26 research outputs found


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    Students have ability to analyze data if they practiced to solved problems/projects that are related to analyzed and made conclusion from research data. The aim of this research was to develop the students worksheets of data analysis based on the problems and projects that can help students to have ability analysis research data. The development of the students worksheets used Plomps stages. Results of students workshets implementation showed that those can help: students to have meaningful understanding, like the analysis data lecture, have motivated individually to learned concepts of data analysis and solved the problems and projects in students worksheets, actived in learning process, and had ability to analyzed data by Minitab and Microsoft Excel.   Mahasiswa dapat memiliki kemampuan menganalisis data jika mahasiswa berlatih menyelesaikan masalah dan proyek yang berkaitan dengan cara menganalisis dan menarik kesimpulan dari data penelitian. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan Lembar Kerja Mahasiswa. Analisis Data berbasis masalah dan proyek yang dapat membantu mahasiswa memiliki kemampuan dalam menganalisis data penelitian. Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Mahasiswa ini menggunakan tahap-tahap Plomp. Subjek penelitiannya adalah 24 mahasiswa Pendidikan Matematika Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Palangka Raya. Hasil implementasi menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan Lembar Kerja Mahasiswa dapat mendorong mahasiswa untuk: memiliki pengetahuan bermakna, (b) menyenangi matakuliah Analisis Data dan metode belajar yang digunakannya, termotivasi untuk belajar dan menyelesaikan masalah dan proyek dalam Lembar Kerja Mahasiswa secara mandiri, aktif selama perkuliahan, dan memiliki kemampuan dalam menganalisis data menggunakan Minitab dan Microsoft Excel

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Pemecahanmasalahmateri Kerucut Berbantu Media Modifikasi Caping Gunung Menggunakan Model Problem Based Instruction Kelas V Sdn 3 Bulungcangkring

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    Penelitiantindakankelasinibertujuanuntuk meningkatkan kemampuanpemecahanmasalahmatematikadenganditerapkanya model Problem Based Instruction (PBI)berbantuan media modifikasicapinggunungmaterikerucutpadasiswa, aktivitas pemecahan masalah siswa, dan keterampian guru dalam pengelolaan pembelajaran. Kemampuanpemecahanmasalahmatematikaadalahkemampuansiswadalammemecahkanmasalahmelalui proses untukdapatmenemukanjalankeluarsertamempelajarihal yang barudenganberbagaikombinasi yang dilaluidanbeberapatahapanpenyelesaian. Model Problem Based Instructionmerupakanpendekatan yang efektifdalammembantusiswauntukmemrosesinformasi yang sudahadadalambenaknyadanmenyusunpengetahuanmerekasendiritentangduniasosial.Media modifikasicapinggunungmerupakan media yang digunakanuntukmembantusiswadalammemahami, merencanakan, menyelesaikandanmenyimpulkanmasalah yang diberikanterkaitmaterikerucut. PenelitianTindakanKelasiniakandilaksanakandikelasV SDN 3 bulungcangkringdengansubjekpenelitian 24siswa. Penelitianiniakanberlangsungselamaduasiklus. Setiapsiklusterdiridariempattahapyaituperencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatandanrefleksi.Variabelbebasadalah model Problem Based Instruction (PBI) berbantuan media modifikasicapinggunung. Sedangkanvariableterikatadalahkemampuanpemecahanmasalah.Teknikpengumpulan data menggunakantekniktes, observasi, wawancara, dandokumentasi. Analisis data yang digunakanyaknianalisis data kuantitatifdankualitatif. Hasilpenelitianinimenunjukkan (1) kemampuanpemecahanmasalahmatematikasiswameningkatdariprasiklushinggasiklus II denganpresentaseketuntasanklasikalsebesar 25% meningkatpadasiklus I menjadi58,3% danmeningkatmenjadi79,2% padasiklus II, (2) Aktivitaspemecahanmasalahmatematikasiswapadasiklus I memperolehskor rata-rata 27,93dengankriteriabaikdanmeningkatmenjadi37,04padasiklus II dengankriteriabaik, (3) keterampilanmengajar guru padasiklus I memperolehskor rata-rata 71dengankriteriasangat baikdanmeningkatmenjadi 80,65padasiklus II dengankriteriasangatbaik. Berdasarkan penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan model Problem Based Instruction berbentu media modifikasi caping gunung materi kerucut dapat meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa, aktivitas pemecahan masalah siswa dan keterampilan guru dalam pengelolaan belajar. Untuk itu disarankan dalam menerapkan model Problem Based Instruction berbantu media modifikasi caping gunung, Pengajar harus mengoptimalkan proses pembelajaran pemecahan masalah dengan menyajikan permasalahan yang menarik bagi siswa, sehingga siswa dapat mengembangkan daya pikir

    Exploring computer assisted learning for low achieving children: A comparative analysis study

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    Learning assistance or support is essential for a learner regardless of their cognitive ability and learning preference. Computer assisted learning (CAL) is one of the facilitation that widely explored as alternative learning assistances with different concepts, approaches, contents and target users. The main concern of this study is to explore and identify learning concepts and approaches that have been employed in previous research for normal and learning disabilities learners. In relation with the intention, 15 articles from past five years (2010-2015) are selected for review and analysis processes in this comparative analysis study.The finding shows some similarities and differences of CAL concept and approach for both type of learners. Some insights and suggestions are drawn based on the extracted concepts and approaches specifically for low achieving children as their learning assistance in primary school

    Keefektifan Model Pembelajaran Problem Solving Berbantuan Video Interaktif Terhadap Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Siswa Kelas III SDN Gedawang 01 Semarang

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of the problem solving learning model on the problem-solving ability of grade III students of SDN Gedawang 01 Semarang. This type of research is quantitative research with a problem solving learning model using interactive videos. The population in this study was grade III SDN Gedawang 01 and grade III SDN Gedawang 02 Semarang totaled 56 students. Meanwhile, the sample, namely class III SDN Gedawang 01, was 28 students. Data collection techniques in the form of observations, questionnaires, interviews and tests. The technical data analysis used is the Independent Test sample T-test and the Simple Linear Regression Test. The results showed that: there was a difference in the average problem solving ability of students between the control class and the experimental class, which can be seen from 1) Independent Test T-test sample and obtained thitung > ttabel (3.83 > 2.13) with a sig value. (2 -tailed) i.e. 0.001<0.05 then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. 2) There is an effectiveness of interactive video-assisted problem solving learning models, which can be seen from the Simple Linear Regression Test and obtained a signification level of F 67.195, sig:0.000a < 0.05. So it can be concluded that the interactive video-assisted problem solving learning model is effectively used to improve the problem-solving ability of grade III students of SDN Gedawang 01 Semarang


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    This study aims to describe students’ problem solving abilities in the function material. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The subjects of this study were 15 students of class X students of Muhammadiyah 1 Cimahi High School. The method used to collect data is by using written worksheets with mathematical problem solving abilities at the function table. The results showed that the ability to solve mathematical problem solving in class X high school Muhammaiyah was already high, as seen from the presentation stating that students were able to identify known elements, implement strategies and develop mathematical models. Overall students mathematical problem solving abilities, especially in material function are in high qualifications

    “Saya Sangat Mampu”: Pengaruh Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah Dengan Komputer Pada Matakuliah Analisis Data

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    Kemampuan menganalisis data diperlukan mahasiswa dalam menyelesaikan skripsinya. Mahasiswa belajar menganalisis data pada matakuliah Statistika Dasar dan Analisis Data. Pembelajaran konvensional belum dapat mendorong mahasiswa untuk memahami makna konsep-konsep Statistika dan memiliki kemampuan menganalisis data. Tujuan dari penelitian ini mendeskripsikan pengaruh Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah (PBM) yang terintegrasi dengan dua perangkat lunak yaitu Minitab dan Microsoft Excel pada matakuliah Analisis Data. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa 81% mahasiswa memiliki motivasi untuk menyelesaikan masalah secara mandiri. Ada 71% mahasiswa yang semula takut belajar menjadi senang dalam belajar setelah mengikuti matakuliah Analisis Data. Selain itu, semua mahasiswa memiliki kemampuan dalam menganalisis data. Salah satu mahasiswa berkata, “saya sangat mampu” pada saat peneliti memintanya untuk menganalisis data dengan komputer di depan kelas. Kata Kunci: Perangkat lunak komputer, Analisis data, Pembelajaran berbasis masalah, Statistik


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    The purpose of this study is to describe the mathematical problem solving abilities of fifth grade elementary school students in solving c4 level questions about discharge or volumetric flow rate material from various levels of ability. This research is motivated by the low ability of students to solve mathematical problems in solving C4 level problems. The subjects of this study were six students of class V-B at SDN 013 Pasir Kaliki. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research that describes the mathematical problem solving abilities of fifth grade students who have high, medium, and low level abilities in solving C4 level problems according to the way they are, without manipulation during research. Based on research according to George PĂłly, this study shows the results that students who have high-level mathematical problem solving skills can go through four steps of problem solving. Students who have medium level mathematical problem solving skills are mostly able to go through 3 steps of problem solving and only understand the concept of discharge material, beyond the subject's volume, timing, and discharge's subject. So it is less able to think deeply to solve the problem. Students who have low level mathematical problem solving skills are only able to go through the stage of understanding the problem. The implications for further learning, students with high level abilities are given enrichment, students with moderate level abilities are given remedial, and students with low level abilities are given repetition of material by applying the information processing model. Key word: problems solving and C4 level mathematical questions


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    The purpose of this study is to determine the process of solving the problem of students who are high-ability based on Polya step. This research uses the qualitative approach. The subject in this study was a high-ability student. The results of this study indicate that the ability to solve the problem of high-ability students based on Polya steps are: (1) Understanding the problem begins by understanding the vocabulary, identifying all the facts in the form of existing information data, connecting all information from the identification result, and ending by identifying the question ; (2) A plan for splitting begins with the selection of operations and establishes the formulation of equations; (3) Implement the plan of splitting; (4) Re-checking of the settlement result obtained by substituting the result obtained to the initial equation


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    Belajar matematika merupakan proses konstruksi pengetahuan dengan cara mengaitkan suatu konsep matematika dengan konsep matematika yang lain. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendeskripsikan kesalahan konstruksi konsep matematis dalam proses representasi visual terkait menggambar grafik fungsi sebagai dasar menentukan luas  daerah di bawah kurva. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptiif. Subjek penelitian adalah tiga mahasiswa S1 program studi Pendidikan Matematika Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan memberikan soal tes dan melakukan wawancara. Hasil pekerjaan mahasiswa tersebut diambil tiga data berdasarkan kesalahan tertinggi untuk di identifikasi kesalahannya kemudian dianalisis lebih lanjut dengan mengaitkan hasil wawancara berdasarkan konsep matematis dalam merepresentasikan grafik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kesalahan konstruksi konsep matematis dalam proses representasi visual mahasiswa adalah pseudo construction ”salah”, lubang konstruksi, mis-analogical construction dan mis-logical construction. Kesalahan tersebut terjadi karena mahasiswa hanya terpaku pada rumus, tidak memeriksa ulang setelah menggambar grafik dan kurang memahami konsep, baik konsep materi prasyarat atau materi pokok