2,387 research outputs found

    Indigenous Community

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    Postcard from Linnaea Funk, during the Linfield College Semester Abroad Program at the Universidad San Francisco de Quito in Ecuado


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    Genetic Diversity of Andean Tuber Crop Species in the in situ Microcenter of Huanuco, Peru

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    peer reviewedAndean tuber crop species oca (Oxalis tuberosa Molina), ulluco (Ullucus tuberosus Caldas), and mashua (Tropaeolum tuberosum Ruiz & Pav.) play major roles in Andean communities. These species show high variability but are threatened with genetic erosion. To study the management of genetic resources of neglected vegetatively propagated crop species, we studied genetic diversity and structure of these species in an in situ diversity microcenter (Huanuco, Peru). A sample of 15 varieties of oca, 15 of ulluco, and 26 of mashua was analyzed with the inter simple sequence repeats (ISSR) molecular markers. Mean genetic distances and global genetic diversities were high for the three species, with higher values for mashua than for oca and ulluco. Assignment technique divided both oca and ulluco samples into two genetic clusters; the mashua sample probably belongs to a single genetic cluster. Inter simple sequence repeats (ISSR) technique showed intravarietal genetic variability for most varieties, suggesting an underestimation of the in situ genetic variability. These results are discussed considering how variation in breeding systems and farmers' practice influenced patterns of genetic diversity. Our findings confirm the hypothesis of a considerable amount of variability found in neglected Andean tubers and are essential to deserve adequate conservation strategies and to maintain genetic resources of neglected Andean tuber crop species under a threat of genetic erosion

    The physical, chemical and functional characterization of starches from Andean tubers: oca (Oxalis tuberosa Molina), olluco (Ullucus tuberosus Caldas) and mashua (Tropaeolum tuberosum Ruiz & Pavón)

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    As propriedades físicas, químicas e funcionais de amidos isolados das tuberosas andinas, oca (Oxalis tuberosa M.), olluco (Ullucus tuberosus C.) e mashua (Tropaeolum tuberosum R. & P.), obtidas no comércio local, foram estudadas. A morfologia dos grânulos de amido foi avaliada por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (SEM) revelando formas elipsoidais, ovais, cônicas, periformes e prismáticas: grânulos elipsoides e ovais com dimensões de até 54,30 µm de comprimento para a oca, de até 32,09 µm para o amido de olluco, e com formas predominantemente esféricas ou ovais truncadas, de menores dimensões de até 16,29 µm para grânulos de amido de mashua. Os conteúdos de amilose foram similares entre as amostras: 27,60% (oca), 26,49% (olluco) e 27,44% (mashua). O amido de olluco teve menor poder de intumescimento, formando géis opacos e menos resistentes. Os géis dos três amidos mostraram a mesma estabilidade sob refrigeração e apresentaram alta sinérese após congelamento, com variação de 40,28 a 74,42% para amido de olluco. Os amidos tiveram cocção rápida com alto pico de viscosidade. A baixa temperatura de gelatinização e alta estabilidade durante a refrigeração fazem destes amidos matérias-primas adequadas para formulações que requeiram temperaturas brandas de processamento e que dispensem conservação por congelamento.The physical, chemical, and functional properties of starches isolated from the Andean tubers oca (Oxalis tuberosa M.), olluco (Ullucus tuberosus C.) and mashua (Tropaeolum tuberosum R. & P.) were studied. The tubers were obtained from a local grocery. The morphology of the starch granules (size and shape) was studied with scanning electron microscopy (SEM), which revealed ellipsoid, oval, conical, pear-shaped and prismatic forms: ellipsoids and oval granules with lengths up to 54.30 µm in oca; with lengths up to 32.09 µm for olluco starch granules; and with predominantly truncated spherical or oval forms and smaller dimensions (up to 16.29 um) for mashua starch granules. Amylose contents were similar among the samples: 27.60% (oca), 26.49% (olluco) and 27.44% (mashua). Olluco starch had less swelling power, forming opaque, less firm gels. All three starch gels showed the same stability on refrigeration and presented high syneresis under freezing temperatures, with a variation of 40.28 to 74.42% for olluco starch. The starches cooked easily, with high peak viscosity. The low gelatinization temperatures and high stability during cooling make these starches suitable feedstock for use in formulations that require milder processing temperatures and dispense freezing storage

    Optimization of the functional properties of a drink based on tubers of purple mashua (Tropaeolum tuberosum Ruíz y Pavón)

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    This work optimized the temperature and time of pasteurization of purple mashua (Tropaeolum tuberosum Ruíz and Pavón) tubers drink based on its antioxidant capacity, total phenolics, total flavonoids, anthocyanins content, and acceptability. For this, purple mashua tubers from the province of Acobamba-Huancavelica-Peru were weighed, washed, peeled, cut and placed in a juice extractor. The beverage of tubers was prepared using the juice of tubers, the thermal treatment of the samples was carried out at temperatures between 75 to 85 °C and time 10 to 25 min. The design was planned using a Rotational Composite Central Design and a response surface analysis was performed on the samples obtained. The content of total phenolics, anthocyanins, total flavonoids, and antioxidant capacity was influenced by the time and temperature of pasteurization. At higher temperatures and pasteurization times there was a reduction in the content of total phenolics, anthocyanins, total flavonoids, and antioxidant capacity. The greatest general acceptability of the panelists was at high pasteurization temperatures and times. The temperature of 77 °C and time of 13 minutes showed the maximum value of response variables with low degradation of the antioxidant compounds and good acceptability of mashua extract drinks

    Antioxidant capacity and heat damage of powder products from South American plants with functional properties

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    Aim of the study was to evaluate color, total polyphenol content (TPC), antioxidant capacity (ABTS, FRAP, DPPH), reducing sugars and heat damage (furosine, hydroxymethylfurfural, glucosylisomaltol) of 21 commercial powder products obtained from South-American fruits (mesquite, lucuma, camu camu), seeds (amaranth, purple maize), roots and tubers (yacon, maca, mashua, tocosh), bark (cat\u2019s claw) and leaves (graviola). TPC and antioxidant capacity were maximum in camu camu and cat\u2019s claw powders, and minimum in tocosh, amaranth, lucuma and maca; graviola, mashua, purple maize and mesquite also showed good antioxidant attributes. Yacon, mashua and lucuma powders had high reducing sugars content (40.9, 34.4 and 21.2 g/100 g DM, respectively) and heat damage (HMF 146.6 mg/kg, furosine 2399.8 and 2228.4 mg/100 g protein, respectively). Overall, camu camu powder and cat\u2019s claw were the most interesting products, having high levels of total polyphenols and antioxidant capacity together with very low heat damage

    Recopilación de saberes ancestrales sobre las especies andinas alimenticias. Mashua (Tropaeolum tuberosum), melloco (Ullucus tuberosus), oca (Oxalis tuberosa) y quinua (Chenopodium quinoa) Pesillo, Cayambe–Ecuador, 2010

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    El presente trabajo recopila los saberes ancestrales tanto en la preparación de la tierra y rituales, la selección, conservación y ceremonias a la semilla, la siembra, las labores culturales, la luna y su influencia, la cosecha, el uso y consumo, que se practicaban en los cultivos andinos alimenticios: mashua, melloco, oca y quinua, e identifica cuales prácticas se han conservado o perdido con el pasar de las generaciones

    Disminución en los parámetros espermáticos de ratones tratados con el extracto hidroalcohólico de Tropaeolum tuberosum “mashua”

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    In this work, we provided a Tropaeolum tuberosum hydroalcoholic extract to male mice (780 mg kg-1) for 7, 14 and 21 days treatment, there was no significant difference in body weight gain, testes, epididymides and prostate weight (p> 0.05), nevertheless progressive motility decreased and immobile sperm count increased significantly after 21 days treatment (p <0.05). The sperm count in the epididymis cauda decreased in the 3 three assessments, concentration on 21 days treatment was significantly lower than those of 7 and 14 days treatments (p <0.05). Our results suggest, that T. tuberosum has a direct action on the male reproductive system decreasing spermatic parameters without exerting toxic effects on mice.Se proporcionó extracto hidroalcohólico de Tropaeolum tuberosum a ratones machos (780 mg kg-1) durante 7, 14 y 21 días. Los tratamientos no produjeron diferencias significativas en la ganancia de peso corporal, y en el peso de los testículos, epidídimos y la próstata. Sin embargo, la movilidad progresiva espermática disminuyó y el recuento de espermatozoides inmóviles aumentó, ambos significativamente, después de 21 días de tratamiento (p <0.05). La concentración de espermatozoides en la cola del epidídimo disminuyó en las tres evaluaciones, la concentración espermática después de 21 días de tratamiento fue significativamente menor en comparación a 7 y 14 días de tratamiento (p <0.05). Nuestros resultados sugieren que T. tuberosum tiene una acción directa sobre el sistema reproductor masculino disminuyendo los parámetros espermáticos, sin ejercer efectos tóxicos en los ratones