144 research outputs found

    Lung Nodule Detection in CT Images using Neuro Fuzzy Classifier

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    Automated lung cancer detection using computer aided diagnosis (CAD) is an important area in clinical applications. As the manual nodule detection is very time consuming and costly so computerized systems can be helpful for this purpose. In this paper, we propose a computerized system for lung nodule detection in CT scan images. The automated system consists of two stages i.e. lung segmentation and enhancement, feature extraction and classification. The segmentation process will result in separating lung tissue from rest of the image, and only the lung tissues under examination are considered as candidate regions for detecting malignant nodules in lung portion. A feature vector for possible abnormal regions is calculated and regions are classified using neuro fuzzy classifier. It is a fully automatic system that does not require any manual intervention and experimental results show the validity of our system

    Cancer Detection Using Neuro Fuzzy Classifier in CT Images

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    In this study, we have implemented an adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) for detection of mass in CT images for early diagnosis of lung cancer. After completion of preprocessing and segmentation process four features have been extracted from images and given to ANFIS classifier as an input. The fuzzy system detects the severity of the lung nodules depends on IF-THEN rules. Feature based data set has been created with five fuzzy membership functions of each input. The proposed model is applied on more than 150 images and the computer added diagnosis (CAD) system achieved sensitivity of 97.27% and specificity of 95% with accuracy of 96.66%

    Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Cancer Detection and Classification: Review Study

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    Cancer is the general name for a group of more than 100 diseases. Although cancer includes different types of diseases, they all start because abnormal cells grow out of control. Without treatment, cancer can cause serious health problems and even loss of life. Early detection of cancer may reduce mortality and morbidity. This paper presents a review of the detection methods for lung, breast, and brain cancers. These methods used for diagnosis include artificial intelligence techniques, such as support vector machine neural network, artificial neural network, fuzzy logic, and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system, with medical imaging like X-ray, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, and computed tomography scan images. Imaging techniques are the most important approach for precise diagnosis of human cancer. We investigated all these techniques to identify a method that can provide superior accuracy and determine the best medical images for use in each type of cancer

    Mass Segmentation Techniques For Lung Cancer CT Images

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    Mass segmentation methods are commonly used nowadays in modern diagnostic centers and research centers working in the field of lung cancer detection and diagnosis. We have implemented k-means and fuzzy cluster means (FCM) techniques for mass segmentation of lung CT images. The methods were compared in terms of area, perimeter and diameter. FCM outperforms K-means in terms of better detection of lung cancer area and effective values of dimensional features of lung cancer as compared to K-means method

    An effective method for lung cancer diagnosis from CT scan using deep learning-based support vector network

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    Producción CientíficaThe diagnosis of early-stage lung cancer is challenging due to its asymptomatic nature, especially given the repeated radiation exposure and high cost of computed tomography(CT). Examining the lung CT images to detect pulmonary nodules, especially the cell lung cancer lesions, is also tedious and prone to errors even by a specialist. This study proposes a cancer diagnostic model based on a deep learning-enabled support vector machine (SVM). The proposed computer-aided design (CAD) model identifies the physiological and pathological changes in the soft tissues of the cross-section in lung cancer lesions. The model is first trained to recognize lung cancer by measuring and comparing the selected profile values in CT images obtained from patients and control patients at their diagnosis. Then, the model is tested and validated using the CT scans of both patients and control patients that are not shown in the training phase. The study investigates 888 annotated CT scans from the publicly available LIDC/IDRI database. The proposed deep learning-assisted SVM-based model yields 94% accuracy for pulmonary nodule detection representing early-stage lung cancer. It is found superior to other existing methods including complex deep learning, simple machine learning, and the hybrid techniques used on lung CT images for nodule detection. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach can greatly assist radiologists in detecting early lung cancer and facilitating the timely management of patients

    Localizing Pulmonary Lesions Using Fuzzy Deep Learning

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    The usage of medical images is part of the clinical daily in several healthcare centers around the world. Particularly, Computer Tomography (CT) images are an important key in the early detection of suspicious lung lesions. The CT image exploration allows the detection of lung lesions before any invasive procedure (e.g. bronchoscopy, biopsy). The effective localization of lesions is performed using different image processing and computer vision techniques. Lately, the usage of deep learning models into medical imaging from detection to prediction shown that is a powerful tool for Computeraided software. In this paper, we present an approach to localize pulmonary lung lesion using fuzzy deep learning. Our approach uses a simple convolutional neural network based using the LIDC-IDRI dataset. Each image is divided into patches associated a probability vector (fuzzy) according their belonging to anatomical structures on a CT. We showcase our approach as part of a full CAD system to exploration, planning, guiding and detection of pulmonary lesions
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