906 research outputs found

    Linear time minimum segmentation enables scalable founder reconstruction

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    Abstract Background  We study a preprocessing routine relevant in pan-genomic analyses: consider a set of aligned haplotype sequences of complete human chromosomes. Due to the enormous size of such data, one would like to represent this input set with a few founder sequences that retain as well as possible the contiguities of the original sequences. Such a smaller set gives a scalable way to exploit pan-genomic information in further analyses (e.g. read alignment and variant calling). Optimizing the founder set is an NP-hard problem, but there is a segmentation formulation that can be solved in polynomial time, defined as follows. Given a threshold L and a set R={R1,,Rm}{\mathcal {R}} = \{R_1, \ldots , R_m\} R = { R 1 , … , R m } of m strings (haplotype sequences), each having length n, the minimum segmentation problem for founder reconstruction is to partition [1, n] into set P of disjoint segments such that each segment [a,b]P[a,b] \in P [ a , b ] ∈ P has length at least L and the number d(a,b)={Ri[a,b]:1im}d(a,b)=|\{R_i[a,b] :1\le i \le m\}| d ( a , b ) = | { R i [ a , b ] : 1 ≤ i ≤ m } | of distinct substrings at segment [a, b] is minimized over [a,b]P[a,b] \in P [ a , b ] ∈ P . The distinct substrings in the segments represent founder blocks that can be concatenated to form max{d(a,b):[a,b]P}\max \{ d(a,b) :[a,b] \in P \} max { d ( a , b ) : [ a , b ] ∈ P } founder sequences representing the original R{\mathcal {R}} R such that crossovers happen only at segment boundaries. Results  We give an O(mn) time (i.e. linear time in the input size) algorithm to solve the minimum segmentation problem for founder reconstruction, improving over an earlier O(mn2)O(mn^2) O ( m n 2 ) . Conclusions  Our improvement enables to apply the formulation on an input of thousands of complete human chromosomes. We implemented the new algorithm and give experimental evidence on its practicality. The implementation is available in https://github.com/tsnorri/founder-sequences

    Linear time minimum segmentation enables scalable founder reconstruction

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    Background: We study a preprocessing routine relevant in pan-genomic analyses: consider a set of aligned haplotype sequences of complete human chromosomes. Due to the enormous size of such data, one would like to represent this input set with a few founder sequences that retain as well as possible the contiguities of the original sequences. Such a smaller set gives a scalable way to exploit pan-genomic information in further analyses (e.g. read alignment and variant calling). Optimizing the founder set is an NP-hard problem, but there is a segmentation formulation that can be solved in polynomial time, defined as follows. Given a threshold L and a set R={R1,...,Rm} of m strings (haplotype sequences), each having length n, the minimum segmentation problem for founder reconstruction is to partition [1,n] into set P of disjoint segments such that each segment [a,b]P has length at least L and the number d(a,b)=|{Ri[a,b]:1im}| of distinct substrings at segment [a,b] is minimized over [a,b]P. The distinct substrings in the segments represent founder blocks that can be concatenated to form max{d(a,b):[a,b]P} founder sequences representing the original R such that crossovers happen only at segment boundaries. Results: We give an O(mn) time (i.e. linear time in the input size) algorithm to solve the minimum segmentation problem for founder reconstruction, improving over an earlier O(mn2). Conclusions: Our improvement enables to apply the formulation on an input of thousands of complete human chromosomes. We implemented the new algorithm and give experimental evidence on its practicality. The implementation is available in https://github.com/tsnorri/founder-sequences.Peer reviewe

    Founder reconstruction enables scalable and seamless pangenomic analysis

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    Motivation: Variant calling workflows that utilize a single reference sequence are the de facto standard elementary genomic analysis routine for resequencing projects. Various ways to enhance the reference with pangenomic information have been proposed, but scalability combined with seamless integration to existing workflows remains a challenge. Results: We present PanVC with founder sequences, a scalable and accurate variant calling workflow based on a multiple alignment of reference sequences. Scalability is achieved by removing duplicate parts up to a limit into a founder multiple alignment, that is then indexed using a hybrid scheme that exploits general purpose read aligners. Our implemented workflow uses GATK or BCFtools for variant calling, but the various steps of our workflow (e.g. vcf2multialign tool, founder reconstruction) can be of independent interest as a basis for creating novel pangenome analysis workflows beyond variant calling.Peer reviewe

    Minimum Segmentation for Pan-genomic Founder Reconstruction in Linear Time

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    Given a threshold L and a set R = {R_1, ..., R_m} of m strings (haplotype sequences), each having length n, the minimum segmentation problem for founder reconstruction is to partition [1,n] into set P of disjoint segments such that each segment [a,b] in P has length at least L and the number d(a,b)=|{R_i[a,b] : 1 <= i <= m}| of distinct substrings at segment [a,b] is minimized over [a,b] in P. The distinct substrings in the segments represent founder blocks that can be concatenated to form max{d(a,b) : [a,b] in P} founder sequences representing the original R such that crossovers happen only at segment boundaries. We give an optimal O(mn) time algorithm to solve the problem, improving over earlier O(mn^2). This improvement enables to exploit the algorithm on a pan-genomic setting of input strings being aligned haplotype sequences of complete human chromosomes, with a goal of finding a representative set of references that can be indexed for read alignment and variant calling. We implemented the new algorithm and give some experimental evidence on the practicality of the approach on this pan-genomic setting

    Linear Time Construction of Indexable Elastic Founder Graphs

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    The pattern matching of strings in labeled graphs has been widely studied lately due to its importance in genomics applications. Unfortunately, even the simplest problem of deciding if a string appears as a subpath of a graph admits a quadratic lower bound under the Orthogonal Vectors Hypothesis (Equi et al. ICALP 2019, SOFSEM 2021). To avoid this bottleneck, the research has shifted towards more specific graph classes, e.g. those induced from multiple sequence alignments (MSAs). Consider segmenting MSA[1..m, 1..n] into b blocks MSA[1..m, 1..j1], MSA[1..m, j1 + 1..j2],..., MSA[1..m, jb- 1 + 1..n]. The distinct strings in the rows of the blocks, after the removal of gap symbols, form the nodes of an elastic founder graph (EFG) where the edges represent the original connections observed in the MSA. An EFG is called indexable if a node label occurs as a prefix of only those paths that start from a node of the same block. Equi et al. (ISAAC 2021) showed that such EFGs support fast pattern matching and gave an O(mnlogm)-time algorithm for preprocessing the MSA in a way that allows the construction of indexable EFGs maximizing the number of blocks and, alternatively, minimizing the maximum length of a block, in O(n) and O(n log log n) time respectively. Using the suffix tree and solving a novel ancestor problem on trees, we improve the preprocessing to O(mn) time and the O(n log log n)-time EFG construction to O(n) time, thus showing that both types of indexable EFGs can be constructed in time linear in the input size.Peer reviewe

    Indexable Elastic Founder Graphs of Minimum Height

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    Indexable elastic founder graphs have been recently proposed as a data structure for genomics applications supporting fast pattern matching queries. Consider segmenting a multiple sequence alignment MSA[1..m,1..n] into b blocks MSA[1..m,1..j₁], MSA[1..m,j₁+1..j₂], …, MSA[1..m,j_{b-1}+1..n]. The resulting elastic founder graph (EFG) is obtained by merging in each block the strings that are equivalent after the removal of gap symbols, taking the strings as the nodes of the block and the original MSA connections as edges. We call an elastic founder graph indexable if a node label occurs as a prefix of only those paths that start from a node of the same block. Equi et al. (ISAAC 2021) showed that such EFGs support fast pattern matching and studied their construction maximizing the number of blocks and minimizing the maximum length of a block, but left open the case of minimizing the maximum number of distinct strings in a block that we call graph height. For the simplified gapless setting, we give an O(mn) time algorithm to find a segmentation of an MSA minimizing the height of the resulting indexable founder graph, by combining previous results in segmentation algorithms and founder graphs. For the general setting, the known techniques yield a linear-time parameterized solution on constant alphabet Σ, taking time O(m n² log|Σ|) in the worst case, so we study the refined measure of prefix-aware height, that omits counting strings that are prefixes of another considered string. The indexable EFG minimizing the maximum prefix-aware height provides a lower bound for the original height: by exploiting exploiting suffix trees built from the MSA rows and the data structure answering weighted ancestor queries in constant time of Belazzougui et al. (CPM 2021), we give an O(mn)-time algorithm for the optimal EFG under this alternative height.Peer reviewe

    Enabling Scalable Neurocartography: Images to Graphs for Discovery

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    In recent years, advances in technology have enabled researchers to ask new questions predicated on the collection and analysis of big datasets that were previously too large to study. More specifically, many fundamental questions in neuroscience require studying brain tissue at a large scale to discover emergent properties of neural computation, consciousness, and etiologies of brain disorders. A major challenge is to construct larger, more detailed maps (e.g., structural wiring diagrams) of the brain, known as connectomes. Although raw data exist, obstacles remain in both algorithm development and scalable image analysis to enable access to the knowledge within these data volumes. This dissertation develops, combines and tests state-of-the-art algorithms to estimate graphs and glean other knowledge across six orders of magnitude, from millimeter-scale magnetic resonance imaging to nanometer-scale electron microscopy. This work enables scientific discovery across the community and contributes to the tools and services offered by NeuroData and the Open Connectome Project. Contributions include creating, optimizing and evaluating the first known fully-automated brain graphs in electron microscopy data and magnetic resonance imaging data; pioneering approaches to generate knowledge from X-Ray tomography imaging; and identifying and solving a variety of image analysis challenges associated with building graphs suitable for discovery. These methods were applied across diverse datasets to answer questions at scales not previously explored