103 research outputs found

    Improving the generalisation of genetic programming models with evaluation time and asynchronous parallel computing

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    In genetic programming (GP), controlling complexity often means reducing the size of evolved expressions. However, previous studies show that size reduction may not avoid model overfitting. Therefore, in this study, we use the evaluation time --- the computational time required to evaluate a GP model on data --- as the estimate of model complexity. The evaluation time depends not only on the size of evolved expressions but also their composition, thus acting as a more nuanced measure of model complexity than size alone. To constrain complexity using this measure of complexity, we employed an explicit control technique and a method that creates a race condition. We used a hybridisation of GP and multiple linear regression (MLRGP) that discovers useful features to boost training performance in our experiments. The improved training increases the chances of overfitting and facilitates a study of how managing complexity with evaluation time can address overfitting. Also, MLRGP allows us to observe the relationship between evaluation time and the number of features in a model. The results show that constraining evaluation time of MLRGP leads to better generalisation than both plain MLRGP and with an effective bloat-control

    Time Control or Size Control? Reducing Complexity and Improving Accuracy of Genetic Programming Models

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    Complexity of evolving models in genetic programming (GP) can impact both the quality of the models and the evolutionary search. While previous studies have proposed several notions of GP model complexity, the size of a GP model is by far the most researched measure of model complexity. However, previous studies have also shown that controlling the size does not automatically improve the accuracy of GP models, especially the accuracy on out of sample (test) data. Furthermore, size does not represent the functional composition of a model, which is often related to its accuracy on test data. In this study, we explore the {\em evaluation time} of GP models as a measure of their complexity; we define the evaluation time as the time taken to evaluate a model over some data. We demonstrate that the evaluation time reflects both a model’s size and its composition; also, we show how to measure the evaluation time reliably. To validate our proposal, we leverage four well-known methods to size-control but to control evaluation times instead of the tree sizes; we thus compare size-control with time-control. The results show that time-control with a nuanced notion of complexity produces more accurate models on 17 out of 20 problem scenarios. Even when the models have slightly greater times and sizes, time-control counterbalances via superior accuracy on both training and test data. The paper also argues that time-control can differentiate functional complexity even better in an identically-sized population. To facilitate this, the paper proposes Fixed Length Initialisation (FLI) that creates an identically-sized but functionally-diverse population. The results show that while FLI particularly suits time-control, it also generally improves the performance of size-control. Overall, the paper poses evaluation-time as a viable alternative to tree sizes to measure complexity in GP

    Automated Search for Good Coverage Criteria: Moving from Code Coverage to Fault Coverage Through Search-Based Software Engineering

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    We propose to use Search-Based Software Engineering to automatically evolve coverage criteria that are well correlated with fault revelation, through the use of existing fault databases. We explain how problems of bloat and overfitting can be ameliorated in our approach, and show how this new method will yield insight into faults — as well as better guidance for Search-Based Software Testing

    Population Subset Selection for the Use of a Validation Dataset for Overfitting Control in Genetic Programming

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    [Abstract] Genetic Programming (GP) is a technique which is able to solve different problems through the evolution of mathematical expressions. However, in order to be applied, its tendency to overfit the data is one of its main issues. The use of a validation dataset is a common alternative to prevent overfitting in many Machine Learning (ML) techniques, including GP. But, there is one key point which differentiates GP and other ML techniques: instead of training a single model, GP evolves a population of models. Therefore, the use of the validation dataset has several possibilities because any of those evolved models could be evaluated. This work explores the possibility of using the validation dataset not only on the training-best individual but also in a subset with the training-best individuals of the population. The study has been conducted with 5 well-known databases performing regression or classification tasks. In most of the cases, the results of the study point out to an improvement when the validation dataset is used on a subset of the population instead of only on the training-best individual, which also induces a reduction on the number of nodes and, consequently, a lower complexity on the expressions.Xunta de Galicia; ED431G/01Xunta de Galicia; ED431D 2017/16Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2018/49Xunta de Galicia; ED431D 2017/23Instituto de Salud Carlos III; PI17/0182

    It is Time for New Perspectives on How to Fight Bloat in GP

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    The present and future of evolutionary algorithms depends on the proper use of modern parallel and distributed computing infrastructures. Although still sequential approaches dominate the landscape, available multi-core, many-core and distributed systems will make users and researchers to more frequently deploy parallel version of the algorithms. In such a scenario, new possibilities arise regarding the time saved when parallel evaluation of individuals are performed. And this time saving is particularly relevant in Genetic Programming. This paper studies how evaluation time influences not only time to solution in parallel/distributed systems, but may also affect size evolution of individuals in the population, and eventually will reduce the bloat phenomenon GP features. This paper considers time and space as two sides of a single coin when devising a more natural method for fighting bloat. This new perspective allows us to understand that new methods for bloat control can be derived, and the first of such a method is described and tested. Experimental data confirms the strength of the approach: using computing time as a measure of individuals' complexity allows to control the growth in size of genetic programming individuals

    Simplification of genetic programs: a literature survey

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    Genetic programming (GP), a widely used evolutionary computing technique, suffers from bloat—the problem of excessive growth in individuals’ sizes. As a result, its ability to efficiently explore complex search spaces reduces. The resulting solutions are less robust and generalisable. Moreover, it is difficult to understand and explain models which contain bloat. This phenomenon is well researched, primarily from the angle of controlling bloat: instead, our focus in this paper is to review the literature from an explainability point of view, by looking at how simplification can make GP models more explainable by reducing their sizes. Simplification is a code editing technique whose primary purpose is to make GP models more explainable. However, it can offer bloat control as an additional benefit when implemented and applied with caution. Researchers have proposed several simplification techniques and adopted various strategies to implement them. We organise the literature along multiple axes to identify the relative strengths and weaknesses of simplification techniques and to identify emerging trends and areas for future exploration. We highlight design and integration challenges and propose several avenues for research. One of them is to consider simplification as a standalone operator, rather than an extension of the standard crossover or mutation operators. Its role is then more clearly complementary to other GP operators, and it can be integrated as an optional feature into an existing GP setup. Another proposed avenue is to explore the lack of utilisation of complexity measures in simplification. So far, size is the most discussed measure, with only two pieces of prior work pointing out the benefits of using time as a measure when controlling bloat

    A semi-supervised Genetic Programming method for dealing with noisy labels and hidden overfitting

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    Silva, S., Vanneschi, L., Cabral, A. I. R., & Vasconcelos, M. J. (2018). A semi-supervised Genetic Programming method for dealing with noisy labels and hidden overfitting. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 39(April), 323-338. DOI: 10.1016/j.swevo.2017.11.003Data gathered in the real world normally contains noise, either stemming from inaccurate experimental measurements or introduced by human errors. Our work deals with classification data where the attribute values were accurately measured, but the categories may have been mislabeled by the human in several sample points, resulting in unreliable training data. Genetic Programming (GP) compares favorably with the Classification and Regression Trees (CART) method, but it is still highly affected by these errors. Despite consistently achieving high accuracy in both training and test sets, many classification errors are found in a later validation phase, revealing a previously hidden overfitting to the erroneous data. Furthermore, the evolved models frequently output raw values that are far from the expected range. To improve the behavior of the evolved models, we extend the original training set with additional sample points where the class label is unknown, and devise a simple way for GP to use this additional information and learn in a semi-supervised manner. The results are surprisingly good. In the presence of the exact same mislabeling errors, the additional unlabeled data allowed GP to evolve models that achieved high accuracy also in the validation phase. This is a brand new approach to semi-supervised learning that opens an array of possibilities for making the most of the abundance of unlabeled data available today, in a simple and inexpensive way.authorsversionpublishe

    Regularization in Symbolic Regression by an Additional Fitness Objective

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    Symbolic regression is a method for discovering functions that minimize error on a given dataset. It is of interest to prevent overfitting in symbolic regression. In this work, regularization of symbolic regression is attempted by incorporating an additional fitness objective. This new fitness objective is called Worst Neighbors (WN) score, which measures differences in approximate derivatives in the form of angles. To compute the Worst Neighbors score, place partition points between each pair of adjacent data points. For each pair of data points, compute the maximum angle between the line formed by the pair of data points and the lines formed by adjacent partition points. The maximum of all these maximum angles is the Worst Neighbors score. This method differs from other attempts to regularize symbolic regression because it considers the behavior of the evolved function between data points. A high WN score indicates that the function has overfit the data. A low score could indicate either an underfit solution or a well fit solution. The error objective is used to make this distinction. Worst Neighbors can reduce overfitting in symbolic regression because it encourages functions that have a low error and a low Worst Neighbors score. The error objective helps stop the solutions from becoming underfit and the Worst Neighbors score helps stop the solutions from becoming overfit. To use Worst Neighbors for target functions of higher dimensions, select nearby points as neighbors and compute the Worst Neighbors score on the evolved function restricted to the plane formed by these neighbors and the output direction. For the one dimensional case, Worst Neighbors has promise in reducing error on unseen data when compared with Age-Fitness Pareto Optimization (AFPO). WN achieves a small decrease in testing error on several target functions compared to AFPO
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