10 research outputs found

    Generating Radiosity Maps on the GPU

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    Global illumination algorithms are used to render photorealistic images of 3D scenes taking into account both direct lighting from the light source and light reflected from other surfaces in the scene. Algorithms based on computing radiosity were among the first to be used to calculate indirect lighting, although they make assumptions that work only for diffusely reflecting surfaces. The classic radiosity approach divides a scene into multiple patches and generates a linear system of equations which, when solved, gives the values for the radiosity leaving each patch. This process can require extensive calculations and is therefore very slow. An alternative to solving a large system of equations is to use a Monte Carlo method of random sampling. In this approach, a large number of rays are shot from each patch into its surroundings and the irradiance values obtained from these rays are averaged to obtain a close approximation to the real value. This thesis proposes the use of a Monte Carlo method to generate radiosity texture maps on graphics hardware. By storing the radiosity values in textures, they are immediately available for rendering, making this algorithm useful for interactive implementations. We have built a framework to run this algorithm and using current graphics cards (NV6800 or higher) it is possible to execute it almost interactively for simple scenes and within relatively low times for more complex scenes

    Space-optimized texture atlases

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    Texture atlas parameterization provides an effective way to map a variety of colour and data attributes from 2D texture domains onto polygonal surface meshes. Most of the existing literature focus on how to build seamless texture atlases for continuous photometric detail, but little e ort has been devoted to devise e cient techniques for encoding self-repeating, uncontinuous signals such as building facades. We present a perception-based scheme for generating space-optimized texture atlases speci cally designed for intentionally non-bijective parameterizations. Our scheme combines within-chart tiling support with intelligent packing and perceptual measures for assigning texture space in accordance to the amount of information contents of the image and on its saliency. We demonstrate our optimization scheme in the context of real-time navigation through a gigatexel urban model of an European city. Our scheme achieves signi cant compression ratios and speed-up factors with visually indistinguishable results. We developed a technique that generates space-optimized texture atlases for the particular encoding of uncontinuous signals projected onto geometry. The scene is partitioned using a texture atlas tree that contains for each node a texture atlas. The leaf nodes of the tree contain scene geometry. The level of detail is controlled by traversing the tree and selecting the appropriate texture atlas for a given viewer position and orientation. In a preprocessing step, textures associated to each texture atlas node of the tree are packed. Textures are resized according to a given user-de ned texel size and the size of the geometry that are projected onto. We also use perceptual measures to assign texture space in accordance to image detail. We also explore different techniques for supporting texture wrapping of uncontinuous signals, which involved the development of e cient techniques for compressing texture coordinates via the GPU. Our approach supports texture ltering and DXTC compression without noticeable artifacts. We have implemented a prototype version of our space-optimized texture atlases technique and used it to render the 3D city model of Barcelona achieving interactive rendering frame rates. The whole model was composed by more than three million triangles and contained more than twenty thousand different textures representing the building facades with an average original resolution of 512 pixels per texture. Our scheme achieves up 100:1 compression ratios and speed-up factors of 20 with visually indistinguishable results

    Enhancing detailed haptic relief for real-time interaction

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    The present document exposes a different approach for haptic rendering, defined as the simulation of force interactions to reproduce the sensation of surface relief in dense models. Current research shows open issues in timely haptic interaction involving large meshes, with several problems affecting performance and fidelity, and without a dominant technique to treat these issues properly. Relying in pure geometric collisions when rendering highly dense mesh models (hundreds of thousands of triangles) sensibly degrades haptic rates due to the sheer number of collisions that must be tracked between the mesh's faces and a haptic probe. Several bottlenecks were identified in order to enhance haptic performance: software architecture and data structures, collision detection, and accurate rendering of surface relief. To account for overall software architecture and data structures, it was derived a complete component framework for transforming standalone VR applications into full-fledged multi-threaded Collaborative Virtual Reality Environments (CVREs), after characterizing existing implementations into a feature-rich superset. Enhancements include: a scalable arbitrated peer-to-peer topology for scene sharing; multi-threaded components for graphics rendering, user interaction and network communications; a collaborative user interface model for session handling; and interchangeable user roles with multi-camera perspectives, avatar awareness and shared annotations. We validate the framework by converting the existing ALICE VR Navigator into a complete CVRE, showing good performance in collaborative manipulation of complex models. To specifically address collision detection computation, we derive a conformal algebra treatment for collisions among points, segments, areas, and volumes, based on collision detection in conformal R{4,1} (5D) space, and implemented in GPU for faster parallel queries. Results show orders of magnitude time reductions in collisions computations, allowing interactive rates. Finally, the main core of the research is the haptic rendering of surface mesostructure in large meshes. Initially, a method for surface haptic rendering was proposed, using image-based Hybrid Rugosity Mesostructures (HRMs) of per-face heightfield displacements and normalmaps layered on top of a simpler mesh, adding greater surface detail than actually present. Haptic perception is achieved modulating the haptic probe's force response using the HRM coat. A usability testbed framework was built to measure experimental performance with a common set tests, meshes and HRMs. Trial results show the goodness of the proposed technique, rendering accurate 3D surface detail at high sampling rates. This local per-face method is extended into a fast global approach for haptic rendering, building a mesostructure-based atlas of depth/normal textures (HyRMA), computed out of surface differences of the same mesh object at two different resolutions: original and simplified. For each triangle in the simplified mesh, an irregular prism is considered defined by the triangle's vertices and their normals. This prism completely covers the original mesh relief over the triangle. Depth distances and surfaces normals within each prism are warped from object volume space to orthogonal tangent space, by means of a novel and fast method for computing barycentric coordinates at the prism, and storing normals and relief in a sorted atlas. Haptic rendering is effected by colliding the probe against the atlas, and effecting a modulated force response at the haptic probe. The method is validated numerically, statistically and perceptually in user testing controlled trials, achieving accurate haptic sensation of large meshes' fine features at interactive rendering rates, with some minute loss of mesostructure detail.En aquesta tesi es presenta un novedós enfocament per a la percepció hàptica del relleu de models virtuals complexes mitjançant la simulació de les forces d'interacció entre la superfície i un element de contacte. La proposta contribueix a l'estat de l'art de la recerca en aquesta àrea incrementant l'eficiència i la fidelitat de la interacció hàptica amb grans malles de triangles. La detecció de col·lisions amb malles denses (centenars de milers de triangles) limita la velocitat de resposta hàptica degut al gran nombre d'avaluacions d'intersecció cara-dispositiu hàptic que s'han de realitzar. Es van identificar diferents alternatives per a incrementar el rendiment hàptic: arquitectures de software i estructures de dades específiques, algorismes de detecció de col·lisions i reproducció hàptica de relleu superficial. En aquesta tesi es presenten contribucions en alguns d'aquests aspectes. S'ha proposat una estructura completa de components per a transformar aplicacions de Realitat Virtual en Ambients Col·laboratius de Realitat Virtual (CRVEs) multithread en xarxa. L'arquitectura proposada inclou: una topologia escalable punt a punt per a compartir escenes; components multithread per a visualització gràfica, interacció amb usuaris i comunicació en xarxa; un model d'interfície d'usuari col·laboratiu per a la gestió de sessions; i rols intercanviables de l'usuari amb perspectives de múltiples càmeres, presència d'avatars i anotacions compartides. L'estructura s'ha validat convertint el navegador ALICE en un CVRE completament funcional, mostrant un bon rendiment en la manipulació col·laborativa de models complexes. Per a incrementar l'eficiència del càlcul de col·lisions, s'ha proposat un algorisme que treballa en un espai conforme R{4,1} (5D) que permet detectar col·lisions entre punts, segments, triangles i volums. Aquest algorisme s'ha implementat en GPU per obtenir una execució paral·lela més ràpida. Els resultats mostren reduccions en el temps de càlcul de col·lisions permetent interactivitat. Per a la percepció hàptica de malles complexes que modelen objectes rugosos, s'han proposat diferents algorismes i estructures de dades. Les denominades Mesoestructures Híbrides de Rugositat (HRM) permeten substituir els detalls geomètrics d'una cara (rugositats) per dues textures: de normals i d'alçades. La percepció hàptica s'aconsegueix modulant la força de resposta entre el dispositiu hàptic i la HRM. Els tests per avaluar experimentalment l'eficiència del càlcul de col·lisions i la percepció hàptica utilitzant HRM respecte a modelar les rugositats amb geometria, van mostrar que la tècnica proposada va ser encertada, permetent percebre detalls 3D correctes a altes tases de mostreig. El mètode es va estendre per a representar rugositats d'objectes. Es proposa substituir l'objecte per un model simplificat i un atles de mesoestructures en el que s'usen textures de normals i de relleus (HyRMA). Aquest atles s'obté a partir de la diferència en el detall de la superfície entre dos malles del mateix objecte: l'original i la simplificada. A partir d'un triangle de la malla simplificada es construeix un prisma, definit pels vèrtexs del triangle i les seves normals, que engloba el relleu de la malla original sobre el triangle. Les alçades i normals dins del prisma es transformen des de l'espai de volum a l'espai ortogonal tangent, amb mètode novedós i eficient que calcula les coordenades baricèntriques relatives al prisma, per a guardar el mapa de textures transformat en un atles ordenat. La percepció hàptica s'assoleix detectant les col·lisions entre el dispositiu hàptic i l'atles, i modulant la força de resposta d'acord al resultat de la col·lisió. El mètode s'ha validat numèricament, estadística i perceptual en tests amb usuaris, aconseguint una correcta i interactiva sensació tàctil dels objectes simulats mitjançant la mesoestructura de les mallesEn esta tesis se presenta un enfoque novedoso para la percepción háptica del relieve de modelos virtuales complejos mediante la simulación de las fuerzas de interacción entre la superficie y un elemento de contacto. La propuesta contribuye al estado del arte de investigación en este área incrementando la eficiencia y fidelidad de interacción háptica con grandes mallas de triángulos. La detección de colisiones con mallas geométricas densas (cientos de miles de triángulos) limita la velocidad de respuesta háptica debido al elevado número de evaluaciones de intersección cara-dispositivo háptico que deben realizarse. Se identificaron diferentes alternativas para incrementar el rendimiento háptico: arquitecturas de software y estructuras de datos específicas, algoritmos de detección de colisiones y reproducción háptica de relieve superficial. En esta tesis se presentan contribuciones en algunos de estos aspectos. Se ha propuesto una estructura completa de componentes para transformar aplicaciones aisladas de Realidad Virtual en Ambientes Colaborativos de Realidad Virtual (CRVEs) multithread en red. La arquitectura propuesta incluye: una topología escalable punto a punto para compartir escenas; componentes multithread para visualización gráfica, interacción con usuarios y comunicación en red; un modelo de interfaz de usuario colaborativo para la gestión de sesiones; y roles intercambiables del usuario con perspectivas de múltiples cámaras, presencia de avatares y anotaciones compartidas. La estructura se ha validado convirtiendo el navegador ALICE en un CVRE completamente funcional, mostrando un buen rendimiento en la manipulación colaborativa de modelos complejos. Para incrementar la eficiencia del cálculo de colisiones, se ha propuesto un algoritmo que trabaja en un espacio conforme R4,1 (5D) que permite detectar colisiones entre puntos, segmentos, triángulos y volúmenes. Este algoritmo se ha implementado en GPU a efectos de obtener una ejecución paralelamás rápida. Los resultadosmuestran reducciones en el tiempo de cálculo de colisiones permitiendo respuesta interactiva. Para la percepción háptica de mallas complejas que modelan objetos rugosos, se han propuesto diferentes algoritmos y estructuras de datos. Las denominadasMesoestructuras Híbridas de Rugosidad (HRM) permiten substituir los detalles geométricos de una cara (rugosidades) por una textura de normales y otra de alturas. La percepción háptica se consigue modulando la fuerza de respuesta entre el dispositivo háptico y la HRM. Los tests realizados para evaluar experimentalmente la eficiencia del cálculo de colisiones y la percepción háptica utilizando HRM respecto a modelar las rugosidades con geometría, mostraron que la técnica propuesta fue acertada, permitiendo percibir detalles 3D correctos a altas tasas de muestreo. Este método anterior es extendido a un procedimiento global para representar rugosidades de objetos. Para hacerlo se propone sustituir el objeto por un modelo simplificado y un atlas de mesostructuras usando texturas de normales y relieves (HyRMA). Este atlas se obtiene de la diferencia en detalle de superficie entre dos mallas del mismo objeto: la original y la simplificada. A partir de un triángulo de la malla simplificada se construye un prisma definido por los vértices del triángulo a lo largo de sus normales, que engloba completamente el relieve de la malla original sobre este triángulo. Las alturas y normales dentro de cada prisma se transforman del espacio de volumen al espacio ortoganal tangente, usando un método novedoso y eficiente que calcula las coordenadas baricéntricas relativas a cada prisma para guardar el mapa de texturas transformado en un atlas ordenado. La percepción háptica se consigue detectando directamente las colisiones entre el dispositivo háptico y el atlas, y modulando la fuerza de respuesta de acuerdo al resultado de la colisión. El procedmiento se ha validado numérica, estadística y perceptualmente en ensayos con usuarios, consiguiendo a tasas interactivas la correcta sensación táctil de los objetos simulados mediante la mesoestructura de las mallas, con alguna pérdida muy puntual de detall

    Synthèse de textures par l’exemple pour les applications interactives

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    Millions of individuals explore virtual worlds every day, for entertainment, training, or to plan business trips and vacations. Video games such as Eve Online, World of Warcraft, and many others popularized their existence. Sand boxes such as Minecraft and Second Life illustrated how they can serve as a media, letting people create, share and even sell their virtual productions. Navigation and exploration software such as Google Earth and Virtual Earth let us explore a virtual version of the real world, and let us enrich it with information shared between the millions of users using these services every day.Virtual environments are massive, dynamic 3D scenes, that are explored and manipulated interactively bythousands of users simultaneously. Many challenges have to be solved to achieve these goals. Among those lies the key question of content management. How can we create enough detailed graphical content so as to represent an immersive, convincing and coherent world? Even if we can produce this data, how can we then store the terra–bytes it represents, and transfer it for display to each individual users? Rich virtual environments require a massive amount of varied graphical content, so as to represent an immersive, convincing and coherent world. Creating this content is extremely time consuming for computer artists and requires a specific set of technical skills. Capturing the data from the real world can simplify this task but then requires a large quantity of storage, expensive hardware and long capture campaigns. While this is acceptable for important landmarks (e.g. the statue of Liberty in New York, the Eiffel tower in Paris) this is wasteful on generic or anonymous landscapes. In addition, in many cases capture is not an option, either because an imaginary scenery is required or because the scene to be represented no longer exists. Therefore, researchers have proposed methods to generate new content programmatically, using captured data as an example. Typically, building blocks are extracted from the example content and re–assembled to form new assets. Such approaches have been at the center of my research for the past ten years. However, algorithms for generating data programmatically only partially address the content management challenge: the algorithm generates content as a (slow) pre–process and its output has to be stored for later use. On the contrary, I have focused on proposing models and algorithms which can produce graphical content while minimizing storage. The content is either generated when it is needed for the current viewpoint, or is produced under a very compact form that can be later used for rendering. Thanks to such approaches developers gain time during content creation, but this also simplifies the distribution of the content by reducing the required data bandwidth.In addition to the core problem of content synthesis, my approaches required the development of new data-structures able to store sparse data generated during display, while enabling an efficient access. These data-structures are specialized for the massive parallelism of graphics processors. I contributed early in this domain and kept a constant focus on this area. The originality of my approach has thus been to consider simultaneously the problems of generating, storing and displaying the graphical content. As we shall see, each of these area involve different theoretical and technical backgrounds, that nicely complement each other in providing elegant solutions to content generation, management and display

    Improving Usability in Procedural Modeling

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    This work presents new approaches and algorithms for procedural modeling geared towards user convenience and improving usability, in order to increase artists’ productivity. Procedural models create geometry for 3D models from sets of rules. Existing approaches that allow to model trees, buildings, and terrain are reviewed and possible improvements are discussed. A new visual programming language for procedural modeling is discussed, where the user connects operators to visual programs called model graphs. These operators create geometry with textures, assign or evaluate variables or control the sequence of operations. When the user moves control points using the mouse in 3D space, the model graph is executed to change the geometry interactively. Thus, model graphs combine the creativity of freehand modeling with the power of programmed modeling while displaying the program structure more clearly than textbased approaches. Usability is increased as a result of these advantages. Also, an interactive editor for botanical trees is demonstrated. In contrast to previous tree modeling systems, we propose linking rules, parameters and geometry to semantic entities. This has the advantage that problems of associating parameters and instances are completely avoided. When an entity is clicked in the viewport, its parameters are displayed immediately, changes are applied to selected entities, and viewport editing operations are reflected in the parameter set. Furthermore, we store the entities in a hierarchical data structure and allow the user to activate recursive traversal via selection options for all editing operations. The user may choose to apply viewport or parameter changes to a single entity or many entities at once, and only the geometry for the affected entities needs to be updated. The proposed user interface simplifies the modeling process and increases productivity. Interactive editing approaches for 3D models often allow more precise control over a model than a global set of parameters that is used to generate a shape. However, usually scripted procedural modeling generates shapes directly from a fixed set of parameters, and interactive editing mostly uses a fixed set of tools. We propose to use scripts not only to generate models, but also for manipulating the models. A base script would set up the state of an object, and tool scripts would modify that state. The base script and the tool scripts generate geometry when necessary. Together, such a collection of scripts forms a template, and templates can be created for various types of objects. We examine how templates simplify the procedural modeling workflow by allowing for editing operations that are context-sensitive, flexible and powerful at the same time. Many algorithms have been published that produce geometry for fictional landscapes. There are algorithms which produce terrain with minimal setup time, allowing to adapt the level of detail as the user zooms into the landscape. However, these approaches lack plausible river networks, and algorithms that create eroded terrain with river networks require a user to supervise creation and minutes or hours of computation. In contrast to that, this work demonstrates an algorithm that creates terrain with plausible river networks and adaptive level of detail with no more than a few seconds of preprocessing. While the system can be configured using parameters, this text focuses on the algorithm that produces the rivers. However, integrating more tools for user-controlled editing of terrain would be possible.Verbesserung der Usability bei prozeduraler Modellierung Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, prozedurale Modellierung durch neue neue Ansätze und Algorithmen einfacher, bequemer und anwendungsfreundlicher zu machen, und damit die Produktivität der Künstler zu erhöhen. Diese Anforderungen werden häufig unter dem Stichwort Usability zusammengefasst. Prozedurale Modelle spezifizieren 3D-Modelle über Regeln. Existierende Ansätze für Bäume, Gebäude und Terrain werden untersucht und es werden mögliche Verbesserungen diskutiert. Eine neue visuelle Programmiersprache für prozedurale Modelle wird vorgestellt, bei der Operatoren zu Modellgraphen verschaltet werden. Die Operatoren erzeugen texturierte Geometrie, weisen Variablen zu und werten sie aus, oder sie steuern den Ablauf der Operationen. Wenn der Benutzer Kontrollpunkte im Viewport mit der Maus verschiebt, wird der Modellgraph ausgeführt, um interaktiv neue Geometrie für das Modell zu erzeugen. Modellgraphen kombinieren die kreativen Möglichkeiten des freihändigen Editierens mit der Mächtigkeit der prozeduralen Modellierung. Darüber hinaus sind Modellgraphen eine visuelle Programmiersprache und stellen die Struktur der Algorithmen deutlicher dar als textbasierte Programmiersprachen. Als Resultat dieser Verbesserungen erhöht sich die Usability. Ein interaktiver Editor für botanische Bäume wird ebenfalls vorgestellt. Im Gegensatz zu früheren Ansätzen schlagen wir vor, Regeln, Parameter und Geometrie zu semantischen Entitäten zu verschmelzen. Auf diese Weise werden Zuordnungsprobleme zwischen Parametern und deren Instanzen komplett vermieden. Wenn im Viewport eine Instanz angeklickt wird, werden sofort ihre Parameter angezeigt, alle Änderungen wirken sich direkt auf die betroffenen Instanzen aus, und Änderungen im Viewport werden sofort in den Parametern reflektiert. Darüber hinaus werden die Entitäten in einer hierarchischen Datenstruktur gespeichert und alle Änderungen können rekursiv auf der Hierarchie ausgeführt werden. Dem Benutzer werden Selektionsoptionen zur Verfügung gestellt, über die er Änderungen an den Parametern oder Änderungen im Viewport an einzelnen oder vielen Instanzen gleichzeitig vornehmen kann. Anschließend muss das System nur die Geometrie der betroffenen Instanzen aktualisieren. Auch hier ist das Ziel, das User Interface möglichst an den Bedürfnissen des Benutzers auszurichten, um Vereinfachungen und eine Erhöhung der Produktivität zu erreichen. Interaktive Editieransätze für 3D-Modelle erlauben häufig eine präzisere Kontrolle über ein Modell als ein globaler Parametersatz, der für die Erzeugung des Modells genutzt wird. Trotzdem erzeugen prozedurale Modellierskripte ihre Modelle meist direkt aus einem festen Parametersatz, während interaktive Tools meist mit hartkodierten Operationen arbeiten. Wir schlagen vor, Skripte nicht nur zur Erzeugung der Modelle zu verwenden, sondern auch um die erzeugten Modelle zu editieren. Ein Basisskript soll die Statusinformationen eines Objekts anlegen, während weitere Skripte diesen Status verändern und passende Geometrie erzeugen. Diese Skripte bilden dann ein Template zum Erzeugen einer Klasse von Objekten. Verschiedene Objekttypen können jeweils ihr eigenes Template haben. Wir zeigen, wie Templates den Workflow mit prozeduralen Modellen vereinfachen können, indem Operationen geschaffen werden, die gleichzeitig kontext-sensitiv, mächtig und flexibel sind. Es existiert eine Reihe von Verfahren, um Geometrie für synthetische Landschaften zu erzeugen. Ein Teil der Algorithmen erzeugt Geometrie mit minimaler Vorberechnung und erlaubt es, den Detailgrad der Landschaft interaktiv an die Perspektive anzupassen. Leider fehlen den so erzeugten Landschaften plausible Flussnetze. Algorithmen, die erodiertes Terrain mit Flussnetzen erzeugen, müssen aufwendig vom Benutzer überwacht werden und brauchen Minuten oder Stunden Rechenzeit. Im Gegensatz dazu stellen wir einen Algorithmus vor, der plausible Flussnetze erzeugt, während sich der Betrachter interaktiv durch die Szene bewegt. Das System kann über Parameter gesteuert werden, aber der Fokus liegt auf dem Algorithmus zur Erzeugung der Flüsse. Dennoch wäre es möglich, Tools zum benutzergesteuerten Editieren von Terrain zu integrieren

    Interactive visualization of computational fluid dynamics data.

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    This thesis describes a literature study and a practical research in the area of flow visualization, with special emphasis on the interactive visualization of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) datasets. Given the four main categories of flow visualization methodology; direct, geometric, texture-based and feature-based flow visualization, the research focus of our thesis is on the direct, geometric and feature-based techniques. And the feature-based flow visualization is highlighted in this thesis. After we present an overview of the state-of-the-art of the recent developments in the flow visualization in higher spatial dimensions (2.5D, 3D and 4D), we propose a fast, simple, and interactive glyph placement algorithm for investigating and visualizing boundary flow data based on unstructured, adaptive resolution boundary meshes from CFD dataset. Afterward, we propose a novel, automatic mesh-driven vector field clustering algorithm which couples the properties of the vector field and resolution of underlying mesh into a unified distance measure for producing high-level, intuitive and suggestive visualization of large, unstructured, adaptive resolution boundary CFD meshes based vector fields. Next we present a novel application with multiple-coordinated views for interactive information-assisted visualization of multidimensional marine turbine CFD data. Information visualization techniques are combined with user interaction to exploit our cognitive ability for intuitive extraction of flow features from CFD datasets. Later, we discuss the design and implementation of each visualization technique used in our interactive flow visualization framework, such as glyphs, streamlines, parallel coordinate plots, etc. In this thesis, we focus on the interactive visualization of the real-world CFD datasets, and present a number of new methods or algorithms to address several related challenges in flow visualization. We strongly believe that the user interaction is a crucial part of an effective data analysis and visualization of large and complex datasets such as CFD datasets we use in this thesis. In order to demonstrate the use of the proposed techniques in this thesis, CFD domain experts reviews are also provided

    Hardware accelerated volume texturing.

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    The emergence of volume graphics, a sub field in computer graphics, has been evident for the last 15 years. Growing from scientific visualization problems, volume graphics has established itself as an important field in general computer graphics. However, the general graphics fraternity still favour the established surface graphics techniques. This is due to well founded and established techniques and a complete pipeline through software onto display hardware. This enables real-time applications to be constructed with ease and used by a wide range of end users due to the readily available graphics hardware adopted by many computer manufacturers. Volume graphics has traditionally been restricted to high-end systems due to the complexity involved with rendering volume datasets. Either specialised graphics hardware or powerful computers were required to generate images, many of these not in real-time. Although there have been specialised hardware solutions to the volume rendering problem, the adoption of the volume dataset as a primitive relies on end-users with commodity hardware being able to display images at interactive rates. The recent emergence of programmable consumer level graphics hardware is now allowing these platforms to compute volume rendering at interactive rates. Most of the work in this field is directed towards scientific visualisation. The work in this thesis addresses the issues in providing real-time volume graphics techniques to the general graphics community using commodity graphics hardware. Real-time texturing of volumetric data is explored as an important set of techniques in delivering volume datasets as a general graphics primitive. The main contributions of this work are; The introduction of efficient acceleration techniques; Interactive display of amorphous phenomena modelled outside an object defined in a volume dataset; Interactive procedural texture synthesis for volume data; 2D texturing techniques and extensions for volume data in real-time; A flexible surface detail mapping algorithm that removes many previous restrictions Parts of this work have been presented at the 4th International Workshop on Volume Graphics and also published in Volume Graphics 2005