a novel architecture, called Anaphase, that combines the best of SpMT schemes and clustered architectures. Anaphase effectively exploits ILP, TLP and Memory Level Parallelism (MLP), thanks to its unique finegrain thread decomposition algorithm that adapts to the available parallelism in the application.Postprint (published version

    Mitosis based speculative multithreaded architectures

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    In the last decade, industry made a right-hand turn and shifted towards multi-core processor designs, also known as Chip-Multi-Processors (CMPs), in order to provide further performance improvements under a reasonable power budget, design complexity, and validation cost. Over the years, several processor vendors have come out with multi-core chips in their product lines and they have become mainstream, with the number of cores increasing in each processor generation. Multi-core processors improve the performance of applications by exploiting Thread Level Parallelism (TLP) while the Instruction Level Parallelism (ILP) exploited by each individual core is limited. These architectures are very efficient when multiple threads are available for execution. However, single-thread sections of code (single-thread applications and serial sections of parallel applications) pose important constraints on the benefits achieved by parallel execution, as pointed out by Amdahl’s law. Parallel programming, even with the help of recently proposed techniques like transactional memory, has proven to be a very challenging task. On the other hand, automatically partitioning applications into threads may be a straightforward task in regular applications, but becomes much harder for irregular programs, where compilers usually fail to discover sufficient TLP. In this scenario, two main directions have been followed in the research community to take benefit of multi-core platforms: Speculative Multithreading (SpMT) and Non-Speculative Clustered architectures. The former splits a sequential application into speculative threads, while the later partitions the instructions among the cores based on data-dependences but avoid large degree of speculation. Despite the large amount of research on both these approaches, the proposed techniques so far have shown marginal performance improvements. In this thesis we propose novel schemes to speed-up sequential or lightly threaded applications in multi-core processors that effectively address the main unresolved challenges of previous approaches. In particular, we propose a SpMT architecture, called Mitosis, that leverages a powerful software value prediction technique to manage inter-thread dependences, based on pre-computation slices (p-slices). Thanks to the accuracy and low cost of this technique, Mitosis is able to effectively parallelize applications even in the presence of frequent dependences among threads. We also propose a novel architecture, called Anaphase, that combines the best of SpMT schemes and clustered architectures. Anaphase effectively exploits ILP, TLP and Memory Level Parallelism (MLP), thanks to its unique finegrain thread decomposition algorithm that adapts to the available parallelism in the application

    On static execution-time analysis

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    Proving timeliness is an integral part of the verification of safety-critical real-time systems. To this end, timing analysis computes upper bounds on the execution times of programs that execute on a given hardware platform. Modern hardware platforms commonly exhibit counter-intuitive timing behaviour: a locally slower execution can lead to a faster overall execution. Such behaviour challenges efficient timing analysis. In this work, we present and discuss a hardware design, the strictly in-order pipeline, that behaves monotonically w.r.t. the progress of a program's execution. Based on monotonicity, we prove the absence of the aforementioned counter-intuitive behaviour. At least since multi-core processors have emerged, timing analysis separates concerns by analysing different aspects of the system's timing behaviour individually. In this work, we validate the underlying assumption that a timing bound can be soundly composed from individual contributions. We show that even simple processors exhibit counter-intuitive behaviour - a locally slow execution can lead to an even slower overall execution - that impedes the soundness of the composition. We present the compositional base bound analysis that accounts for any such amplifying effects within its timing contribution. This enables a sound compositional analysis even for complex processors. Furthermore, we discuss hardware modifications that enable efficient compositional analyses.Echtzeitsysteme mĂŒssen unter allen UmstĂ€nden beweisbar pĂŒnktlich arbeiten. Zum Beweis errechnet die Zeitanalyse obere Schranken der fĂŒr die AusfĂŒhrung von Programmen auf einer Hardware-Plattform benötigten Zeit. Moderne Hardware-Plattformen sind bekannt fĂŒr unerwartetes Zeitverhalten bei dem eine lokale Verzögerung in einer global schnelleren AusfĂŒhrung resultiert. Solches Zeitverhalten erschwert eine effiziente Analyse. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit diskutieren wir das Design eines Prozessors mit eingeschrĂ€nkter Fließbandverarbeitung (strictly in-order pipeline), der sich bzgl. des Fortschritts einer ProgrammausfĂŒhrung monoton verhĂ€lt. Wir beweisen, dass Monotonie das oben genannte unerwartete Zeitverhalten verhindert. SpĂ€testens seit dem Einsatz von Mehrkernprozessoren besteht die Zeitanalyse aus einzelnen Teilanalysen welche nur bestimmte Aspekte des Zeitverhaltens betrachten. Eine zentrale Annahme ist hierbei, dass sich die Teilergebnisse zu einer korrekten Zeitschranke zusammensetzen lassen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit zeigen wir, dass diese Annahme selbst fĂŒr einfache Prozessoren ungĂŒltig ist, da eine lokale Verzögerung zu einer noch grĂ¶ĂŸeren globalen Verzögerung fĂŒhren kann. FĂŒr bestehende Prozessoren entwickeln wir eine neuartige Teilanalyse, die solche verstĂ€rkenden Effekte berĂŒcksichtigt und somit eine korrekte Komposition von Teilergebnissen erlaubt. FĂŒr zukĂŒnftige Prozessoren beschreiben wir Modifikationen, die eine deutlich effizientere Zeitanalyse ermöglichen

    Identifying, Quantifying, Extracting and Enhancing Implicit Parallelism

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    The shift of the microprocessor industry towards multicore architectures has placed a huge burden on the programmers by requiring explicit parallelization for performance. Implicit Parallelization is an alternative that could ease the burden on programmers by parallelizing applications ???under the covers??? while maintaining sequential semantics externally. This thesis develops a novel approach for thinking about parallelism, by casting the problem of parallelization in terms of instruction criticality. Using this approach, parallelism in a program region is readily identified when certain conditions about fetch-criticality are satisfied by the region. The thesis formalizes this approach by developing a criticality-driven model of task-based parallelization. The model can accurately predict the parallelism that would be exposed by potential task choices by capturing a wide set of sources of parallelism as well as costs to parallelization. The criticality-driven model enables the development of two key components for Implicit Parallelization: a task selection policy, and a bottleneck analysis tool. The task selection policy can partition a single-threaded program into tasks that will profitably execute concurrently on a multicore architecture in spite of the costs associated with enforcing data-dependences and with task-related actions. The bottleneck analysis tool gives feedback to the programmers about data-dependences that limit parallelism. In particular, there are several ???accidental dependences??? that can be easily removed with large improvements in parallelism. These tools combine into a systematic methodology for performance tuning in Implicit Parallelization. Finally, armed with the criticality-driven model, the thesis revisits several architectural design decisions, and finds several encouraging ways forward to increase the scope of Implicit Parallelization.unpublishednot peer reviewe

    Enabling Parallel Execution via Principled Speculation.

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    Putting checkpoints to work in thread level speculative execution

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    With the advent of Chip Multi Processors (CMPs), improving performance relies on the programmers/compilers to expose thread level parallelism to the underlying hardware. Unfortunately, this is a difficult and error-prone process for the programmers, while state of the art compiler techniques are unable to provide significant benefits for many classes of applications. An interesting alternative is offered by systems that support Thread Level Speculation (TLS), which relieve the programmer and compiler from checking for thread dependencies and instead use the hardware to enforce them. Unfortunately, data misspeculation results in a high cost since all the intermediate results have to be discarded and threads have to roll back to the beginning of the speculative task. For this reason intermediate checkpointing of the state of the TLS threads has been proposed. When the violation does occur, we now have to roll back to a checkpoint before the violating instruction and not to the start of the task. However, previous work omits study of the microarchitectural details and implementation issues that are essential for effective checkpointing. Further, checkpoints have only been proposed and evaluated for a narrow class of benchmarks. This thesis studies checkpoints on a state of the art TLS system running a variety of benchmarks. The mechanisms required for checkpointing and the costs associated are described. Hardware modifications required for making checkpointed execution efficient in time and power are proposed and evaluated. Further, the need for accurately identifying suitable points for placing checkpoints is established. Various techniques for identifying these points are analysed in terms of both effectiveness and viability. This includes an extensive evaluation of data dependence prediction techniques. The results show that checkpointing thread level speculative execution results in consistent power savings, and for many benchmarks leads to speedups as well

    Sewing spacetime with Lorentzian threads: complexity and the emergence of time in quantum gravity

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    Holographic entanglement entropy was recently recast in terms of Riemannian flows or 'bit threads'. We consider the Lorentzian analog to reformulate the 'complexity=volume' conjecture using Lorentzian flows -- timelike vector fields whose minimum flux through a boundary subregion is equal to the volume of the homologous maximal bulk Cauchy slice. By the nesting of Lorentzian flows, holographic complexity is shown to obey a number of properties. Particularly, the rate of complexity is bounded below by conditional complexity, describing a multi-step optimization with intermediate and final target states. We provide multiple explicit geometric realizations of Lorentzian flows in AdS backgrounds, including their time-dependence and behavior near the singularity in a black hole interior. Conceptually, discretized flows are interpreted as Lorentzian threads or 'gatelines'. Upon selecting a reference state, complexity thence counts the minimum number of gatelines needed to prepare a target state described by a tensor network discretizing the maximal volume slice, matching its quantum information theoretic definition. We point out that suboptimal tensor networks are important to fully characterize the state, leading us to propose a refined notion of complexity as an ensemble average. The bulk symplectic potential provides a specific 'canonical' thread configuration characterizing perturbations around arbitrary CFT states. Consistency of this solution requires the bulk satisfy the linearized Einstein's equations, which are shown to be equivalent to the holographic first law of complexity, thereby advocating for a principle of 'spacetime complexity'. Lastly, we argue Lorentzian threads provide a notion of emergent time. This article is an expanded and detailed version of [arXiv:2105.12735], including several new results.Comment: 95 pages +appendices, 25 pretty figures. Comments welcom
