105 research outputs found

    Block-Based Development of Mobile Learning Experiences for the Internet of Things

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    The Internet of Things enables experts of given domains to create smart user experiences for interacting with the environment. However, development of such experiences requires strong programming skills, which are challenging to develop for non-technical users. This paper presents several extensions to the block-based programming language used in App Inventor to make the creation of mobile apps for smart learning experiences less challenging. Such apps are used to process and graphically represent data streams from sensors by applying map-reduce operations. A workshop with students without previous experience with Internet of Things (IoT) and mobile app programming was conducted to evaluate the propositions. As a result, students were able to create small IoT apps that ingest, process and visually represent data in a simpler form as using App Inventor's standard features. Besides, an experimental study was carried out in a mobile app development course with academics of diverse disciplines. Results showed it was faster and easier for novice programmers to develop the proposed app using new stream processing blocks.Spanish National Research Agency (AEI) - ERDF fund

    A Review of Low-end, Middle-end and High-end IoT Devices

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    Internet of Things (IoT) devices play a crucial role in the overall development of IoT in providing countless applications in various areas. Due to the increasing interest and rapid technological growth of sensor technology, which have certainly revolutionized the way we live today, a need to provide a detailed analysis of the embedded platforms and boards is consequential. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of the recent and most-widely used commercial and research embedded systems and boards in different classification emphasizing their key attributes including processing and memory capabilities, security features, connectivity and communication interfaces, size, cost and appearance, operating system (OS) support, power specifications and battery life and listing some interesting projects for each device. Through this exploration and discussion, readers can have an overall understanding on this area and foster more subsequent studies

    A Smart IoT-Aware System For Crisis Scenario Management

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    In most dangerous events, involving many people in large buildings, rescue workers need to intervene in a timely and targeted manner in order to help most number of people and secure the environments without wasting resources. This work presents an Internet of Things(IoT)-based framework, aiming at monitoring environmental parameters in order to alert rescuers when they exceed some alarm thresholds. A hardware infrastructure driven by a software layer adds flexibility and adaptability to the Complex Event Processing engine and to a rule engine-based reflective middleware that manages and analyzes raw data in conjunction with a knowledge base modeling the application domain

    Investigating IoT Middleware Platforms for Smart Application Development

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    With the growing number of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, the data generated through these devices is also increasing. By 2030, it is been predicted that the number of IoT devices will exceed the number of human beings on earth. This gives rise to the requirement of middleware platform that can manage IoT devices, intelligently store and process gigantic data generated for building smart applications such as Smart Cities, Smart Healthcare, Smart Industry, and others. At present, market is overwhelming with the number of IoT middleware platforms with specific features. This raises one of the most serious and least discussed challenge for application developer to choose suitable platform for their application development. Across the literature, very little attempt is done in classifying or comparing IoT middleware platforms for the applications. This paper categorizes IoT platforms into four categories namely-publicly traded, open source, developer friendly and end-to-end connectivity. Some of the popular middleware platforms in each category are investigated based on general IoT architecture. Comparison of IoT middleware platforms in each category, based on basic, sensing, communication and application development features is presented. This study can be useful for IoT application developers to select the most appropriate platform according to their application requirement

    Raveguard: A noise monitoring platform using low-end microphones and machine learning

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    Urban noise is one of the most serious and underestimated environmental problems. According to the World Health Organization, noise pollution from traffic and other human activities, negatively impact the population health and life quality. Monitoring noise usually requires the use of professional and expensive instruments, called phonometers, able to accurately measure sound pressure levels. In many cases, phonometers are human-operated; therefore, periodic fine-granularity city-wide measurements are expensive. Recent advances in the Internet of Things (IoT) offer a window of opportunities for low-cost autonomous sound pressure meters. Such devices and platforms could enable fine time\u2013space noise measurements throughout a city. Unfortunately, low-cost sound pressure sensors are inaccurate when compared with phonometers, experiencing a high variability in the measurements. In this paper, we present RaveGuard, an unmanned noise monitoring platform that exploits artificial intelligence strategies to improve the accuracy of low-cost devices. RaveGuard was initially deployed together with a professional phonometer for over two months in downtown Bologna, Italy, with the aim of collecting a large amount of precise noise pollution samples. The resulting datasets have been instrumental in designing InspectNoise, a library that can be exploited by IoT platforms, without the need of expensive phonometers, but obtaining a similar precision. In particular, we have applied supervised learning algorithms (adequately trained with our datasets) to reduce the accuracy gap between the professional phonometer and an IoT platform equipped with low-end devices and sensors. Results show that RaveGuard, combined with the InspectNoise library, achieves a 2.24% relative error compared to professional instruments, thus enabling low-cost unmanned city-wide noise monitoring

    Analysis of Single Board Architectures Integrating Sensors Technologies

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    Development boards, Single-Board Computers (SBCs) and Single-Board Microcontrollers (SBMs) integrating sensors and communication technologies have become a very popular and interesting solution in the last decade. They are of interest for their simplicity, versatility, adaptability, ease of use and prototyping, which allow them to serve as a starting point for projects and as reference for all kinds of designs. In this sense, there are innumerable applications integrating sensors and communication technologies where they are increasingly used, including robotics, domotics, testing and measurement, Do-It-Yourself (DIY) projects, Internet of Things (IoT) devices in the home or workplace and science, technology, engineering, educational and also academic world for STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) skills. The interest in single-board architectures and their applications have caused that all electronics manufacturers currently develop low-cost single board platform solutions. In this paper we realized an analysis of the most important topics related with single-board architectures integrating sensors. We analyze the most popular platforms based on characteristics as: cost, processing capacity, integrated processing technology and opensource license, as well as power consumption (mA@V), reliability (%), programming flexibility, support availability and electronics utilities. For evaluation, an experimental framework has been designed and implemented with six sensors (temperature, humidity, CO2/TVOC, pressure, ambient light and CO) and different data storage and monitoring options: locally on a µSD (Micro Secure Digital), on a Cloud Server, on a Web Server or on a Mobile ApplicationThis research was partially supported by the Centro Científico Tecnológico de Huelva (CCTH), University of Huelv

    A Practical Evaluation of a High-Security Energy-Efficient Gateway for IoT Fog Computing Applications

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    [Abstract] Fog computing extends cloud computing to the edge of a network enabling new Internet of Things (IoT) applications and services, which may involve critical data that require privacy and security. In an IoT fog computing system, three elements can be distinguished: IoT nodes that collect data, the cloud, and interconnected IoT gateways that exchange messages with the IoT nodes and with the cloud. This article focuses on securing IoT gateways, which are assumed to be constrained in terms of computational resources, but that are able to offload some processing from the cloud and to reduce the latency in the responses to the IoT nodes. However, it is usually taken for granted that IoT gateways have direct access to the electrical grid, which is not always the case: in mission-critical applications like natural disaster relief or environmental monitoring, it is common to deploy IoT nodes and gateways in large areas where electricity comes from solar or wind energy that charge the batteries that power every device. In this article, how to secure IoT gateway communications while minimizing power consumption is analyzed. The throughput and power consumption of Rivest–Shamir–Adleman (RSA) and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) are considered, since they are really popular, but have not been thoroughly analyzed when applied to IoT scenarios. Moreover, the most widespread Transport Layer Security (TLS) cipher suites use RSA as the main public key-exchange algorithm, but the key sizes needed are not practical for most IoT devices and cannot be scaled to high security levels. In contrast, ECC represents a much lighter and scalable alternative. Thus, RSA and ECC are compared for equivalent security levels, and power consumption and data throughput are measured using a testbed of IoT gateways. The measurements obtained indicate that, in the specific fog computing scenario proposed, ECC is clearly a much better alternative than RSA, obtaining energy consumption reductions of up to 50% and a data throughput that doubles RSA in most scenarios. These conclusions are then corroborated by a frame temporal analysis of Ethernet packets. In addition, current data compression algorithms are evaluated, concluding that, when dealing with the small payloads related to IoT applications, they do not pay off in terms of real data throughput and power consumption.Galicia. Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria; ED431C 2016-045Agencia Estatal de Investigación (España); TEC2013-47141-C4-1-RAgencia Estatal de Investigación (España); TEC2015-69648-REDCAgencia Estatal de Investigación (España); TEC2016-75067-C4-1-RGalicia. Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria; ED341D2016/012Galicia. Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria; ED431G/0

    Sistema distribuido para medida y procesado en tiempo real de sensores IoT

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    Internet of things (IoT) is a term we use today to describe all those technologies that enables interconnection of digital with physical world. IoT is present in our everyday life allowing to connect all kind of elements. They can be domestic devices, industrial or merchant ones, in such a way that the human can interact and modify them. In IoT, things are enabled to collect information from their surroundings, to later process it, analyze it and give it value and thus be able to create applications and offer innovative services. This services and applications are bit by bit changing the world, making it better and changing the concept of technology as we know it today. This project aims to implement an IoT application using a wireless sensor network (WSN). Each sensor collects some information, in our case, temperature, battery level and the values of two external sensors, chosen by the user, connected to the mote to proceed with its analysis and processing. The information will be presented to the user through two interfaces: a web page and an Android application. The user can view data in different formats for further analysis. To carry out the network implementation, a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and four Zolertia Z1 motes were used. Z1 motes feature a low power microcontroller MSP430F2617. Contiki was used as operating system for motes. Raspberry Pi plays the role of a border router that allows the communication between the WSN and external IP network. To send the information from the nodes, we have developed a serie of programs that allow the sensor to send data using UDP as a transport protocol. On the other hand, to receive the information sent from the nodes, we have developed a UDP server. Finally, we have gone one step forward and we offer to the user to choose what kind of sensor want to work with


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    Includes supplementary material, which may be found at https://calhoun.nps.edu/handle/10945/66767Blockchain technology has garnered significant attention for its disruptive potential in several domains of national security interest. For the United States government to meet the challenge of incorporating blockchain technology into its IT infrastructure and cyber warfare strategy, personnel must be educated about blockchain technology and its applications. This thesis presents both the design and prototype implementation for a blockchain-mediated cyber-physical system called a BlockGrid. The system consists of a cluster of microcomputers that form a simple smart grid controlled by smart contracts on a private blockchain. The microcomputers act as private blockchain nodes and are programmed to activate microcomputer-attached circuits in response to smart-contract transactions. LEDs are used as visible circuit elements that serve as indicators of the blockchain’s activity and allow demonstration of the technology to observers. Innovations in networking configuration and physical layout allow the prototype to be highly portable and pre-configured for use upon assembly. Implementation options allow the use of BlockGrid in a variety of instructional settings, thus increasing its potential benefit to educators.Civilian, CyberCorps: Scholarship for ServiceApproved for public release. distribution is unlimite