28 research outputs found

    Local Convergence for an Improved Jarratt-type Method in Banach Space

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    We present a local convergence analysis for an improved Jarratt-type methods of order at least five to approximate a solution of a nonlinear equation in a Banach space setting. The convergence ball and error estimates are given using hypotheses up to the first Fréchet derivative in contrast to earlier studies using hypotheses up to the third Fréchet derivative. Numerical examples are also provided in this study, where the older hypotheses are not satisfied to solve equations but the new hypotheses are satisfied

    Extending the applicability of a fourth-order method under Lipschitz continuous derivative in Banach spaces

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    We extend the applicability of a fourth-order convergent nonlinear system solver by providing its local convergence analysis under Lipschitz continuous Fréchet derivative in Banach spaces. Our analysis only uses the first-order Fréchet derivative to ensure the convergence and provides the uniqueness of the solution, the radius of convergence ball and the computable error bounds. This study is applicable in solving such problems for which earlier studies are not effective. Furthermore, the convergence region for the scheme to approximate the zeros of various polynomials is studied using basins of attraction tool. Various computational tests are conducted to validate that our analysis is beneficial when prior studies fail to solve problems.The first author has been supported by the University Grants Commission, India.Publisher's Versio

    On the convergence of a higher order family of methods and its dynamics

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    [EN] In this paper, we present the study of the local convergence of a higher-order family of methods. Moreover, the dynamical behavior of this family of iterative methods applied to quadratic polynomials is studied. Some anomalies are found in this family by means of studying the associated rational function. Parameter spaces are shown and the study of the stability of all the fixed points is presented. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.This research was supported by Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR, http://www.unir.net), under the Plan Propio de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación 3 [2015–2017]. Research group: Modelación matemática aplicada a la ingeniería(MOMAIN), by the grant SENECA 19374/PI/14 and by Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología MTM2014-52016-C2-{01,02}-P.Argyros, IK.; Cordero Barbero, A.; Alberto Magreñán, A.; Torregrosa Sánchez, JR. (2017). On the convergence of a higher order family of methods and its dynamics. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 309:542-562. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cam.2016.04.022S54256230

    Estudio sobre convergencia y dinámica de los métodos de Newton, Stirling y alto orden

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    Las matemáticas, desde el origen de esta ciencia, han estado al servicio de la sociedad tratando de dar respuesta a los problemas que surgían. Hoy en día sigue siendo así, el desarrollo de las matemáticas está ligado a la demanda de otras ciencias que necesitan dar solución a situaciones concretas y reales. La mayoría de los problemas de ciencia e ingeniería no pueden resolverse usando ecuaciones lineales, es por tanto que hay que recurrir a las ecuaciones no lineales para modelizar dichos problemas (Amat, 2008; véase también Argyros y Magreñán, 2017, 2018), entre otros. El conflicto que presentan las ecuaciones no lineales es que solo en unos pocos casos es posible encontrar una solución única, por tanto, en la mayor parte de los casos, para resolverlas hay que recurrir a los métodos iterativos. Los métodos iterativos generan, a partir de un punto inicial, una sucesión que puede converger o no a la solución

    Extending the radius of convergence for a class of Euler-Halley type methods

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    The aim of this paper is to extend the  radius of convergence and improve the ratio of convergence for a certain class of Euler-Halley type methods with one parameter in a Banach space. These improvements over earlier works are obtained using the same functions as before but more precise information on the location of the iterates. Special cases and examples are also presented in this study

    Semilocal convergence of a family of iterative methods in Banach spaces

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    [EN] In this work, we prove a third and fourth convergence order result for a family of iterative methods for solving nonlinear systems in Banach spaces. We analyze the semilocal convergence by using recurrence relations, giving the existence and uniqueness theorem that establishes the R-order of the method and the priori error bounds. Finally, we apply the methods to two examples in order to illustrate the presented theory.This work has been supported by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovaci´on MTM2011-28636-C02-02 and by Vicerrectorado de Investigaci´on. Universitat Polit`ecnica de Val`encia PAID-SP-2012-0498Hueso Pagoaga, JL.; Martínez Molada, E. (2014). Semilocal convergence of a family of iterative methods in Banach spaces. Numerical Algorithms. 67(2):365-384. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11075-013-9795-7S365384672Traub, J.F.: Iterative Methods for the Solution of Nonlinear Equations. Prentice Hall, New York (1964)Kantorovich, L.V.: On the newton method for functional equations. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR 59, 1237–1240 (1948)Candela, V., Marquina, A.: Recurrence relations for rational cubic methods, I: The Halley method. Computing 44, 169–184 (1990)Candela, V., Marquina, A.: Recurrence relations for rational cubic methods, II: The Chebyshev method. Computing 45, 355–367 (1990)Hernández, M.A.: Reduced recurrence relations for the Chebyshev method. J. Optim. Theory Appl. 98, 385–397 (1998)Gutiérrez, J.M., Hernández, M.A.: Recurrence relations for super-Halley method. J. Comput. Math. Appl. 7, 1–8 (1998)Ezquerro, J.A., Hernández, M.A.: Recurrence relations for Chebyshev-like methods. Appl. Math. Optim. 41, 227–236 (2000)Ezquerro, J.A., Hernández, M.A.: New iterations of R-order four with reduced computational cost. BIT Numer. Math. 49, 325–342 (2009)Argyros, I., K., Ezquerro, J.A., Gutiérrez, J.M., Hernández, M.A., Hilout, S.: On the semilocal convergence of efficient Chebyshev Secant-type methods. J. Comput. Appl. Math. 235–10, 3195–3206 (2011)Argyros, I.K., Hilout, S.: Weaker conditions for the convergence of Newtons method. J. Complex. 28(3), 364–387 (2012)Wang, X., Gu, C., Kou, J.: Semilocal convergence of a multipoint fourth-order super-Halley method in Banach spaces. Numer. Algoritm. 54, 497–516 (2011)Kou, J., Li, Y., Wang, X.: A variant of super Halley method with accelerated fourth-order convergence. Appl. Math. Comput. 186, 535–539 (2007)Zheng, L., Gu, C.: Recurrence relations for semilocal convergence of a fifth-order method in Banach spaces. Numer. Algoritm. 59, 623–638 (2012)Amat, S., Hernández, M.A., Romero, N.: A modified Chebyshevs iterative method with at least sixth order of convergence. Appl. Math. Comput. 206, 164–174 (2008)Wang, X., Kou, J., Gu, C.: Semilocal convergence of a sixth-order Jarratt method in Banach spaces. Numer. Algoritm. 57, 441–456 (2011)Hernández, M.A.: The newton method for operators with hlder continuous first derivative. J. Optim. Appl. 109, 631–648 (2001)Ye, X., Li, C.: Convergence of the family of the deformed Euler-Halley iterations under the Hlder condition of the second derivative. J. Comput. Appl. Math. 194, 294–308 (2006)Zhao, Y., Wu, Q.: Newton-Kantorovich theorem for a family of modified Halleys method under Hlder continuity conditions in Banach spaces. Appl. Math. Comput. 202, 243–251 (2008)Argyros, I.K.: Improved generalized differentiability conditions for Newton-like methods. J. Complex. 26, 316–333 (2010)Hueso, J.L., Martínez. E., Torregrosa, J.R.: Third and fourth order iterative methods free from second derivative for nonlinear systems. Appl. Math. Comput. 211, 190–197 (2009)Taylor, A.Y., Lay, D.: Introduction to Functional Analysis, 2nd edn.New York, Wiley (1980)Jarrat, P.: Some fourth order multipoint iterative methods for solving equations. Math. Comput. 20, 434–437 (1966)Cordero, A., Torregrosa, J.R.: Variants of Newtons method using fifth-order quadrature formulas. Appl. Math. Comput. 190, 686–698 (2007

    Extending the solvability of equations using secant-type methods in Banach space

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    We extend the solvability of equations dened on a Banach space using numerically ecient secant-type methods. The convergence domain of these methods is enlarged using our new idea of restricted convergence region. By using this approach, we obtain a more precise location where the iterates lie than in earlier studies leading to tighter Lipschitz constants. This way the semi-local convergence produces weaker sucient convergence criteria and tighter error bounds than in earlier works. These improvements are also obtained under the same computational eort, since the new Lipschitz constants are special cases of the old ones

    Higher order multi-step Jarratt-like method for solving systems of nonlinear equations: application to PDEs and ODEs

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    This paper proposes a multi-step iterative method for solving systems of nonlinear equations with a local convergence order of 3m - 4, where in (>= 2) is the number of steps. The multi-step iterative method includes two parts: the base method and the multi-step part. The base method involves two function evaluations, two Jacobian evaluations, one LU decomposition of a Jacobian, and two matrix-vector multiplications. Every stage of the multi-step part involves the solution of two triangular linear systems and one matrix-vector multiplication. The computational efficiency of the new method is better than those of previously proposed methods. The method is applied to several nonlinear problems resulting from discretizing nonlinear ordinary differential equations and nonlinear partial differential equations. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Postprint (updated version

    Semilocal convergence of Newton-like methods under general conditions with applications in fractional calculus

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    We present a semilocal convergence study of Newton-like methods on a generalized Banach space setting to approximate a locally unique zero of an operator. Earlier studies such as [5], [6], [7], [14] require that the operator involved is Fréchet-differentiable. In the present study we assume that the operator is only continuous. This way we extend the applicability of Newton-like methods to include fractional calculus and problems from other areas. Some applications include fractional calculus involving the Riemann-Liouville fractional integral and the Caputo fractional derivative. Fractional calculus is very important for its applications in many applied sciences

    Visual Analysis of Dynamics Behaviour of an Iterative Method Depending on Selected Parameters and Modifications

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    There is a huge group of algorithms described in the literature that iteratively find solutions of a given equation. Most of them require tuning. The article presents root-finding algorithms that are based on the Newton-Raphson method which iteratively finds the solutions, and require tuning. The modification of the algorithm implements the best position of particle similarly to the particle swarm optimisation algorithms. The proposed approach allows visualising the impact of the algorithm's elements on the complex behaviour of the algorithm. Moreover, instead of the standard Picard iteration, various feedback iteration processes are used in this research. Presented examples and the conducted discussion on the algorithm's operation allow to understand the influence of the proposed modifications on the algorithm's behaviour. Understanding the impact of the proposed modification on the algorithm's operation can be helpful in using it in other algorithms. The obtained images also have potential artistic applications