46 research outputs found

    Control de robots móviles mediante visión omnidireccional utilizando la geometría de tres vistas

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    Este trabajo trata acerca del control visual de robot móviles. Dentro de este campo tan amplio de investigación existen dos elementos a los que prestaremos especial atención: la visión omnidireccional y los modelos geométricos multi-vista. Las cámaras omnidireccionales proporcionan información angular muy precisa, aunque presentan un grado de distorsión significativo en dirección radial. Su cualidad de poseer un amplio campo de visión hace que dichas cámaras sean apropiadas para tareas de navegación robótica. Por otro lado, el uso de los modelos geométricos que relacionan distintas vistas de una escena permite rechazar emparejamientos erróneos de características visuales entre imágenes, y de este modo robustecer el proceso de control mediante visión. Nuestro trabajo presenta dos técnicas de control visual para ser usadas por un robot moviéndose en el plano del suelo. En primer lugar, proponemos un nuevo método para homing visual, que emplea la información dada por un conjunto de imágenes de referencia adquiridas previamente en el entorno, y las imágenes que toma el robot a lo largo de su movimiento. Con el objeto de sacar partido de las cualidades de la visión omnidireccional, nuestro método de homing es puramente angular, y no emplea información alguna sobre distancia. Esta característica, unida al hecho de que el movimiento se realiza en un plano, motiva el empleo del modelo geométrico dado por el tensor trifocal 1D. En particular, las restricciones geométricas impuestas por dicho tensor, que puede ser calculado a partir de correspondencias de puntos entre tres imágenes, mejoran la robustez del control en presencia de errores de emparejamiento. El interés de nuestra propuesta reside en que el método de control empleado calcula las velocidades del robot a partir de información únicamente angular, siendo ésta muy precisa en las cámaras omnidireccionales. Además, presentamos un procedimiento que calcula las relaciones angulares entre las vistas disponibles de manera indirecta, sin necesidad de que haya información visual compartida entre todas ellas. La técnica descrita se puede clasificar como basada en imagen (image-based), dado que no precisa estimar la localización ni utiliza información 3D. El robot converge a la posición objetivo sin conocer la información métrica sobre la trayectoria seguida. Para algunas aplicaciones, como la evitación de obstáculos, puede ser necesario disponer de mayor información sobre el movimiento 3D realizado. Con esta idea en mente, presentamos un nuevo método de control visual basado en entradas sinusoidales. Las sinusoides son funciones con propiedades matemáticas bien conocidas y de variación suave, lo cual las hace adecuadas para su empleo en maniobras de aparcamiento de vehículos. A partir de las velocidades de variación sinusoidal que definimos en nuestro diseño, obtenemos las expresiones analíticas de la evolución de las variables de estado del robot. Además, basándonos en dichas expresiones, proponemos un método de control mediante realimentación del estado. La estimación del estado del robot se obtiene a partir del tensor trifocal 1D calculado entre la vista objetivo, la vista inicial y la vista actual del robot. Mediante este control sinusoidal, el robot queda alineado con la posición objetivo. En un segundo paso, efectuamos la corrección de la profundidad mediante una ley de control definida directamente en términos del tensor trifocal 1D. El funcionamiento de los dos controladores propuestos en el trabajo se ilustra mediante simulaciones, y con el objeto de respaldar su viabilidad se presentan análisis de estabilidad y resultados de simulaciones y de experimentos con imágenes reales

    Collaborative Perception From Data Association To Localization

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    During the last decade, visual sensors have become ubiquitous. One or more cameras can be found in devices ranging from smartphones to unmanned aerial vehicles and autonomous cars. During the same time, we have witnessed the emergence of large scale networks ranging from sensor networks to robotic swarms. Assume multiple visual sensors perceive the same scene from different viewpoints. In order to achieve consistent perception, the problem of correspondences between ob- served features must be first solved. Then, it is often necessary to perform distributed localization, i.e. to estimate the pose of each agent with respect to a global reference frame. Having everything set in the same coordinate system and everything having the same meaning for all agents, operation of the agents and interpretation of the jointly observed scene become possible. The questions we address in this thesis are the following: first, can a group of visual sensors agree on what they see, in a decentralized fashion? This is the problem of collaborative data association. Then, based on what they see, can the visual sensors agree on where they are, in a decentralized fashion as well? This is the problem of cooperative localization. The contributions of this work are five-fold. We are the first to address the problem of consistent multiway matching in a decentralized setting. Secondly, we propose an efficient decentralized dynamical systems approach for computing any number of smallest eigenvalues and the associated eigenvectors of a weighted graph with global convergence guarantees with direct applications in group synchronization problems, e.g. permutations or rotations synchronization. Thirdly, we propose a state-of-the art framework for decentralized collaborative localization for mobile agents under the presence of unknown cross-correlations by solving a minimax optimization prob- lem to account for the missing information. Fourthly, we are the first to present an approach to the 3-D rotation localization of a camera sensor network from relative bearing measurements. Lastly, we focus on the case of a group of three visual sensors. We propose a novel Riemannian geometric representation of the trifocal tensor which relates projections of points and lines in three overlapping views. The aforemen- tioned representation enables the use of the state-of-the-art optimization methods on Riemannian manifolds and the use of robust averaging techniques for estimating the trifocal tensor

    An adaptive spherical view representation for navigation in changing environments

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    Real-world environments such as houses and offices change over time, meaning that a mobile robot’s map will become out of date. In previous work we introduced a method to update the reference views in a topological map so that a mobile robot could continue to localize itself in a changing environment using omni-directional vision. In this work we extend this longterm updating mechanism to incorporate a spherical metric representation of the observed visual features for each node in the topological map. Using multi-view geometry we are then able to estimate the heading of the robot, in order to enable navigation between the nodes of the map, and to simultaneously adapt the spherical view representation in response to environmental changes. The results demonstrate the persistent performance of the proposed system in a long-term experiment

    A novel 1D trifocal tensor-based control for differential-drive robots

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    Long-term experiments with an adaptive spherical view representation for navigation in changing environments

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    Real-world environments such as houses and offices change over time, meaning that a mobile robot’s map will become out of date. In this work, we introduce a method to update the reference views in a hybrid metric-topological map so that a mobile robot can continue to localize itself in a changing environment. The updating mechanism, based on the multi-store model of human memory, incorporates a spherical metric representation of the observed visual features for each node in the map, which enables the robot to estimate its heading and navigate using multi-view geometry, as well as representing the local 3D geometry of the environment. A series of experiments demonstrate the persistence performance of the proposed system in real changing environments, including analysis of the long-term stability

    Robust convex optimisation techniques for autonomous vehicle vision-based navigation

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    This thesis investigates new convex optimisation techniques for motion and pose estimation. Numerous computer vision problems can be formulated as optimisation problems. These optimisation problems are generally solved via linear techniques using the singular value decomposition or iterative methods under an L2 norm minimisation. Linear techniques have the advantage of offering a closed-form solution that is simple to implement. The quantity being minimised is, however, not geometrically or statistically meaningful. Conversely, L2 algorithms rely on iterative estimation, where a cost function is minimised using algorithms such as Levenberg-Marquardt, Gauss-Newton, gradient descent or conjugate gradient. The cost functions involved are geometrically interpretable and can statistically be optimal under an assumption of Gaussian noise. However, in addition to their sensitivity to initial conditions, these algorithms are often slow and bear a high probability of getting trapped in a local minimum or producing infeasible solutions, even for small noise levels. In light of the above, in this thesis we focus on developing new techniques for finding solutions via a convex optimisation framework that are globally optimal. Presently convex optimisation techniques in motion estimation have revealed enormous advantages. Indeed, convex optimisation ensures getting a global minimum, and the cost function is geometrically meaningful. Moreover, robust optimisation is a recent approach for optimisation under uncertain data. In recent years the need to cope with uncertain data has become especially acute, particularly where real-world applications are concerned. In such circumstances, robust optimisation aims to recover an optimal solution whose feasibility must be guaranteed for any realisation of the uncertain data. Although many researchers avoid uncertainty due to the added complexity in constructing a robust optimisation model and to lack of knowledge as to the nature of these uncertainties, and especially their propagation, in this thesis robust convex optimisation, while estimating the uncertainties at every step is investigated for the motion estimation problem. First, a solution using convex optimisation coupled to the recursive least squares (RLS) algorithm and the robust H filter is developed for motion estimation. In another solution, uncertainties and their propagation are incorporated in a robust L convex optimisation framework for monocular visual motion estimation. In this solution, robust least squares is combined with a second order cone program (SOCP). A technique to improve the accuracy and the robustness of the fundamental matrix is also investigated in this thesis. This technique uses the covariance intersection approach to fuse feature location uncertainties, which leads to more consistent motion estimates. Loop-closure detection is crucial in improving the robustness of navigation algorithms. In practice, after long navigation in an unknown environment, detecting that a vehicle is in a location it has previously visited gives the opportunity to increase the accuracy and consistency of the estimate. In this context, we have developed an efficient appearance-based method for visual loop-closure detection based on the combination of a Gaussian mixture model with the KD-tree data structure. Deploying this technique for loop-closure detection, a robust L convex posegraph optimisation solution for unmanned aerial vehicle (UAVs) monocular motion estimation is introduced as well. In the literature, most proposed solutions formulate the pose-graph optimisation as a least-squares problem by minimising a cost function using iterative methods. In this work, robust convex optimisation under the L norm is adopted, which efficiently corrects the UAV’s pose after loop-closure detection. To round out the work in this thesis, a system for cooperative monocular visual motion estimation with multiple aerial vehicles is proposed. The cooperative motion estimation employs state-of-the-art approaches for optimisation, individual motion estimation and registration. Three-view geometry algorithms in a convex optimisation framework are deployed on board the monocular vision system for each vehicle. In addition, vehicle-to-vehicle relative pose estimation is performed with a novel robust registration solution in a global optimisation framework. In parallel, and as a complementary solution for the relative pose, a robust non-linear H solution is designed as well to fuse measurements from the UAVs’ on-board inertial sensors with the visual estimates. The suggested contributions have been exhaustively evaluated over a number of real-image data experiments in the laboratory using monocular vision systems and range imaging devices. In this thesis, we propose several solutions towards the goal of robust visual motion estimation using convex optimisation. We show that the convex optimisation framework may be extended to include uncertainty information, to achieve robust and optimal solutions. We observed that convex optimisation is a practical and very appealing alternative to linear techniques and iterative methods

    Internationales Kolloquium über Anwendungen der Informatik und Mathematik in Architektur und Bauwesen : 20. bis 22.7. 2015, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

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    The 20th International Conference on the Applications of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering will be held at the Bauhaus University Weimar from 20th till 22nd July 2015. Architects, computer scientists, mathematicians, and engineers from all over the world will meet in Weimar for an interdisciplinary exchange of experiences, to report on their results in research, development and practice and to discuss. The conference covers a broad range of research areas: numerical analysis, function theoretic methods, partial differential equations, continuum mechanics, engineering applications, coupled problems, computer sciences, and related topics. Several plenary lectures in aforementioned areas will take place during the conference. We invite architects, engineers, designers, computer scientists, mathematicians, planners, project managers, and software developers from business, science and research to participate in the conference

    04251 -- Imaging Beyond the Pinhole Camera

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    From 13.06.04 to 18.06.04, the Dagstuhl Seminar 04251 ``Imaging Beyond the Pin-hole Camera. 12th Seminar on Theoretical Foundations of Computer Vision\u27\u27 was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    Recursive Estimation of Structure and Motion from Monocular Images

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    The determination of the 3D motion of a camera and the 3D structure of the scene in which the camera is moving, known as the Structure from Motion (SFM) problem, is a central problem in computer vision. Specifically, the recursive (online) estimation is of major interest for robotics applications such as navigation and mapping. Many problems still hinder the deployment of SFM in real-life applications namely, (1) the robustness to noise, outliers and ambiguous motions, (2) the numerical tractability with a large number of features and (3) the cases of rapidly varying camera velocities. Towards solving those problems, this research presents the following four contributions that can be used individually, together, or combined with other approaches. A motion-only filter is devised by capitalizing on algebraic threading constraints. This filter efficiently integrates information over multiple frames achieving a performance comparable to the best state of the art filters. However, unlike other filter based approaches, it is not affected by large baselines (displacement between camera centers). An approach is introduced to incorporate, with only a small computational overhead, a large number of frame-to-frame features (i.e., features that are matched only in pairs of consecutive frames) in any analytic filter. The computational overhead grows linearly with the number of added frame-to-frame features and the experimental results show an increased accuracy and consistency. A novel filtering approach scalable to accommodate a large number of features is proposed. This approach achieves both the scalability of the state of the art filter in scalability and the accuracy of the state of the art filter in accuracy. A solution to the problem of prediction over large baselines in monocular Bayesian filters is presented. This problem is due to the fact that a simple prediction, using constant velocity models for example, is not suitable for large baselines, and the projections of the 3D points that are in the state vector can not be used in the prediction due to the need of preserving the statistical independence of the prediction and update steps