296 research outputs found

    A review of convex approaches for control, observation and safety of linear parameter varying and Takagi-Sugeno systems

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    This paper provides a review about the concept of convex systems based on Takagi-Sugeno, linear parameter varying (LPV) and quasi-LPV modeling. These paradigms are capable of hiding the nonlinearities by means of an equivalent description which uses a set of linear models interpolated by appropriately defined weighing functions. Convex systems have become very popular since they allow applying extended linear techniques based on linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) to complex nonlinear systems. This survey aims at providing the reader with a significant overview of the existing LMI-based techniques for convex systems in the fields of control, observation and safety. Firstly, a detailed review of stability, feedback, tracking and model predictive control (MPC) convex controllers is considered. Secondly, the problem of state estimation is addressed through the design of proportional, proportional-integral, unknown input and descriptor observers. Finally, safety of convex systems is discussed by describing popular techniques for fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control (FTC).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Evolution of shuttle avionics redundancy management/fault tolerance

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    The challenge of providing redundancy management (RM) and fault tolerance to meet the Shuttle Program requirements of fail operational/fail safe for the avionics systems was complicated by the critical program constraints of weight, cost, and schedule. The basic and sometimes false effectivity of less than pure RM designs is addressed. Evolution of the multiple input selection filter (the heart of the RM function) is discussed with emphasis on the subtle interactions of the flight control system that were found to be potentially catastrophic. Several other general RM development problems are discussed, with particular emphasis on the inertial measurement unit RM, indicative of the complexity of managing that three string system and its critical interfaces with the guidance and control systems

    Task scheduling and placement for reconfigurable devices

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    Partially reconfigurable devices allow the execution of different tasks at the same time, removing tasks when they finish and inserting new tasks when they arrive. This dissertation investigates scheduling and placing real-time tasks (tasks with deadline) on reconfigurable devices. One basic scheduler is the First-Fit scheduler. By allowing the First-Fit scheduler to retry tasks while they can satisfy their deadlines, we found that its performance can be enhanced to be better than other schedulers. We also proposed a placement idea based on partitioning the reconfigurable area into regions of various widths, assigning a task to a region based on its width. This idea has a similar rejection rate to a First-Fit scheduler that retries placing tasks and performs better than the First-Fit that does not retry tasks. Also, this regions-based scheduling method has a better running time. Managing how the space will be shared among tasks is a problems of interest. The main function of the free-space manager is to maintain information about the free space (areas not used by active tasks) after any placement or deletion of a task. Speed and efficiency of the free-space data structure are important as well as its effect on scheduler performance. We introduce the use of maximal horizontal strips and maximal vertical strips to represent free space. This resulted in a faster free space manager compared to what has been used in the area. Most researchers in the area of scheduling on reconfigurable devices assumed a homogeneous FPGA with only CLBs in the reconfigurable area. Most reconfigurable devices offered in the market, however, are not homogeneous but heterogeneous with other components between CLBs. We studied the effect of heterogeneity on the performance of schedulers designed for a homogeneous structure. We found that current schedulers result in worse performance when applied to a heterogeneous structure, but by simple modifications, we can apply them to a heterogeneous structure and achieve good performance. Consequently, the approach of studying homogeneous FPGAs is a valid one, as the scheduling ideas discovered there do carry over to heterogeneous FPGAs

    Autonomous Recovery Of Reconfigurable Logic Devices Using Priority Escalation Of Slack

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    Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) devices offer a suitable platform for survivable hardware architectures in mission-critical systems. In this dissertation, active dynamic redundancy-based fault-handling techniques are proposed which exploit the dynamic partial reconfiguration capability of SRAM-based FPGAs. Self-adaptation is realized by employing reconfiguration in detection, diagnosis, and recovery phases. To extend these concepts to semiconductor aging and process variation in the deep submicron era, resilient adaptable processing systems are sought to maintain quality and throughput requirements despite the vulnerabilities of the underlying computational devices. A new approach to autonomous fault-handling which addresses these goals is developed using only a uniplex hardware arrangement. It operates by observing a health metric to achieve Fault Demotion using Recon- figurable Slack (FaDReS). Here an autonomous fault isolation scheme is employed which neither requires test vectors nor suspends the computational throughput, but instead observes the value of a health metric based on runtime input. The deterministic flow of the fault isolation scheme guarantees success in a bounded number of reconfigurations of the FPGA fabric. FaDReS is then extended to the Priority Using Resource Escalation (PURE) online redundancy scheme which considers fault-isolation latency and throughput trade-offs under a dynamic spare arrangement. While deep-submicron designs introduce new challenges, use of adaptive techniques are seen to provide several promising avenues for improving resilience. The scheme developed is demonstrated by hardware design of various signal processing circuits and their implementation on a Xilinx Virtex-4 FPGA device. These include a Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) core, Motion Estimation (ME) engine, Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filter, Support Vector Machine (SVM), and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) blocks in addition to MCNC benchmark circuits. A iii significant reduction in power consumption is achieved ranging from 83% for low motion-activity scenes to 12.5% for high motion activity video scenes in a novel ME engine configuration. For a typical benchmark video sequence, PURE is shown to maintain a PSNR baseline near 32dB. The diagnosability, reconfiguration latency, and resource overhead of each approach is analyzed. Compared to previous alternatives, PURE maintains a PSNR within a difference of 4.02dB to 6.67dB from the fault-free baseline by escalating healthy resources to higher-priority signal processing functions. The results indicate the benefits of priority-aware resiliency over conventional redundancy approaches in terms of fault-recovery, power consumption, and resource-area requirements. Together, these provide a broad range of strategies to achieve autonomous recovery of reconfigurable logic devices under a variety of constraints, operating conditions, and optimization criteria

    Experimental analysis of computer system dependability

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    This paper reviews an area which has evolved over the past 15 years: experimental analysis of computer system dependability. Methodologies and advances are discussed for three basic approaches used in the area: simulated fault injection, physical fault injection, and measurement-based analysis. The three approaches are suited, respectively, to dependability evaluation in the three phases of a system's life: design phase, prototype phase, and operational phase. Before the discussion of these phases, several statistical techniques used in the area are introduced. For each phase, a classification of research methods or study topics is outlined, followed by discussion of these methods or topics as well as representative studies. The statistical techniques introduced include the estimation of parameters and confidence intervals, probability distribution characterization, and several multivariate analysis methods. Importance sampling, a statistical technique used to accelerate Monte Carlo simulation, is also introduced. The discussion of simulated fault injection covers electrical-level, logic-level, and function-level fault injection methods as well as representative simulation environments such as FOCUS and DEPEND. The discussion of physical fault injection covers hardware, software, and radiation fault injection methods as well as several software and hybrid tools including FIAT, FERARI, HYBRID, and FINE. The discussion of measurement-based analysis covers measurement and data processing techniques, basic error characterization, dependency analysis, Markov reward modeling, software-dependability, and fault diagnosis. The discussion involves several important issues studies in the area, including fault models, fast simulation techniques, workload/failure dependency, correlated failures, and software fault tolerance

    Innovative Smart Grid Solutions for Network Planning and Access

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    Smart Grids are the cornerstone for Distribution System Operators transformation. Having new solutions to deal with historical and future problems is key to ensure a smooth transition to an advanced power system that not only integrate a large share of renewables and distributed energy resources (e.g. storage, electrical vehicles), but also requires efficient operation, better planning and exceptional customer service. EDP Distribuição is at the forefront of this transformation, as it is developing Inovgrid, a smart grid project in Évora city (Portugal), where a smart grid infrastructure was deployed, and new data is now available to incorporate in planning and access tools and procedures, hence contributing to a Smarter Grid. This paper discusses the results that EDP Distribuição has attained so far in these areas of the smart grid development, as well as the projected evolution of these innovative approaches to the future of the distribution grid, which are being developed in European projects like SuSTAINABLE (www.sustainableproject.eu)

    Reconfigurable Architecture For H.264/avc Variable Block Size Motion Estimation Based On Motion Activity And Adaptive Search Range

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    Motion Estimation (ME) technique plays a key role in the video coding systems to achieve high compression ratios by removing temporal redundancies among video frames. Especially in the newest H.264/AVC video coding standard, ME engine demands large amount of computational capabilities due to its support for wide range of different block sizes for a given macroblock in order to increase accuracy in finding best matching block in the previous frames. We propose scalable architecture for H.264/AVC Variable Block Size (VBS) Motion Estimation with adaptive computing capability to support various search ranges, input video resolutions, and frame rates. Hardware architecture of the proposed ME consists of scalable Sum of Absolute Difference (SAD) arrays which can perform Full Search Block Matching Algorithm (FSBMA) for smaller 4x4 blocks. It is also shown that by predicting motion activity and adaptively adjusting the Search Range (SR) on the reconfigurable hardware platform, the computational cost of ME required for inter-frame encoding in H.264/AVC video coding standard can be reduced significantly. Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration is a unique feature of Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) that makes best use of hardware resources and power by allowing adaptive algorithm to be implemented during run-time. We exploit this feature of FPGA to implement the proposed reconfigurable architecture of ME and maximize the architectural benefits through prediction of motion activities in the video sequences ,adaptation of SR during run-time, and fractional ME refinement. The implemented ME architecture can support real time applications at a maximum frequency of 90MHz with multiple reconfigurable regions. iv When compared to reconfiguration of complete design, partial reconfiguration process results in smaller bitstream size which allows FPGA to implement different configurations at higher speed. The proposed architecture has modular structure, regular data flow, and efficient memory organization with lower memory accesses. By increasing the number of active partial reconfigurable modules from one to four, there is a 4 fold increase in data re-use. Also, by introducing adaptive SR reduction algorithm at frame level, the computational load of ME is reduced significantly with only small degradation in PSNR (≤0.1dB)

    Flow-vegetation interactions at the plant-scale: the importance of volumetric canopy morphology on flow field dynamics

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    Vegetation is abundant in rivers, and has a significant influence on their hydraulic, geomorphological, and ecological functioning. However, past modelling of the influence of vegetation has generally neglected the complexity of natural plants. This thesis develops a novel numerical representation of flow through and around floodplain and riparian vegetation, focusing on flow-vegetation interactions at the plant-scale. The plant volumetric canopy morphology, which comprises the distribution of vegetal elements over the three-dimensional plant structure, is accurately captured at the millimetre scale spatial resolution using Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS), and incorporated into a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model used to predict flow. Numerical modelling, with vegetation conceptualised as a porous blockage, is used to improve the process-understanding of flow-vegetation interactions. Model predictions are validated against flume experiments, with plant motion dynamics investigated, and analysis extended to consider turbulent flow structures and the plant drag response. Results demonstrate the spatially heterogeneous velocity fields associated with plant volumetric canopy morphology. The presence of leaves, in addition to the posture and aspect of the plant, significantly modifies flow field dynamics. New insights into flow-vegetation interactions include the control of plant porosity, influencing ‘bleed-flow’ through the plant body. As the porosity of the plant reduces, and bleed-flow is prevented, the volume of flow acceleration increases by up to ~150%, with more sub-canopy flow diverted beneath the impermeable plant blockage. Species-dependent drag coefficients are quantified; these are shown to be dynamic as the plant reconfigures, differing from the commonly assigned value of unity, and for the species’ investigated in this thesis range between 0.95 and 2.92. The newly quantified drag coefficients are used to re-evaluate vegetative flow resistance, and the physically-determined Manning’s n values calculated are highly applicable to conveyance estimators and industry standard hydraulic models used in the management of the river corridor

    Development of a sensor for microvibrations measurement in the AlbaSat CubeSat mission

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    openMicrovibrations on spacecraft represent an issue for payloads requiring high pointing accuracy and/or stability over time, and they might represent a particular concern for CubeSats and small satellites that, usually, are not equipped with very-high performance attitude control systems. Hence, collecting reliable measures of the vibration spectra during the operations of a CubeSat represents a significant research activity. This thesis presents the development of a sensor, configured as a payload within the AlbaSat mission, capable of accurately measuring the microvibrations in space, with particular focus on those produced by the Momentum Exchange Devices (MED), i.e., Reaction or Momentum Wheels, that represent one of the most important microvibrations sources. The thesis takes place in the framework of the AlbaSat mission. AlbaSat is a 2U CubeSat developed by a student team of the University of Padova under the “Fly Your Satellite! – Design Booster” programme promoted by the European Space Agency (ESA). The mission has four different objectives: (1) to collect measurements of the space debris environment in-situ, (2) to measure the microvibrations on board the CubeSat, (3) to precisely determine the position of the satellite through laser ranging and (4) to investigate alternative systems for possible Satellite Quantum Communication applications on nanosatellites. The requirements for the correct sizing of the sensor and the chosen physical and functional architecture are defined and presented in the thesis. A meticulous schedule for functional tests is finally outlined, aimed at verifying the correct functionality of the microvibration sensor. These tests serve as a starting point for the future development of the payload.Microvibrations on spacecraft represent an issue for payloads requiring high pointing accuracy and/or stability over time, and they might represent a particular concern for CubeSats and small satellites that, usually, are not equipped with very-high performance attitude control systems. Hence, collecting reliable measures of the vibration spectra during the operations of a CubeSat represents a significant research activity. This thesis presents the development of a sensor, configured as a payload within the AlbaSat mission, capable of accurately measuring the microvibrations in space, with particular focus on those produced by the Momentum Exchange Devices (MED), i.e., Reaction or Momentum Wheels, that represent one of the most important microvibrations sources. The thesis takes place in the framework of the AlbaSat mission. AlbaSat is a 2U CubeSat developed by a student team of the University of Padova under the “Fly Your Satellite! – Design Booster” programme promoted by the European Space Agency (ESA). The mission has four different objectives: (1) to collect measurements of the space debris environment in-situ, (2) to measure the microvibrations on board the CubeSat, (3) to precisely determine the position of the satellite through laser ranging and (4) to investigate alternative systems for possible Satellite Quantum Communication applications on nanosatellites. The requirements for the correct sizing of the sensor and the chosen physical and functional architecture are defined and presented in the thesis. A meticulous schedule for functional tests is finally outlined, aimed at verifying the correct functionality of the microvibration sensor. These tests serve as a starting point for the future development of the payload

    Avionics test bed development plan

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    A development plan for a proposed avionics test bed facility for the early investigation and evaluation of new concepts for the control of large space structures, orbiter attached flex body experiments, and orbiter enhancements is presented. A distributed data processing facility that utilizes the current laboratory resources for the test bed development is outlined. Future studies required for implementation, the management system for project control, and the baseline system configuration are defined. A background analysis of the specific hardware system for the preliminary baseline avionics test bed system is included