253 research outputs found

    Low Fixed Pattern Noise Current-mode Imager Using Velocity Saturated Readout Transistors

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    This paper described a novel current-mode active pixel sensor (APS) imager. Conversion of photodiode voltage to output current is done using transistors operating in velocity saturation region. The high output impedance of this region makes it more suitable for current-sourcing operation than the linear region. The transistors also exhibit high linearity, allowing us to suppress fixed pattern noise (FPN) by correcting for both offset and gain variations among pixels. Experimental results on the fabricated 110×200 pixel array are presented. With conventional correlated double sampling (CDS), FPN is reduced from 3.8% to 0.85%. Further reduction requires compensation of gain variations, and results in a final FPN of 0.19%. A triple sampling approach is introduced to implement the described correction in hardware

    Polarization Imaging Sensors in Advanced Feature CMOS Technologies

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    The scaling of CMOS technology, as predicted by Moore\u27s law, has allowed for realization of high resolution imaging sensors and for the emergence of multi-mega-pixel imagers. Designing imaging sensors in advanced feature technologies poses many challenges especially since transistor models do not accurately portray their performance in these technologies. Furthermore, transistors fabricated in advanced feature technologies operate in a non-conventional mode known as velocity saturation. Traditionally, analog designers have been discouraged from designing circuits in this mode of operation due to the low gain properties in single transistor amplifiers. Nevertheless, velocity saturation will become even more prominent mode of operation as transistors continue to shrink and warrants careful design of circuits that can exploit this mode of operation. In this research endeavor, I have utilized velocity saturation mode of operation in order to realize low noise imaging sensors. These imaging sensors incorporate low noise analog circuits at the focal plane in order to improve the signal to noise ratio and are fabricated in 0.18 micron technology. Furthermore, I have explored nanofabrication techniques for realizing metallic nanowires acting as polarization filters. These nanoscopic metallic wires are deposited on the surface of the CMOS imaging sensor in order to add polarization sensitivity to the CMOS imaging sensor. This hybrid sensor will serve as a test bed for exploring the next generation of low noise and highly sensitive polarization imaging sensors

    A CMOS Linear Voltage/Current Dual-Mode Imager

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    We present a CMOS image sensor capable of both voltage- and current-mode operations. Each pixel on the image has a single transistor acting as either source follower for voltage readout, or transconductor for current readout. The two modes share the same readout lines, but have their own correlated double sampling (CDS) units for noise suppression. We also propose a novel current-mode readout technique using a velocity saturated short-channel transistor, which achieves high linearity. The 300x200 image array is a mixture of 3 types of pixels with identical photodiodes and access switches; while the readout transistors are sized for their designated mode of operation. This ensures a fair comparison on the performance of the different modes

    Design, fabrication, and delivery of a charge injection device as a stellar tracking device

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    Six 128 x 128 CID imagers fabricated on bulk silicon and with thin polysilicon upper-level electrodes were tested in a star tracking mode. Noise and spectral response were measured as a function of temperature over the range of +25 C to -40 C. Noise at 0 C and below was less than 40 rms carriers/pixel for all devices at an effective noise bandwidth of 150 Hz. Quantum yield for all devices averaged 40% from 0.4 to 1.0 microns with no measurable temperature dependence. Extrapolating from these performance parameters to those of a large (400 x 400) array and accounting for design and processing improvements, indicates that the larger array would show a further improvement in noise performance -- on the order of 25 carriers. A preliminary evaluation of the projected performance of the 400 x 400 array and a representative set of star sensor requirements indicates that the CID has excellent potential as a stellar tracking device

    Solid-state imaging : a critique of the CMOS sensor

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    Polarization Sensor Design for Biomedical Applications

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    Advances in fabrication technology have enabled the development of compact, rigid polarization image sensors by integrating pixelated polarization filters with standard image sensing arrays. These compact sensors have the capability for allowing new applications across a variety of disciplines, however their design and use may be influenced by many factors. The underlying image sensor, the pixelated polarization filters, and the incident lighting conditions all directly impact how the sensor performs. In this research endeavor, I illustrate how a complete understanding of these factors can lead to both new technologies and applications in polarization sensing. To investigate the performance of the underlying image sensor, I present a new CMOS image sensor architecture with a pixel capable of operation using either measured voltages or currents. I show a detailed noise analysis of both modes, and that, as designed, voltage mode operates with lower noise than current mode. Further, I integrated aluminum nanowires with this sensor post fabrication, realizing the design of a compact CMOS sensor with polarization sensitivity. I describe a full set of experiments designed as a benchmark to evaluate the performance of compact, integrated polarization sensors. I use these tests to evaluate for incident intensity, wavelength, focus, and polarization state, demonstrating the accuracy and limitations of polarization measurements with such a compact sensor. Using these as guides, I present two novel biomedical applications that rely on the compact, real-time nature of compact integrated polarimeters. I first demonstrate how these sensors can be used to measure the dynamics of soft tissue in real-time, with no moving parts or complex optical alignment. I used a 2 megapixel integrated polarization sensor to measure the direction and strength of alignment in a bovine flexor tendon at over 20 frames per second, with results that match the current method of rotating polarizers. Secondly, I present a new technique for optical neural recording that uses intrinsic polarization reflectance and requires no fluorescent dyes or electrodes. Exposing the antennal lobe of the locust Schistocerca americana, I was able to measure a change in the polarization reflectance during the introduction of the odors hexanol and octanol with the integrated CMOS polarization sensor

    A 12.8 k current-mode velocity-saturation ISFET array for on-chip real-time DNA detection

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    This paper presents a large-scale CMOS chemical-sensing array operating in current mode for real-time ion imaging and detection of DNA amplification. We show that the current-mode operation of ion-sensitive field-effect transistors in velocity saturation devices can be exploited to achieve an almost perfect linearity in their input-output characteristics (pH-current), which are aligned with the continuous scaling trend of transistors in CMOS. The array is implemented in a 0.35-m process and includes 12.8 k sensors configured in a 2T per pixel topology. We characterize the array by taking into account nonideal effects observed with floating gate devices, such as increased pixel mismatch due to trapped charge and attenuation of the input signal due to the passivation capacitance, and show that the selected biasing regime allows for a sufficiently large linear range that ensures a linear pH to current despite the increased mismatch. The proposed system achieves a sensitivity of 1.03 A/pH with a pH resolution of 0.101 pH and is suitable for the real-time detection of the NDM carbapenemase gene in E. Coli using a loop-mediated isothermal amplification

    Modelling and characterization of small photosensors in advanced CMOS technologies

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    The rapid scaling of CMOS technologies and the development of optimized CIS (CMOS Image Sensor) processes for CMOS vision products has not been met by a similar effort in a comprehensive study of the main physical phenomena dominating the behavior of pixels at these technological nodes. This work provides a study of the behaviour of small photodetectors in advanced CMOS technologies in order to evaluate the impact of the geometry on the pixel photoresponse. Several models were developed paying special attention to the peripheral collection. The results suggest that the largest active area no longer necessarily guarantees the optimum response and show the significance of the lateral contribution for small photodiodes. That is, they establish the need to find a trade-off between the active area and the collecting area surrounding the junction to maximize the response. Based on the solution of the two-dimensional steady-state equation in the surroundings of the junction, an analytical model for uniformly illuminated p-n+ junction photodiodes was proposed. It is compact, general and scalable. In order to be used in Computer Aided Design (CAD) tools, the model was implemented in a Hardware Description Language (HDL) and used for circuit simulations to illustrate the potential of the model for the optimization of the pixel performance

    Low-power CMOS digital-pixel Imagers for high-speed uncooled PbSe IR applications

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    This PhD dissertation describes the research and development of a new low-cost medium wavelength infrared MWIR monolithic imager technology for high-speed uncooled industrial applications. It takes the baton on the latest technological advances in the field of vapour phase deposition (VPD) PbSe-based medium wavelength IR (MWIR) detection accomplished by the industrial partner NIT S.L., adding fundamental knowledge on the investigation of novel VLSI analog and mixed-signal design techniques at circuit and system levels for the development of the readout integrated device attached to the detector. The work supports on the hypothesis that, by the use of the preceding design techniques, current standard inexpensive CMOS technologies fulfill all operational requirements of the VPD PbSe detector in terms of connectivity, reliability, functionality and scalability to integrate the device. The resulting monolithic PbSe-CMOS camera must consume very low power, operate at kHz frequencies, exhibit good uniformity and fit the CMOS read-out active pixels in the compact pitch of the focal plane, all while addressing the particular characteristics of the MWIR detector: high dark-to-signal ratios, large input parasitic capacitance values and remarkable mismatching in PbSe integration. In order to achieve these demands, this thesis proposes null inter-pixel crosstalk vision sensor architectures based on a digital-only focal plane array (FPA) of configurable pixel sensors. Each digital pixel sensor (DPS) cell is equipped with fast communication modules, self-biasing, offset cancellation, analog-to-digital converter (ADC) and fixed pattern noise (FPN) correction. In-pixel power consumption is minimized by the use of comprehensive MOSFET subthreshold operation. The main aim is to potentiate the integration of PbSe-based infra-red (IR)-image sensing technologies so as to widen its use, not only in distinct scenarios, but also at different stages of PbSe-CMOS integration maturity. For this purpose, we posit to investigate a comprehensive set of functional blocks distributed in two parallel approaches: • Frame-based “Smart” MWIR imaging based on new DPS circuit topologies with gain and offset FPN correction capabilities. This research line exploits the detector pitch to offer fully-digital programmability at pixel level and complete functionality with input parasitic capacitance compensation and internal frame memory. • Frame-free “Compact”-pitch MWIR vision based on a novel DPS lossless analog integrator and configurable temporal difference, combined with asynchronous communication protocols inside the focal plane. This strategy is conceived to allow extensive pitch compaction and readout speed increase by the suppression of in-pixel digital filtering, and the use of dynamic bandwidth allocation in each pixel of the FPA. In order make the electrical validation of first prototypes independent of the expensive PbSe deposition processes at wafer level, investigation is extended as well to the development of affordable sensor emulation strategies and integrated test platforms specifically oriented to image read-out integrated circuits. DPS cells, imagers and test chips have been fabricated and characterized in standard 0.15μm 1P6M, 0.35μm 2P4M and 2.5μm 2P1M CMOS technologies, all as part of research projects with industrial partnership. The research has led to the first high-speed uncooled frame-based IR quantum imager monolithically fabricated in a standard VLSI CMOS technology, and has given rise to the Tachyon series [1], a new line of commercial IR cameras used in real-time industrial, environmental and transportation control systems. The frame-free architectures investigated in this work represent a firm step forward to push further pixel pitch and system bandwidth up to the limits imposed by the evolving PbSe detector in future generations of the device.La present tesi doctoral descriu la recerca i el desenvolupament d'una nova tecnologia monolítica d'imatgeria infraroja de longitud d'ona mitja (MWIR), no refrigerada i de baix cost, per a usos industrials d'alta velocitat. El treball pren el relleu dels últims avenços assolits pel soci industrial NIT S.L. en el camp dels detectors MWIR de PbSe depositats en fase vapor (VPD), afegint-hi coneixement fonamental en la investigació de noves tècniques de disseny de circuits VLSI analògics i mixtes pel desenvolupament del dispositiu integrat de lectura unit al detector pixelat. Es parteix de la hipòtesi que, mitjançant l'ús de les esmentades tècniques de disseny, les tecnologies CMOS estàndard satisfan tots els requeriments operacionals del detector VPD PbSe respecte a connectivitat, fiabilitat, funcionalitat i escalabilitat per integrar de forma econòmica el dispositiu. La càmera PbSe-CMOS resultant ha de consumir molt baixa potència, operar a freqüències de kHz, exhibir bona uniformitat, i encabir els píxels actius CMOS de lectura en el pitch compacte del pla focal de la imatge, tot atenent a les particulars característiques del detector: altes relacions de corrent d'obscuritat a senyal, elevats valors de capacitat paràsita a l'entrada i dispersions importants en el procés de fabricació. Amb la finalitat de complir amb els requisits previs, es proposen arquitectures de sensors de visió de molt baix acoblament interpíxel basades en l'ús d'una matriu de pla focal (FPA) de píxels actius exclusivament digitals. Cada píxel sensor digital (DPS) està equipat amb mòduls de comunicació d'alta velocitat, autopolarització, cancel·lació de l'offset, conversió analògica-digital (ADC) i correcció del soroll de patró fixe (FPN). El consum en cada cel·la es minimitza fent un ús exhaustiu del MOSFET operant en subllindar. L'objectiu últim és potenciar la integració de les tecnologies de sensat d'imatge infraroja (IR) basades en PbSe per expandir-ne el seu ús, no només a diferents escenaris, sinó també en diferents estadis de maduresa de la integració PbSe-CMOS. En aquest sentit, es proposa investigar un conjunt complet de blocs funcionals distribuïts en dos enfocs paral·lels: - Dispositius d'imatgeria MWIR "Smart" basats en frames utilitzant noves topologies de circuit DPS amb correcció de l'FPN en guany i offset. Aquesta línia de recerca exprimeix el pitch del detector per oferir una programabilitat completament digital a nivell de píxel i plena funcionalitat amb compensació de la capacitat paràsita d'entrada i memòria interna de fotograma. - Dispositius de visió MWIR "Compact"-pitch "frame-free" en base a un novedós esquema d'integració analògica en el DPS i diferenciació temporal configurable, combinats amb protocols de comunicació asíncrons dins del pla focal. Aquesta estratègia es concep per permetre una alta compactació del pitch i un increment de la velocitat de lectura, mitjançant la supressió del filtrat digital intern i l'assignació dinàmica de l'ample de banda a cada píxel de l'FPA. Per tal d'independitzar la validació elèctrica dels primers prototips respecte a costosos processos de deposició del PbSe sensor a nivell d'oblia, la recerca s'amplia també al desenvolupament de noves estratègies d'emulació del detector d'IR i plataformes de test integrades especialment orientades a circuits integrats de lectura d'imatge. Cel·les DPS, dispositius d'imatge i xips de test s'han fabricat i caracteritzat, respectivament, en tecnologies CMOS estàndard 0.15 micres 1P6M, 0.35 micres 2P4M i 2.5 micres 2P1M, tots dins el marc de projectes de recerca amb socis industrials. Aquest treball ha conduït a la fabricació del primer dispositiu quàntic d'imatgeria IR d'alta velocitat, no refrigerat, basat en frames, i monolíticament fabricat en tecnologia VLSI CMOS estàndard, i ha donat lloc a Tachyon, una nova línia de càmeres IR comercials emprades en sistemes de control industrial, mediambiental i de transport en temps real.Postprint (published version