13 research outputs found

    Un estudio transversal sobre la fatiga y la satisfacción de Zoom en el aprendizaje en línea entre estudiantes de enfermería filipinos

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    This study determined the associations between Zoom fatigue and satisfaction with online learning among nursing students in a higher institution of learning in the Philippines. A cross-sectional research design was employed and a web-based survey using two self-report measures was conducted in 2021. Descriptive statistics, Pearson's correlation, and linear regression were used to analyze the responses of 408 student respondents. The sample demonstrated high levels of Zoom fatigue and low to average online learning satisfaction. There was a significant difference in the Zoom fatigue levels between male and female students. Higher Zoom fatigue levels predicted reduced online learning satisfaction. This study underscores that online learning and virtual meetings have a likely negative impact on students' online learning experiences. Nursing schools may need to reconsider the existing learning and teaching strategies and start measures that will foster more meaningful and positive experiences in the virtual learning environment.Este estudio determinó las asociaciones entre la fatiga al usar Zoom y la satisfacción en el aprendizaje en línea entre estudiantes de enfermería en una institución superior de aprendizaje en Filipinas. Se empleó un diseño de investigación transversal y se realizó una encuesta basada en la web con dos medidas de autoinforme en 2021. Se usaron estadísticas descriptivas, correlación de Pearson y regresión lineal para analizar las respuestas de 408 estudiantes encuestados. La muestra demostró altos niveles de fatiga al utilizar Zoom y una satisfacción de aprendizaje en línea de baja a media. Hubo una diferencia significativa en los niveles de fatiga al usar Zoom entre estudiantes masculinos y femeninos. Los niveles más altos de fatiga al utilizar Zoom predijeron una reducción de la satisfacción del aprendizaje en línea. Este estudio subraya que el aprendizaje en línea y las reuniones virtuales probablemente tengan un impacto negativo en las experiencias de aprendizaje en línea de los estudiantes. Es posible que las escuelas de enfermería deban reconsiderar las estrategias de aprendizaje y enseñanza existentes e iniciar medidas que fomenten experiencias más significativas y positivas en el entorno de aprendizaje virtual

    The Impact of Digitalisation and Entrepreneurial Networks on Business Strategy Development— a media richness theory approach

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    In the digital-based economy, digitalisation, entrepreneurial networks, and business strategy are three important interdependent components of the entrepreneurship process. Accurate, reliable, and timely information is also vital to the effective decision-making of entrepreneurs. Often, owing to limitations in their resources and capabilities, entrepreneurs rely on their entrepreneurial networks to satisfy their information need. The core objective of this paper is to examine the use of information in business strategy development and assess the role of entrepreneurial networks as information sources. The theoretical lens used in this narrative literature review is media richness theory. The findings of this paper show that entrepreneurial networks significantly influence entrepreneurial success and survival and that access to accurate and timely information enhances business strategy development

    Digitaalinen asiakaskokemus muodin liveshoppailun kontekstissa

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    Verkkokaupan murros ja teknologian kehitys ovat mullistaneet vähittäiskaupan alaa viime vuosien aikana. Modernin teknologian kehityksen myötä yhä useammat jälleenmyyjät ja markkinoijat hyödyntävät livestriimejä liiketoiminnassaan. Erityisesti muodin alalla useat yritykset hyödyntävät livestriimejä markkinoinnissaan järjestämällä liveshoppailutapahtumia verkon välityksellä. Livestriimien hyödyntämisen on todettu avaavan vähittäiskaupan toimijoille lukuisia mahdollisuuksia muun muassa yrityksen markkinoinnin ja tuottavuuden näkökulmasta. Tässä tutkimuksessa tutkitaan muodin liveshoppailua digitaalisen asiakaskokemuksen ulottuvuuksien kautta. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys rakentuu digitaalisen asiakaskokemuksen kuudesta ulottuvuudesta, jotka ovat sen affektiivinen, kognitiivinen, sosiaalinen, aistillinen, funktionaalinen ja psykologinen ulottuvuus. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on ymmärtää kokonaisvaltaisesti digitaalista asiakaskokemusta sekä tunnistaa positiivista digitaalista asiakaskokemusta edistäviä ja sitä uhkaavia tekijöitä muodin liveshoppailun kontekstissa kuluttajan näkökulmasta. Lisäksi tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tarjota tutkimustulosten myötä hyödyllistä tietoa käytännön toimijoille. Tutkimustulosten myötä liveshoppailua hyödyntävät yritykset voivat kehittää liveshoppailutapahtumiaan kuluttajalähtöisemmiksi. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisin menetelmin. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin toteuttamalla viisi puolistrukturoitua kuluttajahaastattelua. Tutkimusmenetelmänä hyödynnettiin instrumentaalista tapaustutkimusta. Tutkimustapaukseksi valikoitui Stockmann ja sen liveshoppailutapahtuma Kevään uutuudet. Haastateltavat osallistuivat edellä mainittuun tapahtumaan ennen tutkimushaastatteluun osallistumista. Tutkimuksen haastateltaviksi valittiin 16–24-vuotiaita naisia, jotka olivat entuudestaan tapausyritys Stockmannin asiakkaita. Tutkimuksessa tunnistetaan sekä positiivista digitaalista asiakaskokemusta edistäviä että sitä uhkaavia tekijöitä. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että kuluttajan digitaalisen asiakaskokemuksen kannalta muodin liveshoppailun kontekstissa merkittävää on erityisesti kokemuksen affektiivinen, kognitiivinen, sosiaalinen ja funktionaalinen ulottuvuus. Aineistosta ilmenee eri kuluttajien painottavan eri ulottuvuuksia eri tavoin, joten tutkimustulosten voidaan nähdä vahvistavan aiempaa teoriaa, jonka mukaan digitaalinen asiakaskokemus on subjektiivinen. Lisäksi tutkimustuloksissa korostuu liveshoppailutapahtuman juontajien suuri merkitys kuluttajien liveshoppailukokemuksen kannalta. Kaiken kaikkiaan aineiston perusteella voidaan todeta kuluttajien pitävän liveshoppailua positiivisena ja hyödyllisenä konseptina, sillä kaikki haastateltavat kokivat hyötyvänsä liveshoppailusta ja ilmaisivat haluavansa myös jatkossa osallistua liveshoppailutapahtumiin. Tutkimuksen tulokset ovat linjassa aiheen aiemman tutkimuksen kanssa. Tutkimuksen tulokset luovat kuitenkin myös uutta merkityksellistä tietoa toistaiseksi vähän tutkitusta ilmiöstä ja siten laajentavat ymmärrystä digitaalisesta asiakaskokemuksesta ja liveshoppailusta erityisesti muodin kontekstissa. Tulosten voidaan myös nähdä vahvistavan digitaalisen asiakaskokemuksen aiempien tutkimusten tulosten paikkansapitävyyttä muodin liveshoppailun kontekstissa

    The effect of different types of virtual influencers on consumers’ emotional attachment

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    A virtual influencer (VI) is a computer-generated, imagery-based digital character. It has become one of the hottest marketing trends, motivating researchers to investigate how consumers perceive VIs. However, consumers’ emotional attachment and benefit seeking behaviour to different types of VIs has remained under-investigated. Therefore, considering the level of perceived humanness and appearance realism, this research examines how consumers’ emotional attachment and benefit seeking differs across the three types of VI (i.e., mimic-human VI, animated-human VI, and non-human VI). We further propose that VIs may influence consumer emotional attachment and different benefit seeking behaviour through social presence because, specifically, when a VI shows a higher level of social presence, a higher level of emotional attachment and stronger benefit seeking behaviour will result. The experimental studies lend support to our theorization. This research provides insights into the different types of VIs in marketing literature and extends the context of social presence theory

    Investigating the effect of media synchronicity in professional use of video conferencing applications

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    Thomas, M. A., Sandhu, R. K., Oliveira, A., & Oliveira, T. (2023). Investigating the effect of media synchronicity in professional use of video conferencing applications. Internet Research. https://doi.org/10.1108/INTR-12-2021-0887---Funding: This work was supported by national funds through FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) under the project - UIDB/04152/2020 - Centro de Investigação em Gestão de Informação (MagIC).Abstract Purpose This research aims to gain a holistic understanding of how video conferencing (VC) apps' media characteristics influence individuals' perceptions of VC apps and, ultimately, their use and continued use in professional settings. Design/methodology/approach A conceptual research model is developed by integrating constructs from media synchronicity theory (MST), social presence theory and the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2) model, as well as ubiquity, technicality and perceived fees. Structural equation modeling (SEM) is used to empirically test the conceptual model using data collected from 252 working professionals from the European Union. Findings The results reveal that while performance expectancy (PE) and facilitating conditions (FC) are fundamental to VC app use, these factors alone do not explain the use and continuing use of VC apps in the professional context. Media characteristics that include synchronicity, social presence, and ubiquity are equally crucial to professionals using VC apps. It also confirms the moderating effect of convergence on the relationship between synchronicity and PE and the moderating effect of technicality and perceived fees on the relationship between ubiquity and FC. Originality/value For researchers, the study offers insights into the extent to which technological and socially derived characteristics of VC apps influence the routine tasks undertaken by professionals in virtual work settings. For practitioners, recommendations pivotal to the use of VC apps are presented to promote higher acceptance and improved well-being of the professional workforce.authorsversionepub_ahead_of_prin

    The Importance of Internal and External Communication in Increasing Knowledge and Loyalty of Employees in Qi Malaysia

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    Many organizations in Malaysia today face difficulties in retaining employees since they are unable to identify the factors that contribute to both the increase of employee knowledge on the company and loyalty towards the company. This study goes on to identify how with internal and external communications, and organisation can increase its employee’s knowledge on the company in a positive way and these better-informed employees are then more inclined to be loyal to the company. In QI Malaysia, there is at least one resignation a month and employees hardly know much about the organisation. The aim is to identify if the internal and external communications carried out did in fact help increase employee knowledge about the company and boost their loyalty in a quantitative method. The employees selected for this research received a survey form to fill independently. They were encouraged to complete the questionnaire during their break time or after work. From the response of the survey, we can understand and conclude that employees of QI Malaysia favour timely, frequent and more personal communication through internal communications and external communications methods. They are happy to know that through the internal communications that they are remembered by the company top level management and that their company is portrayed as an employer of choice, leading to individuals they know wanting to work in QI Malaysia. As recommendation, it is suggested that more content about the company is sent out through both internal and external communication of choice, in this case, mass mails being internal communication channel and Facebook as the external communication channel as most employees are engaged here. With more related contents through these two platforms, it will encourage engagement that will increase employee knowledge and loyalty towards the company. (Abstract by author

    Social Presence, Immediacy of Communication, Concurrency, and Use of Enterprise Social Networks

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    Managers are faced with low continuous postadoption usage rates for enterprise social networks implemented at high costs. The problem is a potential loss of value-added benefits when organizations experience a lapse in continuous usage of enterprise social networks among corporate knowledge workers. The purpose of this quantitative study was to test the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology that relates collaboration technology constructs to continuous usage of enterprise social networks for knowledge workers at information technology Fortune 500 companies in the United States. The key research question aimed to examine the relationship among social presence, immediacy of communication, concurrency, and the continuous usage of enterprise social networks. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to test the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology with 107 knowledge workers at information technology Fortune 500 companies in the United States. Key results of the study were that immediacy of communication and concurrency were significantly, positively related to continuous usage, while social presence was not significantly related to continuous usage. The overall regression model was statistically significant, F(3, 103) = 62.64, p \u3c .001; Adjusted R2 = .64, with at least one of the predictor variables a significant predictor of continuous usage, where the study model accounted for 64% of the variance in continuous usage. A recommendation for future researchers is to increase the sample size to increase internal validity. The findings may contribute to positive social change by providing Fortune 500 managers with useful strategic information to increase continuous usage of enterprise social networks which leads to increased innovation

    The development of IT identity due to social media use : antecedents and impact on computer-based office work during COVID-19 pandemic

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    IT identity is a relatively new concept in the area of Management Information Systems (MIS). Its importance has become increasingly pronounced as identity is one of the predictors of human behavior. At the same time, understanding the behavior of individuals when using information technology (IT) in the workplace represents the link between technology investments and increased performance through IT. In this respect, one of the most used communication technologies recently, social media, allows individuals to extensively experience different facets of their identities. The overall objective of this thesis is to understand the development of IT identity due to social media use and assess its impact on computer-based office work during the COVID-19 pandemic. Three specific objectives were defined for this purpose. Thus, the thesis is structured in three papers that sought to respond to each of the specific objectives, which are: (i) identify the possible antecedents of the development of IT identity due to social media use, (ii) the connection between them and the three reflective dimensions that constitute the identity of IT and, finally, (iii) the impact of IT identity due to the use of social media in the organizational scope. The first paper is a theoretical study and proposes the adaptation and expansion of Carter's original theoretical model (2012) from the theoretical instances related to this technology and that can influence the development of IT identity due to social media use. As a result, a conceptual model was developed. Ten propositions related to the concepts derived from the literature and inserted in three main instances of IT identity development were presented due to the use of social media. The empirical investigation of the relationship between the antecedents of the model proposed in the first paper and the three dimensions of IT identity began in the second article of the thesis. For this purpose, a netnography was proposed and executed between 2019 and 2021. One of the paper's findings indicated that the frequency of use of WhatsApp can lead to precipitation of the most strongly polarized behavior and that one of the reflective dimensions of IT identity, relatedness with WhatsApp, can play a preponderant role in the precipitation of such behavior. From this result, in paper 3, a quantitative and exploratory study, based on duality theory, sought to develop and test hypotheses about how IT identity concerning social media can benefit, but at the same time bring negative consequences for computer-based office workers in the current period of the COVID-19 pandemic. For this, a model was proposed showing the relationship between the dimensions of IT identity and four facets of the so-called New Ways of Working. Among the study's findings, it was verified that IT identity in relation to social media platforms could be a positive factor in preserving the cohesion of employees professional identity since feelings of affinity and emotional energy in relation to these technologies favored access to organizational knowledge and colleagues when working remotely. This thesis can contribute to expanding Carter's (2012) model to contemplate a class of IT as social media is constituted (paper 1). In turn, the expansion of the original model can potentially contribute to broadening the understanding of this technology's role in fostering polarized behavior in the use of WhatsApp, one of the most used social media these times(paper 2). Finally, in the third paper, the indication that the frequency of WhatsApp use may be associated with a strong IT identity about this technology (verified in paper 2) led to the proposition of a model to empirically test how the three dimensions of IT Identity in relation to the use of social media, directly and indirectly, influence the aspects of new ways of working for workers using computer devices to perform their duties. Emotional energy in relation to social media (i.e., prolonged feelings of confidence, enthusiasm, and energy toward social media) is positively related to superior performance when individuals direct it to their work use, allowing them to better handle the work-life conflict. The thesis presents limitations regarding its ability to inferences that were addressed in each of the papers. Similarly, suggestions for future research were presented in each paper. Finally, the conclusion chapter presents the integration of the thesis papers to form the complete study, the overview of research objectives, the main results, contributions to academia and practice, its limitations, and suggestions for future research.A identidade de TI é um conceito relativamente novo na área de Gestão de Sistemas de Informação (GSI). A sua importância tem se tornado cada vez mais acentuada na medida que a identidade é um dos preditores do comportamento humano. Paralelamente, a compreensão do comportamento dos indivíduos ao utilizar a tecnologia da informação (TI) no ambiente de trabalho representa o elo entre os investimentos em tecnologia e o aumento do desempenho por meio da TI. Sob esse aspecto, uma das tecnologias de comunicação mais usadas em tempos atuais, as mídias sociais, permitem de forma extensiva que os indivíduos experimentem diferentes facetas das suas identidades. O objetivo geral dessa tese é compreender o desenvolvimento da identidade de TI devido ao uso de mídias sociais e avaliar o seu impacto para os trabalhadores de escritório que utilizam dispositivos computacionais para executar suas funções de trabalho durante o período da pandemia de COVID-19. Para isso foram definidos três objetivos específicos. Sendo assim, a tese está estruturada em três artigos que buscam responder a cada um dos objetivos específicos, quais são: (i) identificar os possíveis antecedentes do desenvolvimento da identidade de TI devido ao uso de mídias sociais, (ii) a conexão entre eles e as três dimensões reflexivas que constituem a identidade de TI e, por fim, (iii) o impacto da identidade de TI devido ao uso de mídias sociais no âmbito organizacional. O primeiro artigo, de natureza teórica, propõe a adaptação e expansão do modelo teórico original de Carter (2012) a partir das instâncias teóricas aderentes ao uso e que influenciam o desenvolvimento da identidade de TI pelo uso de mídias sociais. Como resultado, foi desenvolvido um modelo conceitual em que foram apresentadas dez proposições interrelacionando os conceitos derivados da literatura e inseridos em três instâncias principais de desenvolvimento da identidade de TI devido ao uso de mídias sociais. A investigação empírica da relação entre os antecedentes do modelo proposto no artigo 1 e as três dimensões da identidade de TI iniciou-se na sequência no segundo artigo da tese. Para isso foi proposta uma netnografia que foi executada entre 2019 e 2021. Um dos achados do artigo indicou que a frequência de uso do WhatsApp pode levar a precipitação do comportamento mais fortemente polarizado e que uma das dimensões reflexivas da identidade de TI, a afinidade com o WhatsApp, pode desempenhar um papel preponderante na precipitação de tal comportamento. A partir desse resultado, no artigo 3, de natureza quantitativa e exploratória, tendo como base a teoria da dualidade, buscou-se desenvolver e testar hipóteses sobre como a identidade de TI em relação às mídias sociais pode beneficiar, mas ao mesmo tempo trazer consequências negativas para os trabalhadores de escritório que usam principalmente dispositivos computacionais para cumprir suas tarefas no atual período da pandemia de COVID-19. Para isso, foi proposto um modelo apresentando a relação entre as dimensões da identidade de TI e quatro facetas das chamadas Novas Formas de Trabalho. Entre os achados deste estudo, foi verificado que a identidade de TI em relação às plataformas de mídias sociais pode ser um fator positivo na preservação da coesão da identidade profissional dos colaboradores, uma vez que sentimentos de afinidade e energia emocional em relação a essas tecnologias favoreceram o acesso ao conhecimento organizacional e aos colegas ao trabalhar remotamente. Destacam-se como contribuições dessa tese a expansão do modelo de Carter (2012) para contemplar uma classe de TIs como são constituídas as mídias sociais (artigo 1). Por sua vez, a expansão do modelo original contribuiu para ampliar a compreensão do papel dessa tecnologia em fomentar o comportamento polarizado no uso do WhatsApp, uma das mídias sociais mais utilizadas em tempos atuais (artigo 2). Finalmente, no terceiro artigo a indicação de que a frequência de uso no WhatsApp pode estar associada a uma forte identidade de TI em relação a essa tecnologia (verificada no artigo 2), levou a proposição de um modelo para testar empiricamente de que forma as três dimensões da IT Identity em relação ao uso de mídias sociais influenciam direta e indiretamente os aspectos das novas formas de trabalho para os trabalhadores que utilizam dispositivos computacionais para desempenhar suas funções. A energia emocional em relação às mídias sociais (ou seja, sentimentos prolongados de confiança, entusiasmo e energia em relação às mídias sociais) está positivamente relacionada a um desempenho superior quando os indivíduos a direcionam para o seu uso do trabalho, permitindo-lhes também lidar melhor com os conflitos entre a vida profissional e a vida profissional. A tese apresenta limitações quanto a sua capacidade de inferências que foram endereçadas em cada um dos artigos. Da mesma forma, sugestões de pesquisas futuras foram apresentadas em cada artigo. Por fim, o capítulo de conclusão apresenta a integração dos artigos da tese para a formação do estudo completa, a retomada dos objetivos de pesquisa, os principais resultados, contribuições para a academia e para a prática, suas limitações e sugestões para pesquisas futuras

    Zooming in on Zoom Fatigue: A Case Study of Videoconferencing and Zoom Fatigue in Higher Education

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    The purpose of this qualitative case study was to explore how faculty and students in higher education experience videoconferencing in online courses and why they feel fatigue. Zoom fatigue, the exhaustion users feel when communicating through videoconferencing platforms, is a recently identified phenomenon associated with the extensive use of synchronous videoconferencing communication. The research employed a qualitative case study approach to investigate how faculty and students experience videoconferencing and Zoom fatigue in online courses at a small liberal arts university in Appalachia. Document review, qualitative surveys, and in-depth interviews informed the case study. Faculty and student respondents reported dissatisfaction with teaching and learning through videoconferencing, although their experiences were vastly different. Communication deficiencies inherent in the medium were identified as causing significant interferences for teaching and learning. Based upon findings, a model of Zoom fatigue is proposed that attributes the phenomenon to situational, individual trait, environmental, and communication factors. As online education continues to grow, it is valuable for higher education administrators and instructors to understand how to most effectively interact with students in online environments and what role videoconferencing and Zoom fatigue may play in disrupting that process