254 research outputs found

    Подсистемы жизнеобеспечения интеллектуального зала совещаний

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    Предложенные авторами устройства позволят организовать работу подсистем освещения и климат-контроля в соответствии с принятыми ГОСТом и руководящими документами в соответствующих областях, повысить комфортность участников совещаний и приведут к росту продуктивности их проведени

    Сравнительный анализ синтезаторов речи для подсистемы оповещения интеллектуального зала совещаний

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    Развитие концепции интеллектуального зала совещаний влечет за собой реализацию взаимодействия человек-машина, посредством которого осуществляется обмен информацией между пользователями и устройством управления интеллектуальным залом совещания. Одним из способов такого обмена является воспроизведение синтезированной речи на основе обрабатываемых данных. Такие синтезаторы речи используют метод полного синтеза по правила

    Сравнительный анализ синтезаторов речи для подсистемы оповещения интеллектуального зала совещаний

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    Развитие концепции интеллектуального зала совещаний влечет за собой реализацию взаимодействия человек-машина, посредством которого осуществляется обмен информацией между пользователями и устройством управления интеллектуальным залом совещания. Одним из способов такого обмена является воспроизведение синтезированной речи на основе обрабатываемых данных. Такие синтезаторы речи используют метод полного синтеза по правила

    QoCIM : A Meta-model for Quality of Context

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    International audienceIn the last decade, several works proposed their own list of quality of context (QoC) criteria. This article relates a comparative study of these successive propositions. The result is that no consensus has been reached about the semantic and the comprehensiveness of QoC criteria. Facing this situation, the QoCIM meta-model offers a generic, computable and expressive solution to handle and to exploit any QoC criterion within distributed context managers and context-aware applications. For validation purposes, QoCIM is successfully applied to the modelling of a set of simple and composite QoC criteria

    Tahap penguasaan, sikap dan minat pelajar Kolej Kemahiran Tinggi MARA terhadap mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggeris

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    Kajian ini dilakukan untuk mengenal pasti tahap penguasaan, sikap dan minat pelajar Kolej Kemahiran Tinggi Mara Sri Gading terhadap Bahasa Inggeris. Kajian yang dijalankan ini berbentuk deskriptif atau lebih dikenali sebagai kaedah tinjauan. Seramai 325 orang pelajar Diploma in Construction Technology dari Kolej Kemahiran Tinggi Mara di daerah Batu Pahat telah dipilih sebagai sampel dalam kajian ini. Data yang diperoleh melalui instrument soal selidik telah dianalisis untuk mendapatkan pengukuran min, sisihan piawai, dan Pekali Korelasi Pearson untuk melihat hubungan hasil dapatan data. Manakala, frekuensi dan peratusan digunakan bagi mengukur penguasaan pelajar. Hasil dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa tahap penguasaan Bahasa Inggeris pelajar adalah berada pada tahap sederhana manakala faktor utama yang mempengaruhi penguasaan Bahasa Inggeris tersebut adalah minat diikuti oleh sikap. Hasil dapatan menggunakan pekali Korelasi Pearson juga menunjukkan bahawa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara sikap dengan penguasaan Bahasa Inggeris dan antara minat dengan penguasaan Bahasa Inggeris. Kajian menunjukkan bahawa semakin positif sikap dan minat pelajar terhadap pengajaran dan pembelajaran Bahasa Inggeris semakin tinggi pencapaian mereka. Hasil daripada kajian ini diharapkan dapat membantu pelajar dalam meningkatkan penguasaan Bahasa Inggeris dengan memupuk sikap positif dalam diri serta meningkatkan minat mereka terhadap Bahasa Inggeris dengan lebih baik. Oleh itu, diharap kajian ini dapat memberi panduan kepada pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalam membuat kajian yang akan datang

    Interoperability Among Unmanned Maritime Vehicles: Review and First In-field Experimentation

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    Complex maritime missions, both above and below the surface, have traditionally been carried out by manned surface ships and submarines equipped with advanced sensor systems. Unmanned Maritime Vehicles (UMVs) are increasingly demonstrating their potential for improving existing naval capabilities due to their rapid deployability, easy scalability, and high reconfigurability, offering a reduction in both operational time and cost. In addition, they mitigate the risk to personnel by leaving the man far-from-the-risk but in-the-loop of decision making. In the long-term, a clear interoperability framework between unmanned systems, human operators, and legacy platforms will be crucial for effective joint operations planning and execution. However, the present multi-vendor multi-protocol solutions in multi-domain UMVs activities are hard to interoperate without common mission control interfaces and communication protocol schemes. Furthermore, the underwater domain presents significant challenges that cannot be satisfied with the solutions developed for terrestrial networks. In this paper, the interoperability topic is discussed blending a review of the technological growth from 2000 onwards with recent authors' in-field experience; finally, important research directions for the future are given. Within the broad framework of interoperability in general, the paper focuses on the aspect of interoperability among UMVs not neglecting the role of the human operator in the loop. The picture emerging from the review demonstrates that interoperability is currently receiving a high level of attention with a great and diverse deal of effort. Besides, the manuscript describes the experience from a sea trial exercise, where interoperability has been demonstrated by integrating heterogeneous autonomous UMVs into the NATO Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE) network, using different robotic middlewares and acoustic modem technologies to implement a multistatic active sonar system. A perspective for the interoperability in marine robotics missions emerges in the paper, through a discussion of current capabilities, in-field experience and future advanced technologies unique to UMVs. Nonetheless, their application spread is slowed down by the lack of human confidence. In fact, an interoperable system-of-systems of autonomous UMVs will require operators involved only at a supervisory level. As trust develops, endorsed by stable and mature interoperability, human monitoring will be diminished to exploit the tremendous potential of fully autonomous UMVs


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    The Internet of Things (IoT) touches almost every aspect of modern society and has changed the way people live, work, travel and, do business. Because of its importance, it is essential to ensure that an IoT system is performing well, as desired and expected, and that this can be assessed and managed with an adequate set of IoT performance metrics. The aim of this study was to systematically inventory and classifies recent studies that have investigated IoT metrics. We conducted a literature review based on studies published between January 2010 and December 2021 using a set of five research questions (RQs) on the current knowledge bases for IoT metrics. A total of 158 IoT metrics were identified and classified into 12 categories according to the different parts and aspects of an IoT system. To cover the overall performance of an IoT system, the 12 categories were organized into an ontology.  The findings results show that the category of network metrics was the most discussed in 43% of the studies and, with the highest number of metrics at 37%. This study can provide guidelines for researchers and practitioners in selecting metrics for IoT systems and valuable insights into areas for improvement and optimization. &nbsp