289 research outputs found

    Poder y apariencia: la revaloración del arte del grabado en el siglo XVIII y su reflejo en la efigie del grabador

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    En el presente trabajo reflexionamos sobre los retratos de artistas que trabajaron en el siglo XVIII y están presentes en la colección Iconografía Hispana.1 La selección de obras se enmarca en el deseo de estudiar la profesión de grabador y la influencia que los cambios socio- culturales de este periodo cronológico tuvieron en la revalorización de su imagen. Se traza un análisis de las bases de su labor, su consideración social y la estimación de su figura pública estableciendo un balance final sobre estas cuestiones, teniendo como punto de referencia el análisis de la reflexión teórica que ha servido de cimiento para su representación.Troughout this study we reflect on the portraits of artists that worked in the eighteenth century and are present in the Iconograf ía Hispana collection. e selection of works is delimited by the desire of revising the engravers occupation and how the socio-cultural changes occurring in this particular chronological period influenced its effigy. We analyze the foundations of their labour, social consideration and public figure appreciation. We also establish a final assessment on these issues taking as reference the theoretical reflection serving to the artist as a base for its representation

    The bicentennial of a forgotten giant: Lazzaro Spallanzani (1729–1799)

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    Imbecillitas sexus

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    El artículo estudia las limitaciones impuestas a la mujer en su capacidad de obrar que, como una herencia del derecho romano, han persistido en el derecho español hasta bien entrado el siglo XIX, con ligeras variaciones. Esta discriminación jurídica por razón del sexo refleja la mentalidad dominante durante siglos en la sociedad española, de la que se ofrecen numerosos ejemplos a través de las fuentes literarias.This article focuses on the restrictions imposed to women’s independence that, as a heritage from Roman law, persisted with few variations in Spanish law until well into the XIX Century. This legal discrimination on sexist grounds reflects the mentality that prevailed in the Spanish society for centuries, illustrated many a time in literary sources.Cet article met l’accent sur les restrictions imposées aux femmes dans leur capacité à agir, qui, comme un héritage du droit romain, ont persisté dans la législation espagnole jusqu’au XIXe siècle, avec de légères variations. Cette discrimination légale fondée sur le sexe reflète la mentalité dominante depuis des siècles dans la société espagnole, dont des nombreux exemples peuvent se réperer dans les sources littéraires.Dieser Beitrag legt den Schwerpunkt auf die der Unabhängigkeit der Frau entgegenstehenden Restriktionen, die als Erbe des römischen Rechts, mit wenigen Varianten im spanischen Recht bis weit ins 19. Jahrhundert fortbestanden. Diese rechtliche, auf dem Geschlecht basierende Diskriminierung reflektiert die Mentalität, die in der spanischen Gesellschaft über Jahrhunderte hindurch vorherrschte und die in zahlreichen literarischen Quellen beispielhaft übermittelt wird

    La revalorización de la escuela pictórica sevillana a través de la literatura artística dieciochesca: entre la biografía y los libros de viaje

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    En el presente estudio reflexionamos sobre la literatura biográfica española y las crónicas publicadas por viajeros extranjeros que visitaron nuestro país durante el siglo XVIII. La selección de estas fuentes literarias se enmarca en el deseo de estudiar los juicios de valor que sobre el arte español se realizaron fuera de nuestras fronteras y la influencia que los escritos artísticos españoles tuvieron en la revalorización de la escuela pictórica sevillana. Se trata de un análisis sobre la estima y consideración de los maestros españoles teniendo como referencia el pensamiento ilustrado que sirve de cimiento a estos artistas y literatos.Artículo revisado por pare

    A Genetic-Programming-Based Approach for the Learning of Compact Fuzzy Rule-Based Classification Systems

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    In the design of an interpretable fuzzy rule-based classification system (FRBCS) the precision as much as the simplicity of the extracted knowledge must be considered as objectives. In any inductive learning algorithm, when we deal with problems with a large number of features, the exponential growth of the fuzzy rule search space makes the learning process more difficult. Moreover it leads to an FRBCS with a rule base with a high cardinality. In this paper, we propose a genetic-programming-based method for the learning of an FRBCS, where disjunctive normal form (DNF) rules compete and cooperate among themselves in order to obtain an understandable and compact set of fuzzy rules, which presents a good classification performance with high dimensionality problems. This proposal uses a token competition mechanism to maintain the diversity of the population. The good results obtained with several classification problems support our proposal.Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology TIN-2005-08386-C05-03 and TIN-2005-08386-C05-0

    Learning from yeasts: intracellular sensing of stress conditions

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    One intriguing challenge in modern biology is to understand how cells respond to, and distinguish between different stressing stimuli. Evidence accumulated in recent years indicates that a network of signaling pathways extends from the plasma membrane to the very core of the cell nucleus to transduce environmental changes into a graded transcriptional response. Although many steps still remain unclear, studies on the stress-activated protein kinase (SAPK) pathways and related mechanisms provide insight into the biochemistry that regulates signal transmission and leads to outcomes such as cell adaptation and differentiation. This review focuses on selected topics of current interest related to the sensing of stress signals in cells of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Because signaling pathways appear to be evolutionarily well conserved, yeasts may be useful models to learn how higher eukaryotes sense and respond to stresses at the cellular level


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    The location of trehalase in isolated ascospores from Schizosaccharomyces pombe has been investigated by a cytochemical method based on the formation by eugenol of insoluble complexes that are produced extracellularly during a reaction coupled to the trehalase activity. Most of the enzyme activity present in cell extracts is linked to the ascospore cell wall. A partial solubilization of the particulate trehalase was achieved by controlled treatment of isolated cell walls with the lytic system novozym. The elution pattern obtaiiled by molecular filtration of the enzyme solubilized from the walls shows a broad molecular heterogeneity suggesting a possible glycoprotein nature of the enzyme. Assays for activation and analysis of kinetic properties revealed that this activity is due to a trehalase of the so-called nonregulatory type.Se ha investigado la localización de la trehalasa en ascosporas aisladas de Schizosaccharomyces pombe mediante un método citoquímico basado en la formación de complejos insolubles de eugenol, producidos extracelularmente en una reacción acoplada a la actividad trehalasa. La mayor parte de la actividad enzimática detectable en extractos celulares está unida a la pared celular de las ascosporas. Por tratamiento controlado de paredes celulares con el sistema Iítico iiovoenzima es posible lograr una solubilización parcial de la trehalasa particulada. El perfil de elución obtenido por filtración molecular del enzima solubilizado de paredes indica una amplia heterogeneidad molecular, lo que sugiere una posible naturaleza glicoproteica del enzima. Los ensayos de activación y el análisis de propiedades cinéticas revelan que esta actividad se debe a una trehalasa de las pertenecientes al tipo no regulador

    Use of Virtual Reality and Videogames in the Physiotherapy Treatment of Stroke Patients: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial

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    © 2023 by the authors. This document is made available under the CC-BY 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by /4.0/ This document is the Accepted version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. To access the final edited and published work see https:// doi.org/10.3390/ijerph20064747 AA stroke is a neurological condition with a high impact in terms of physical disability in the adult population, requiring specific and effective rehabilitative approaches. Virtual reality (VR), a technological approach in constant evolution, has great applicability in many fields of rehabilitation, including strokes. The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of a traditional neurological physiotherapy-based approach combined with the implementation of a specific VR-based program in the treatment of patients following rehabilitation after a stroke. Participants (n = 24) diagnosed with a stroke in the last six months were randomly allocated into a control group (n = 12) and an experimental group (n = 12). Both groups received one-hour sessions of neurological physiotherapy over 6 weeks, whilst the experimental group was, in addition, supplemented with VR. Patients were assessed through the Daniels and Worthingham Scale, Modified Ashworth Scale, Motor Index, Trunk Control Test, Tinetti Balance Scale, Berg Balance Scale and the Functional Ambulation Classification of the Hospital of Sagunto. Statistically significant improvements were obtained in the experimental group with respect to the control group on the Motricity Index (p = 0.005), Trunk Control Test (p = 0.008), Tinetti Balance Scale (p = 0.004), Berg Balance Scale (p = 0.007) and the Functional Ambulation Classification of the Hospital of Sagunto (p = 0.038). The use of VR in addition to the traditional physiotherapy approach is a useful strategy in the treatment of strokes

    Inverse Classification for Comparison-based Interpretability in Machine Learning

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    In the context of post-hoc interpretability, this paper addresses the task of explaining the prediction of a classifier, considering the case where no information is available, neither on the classifier itself, nor on the processed data (neither the training nor the test data). It proposes an instance-based approach whose principle consists in determining the minimal changes needed to alter a prediction: given a data point whose classification must be explained, the proposed method consists in identifying a close neighbour classified differently, where the closeness definition integrates a sparsity constraint. This principle is implemented using observation generation in the Growing Spheres algorithm. Experimental results on two datasets illustrate the relevance of the proposed approach that can be used to gain knowledge about the classifier.Comment: preprin

    Experimental Study on 164 Algorithms Available in Software Tools for Solving Standard Non-Linear Regression Problems

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    In the specialized literature, researchers can find a large number of proposals for solving regression problems that come from different research areas. However, researchers tend to use only proposals from the area in which they are experts. This paper analyses the performance of a large number of the available regression algorithms from some of the most known and widely used software tools in order to help non-expert users from other areas to properly solve their own regression problems and to help specialized researchers developing well-founded future proposals by properly comparing and identifying algorithms that will enable them to focus on significant further developments. To sum up, we have analyzed 164 algorithms that come from 14 main different families available in 6 software tools (Neural Networks, Support Vector Machines, Regression Trees, Rule-Based Methods, Stacking, Random Forests, Model trees, Generalized Linear Models, Nearest Neighbor methods, Partial Least Squares and Principal Component Regression, Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines, Bagging, Boosting, and other methods) over 52 datasets. A new measure has also been proposed to show the goodness of each algorithm with respect to the others. Finally, a statistical analysis by non-parametric tests has been carried out over all the algorithms and on the best 30 algorithms, both with and without bagging. Results show that the algorithms from Random Forest, Model Tree and Support Vector Machine families get the best positions in the rankings obtained by the statistical tests when bagging is not considered. In addition, the use of bagging techniques significantly improves the performance of the algorithms without excessive increase in computational times.This work was supported in part by the University of Córdoba under the project PPG2019-UCOSOCIAL-03, and in part by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities under Grant TIN2015- 68454-R and Grant TIN2017-89517-P