156 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this writing is to be able to recognize the performance of the design of computer networks of Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa which has been built in simulator OPNET Version 14.5, from which the design of a computer network consists of two designs specifically design of computer networks using Cable Media and Wireless Media (Access Point). The study begins by analyzing the current situation of the computer network and discovers the circumstance of utilization of computer networks had not been optimal as the condition of the computer network infrastructure of Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa rector is only found in the main building itself. The process of analysis and design of computer network infrastructure uses the Network Development Life Cycle (NDLC). The comparison outcome of the design with the Cable Media in the Simulator has Page Response Time 82,3% faster than using Wireless Media and delay point of Cable Media is 19,1% lower than Wireless Media. Therefore Cable Media is able to be considered as one of preferences by the Executive Board of Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa to develop Computer Network Infrastructure for integrating entire existing building within the campus area in order to support the implementation of the information system


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    Jaringan Komputer adalah sekelompok otonom yang saling berhubungan antara yang satu dengan yang lainnya, dan menggunakan suatu protocol komunikasi melalui media komunikasi sehingga dapat saling berbagi dan bertukar informasi. Pada sebuah teknologi jaringan diperlukan suatu device yang dapat melakukan manajemen antar jaringan yang ada. Device tersebut disebut dengan router. PC router yang akan dibangun di PT BPR Tataarta Swadaya Kotagajah dengan system mikrotik yang dimaksudkan untuk memanajemen bandwidth yang ada di PT BPR Tataarta Swadaya Kotagajah sesuai kebutuhan internet di masing-masing client dan administrator dapat merawat dan mengelola pemakaian internet. Tahapan yang harus di lalui untuk merancang manajemen bandwidth adalah instalasi PC router mikrotik beserta konfigurasi router mikrotik dan konfigurasi untuk memanajemen bandwidth dengan router mikrotik tersebut. Dengan memanajemen bandwidth menggunakan router mikrotik maka koneksi internet menjadi lancer karena bandwidthyang dimiliki PT BPR Tataarta Swadaya Kotagajah telah di bagi ke masing-masing komputer yang ada di masing-masing bagian ruangan kantor PT BPR Tataarta Swadaya Kotagaja


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    Artikel ini bertujuan untuk meneliti efektivitas penerapan e-tilang khususnya di wilayah hukum Polrestabes Surabaya sejak diberlakukannya sampai dengan tahun 2020 berdasarkan sumber bahan hukum primer Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2009 tentang Lalu Lintas Dan Angkutan Jalan (“UU LLAJ”) serta Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 80 Tahun 2012 tentang Tata Cara Pemeriksaan Kendaraan Bermotor Di Jalan Dan Penindakan Pelanggaran Lalu Lintas Dan Angkutan Jalan (PP 80/2012), serta Peraturan Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia Nomor 12 Tahun 2016 Tentang Tata Cara Penyelesaian Perkara Pelanggaran Lalu Lintas dan peraturan pelaksana lainnya. Adapun fokus masalah ditujukan pada bagaimanakah penerapan sistem e-tilang dalam penyelesaian perkara tindak pidana pelanggaran lalu lintas dan efektivitas penerapan sistem e-tilang dalam pencegahan tindak pidana pelanggaran lalu lintas di wilayah hukum Kepolisian Daerah Jawa Timur. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah yuridis empiris melalui pengumpulan sumber data dan peraturan melalui wawancara dan kemudian diolah untuk mendapatkan kesimpulan hasil penelitian. Kajian ini menyimpulkan bahwa penerapan sistem e-tilang terhadap penyelesaian perkara pelanggaran lalu lintas di wilayah hukum Polresta Surabaya telah cukup efektif sesuai dengan tujuan yang diharapkan dengan dilihat dari dampak turunnya jumlah pelanggaran lalu lintas selama tahun bersangkutan sebagaimana dalam periode penelitian yang dilakukan..   Kata Kunci: e-Tilang, Efektivitas, Polrestabes Surabaya

    Traffic Statistics in LAN

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    Práce popisuje systém pro evidenci stažených a odeslaných dat v síti LAN, včetně evidence navštívených serverů. Dále se zabývá použitými technologiemi, analyzuje požadavky aplikace, popisuje etapy návrhu řešení a implementace a diskutuje další pokračování tohoto projektu.This task describes system for ling downloaded and uploaded data in the LAN, including filing of visited servers. In addition it deals with used technologies, analyses aplication requirements, describes phases of suggested solvings and implementation and debates on the next steps of this project.

    Sistema de interconexión digital para la Empresa Kola Real Lima - Santiago de Surco, 2016

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    El propósito de la investigación fue diseñar un sistema de interconexión digital para la empresa ISM - Kola Real, con el fin de que transmita la conexión de red central a las oficinas administrativas que se ampliaran en distintos puntos donde se instalaran, siendo 4 sucursales. Una de las metodologías a aplicar para el diseño de la red Top - Down Network Deming de Cisco, siendo una metodología que propone cuatro fases fundamentales para su desarrollo, Análisis, Diseño Lógico, Diseño Físico, Pruebas, Optimización y Documentación de la red. Con el diseño de un sistema de interconexión punto a punto, se controlará los gastos administrativos que se realizan por servicios a terceros tales como telefonía y contrato al servicio de internet por cada sucursal, entre otros.Tesi

    Arquitecturas IPTV

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    Dissertação apresentado à Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão do IPL para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática - Computação Móvel, orientada pelo Professor Doutor Carlos Manuel da Silva Rabadão.Os operadores de telecomunicações de todo o Mundo estão a investir em novas formas de fornecer aos seus clientes serviços de TV + Voz + Internet, em redes IP unificadas, que proporcionam novas oportunidades de negócio, e serviços inovadores, onde o IPTV se encaixa na perfeição. Esta dissertação propõe um estudo na área de IPTV, com especial atenção nas arquitecturas de rede, codecs, protocolos, QoS/QoE, e redes wireless. O serviço de IPTV é extremamente sensível a perdas e atrasos de pacotes nas redes de cabo, mas nas redes wireless existem outras condicionantes que degradam o serviço ainda mais. Baseado neste estudo é testado o comportamento de live stream multicast (Live IPTV), nas redes wireless, que apresentam várias limitações quando operam com IP multicast. Os testes são realizados numa rede laboratorial, que é uma réplica dum segmento existente na rede wireless da freguesia da Memória, concelho de Leiria. São realizados testes com o mesmo vídeo codificado nas qualididades SD, HD e FHD

    Mentoring and Training in Developing Gunung Ireng Geotourism, Patuk District, Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region

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    Gunung Ireng geosite is an excellent geoheritage that is also a part of the Gunungsewu UNESCO Global Geopark in Pengkok, Gunungkidul Regency. It is widely recognized as an experiential leisure tour destination with the sunrise, sunset, and milky way watching as its activities. The primary attraction is the natural museum of Tertiary submarine paleo-volcanic miniature that was developed during the Early Miocene (±20-23 million years ago). Mentoring in utilizing the resources is necessary. The local community has agreed to develop geotourism as an effort to conserve the cultural, biotic, and geological environment. The certified instructors or mentors and professionals used mentoring methods to increase the local community’s abilities in preparing, managing, and evaluating the geotourism, including management, advertisement, marketing, guidance, web hosting, culinary, and accommodations.. The results are the status of the geoheritage area (by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 13 K.HK.01.MEM.G.2021), the viral of the local Gunung Ireng’s Spot Festival, the local culinary facilities, the CHSE certificate, as well as up to 300% increase in visitors per month before the pandemic and 200-300% increase during the pandemic. Other results that have successfully developed the supporting attractions are the Ahad Pon traditional market, the footsteps flashback of the great da'wah Sunan Kalijogo on Gunung Ireng and the Geological Natural Track of the Ancient Volcano of Gunung Ireng. Those three attractions are the efforts to improve the local community's economy, nature, and cultural conservation as the solid implementations of geotourism activities. Qualitatively, these various efforts are now starting to show impacts, with the increased motivation of the community to focus more on developing this destination, and the increasing attention of local governments to support these conservation activities, although quantitatively it has not to be measured yet

    Prototyping Incentive-based Resource Assignment for Clouds in Community Networks

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    Wireless community networks are a successful example of a collective where communities operate ICT infrastructure and provide IP connectivity based on the principle of reciprocal resource sharing of network bandwidth. This sharing, however, has not extended to computing and storage resources, resulting in very few applications and services which are currently deployed within community networks. Cloud computing, as in today's Internet, has made it common to consume resources provided by public clouds providers, but such cloud infrastructures have not materialized within community networks. We analyse in this paper socio-technical characteristics of community networks in order to derive scenarios for community clouds. Based on an architecture for such a community cloud, we implement a prototype for the incentive-driven resource assignment component, deploy it in a testbed of community network nodes, and evaluate its behaviour experimentally. Our evaluation gives insight into how the deployed prototype components regulate the consumption of cloud resources taking into account the users' contributions, and how this regulation affects the system usage. Our results suggest a further integration of this regulation component into current cloud management platforms in order to open them up for the operation of an ecosystem of community cloud