7,750 research outputs found

    Assessment of check dams’ role in flood hazard mapping in a semi-arid environment

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    This study aimed to examine flood hazard zoning and assess the role of check dams as effective hydraulic structures in reducing flood hazards. To this end, factors associated with topographic, hydrologic and human characteristics were used to develop indices for flood mapping and assessment. These indices and their components were weighed for flood hazard zoning using two methods: (i) a multi-criterion decision-making model in fuzzy logic and (ii) entropy weight. After preparing the flood hazard map by using the above indices and methods, the characteristics of the change‐point were used to assess the role of the check dams in reducing flood risk. The method was used in the Ilanlu catchment, located in the northwest of Hamadan province, Iran, where it is prone to frequent flood events. The results showed that the area of ‘very low’, ‘low’ and ‘moderate’ flood hazard zones increased from about 2.2% to 7.3%, 8.6% to 19.6% and 22.7% to 31.2% after the construction of check dams, respectively. Moreover, the area of ‘high’ and ‘very high’ flood hazard zones decreased from 39.8% to 29.6%, and 26.7% to 12.2%, respectively

    Quantitative flood hazard assessment methods: A review

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    Flood hazard assessment is a fundamental step in flood risk mapping. Quantitative assessment requires hydrodynamic modelling of the flooding process in order to calculate the spatial distribution of suitable flood hazard indicators representative of flooding intensity and frequency, hence its potential to result in harm. Flood hazard indicators are usually defined by combining relevant flooding parameters, mainly flood depth and flow velocity, but also flooding arrival time, flooding duration, sediment or contamination load, and so forth. A flood hazard classification is commonly introduced to assign a hazard level to areas potentially subject to flooding. This article presents a systematic review of quantitative methods proposed in the scientific literature or prescribed by government authorities to assess the hazard associated with natural or anthropic flooding. Flood hazard classification methods are listed and compared by specifying their underlying approach (heuristic, conceptual, empirical), the exposed element which they were designed for (people, buildings, vehicles, etc.), and their fields of application (river overflow, dam-break, levee breach, debris flow). Perspectives and future challenges in quantitative flood hazard analysis are also discussed. This review aims to help modellers and practitioners to select the most suitable flood hazard assessment method for the case study of interest

    Flood Early Warning and Risk Modelling

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    Extreme hydrological phenomena are one of the most common causes of human life loss and material damage as a result of the manifestation of natural hazards around human communities. Climatic changes have directly impacted the temporal distribution of previously known flood events, inducing significantly increased frequency rates as well as manifestation intensities. Understanding the occurrence and manifestation behavior of flood risk as well as identifying the most common time intervals during which there is a greater probability of flood occurrence should be a subject of social priority, given the potential casualties and damage involved. However, considering the numerous flood analysis models that have been currently developed, this phenomenon has not yet been fully comprehended due to the numerous technical challenges that have arisen. These challenges can range from lack of measured field data to difficulties in integrating spatial layers of different scales as well as other potential digital restrictions.The aim of the current book is to promote publications that address flood analysis and apply some of the most novel inundation prediction models, as well as various hydrological risk simulations related to floods, that will enhance the current state of knowledge in the field as well as lead toward a better understanding of flood risk modeling. Furthermore, in the current book, the temporal aspect of flood propagation, including alert times, warning systems, flood time distribution cartographic material, and the numerous parameters involved in flood risk modeling, are discussed

    A Flood Risk Management Program of Wadi Baysh Dam on the Downstream Area: An Integration of Hydrologic and Hydraulic Models, Jizan Region, KSA

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    For public safety, especially for people who dwell in the valley that is located downstream of a dam site, as well as the protection of economic and environmental resources, risk management programs are urgently required all over the world. Despite the high safety standards of dams because of improved engineering and excellent construction in recent times, a zero-risk guarantee is not possible, and accidents can happen, triggered by natural hazards, human actions, or just because the dam is aging. In addition to that is the impact of potential climate change, which may not have been taken into account in the original design. A flood risk management program, which is essential for protecting downstream dam areas, is required. Part of this program is to prepare an inundation map to simulate the impact of dam failure on the downstream areas. The Baysh dam has crucial importance both to protect the downstream areas against flooding, to provide drinking water to cities in the surrounding areas, and to use the excess water for irrigation of the agricultural areas located downstream of the dam. Recently, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) was affected by extraordinary rainstorm events causing many problems in many different areas. One of these events happened along the basin of the Baysh dam, which raised the alarm to the decision makers and to the public to take suitable action before dam failure occurs. The current study deals with a flood risk analysis of Wadi Baysh using an integration of hydrologic and hydraulic models. A detailed field investigation of the dam site and the downstream areas down to the Red Sea coast has been undertaken. Three scenarios were applied to check the dam and the reservoir functionality; the first scenario at 100-and 200-year return period rainfall events, the second scenario according to the Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP), and the third scenario if the dam fails. Our findings indicated that the Baysh dam and reservoir at 100-and 200-year rainfall events are adequate, however, at the PMP the water will spill out from the spillway at ~8900 m3/s causing flooding to the downstream areas; thus, a well-designed channel along the downstream wadi portion up to the Red Sea coast is required. However, at dam failure, the inundation model indicated that a vast area of the section downstream of the dam will be utterly devastated, causing a significant loss of lives and destruction of urban areas and agricultural lands. Eventually, an effective warning system and flood hazard management system are imperative

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThe goal of this dissertation is to improve flood risk management by enhancing the computational capability of two-dimensional models and incorporating data and parameter uncertainty to more accurately represent flood risk. Improvement of computational performance is accomplished by using the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) approach, programmed in NVIDIA's Compute Unified Development Architecture (CUDA), to create a new two-dimensional hydrodynamic model, Flood2D-GPU. The model, based on the shallow water equations, is designed to execute simulations faster than the same code programmed using a serial approach (i.e., using a Central Processing Unit (CPU)). Testing the code against an identical CPU-based version demonstrated the improved computational efficiency of the GPU-based version (approximate speedup of more than 80 times). Given the substantial computational efficiency of Flood2D-GPU, a new Monte Carlo based flood risk modeling framework was created. The framework developed operates by performing many Flood2D-GPU simulations using randomly sampled model parameters and input variables. The Monte Carlo flood risk modeling framework is demonstrated in this dissertation by simulating the flood risk associated with a 1% annual probability flood event occurring in the Swannanoa River in Buncombe County near Asheville, North Carolina. The Monte Carlo approach is able to represent a wide range of possible scenarios, thus leading to the identification of areas outside a single simulation inundation extent that are susceptible to flood hazards. Further, the single simulation results underestimated the degree of flood hazard for the case study region when compared to the flood hazard map produced by the Monte Carlo approach. The Monte Carlo flood risk modeling framework is also used to determine the relative benefits of flood management alternatives for flood risk reduction. The objective of the analysis is to investigate the possibility of identifying specific annual exceedance probability flood events that will have greater benefits in terms of annualized flood risk reduction compared to an arbitrarily-selected discrete annual probability event. To test the hypothesis, a study was conducted on the Swannanoa River to determine the distribution of annualized risk as a function of average annual probability. Simulations of samples of flow rate from a continuous flow distribution provided the range of annual probability events necessary. The results showed a variation in annualized risk as a function of annual probability. And as hypothesized, a maximum annualized risk reduction could be identified for a specified annual probability. For the Swannanoa case study, the continuous flow distribution suggested targeting flood proofing to control the 12% exceedance probability event to maximize the reduction of annualized risk. This suggests that the arbitrary use of a specified risk of 1% exceedance may not in some cases be the most efficient allocation of resources to reduce annualized risk

    Modelling outburst floods from moraine-dammed glacial lakes

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    In response to climatic change, the size and number of moraine-dammed supraglacial and proglacial lake systems have increased dramatically in recent decades. Given an appropriate trigger, the natural moraine dams that impound these proglacial lakes are breached, producing catastrophic Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOFs). These floods are highly complex phenomena, with flood characteristics controlled, in the first instance, by the style of breach formation. Downstream, GLOFs typically exhibit transient, often non-Newtonian fluid dynamics as a result of high rates of sediment entrainment from the dam structure and channel boundaries. Combined, these characteristics introduce numerous modelling challenges. In this review, the historical, contemporary and emerging approaches available to model the individual stages, or components, of a GLOF event are introduced and discussed. A number of methods exist to model the stages of a GLOF event. Dam-breach models can be categorised as being empirical, analytical or numerical in nature, with each method having significant advantages and shortcomings. Empirical relationships that produce estimates of peak discharge and time to peak are straightforward to implement, but the applicability of these models is often limited by the nature of the case study data from which they are derived. Furthermore, empirical models neglect the inclusion of basic hydraulic principles that describe the mechanics of breach formation. Analytical or parametric models simulate breach development using simplified versions of the physically based equations that describe breach enlargement, whilst complex, physically-based codes represent the state-of-the-art in numerical dam-breach modelling. To date, few of the latter have been applied to investigate the moraine-dam failure problem. Despite significant advances in the physical complexity and availability of higher-order hydrodynamic solvers, the majority of published accounts that have attempted to reconstruct or predict GLOF characteristics have been limited, often by necessity, to the use of relatively simplistic models. This is in part attributable to the unavailability of terrain models of many high-mountain catchments at the fine spatial resolutions required for the effective application of numerically-sophisticated codes, and their proprietary (and often cost-prohibitive) nature. However, advanced models are experiencing increasing use in the glacial hazards literature. In particular, the suitability of emerging mesh-free, particle-based methods for simulating dam-breach and GLOF routing may represent a solution to many of the challenges associated with modelling this complex phenomenon. Sources of uncertainty in the GLOF modelling chain have been identified by various workers. However, to date their significance for the robustness of reconstructive and predictive modelling efforts have been largely unexplored and quantified in detail. These sources include the geometric and material characterisation of moraine dam complexes, including lake bathymetry and the presence and extent of buried ice, initial conditions (freeboard, precise spillway dimensions), spatial discretisation of the down-valley domain, hydrodynamic model dimensionality and the dynamic coupling of successive components in the GLOF model cascade

    2D-HEC-RAS Modeling of Flood Wave Propagation in a Semi-Arid Area Due to Dam Overtopping Failure

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    Dam overtopping failure and the resulting floods are hazardous events that highly impact the inundated areas and are less predictable. The simulation of the dam breach failure and the flood wave propagation is necessary for assessing flood hazards to provide precautions. In the present study, a two-dimensional HEC-RAS model was used to simulate the flood wave resulting from the hypothetical failure of Al-Udhaim Dam on Al-Udhaim River, Iraq, and the propagation of the resulting dam-break wave along 100 km downstream the dam site for the overtopping scenario. The main objective is to analyze the propagation of the flood wave so that the failure risk on dam downstream areas can be assessed and emergency plans may be provided. The methodology consisted of two sub-models: the first is the dam breach failure model for deriving the breach hydrograph, and the second is the hydrodynamic model for propagating the flood wave downstream of the dam. The breach hydrograph is used as an upstream boundary condition to derive the flood impact in the downstream reach of Al- Udhaim River. The flood inundation maps were visualized in RAS-Mapper in terms of water surface elevation, water depth, flow velocity, and flood arrival time. The maximum recorded values were: 105 m (a.m.s.l.), 18 m, 5.5 m/s, and, respectively. The flow velocity decreased from upstream to downstream of the terrain, which means less risk of erosion in the far reaches downstream of the study area. The inundation maps indicated that the water depth and flow velocity were categorized as Catastrophic limits on the terrain's area. The results offer a way to predict flood extent and showed that the impact of a potential dam break at Al-Udhiam Dam will be serious, therefore, suitable management is needed to overcome this risk. Moreover, the maps produced by this study are useful for developing plans for sustainable flood management. Doi: 10.28991/cej-2021-03091739 Full Text: PD

    Flood risk management in Flanders: past developments and future challenges

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    This paper presents the state of the art of flood risk management in Flanders, a low-lying region in the northern part of Belgium which is vulnerable to flooding. Possible flood hazard sources are not only the many rivers which pass through the Flemish inland, but also the North Sea, which is sensitive to the predicted sea level rise and which can affect large parts of the Flemish coastal area. Due to the expected increase in flood risks in the 21st century, the Flemish government has changed its flood management strategy from a flood control approach to a risk-based approach. Instead of focusing on protection against a certain water level, the objective now is to assure protection against the consequences of a flood, while considering its probability. In the first part, attention is given to the reasoning and functioning of the risk-based approach. Recent improvements to the approach are discussed, as well as the GIS-implementation of the entire model. The functioning of the approach is subsequently demonstrated in two case studies. The second part of the paper discusses future challenges for the flood risk management in Flanders. The driving force behind these challenges is the European Directive on the assessment and management of flood risks, which entered into force in 2007. The Flemish implementation of the directive is discussed and situated in the European landscape. Finally, attention is given to the communication of flood risks to the general public, since the "availability" of flood risk management plans is among the requirements of the EU Floods Directive

    Risk Assessment for Natural-Hazard Impact on Hazardous Chemical Installations: Workshop Outcome Report

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    The impact of natural hazards on hazardous installations can cause major chemical accidents. This so-called “Natech” risk is increasing due to industrialisation and climate change. Capacity building in EU Member States, Candidate Countries and EU Neighbourhood Countries on Natech risk required for Natech risk reduction. This report summarises the findings of a training workshop on risk assessment for natural-hazard impact on hazardous chemical installations which the JRC organised in the frame of the JRC's Enlargement & Integration Action Programme in March 2016. It gives an overview of the presented materials and summarises the Natech risk management situation in new EU Member States, Candidate Countries and Neighbourhood countries.JRC.E.2-Technology Innovation in Securit

    Stream network analysis and geomorphic flood plain mapping from orbital and suborbital remote sensing imagery application to flood hazard studies in central Texas

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Development of a quantitative hydrogeomorphic approach to flood hazard evaluation was hindered by (1) problems of resolution and definition of the morphometric parameters which have hydrologic significance, and (2) mechanical difficulties in creating the necessary volume of data for meaningful analysis. Measures of network resolution such as drainage density and basin Shreve magnitude indicated that large scale topographic maps offered greater resolution than small scale suborbital imagery and orbital imagery. The disparity in network resolution capabilities between orbital and suborbital imagery formats depends on factors such as rock type, vegetation, and land use. The problem of morphometric data analysis was approached by developing a computer-assisted method for network analysis. The system allows rapid identification of network properties which can then be related to measures of flood response