651 research outputs found

    (Sub)millimeter-Wave Antennas

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    Disertační práce se zabývá návrhem a optimalizací kruhově polarizované anténa pro oblast terahertzových kmitočtů. V práci se věnuji zjednodušené teorii terahertzového zdroje a návrhu vhodné antény pro tento zdroj. Návrh je zaměřen na dosažení kruhové polarizace z lineárně polarizovaných antén. Abych potlačil šíření povrchové vlny na elektricky tlustém dielektrickém substrátu, věnuji se návrhu a optimalizaci specifických periodických struktur. Návrh těchto struktur je poměrně komplikovaný, protože neexistuje přímočarý vztah mezi vlastnostmi struktur s elektromagnetickým zádržným pásmem (EBG) a geometrií buňky. Abych vhodně koncentroval vyzařovanou energii do úzkého svazku, věnuji se návrhu a optimalizaci částečně odrazného plochy (PRS), které působí jako planární čočka pro terahertzovou anténu.The thesis deals with the design and optimization of circularly polarized antennas for THz frequencies. In the thesis, a simplified theory of THz sources is presented, and a suitable antenna for a THz source is designed. The design is focused on achieving circular polarization from linearly polarized antennas. In order to suppress surface waves on an electrically dense dielectric substrate, we design and optimize specific periodic structures. The design of such a structure is rather complicated since the relation between electromagnetic band gap (EBG) properties and unit cell geometry is not straightforward. In order to properly focus the radiated energy, we design and optimize a partially reflective surface (PRS) acting as a planar lens for the THz antenna.

    Development of theoretical models of integrated millimeter wave antennas

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    Extensive radiation patterns for Linear Tapered Slot Antenna (LTSA) Single Elements are presented. The directivity of LTSA elements is predicted correctly by taking the cross polarized pattern into account. A moment method program predicts radiation patterns for air LTSAs with excellent agreement with experimental data. A moment method program was also developed for the task LTSA Array Modeling. Computations performed with this program are in excellent agreement with published results for dipole and monopole arrays, and with waveguide simulator experiments, for more complicated structures. Empirical modeling of LTSA arrays demonstrated that the maximum theoretical element gain can be obtained. Formulations were also developed for calculating the aperture efficiency of LTSA arrays used in reflector systems. It was shown that LTSA arrays used in multibeam systems have a considerable advantage in terms of higher packing density, compared with waveguide feeds. Conversion loss of 10 dB was demonstrated at 35 GHz

    Deign of Millimeter-Wave Antennas for 5G

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    The evolution of 5G is became a common in this decade and characteristic of 5G provide high speed and low latency provoke the demand of development of millimeter wave antenna. This project is to design a compact millimeter-wave antennas for 5G at 28GHz using CST Studio Suite and validation of simulated result using fabrication and measurements. The double side FR-4 with thickness of 1.6 mm and dielectric constant of 4.7, copper with thickness 0.035mm is used and microstrip feed line is used as feeding technique to the antenna. The CST Studio Suite used in simulation and obtain reflection coefficient of -45.11 dB, 1.011 VSMR, gain of 5.472 dBi and directivity of 6.694 dBi at 28 GHz. The measured result obtain 27.776 GHz with -19.18 dB using VNA &nbsp

    Commercial applications of the ACTS mobile terminal millimeter-wave antennas

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    NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory is currently developing the Advanced Communications Technology Satellite (ACTS) Mobile Terminal (AMT), which will provide voice, data, and video communications to and from a vehicle (van, truck, or car) via NASA's geostationary ACTS satellite using the K- and K(sub a)-band frequency bands. The AMT is already planned to demonstrate a variety of communications from within the mobile vehicular environment, and within this paper a summary of foreseen commercial application opportunities is given. A critical component of the AMT is its antenna system, which must establish and maintain the basic RF link with the satellite. Two versions of the antenna are under development, each incorporating different technologies and offering different commercial applications

    Small Footprint Multilayered Millimeter-Wave Antennas and Feeding Networks for Multi-Dimensional Scanning and High-Density Integrated Systems

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    This paper overviews the state-of-the-art of substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) techniques in the design and realization of innovative low-cost, low-profile and low-loss (L3) millimeter-wave antenna elements, feeding networks and arrays for various wireless applications. Novel classes of multilayered antenna structures and systems are proposed and studied to exploit the vertical dimension of planar structures to overcome certain limita-tions in standard two-dimensional (2-D) topologies. The developed structures are based on two techniques, namely multi-layer stacked structures and E-plane corners. Differ-ent E-plane structures realised with SIW waveguide are presented, thereby demonstrating the potential of the proposed techniques as in multi-polarization antenna feeding. An array of 128 elements shows low SLL and height gain with just 200g of the total weight. Two versions of 2-D scanning multi-beam are presented, which effectively combine frequency scanning with beam forming networks. Adding the benefits of wide band performance to the multilayer structure, two bi-layer structures are investigated. Different stacked antennas and arrays are demonstrated to optimise the targeted antenna performances in the smallest footprint possible. These structures meet the requirement for developing inexpensive compact millimeter-wave antennas and antenna systems. Different structures and architectures are theoretically and experimentally studied and discussed for specific space- and ground-based appli-cations. Practical issues such as high-density integration and high-volume manufacturability are also addressed

    Radiation pattern reconfigurable microfabricated planar millimeter-wave antennas

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    Els serveis de telecomunicacions i sistemes radar estan migrant a freqüències mil•limètriques (MMW), on es disposa d 'una major amplada de banda i conseqüentment d'una major velocitat de transmissió de dades. Aquesta migració requereix de l'ús de diferents tecnologies amb capacitat d'operar a la banda de freqüències mil•limètriques (30 a 300 Ghz), i més concretament en les bandes Ka (26,5 - 40GHz), V (50 – 75GHz) i W (75 – 110GHz). En moltes aplicacions i sobretot en aquelles on l'antena forma part d'un dispositiu mòbil, es cerca poder utilitzar antenes planes, caracteritzades per tenir unes dimensions reduïdes i un baix cost de fabricació. El conjunt de requeriments es pot resumir en obtenir una antena amb capacitat de reconfigurabilitat i amb un baix nivell de pèrdues en cada una de les bandes de freqüència. Per tal d'afrontar aquests reptes, les dimensions de les antenes mil•limètriques, juntament amb els tipus de materials, toleràncies de fabricació i la capacitat de reconfigurabilitat ens porten a l'ús de processos de microfabricació. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesis doctoral és l'anàlisi dels conceptes mencionats, tipus de materials, geometries de línia de transmissió i interruptors, en el context de les freqüències mil•limètriques, així com la seva aplicació final en dissenys d'antenes compatibles amb els processos de microfabricació. Finalment, com a demostració s'han presentat dissenys específics utilitzables en tres aplicacions a freqüències mil•limètriques: Sistemes de Comunicació per Satèl•lit (SCS) a la banda Ka, Xarxes d'àrea personal inalàmbriques (WPAN) a la banda V i sistemes radar per l'automoció a la banda W. La primera part d'aquesta tesis consisteix en l'anàlisi d'algunes tecnologies circuitals a freqüències mil•limètriques. S'han presentat els materials més utilitzats a altes freqüències (Polytetrafluoroethylene or Teflon (PTFE), Quartz, Benzocyclobuten polymer (BCB) i Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramic (LTCC)) i s'han comparat en termes de permitivitat i tangent de pèrdues. També s'inclou un estudi de pèrdues a altes freqüències en les principals línies de transmissió (microstrip, stripline i CPW). Finalment, es presenta un resum dels interruptors RF-MEMS i es comparen amb els PIN diodes i els FET. En la segona part, es presenten diferents agrupacions d'antenes amb la capacitat de reconfigurar la polarització i la direcció d'apuntament. S'han dissenyat dos elements base reconfigurables en polarització: CPW Patch antena i 4-Qdime antena. La primera antena consisteix en un element singular amb interruptors RF-MEMS, dissenyada per operar a les bandes Ka i V. La segona antena consisteix en una arquitectura composta on la reconfigurabilitat en polarització s'obté mitjançant variant la fase d'alimentació de cada un dels quatre elements lineals. La fase és controlada mitjançant interruptors RF-MEMS ubicats en la xarxa de distribució. L'antena 4-Qdime s'ha dissenyat per operar en les bandes V i W. Ambdós elements base s'han utilitzat posteriorment pel disseny de dues agrupacions d'antenes amb capacitat de reconfigurar l'apuntament del feix principal. La reconfigurabilitat es dur a terme utilitzant desfasadors de fase d'1 bit. La part final de la tesis es centra en les toleràncies de fabricació i en els processo de microfabricació d'agrupacions d'antenes mil•limètriques. Les toleràncies de fabricació s'han estudiat en funció dels error d'amplitud i fase en cada element de l'agrupació, fixant-se en les pèrdues de guany, error d'apuntament, error en l'amplada de feix, errors en el nivell de lòbul secundari i en l'error en la relació axial. El procés de microfabricació de les diferents antenes dissenyades es presenta en detall. Els dissenys de l'antena CPW Patch reconfigurable en polarització i apuntament operant a les bandes Ka i V, s'han fabricat en la sala blanca del Cornell NanoScale Science & Technology Facility (CNF). Posteriorment, s'han caracteritzat l'aïllament i el temps de resposta dels interruptors RF-MEMS, i finalment, el coeficient de reflexió, el diagrama de radiació i la relació axial s'han mesurat a les bandes Ka i V per les antenes configurades en polarització lineal (LP) i circular (CP).Telecommunication services and radar systems are migrating to Millimeter-wave (MMW) frequencies, where wider bandwidths are available. Such migration requires the use of different technologies with the capability to operate at the MMW frequency band (30 to 300GHz), and more specifically at Ka- (26.5 to 40GHz), V- (50 to 75GHz) and W-band (75 to 110GHz). For many applications and more concretely those where the antenna is part of a mobile device, it is targeted the use of planar antennas for their low profile and low fabrication cost. A wide variety of requirements is translated into a reconfiguration capability and low losses within each application frequency bandwidth. To deal with the mentioned challenges, the MMW antenna dimensions, together with the materials, fabrication tolerances and reconfigurability capability lead to microfabrication processes. The aim of this thesis is the analysis of the mentioned concepts, materials, transmission lines geometries and switches in the MMW frequencies context and their final application in antenna designs compatible with microfabrication. Finally, specific designs are presented as a demonstration for three MMW applications: Satellite Communication Systems (SCS) at Ka-band, Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) at V-band and Automotive Radar at W-band. The first part of this thesis consist to analyze some MMW circuit technologies. The four most used materials at MMW frequencies (Polytetrafluoroethylene or Teflon (PTFE), Quartz, Benzocyclobuten polymer (BCB) and Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramic (LTCC)) have been presented and compared in terms of permittivity (εr) and loss tangent (tanδ). An study of the main transmission lines attenuation (microstrip, stripline and CPW) at high frequencies is included. Finally, an overview of the RF-MEMS switches is presented in comparison with PIN diodes and FETS switches. The second part presents different polarization and beam pointing reconfigurable array antennas. Two polarization-reconfigurable base-elements have been designed: CPW Patch antenna and 4-Qdime antenna. The first consists of a single reconfigurable element with integrated RF-MEMS switches, designed to operate at Ka- and V-band. The second antenna presented in this thesis has a composed architecture where the polarization reconfigurability is obtained by switching the phase feeding for each of the four linear polarized elements in the feed network with RF-MEMS switches. The 4-Qdime antenna has been designed to operate at V- and W-band. The two base-elements have been used to design two beam pointing reconfigurable antenna arrays. Using phased array techniques, beamsteering is computed and implemented with 1-bit discrete phase-shifter. The final part of the thesis is focused into the fabrication tolerances and microfabrication process of Millimeter-wave antenna arrays. The fabrication tolerances have been studied as a function of the amplitude and phase errors presented at each elements array, focusing on the gain loss, beam pointing error, Half-Power Beamwidth (HPBW) error, sidelobe level error and axial ratio error. The microfabrication process for the designed antennas is presented in detail. Polarization- and pointing- reconfigurable CPW Patch antenna operating at Ka- and V- band have been fabricated in a clean-room facility at Cornell NanoScale Science & Technology Facility (CNF). The RF-MEMS switches isolation and time response have been characterized. Finally, the reflection coefficient, radiation pattern and axial ratio have been measured at Ka- and V-band for the fabricated antennas configured in Linear Polarization (LP) and Circular Polarization (CP)

    Developments in two dimensional arrays

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    A two dimensional array of individual millimeter wave antennas with detectors will be described. The array is placed on a substrate lens [1] in the focal plane of a primary lens to form an imaging system (Fig. 1.). Calculations which predict ideal efficiencies of over 90% will be presented. Fabrication of the array and preliminary measurements will also be discussed

    Waveguide manufacturing technologies for next-generation millimeter-wave antennas

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    Some recent waveguide-based antennas are presented in this paper, designed for the next generation of communication systems operating at the millimeter-wave band. The presented prototypes have been conceived to be manufactured using different state-of-the-art techniques, involving subtractive and additive approaches. All the designs have used the latest developments in the field of manufacturing to guarantee the required accuracy for operation at millimeter-wave frequencies, where tolerances are extremely tight. Different designs will be presented, including a monopulse antenna combining a comparator network, a mode converter, and a spline profile horn; a tunable phase shifter that is integrated into an array to implement reconfigurability of the main lobe direction; and a conformal array antenna. These prototypes were manufactured by diverse approaches taking into account the waveguide configuration, combining parts with high-precision milling, electrical discharge machining, direct metal laser sintering, or stereolithography with spray metallization, showing very competitive performances at the millimeter-wave band till 40 GHzThis work was supported by the Spanish Government under Grant TEC2016-76070- C3-1/2-R (ADDMATE); in part under Grant PID2020-116968RB-C32/33 (DEWICOM), Agencia Estatal de Investigación MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional: AEI/FEDER, UE. This work was also partially supported under Grant S2013/ICE3000 (SPADERADARCM), Madrid Regional Governmen

    Substrate Integrated Waveguide Based Millimeter Wave Antennas

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    Antennas those operating at millimeter-wave (mm-wave) frequencies (30 - 300 GHz) are more advantageous than operating at less than 6 GHz, due to a reduction in antenna physical dimensions, an increase in the data transfer rate, and reduction in latency. However, the electromagnetic waves propagating in free space at mm-wave frequencies experience significant propagation path loss due to the atmospheric absorption and rain attenuation. Therefore, high-gain antennas are preferred to compensate for path loss and to increase the range of wireless communication. Also, transmission lines such as microstrip, and coplanar waveguides incur high radiation losses at mm-wave frequencies. Hence, to minimize losses, a planar waveguide known as a substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) is preferred. Besides, at mm-wave frequencies, circularly polarized (CP) waves are preferred over linearly polarized (LP) waves as these waves reduce multi-path effects at the receiver. The objectives of this thesis are to design high-gain linearly, and circularly polarized antennas based on SIW at the mm-wave frequency 30 GHz. The proposed antenna models were designed, simulated, and analyzed using CST software. The antenna prototypes were fabricated and measured for the reflection coefficient, gain, and principal plane radiation patterns. In this thesis, we are proposing two single element antennas, a linear to circular wave polarizer, and an array antenna. At first, we present, a planar, cylindrical sector-substrate integrated waveguide (CS-SIW) narrow slot antenna. The impedance bandwidth of this antenna is 10.87% which is approximately equivalent to 4 GHz of bandwidth at 30 GHz, and the antenna gain ranges from 8.33 to 8.84 dB within the impedance bandwidth. Further, to improve the gain, an engineered substrate is constructed on top of the CS-SIW slot antenna. The impedance bandwidth of the modified antenna is 10.42% - also, the gain ranges from 10.5 to 11.44 dB over the impedance bandwidth, which implies an increase in the gain from 2.1 to 2.7 dB when compared with the gain of CS-SIW slot antenna. Also, we propose a three-layered meander-line polarizer at 30 GHz which transforms linearly polarized waves to circularly polarized waves for the CS-SIW slot antenna. Lastly, we present, a 1 × 8 CS-SIW slot antenna array with a superstrate to achieve a high-gain LP antenna. The impedance bandwidth of the antenna is 10%. The gain of the array antenna integrated with a superstrate layer varies from 21.35 to 22.95 dB over the impedance bandwidth

    Substrate Optimization for Integrated Circuit Antennas

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    The reciprocity theorem and integral equation techniques are employed to determine the properties of integrated-circuit antennas. The effect of surface waves is considered for dipole and slot elements on substrates. The radiation and bandwidth of microstrip dipoles are optimized in terms of substrate thickness and permittivity