35 research outputs found

    Diabetes Diagnosis by Case-Based Reasoning and Fuzzy Logic

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    In the medical field, experts’ knowledge is based on experience, theoretical knowledge and rules. Case-based reasoning is a problem-solving paradigm which is based on past experiences. For this purpose, a large number of decision support applications based on CBR have been developed. Cases retrieval is often considered as the most important step of case-based reasoning. In this article, we integrate fuzzy logic and data mining to improve the response time and the accuracy of the retrieval of similar cases. The proposed Fuzzy CBR is composed of two complementary parts; the part of classification by fuzzy decision tree realized by Fispro and the part of case-based reasoning realized by the platform JColibri. The use of fuzzy logic aims to reduce the complexity of calculating the degree of similarity that can exist between diabetic patients who require different monitoring plans. The results of the proposed approach are compared with earlier methods using accuracy as metrics. The experimental results indicate that the fuzzy decision tree is very effective in improving the accuracy for diabetes classification and hence improving the retrieval step of CBR reasoning

    fuzzycreator: a python-based toolkit for automatically generating and analysing data-driven fuzzy sets

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    This paper presents a toolkit for automatic generation and analysis of fuzzy sets (FS) from data. Toolkits are vital for the wider dissemination, accessibility and implementation of theoretic work and applications on FSs. There are currently several toolkits in the literature that focus on knowledge representation and fuzzy inference, but there are few that focus on the automatic generation and comparison of FSs. As there are several methods of constructing FSs from data, it is important to have the tools to use these methods. This paper presents an open-source, python-based toolkit, named fuzzycreator, that facilitates the creation of both conventional and non-conventional (non-normal and non-convex) type-1, interval type-2 and general type-2 FSs from data. These FSs may then be analysed and compared through a series of tools and measures (included in the toolkit), such as evaluating their similarity and distance. An overview of the key features of the toolkit are given and demonstrations which provide rapid access to cutting-edge methodologies in FSs to both expert and non-expert users

    Desvendando o software Fuzzy Inference System Professional - FisPro.

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    Seres humanos são capazes de lidar com processos bastante complexos, baseados em informações imprecisas ou aproximadas. Para apoiar esses processos, os Sistemas de Inferência Fuzzy Inference Systems (FIS) têm se mostrado ferramentas bastante apropriadas. Este documento apresenta, no formato de tutorial, conceitos sobre FIS e sua estrutura, o software Fuzzy Inference System Professional (FisPro) e um estudo de caso demonstrando a utilização de alguns recursos contidos neste software

    An Intelligent Incentive Model Based on Environmental Ergonomics for Food SMEs

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    In this study, an intelligent incentive model based on environmental ergonomics in food small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) was developed. Environmental ergonomics was defined as the impact of temperature and relative humidity within a certain range on a worker's heart rate during work. Optimum environmental ergonomics are highly required as a basic standard for food SMEs to provide fair incentives. Recommendable parameters from a genetic algorithm and fuzzy inference modeling were used to model customized incentives based on optimum heart rate, workplace temperature and relative humidity before and after working. The research hypothesis stated that industries should optimize their workload and workstation environment prior to customizing incentives. The research objectives were: 1) to recommend optimum environmental ergonomics parameters for customized incentives; 2) to determine the incentives at workstations of SMEs based on optimum environmental ergonomics parameters and fuzzy inference modeling. The optimum values for heart rate, workstation temperature and relative humidity used were based on recommendable values from the genetic algorithm. An inference model was developed to generate decisions whether a worker should receive an incentive based on a calculated index. The results indicated that 84.4% of workers should receive an incentive. The results of this research could be used to promote the concept of ergonomics-based customized incentives

    Fuzzycreator: A python-based toolkit for automatically generating and analysing data-driven fuzzy sets

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    JFML: A Java Library to Design Fuzzy Logic Systems According to the IEEE Std 1855-2016

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    Fuzzy logic systems are useful for solving problems in many application fields. However, these systems are usually stored in specific formats and researchers need to rewrite them to use in new problems. Recently, the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society has sponsored the publication of the IEEE Standard 1855-2016 to provide a unified and well-defined representation of fuzzy systems for problems of classification, regression, and control. The main aim of this standard is to facilitate the exchange of fuzzy systems across different programming systems in order to avoid the need to rewrite available pieces of code or to develop new software tools to replicate functionalities that are already provided by other software. In order to make the standard operative and useful for the research community, this paper presents JFML, an open source Java library that offers a complete implementation of the new IEEE standard and capability to import/export fuzzy systems in accordance with other standards and software. Moreover, the new library has associated a Website with complementary material, documentation, and examples in order to facilitate its use. In this paper, we present three case studies that illustrate the potential of JFML and the advantages of exchanging fuzzy systems among available softwareThis work was supported in part by the XXII Own Research Program (2017) of the University of Córdoba, in part by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Grants RYC-2016-19802 (Ramón y Cajal contract), TIN2017-84796-C2-1-R, TIN2014-56633-C3-3-R, TIN2014-57251-P, and TIN2015-68454-R, in part by the Andalusian Government under Grant P11-TIC-7765, in part by the Xunta de Galicia (accreditation 2016-2019), and in part by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)

    Development of Intelligent Multi-agents System for Collaborative e-learning Support

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    The aim of this paper is the introduction of intelligence in e-learning collaborative system. In such system, the tutor plays an important role to facilitate collaboration between users and boost less active among them to get more involved for good pedagogical action. However, the problem lies in the large number of platform users, and the tutor tasks become difficult if not impossible. Therefore, we used fuzzy logic technics in order to solve this problem by automating tutor tasks and creating an artificial agent. This agent is elaborate in basing on the learners activities, especially the assessment of their collaborative behaviors. After the implementation of intelligent collaborative system by using Moodle platform, we have tested it. The reader will discover our approach and relevant results

    SyFSeL: generating synthetic fuzzy sets made simple

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    Empirical tests can help determine if methods developed for fuzzy sets work correctly. However, finding a large enough data set with suitable properties to conduct thorough tests can be challenging. This paper presents a new library named SyFSeL (Synthetic Fuzzy Set Library) which automatically generates synthetic fuzzy sets with specified characteristics and fuzzy set type. SyFSeL generates as many sets as desired, with adjustable parameters to enable users to emulate real data. Generated fuzzy sets are exported so users can import them into their own fuzzy systems software. SyFSeL can also create graphical plots of the generated sets, examples of which are shown in this paper. The library is cross-platform and open-source under the GNU General Public License, and users are free to develop upon and adapt the code. However, SyFSeL has been designed so that no understanding of the code is required to use it

    A Survey of Fuzzy Systems Software: Taxonomy, Current Research Trends, and Prospects

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    Fuzzy systems have been used widely thanks to their ability to successfully solve a wide range of problems in different application fields. However, their replication and application require a high level of knowledge and experience. Furthermore, few researchers publish the software and/or source code associated with their proposals, which is a major obstacle to scientific progress in other disciplines and in industry. In recent years, most fuzzy system software has been developed in order to facilitate the use of fuzzy systems. Some software is commercially distributed, but most software is available as free and open-source software, reducing such obstacles and providing many advantages: quicker detection of errors, innovative applications, faster adoption of fuzzy systems, etc. In this paper, we present an overview of freely available and open-source fuzzy systems software in order to provide a well-established framework that helps researchers to find existing proposals easily and to develop well-founded future work. To accomplish this, we propose a two-level taxonomy, and we describe the main contributions related to each field. Moreover, we provide a snapshot of the status of the publications in this field according to the ISI Web of Knowledge. Finally, some considerations regarding recent trends and potential research directions are presentedThis work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Grants TIN2014-56633-C3-3-R and TIN2014-57251-P, the Andalusian Government under Grants P10-TIC-6858 and P11-TIC-7765, and the GENIL program of the CEI BioTIC GRANADA under Grant PYR-2014-2S