126 research outputs found

    Ring Packing and Amortized FHEW Bootstrapping

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    The FHEW fully homomorphic encryption scheme (Ducas and Micciancio, Eurocrypt 2015) offers very fast homomorphic NAND-gate computations (on encrypted data) and a relatively fast refreshing procedure that allows to homomorphically evaluate arbitrary NAND boolean circuits. Unfortunately, the refreshing procedure needs to be executed after every single NAND computation, and each refreshing operates on a single encrypted bit, greatly decreasing the overall throughput of the scheme. We give a new refreshing procedure that simultaneously refreshes n FHEW ciphertexts, at a cost comparable to a single-bit FHEW refreshing operation. As a result, the cost of each refreshing is amortized over n encrypted bits, improving the throughput for the homomorphic evaluation of boolean circuits roughly by a factor n

    High-Performance VLSI Architectures for Lattice-Based Cryptography

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    Lattice-based cryptography is a cryptographic primitive built upon the hard problems on point lattices. Cryptosystems relying on lattice-based cryptography have attracted huge attention in the last decade since they have post-quantum-resistant security and the remarkable construction of the algorithm. In particular, homomorphic encryption (HE) and post-quantum cryptography (PQC) are the two main applications of lattice-based cryptography. Meanwhile, the efficient hardware implementations for these advanced cryptography schemes are demanding to achieve a high-performance implementation. This dissertation aims to investigate the novel and high-performance very large-scale integration (VLSI) architectures for lattice-based cryptography, including the HE and PQC schemes. This dissertation first presents different architectures for the number-theoretic transform (NTT)-based polynomial multiplication, one of the crucial parts of the fundamental arithmetic for lattice-based HE and PQC schemes. Then a high-speed modular integer multiplier is proposed, particularly for lattice-based cryptography. In addition, a novel modular polynomial multiplier is presented to exploit the fast finite impulse response (FIR) filter architecture to reduce the computational complexity of the schoolbook modular polynomial multiplication for lattice-based PQC scheme. Afterward, an NTT and Chinese remainder theorem (CRT)-based high-speed modular polynomial multiplier is presented for HE schemes whose moduli are large integers

    Efficient Homomorphic Integer Polynomial Evaluation based on GSW FHE

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    We introduce new methods to evaluate integer polynomials with GSW FHE, which has much slower noise growth and per integer multiplication cost O((logk/k)4.7454/n)O((\log k/k)^{4.7454}/n) times the original GSW, where kk is the input plaintext width, nn is the LWE dimention parameter. Basically we reduce the integer multiplication noise by performing the evaluation between two kinds of ciphertexts, one in Zq\mathbb{Z}_q and another in F2logq\mathbb{F}_2^{\lceil \log q \rceil}. The conversion between two ciphertexts can be achieved by the integer bootstrapping. We also propose to solve the ciphertext expansion problem by symmetric encryption with stream ciphers

    On the IND-CCA1 Security of FHE Schemes

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    Fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) is a powerful tool in cryptography that allows one to perform arbitrary computations on encrypted material without having to decrypt it first. There are numerous FHE schemes, all of which are expanded from somewhat homomorphic encryption (SHE) schemes, and some of which are considered viable in practice. However, while these FHE schemes are semantically (IND-CPA) secure, the question of their IND-CCA1 security is much less studied, and we therefore provide an overview of the IND-CCA1 security of all acknowledged FHE schemes in this paper. To give this overview, we grouped the SHE schemes into broad categories based on their similarities and underlying hardness problems. For each category, we show that the SHE schemes are susceptible to either known adaptive key recovery attacks, a natural extension of known attacks, or our proposed attacks. Finally, we discuss the known techniques to achieve IND-CCA1-secure FHE and SHE schemes. We concluded that none of the proposed schemes were IND-CCA1-secure and that the known general constructions all had their shortcomings.publishedVersio

    Secure Outsourced Computation on Encrypted Data

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    Homomorphic encryption (HE) is a promising cryptographic technique that supports computations on encrypted data without requiring decryption first. This ability allows sensitive data, such as genomic, financial, or location data, to be outsourced for evaluation in a resourceful third-party such as the cloud without compromising data privacy. Basic homomorphic primitives support addition and multiplication on ciphertexts. These primitives can be utilized to represent essential computations, such as logic gates, which subsequently can support more complex functions. We propose the construction of efficient cryptographic protocols as building blocks (e.g., equality, comparison, and counting) that are commonly used in data analytics and machine learning. We explore the use of these building blocks in two privacy-preserving applications. One application leverages our secure prefix matching algorithm, which builds on top of the equality operation, to process geospatial queries on encrypted locations. The other applies our secure comparison protocol to perform conditional branching in private evaluation of decision trees. There are many outsourced computations that require joint evaluation on private data owned by multiple parties. For example, Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS) is becoming feasible because of the recent advances of genome sequencing technology. Due to the sensitivity of genomic data, this data is encrypted using different keys possessed by different data owners. Computing on ciphertexts encrypted with multiple keys is a non-trivial task. Current solutions often require a joint key setup before any computation such as in threshold HE or incur large ciphertext size (at best, grows linearly in the number of involved keys) such as in multi-key HE. We propose a hybrid approach that combines the advantages of threshold and multi-key HE to support computations on ciphertexts encrypted with different keys while vastly reducing ciphertext size. Moreover, we propose the SparkFHE framework to support large-scale secure data analytics in the Cloud. SparkFHE integrates Apache Spark with Fully HE to support secure distributed data analytics and machine learning and make two novel contributions: (1) enabling Spark to perform efficient computation on large datasets while preserving user privacy, and (2) accelerating intensive homomorphic computation through parallelization of tasks across clusters of computing nodes. To our best knowledge, SparkFHE is the first addressing these two needs simultaneously

    Towards practical fully homomorphic encryption

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    Fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) allows for computation of arbitrary func- tions on encrypted data by a third party, while keeping the contents of the encrypted data secure. This area of research has exploded in recent years following Gentry’s seminal work. However, the early realizations of FHE, while very interesting from a theoretical and proof-of-concept perspective, are unfortunately far too inefficient to provide any use in practice. The bootstrapping step is the main bottleneck in current FHE schemes. This step refreshes the noise level present in the ciphertexts by homomorphically evaluating the scheme’s decryption function over encryptions of the secret key. Bootstrapping is necessary in all known FHE schemes in order to allow an unlimited amount of computation, as without bootstrapping, the noise in the ciphertexts eventually grows to a point where decryption is no longer guaranteed to be correct. In this work, we present two new bootstrapping algorithms for FHE schemes. The first works on packed ciphertexts, which encrypt many bits at a time, while the second works on unpacked ciphertexts, which encrypt a single bit at a time. Our algorithms lie at the heart of the fastest currently existing implementations of fully homomorphic encryption for packed ciphertexts and for single-bit encryptions, respectively, running hundreds of times as fast for practical parameters as the previous best implementations.Ph.D

    Homomorphic Encryption for Machine Learning in Medicine and Bioinformatics

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    Machine learning techniques are an excellent tool for the medical community to analyzing large amounts of medical and genomic data. On the other hand, ethical concerns and privacy regulations prevent the free sharing of this data. Encryption methods such as fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) provide a method evaluate over encrypted data. Using FHE, machine learning models such as deep learning, decision trees, and naive Bayes have been implemented for private prediction using medical data. FHE has also been shown to enable secure genomic algorithms, such as paternity testing, and secure application of genome-wide association studies. This survey provides an overview of fully homomorphic encryption and its applications in medicine and bioinformatics. The high-level concepts behind FHE and its history are introduced. Details on current open-source implementations are provided, as is the state of FHE for privacy-preserving techniques in machine learning and bioinformatics and future growth opportunities for FHE

    Bootstrapping fully homomorphic encryption over the integers in less than one second

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    One can bootstrap LWE-based fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) schemes in less than one second, but bootstrapping AGCD-based FHE schemes, also known as FHE over the integers, is still very slow. In this work we propose a fast bootstrapping method for FHE over the integers, closing thus this gap between these two types of schemes. We use a variant of the AGCD problem to construct a new GSW-like scheme that can natively encrypt polynomials, then, we show how the single-gate bootstrapping method proposed by Ducas and Micciancio (EUROCRYPT 2015) can be adapted to FHE over the integers using our scheme, and we implement a bootstrapping that, using around 400 MB of key material, runs in less than one second in a common personal computer