1,370 research outputs found

    Jetting Micron-Scale Droplets onto Chemically Heterogeneous Surfaces

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    We report experiments investigating the behaviour of micron-scale fluid droplets jetted onto surfaces patterned with lyophobic and lyophilic stripes. The final droplet shape depends on the droplet size relative to that of the stripes. In particular when the droplet radius is of the same order as the stripe width, the final shape is determined by the dynamic evolution of the drop and shows a sensitive dependence on the initial droplet position and velocity. Numerical solutions of the dynamical equations of motion of the drop provide a close quantitative match to the experimental results. This proves helpful in interpreting the data and allows for accurate prediction of fluid droplet behaviour for a wide range of surfaces.Comment: 14 pages, accepted for publication in Langmui

    Spreading Dynamics of Nanodrops: A Lattice Boltzmann Study

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    Spreading of nano-droplets is an interesting and technologically relevant phenomenon where thermal fluctuations lead to unexpected deviations from well-known deterministic laws. Here, we apply the newly developed fluctuating non-ideal lattice Boltzmann method [Gross et al., J. Stat. Mech., P03030 (2011)] for the study of this issue. Confirming the predictions of Davidovich and coworkers [PRL 95, 244905 (2005)], we provide the first independent evidence for the existence of an asymptotic, self-similar noise-driven spreading regime in both two- and three-dimensional geometry. The cross over from the deterministic Tanner's law, where the drop's base radius bb grows (in 3D) with time as bt1/10b \sim t^{1/10} and the noise dominated regime where bt1/6b \sim t^{1/6} is also observed by tuning the strength of thermal noise.Comment: 5 page

    Numerical study of wetting transitions on biomimetic surfaces using a lattice Boltzmann approach with large density ratio

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    The hydrophobicity of natural surfaces have drawn much attention of scientific communities in recent years. By mimicking natural surfaces, the manufactured biomimetic hydrophobic surfaces have been widely applied to green technologies such as self-cleaning surfaces. Although the theories for wetting and hydrophobicity have been developed, the mechanism of wetting transitions between heterogeneous wetting state and homogeneous wetting state is still not fully clarified. As understanding of wetting transitions is crucial for manufacturing a biomimetic superhydrophobic surface, more fundamental discussions in this area should be carried out. In the present work the wetting transitions are numerically studied using a phase field lattice Boltzmann approach with large density ratio, which should be helpful in understanding the mechanism of wetting transitions. The dynamic wetting transition processes between Cassie-Baxter state and Wenzel state are presented, and the energy barrier and the gravity effect on transition are discussed. It is found that the two wetting transition processes are irreversible for specific inherent contact angles and have different transition routes, the energy barrier exists on an ideally patterned surface and the gravity can be crucial to overcome the energy barrier and trigger the transition

    Wetting gradient induced separation of emulsions: A combined experimental and lattice Boltzmann computer simulation study

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    Guided motion of emulsions is studied via combined experimental and theoretical investigations. The focus of the work is on basic issues related to driving forces generated via a step-wise (abrupt) change in wetting properties of the substrate along a given spatial direction. Experiments on binary emulsions unambiguously show that selective wettability of the one of the fluid components (water in our experiments) with respect to the two different parts of the substrate is sufficient in order to drive the separation process. These studies are accompanied by approximate analytic arguments as well as lattice Boltzmann computer simulations, focusing on effects of a wetting gradient on internal droplet dynamics as well as its relative strength compared to volumetric forces driving the fluid flow. These theoretical investigations show qualitatively different dependence of wetting gradient induced forces on contact angle and liquid volume in the case of an open substrate as opposed to a planar channel. In particular, for the parameter range of our experiments, slit geometry is found to give rise to considerably higher separation forces as compared to open substrate.Comment: 34 pages, 12 figure

    Wetting of anisotropic sinusoidal surfaces - experimental and numerical study of directional spreading

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    Directional wettability, i.e. variation of wetting properties depending on the surface orientation, can be achieved by anisotropic surface texturing. A new high precision process can produce homogeneous sinusoidal surfaces (in particular parallel grooves) at the micro-scale, with a nano-scale residual roughness five orders of magnitude smaller than the texture features. Static wetting experiments have shown that this pattern, even with a very small aspect ratio, can induce a strong variation of contact angle depending on the direction of observation. A comparison with numerical simulations (using Surface Evolver software) shows good agreement and could be used to predict the fluid-solid interaction and droplet behaviour on textured surfaces. Two primary mechanisms of directional spreading of water droplets on textured stainless steel surface have been identified. The first one is the mechanical barrier created by the textured surface peaks, this limits spreading in perpendicular direction to the surface anisotropy. The second one is the capillary action inside the sinusoidal grooves accelerating spreading along the grooves. Spreading has been shown to depend strongly on the history of wetting and internal drop dynamics

    Generalized Lattice Boltzmann Method with multi-range pseudo-potential

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    The physical behaviour of a class of mesoscopic models for multiphase flows is analyzed in details near interfaces. In particular, an extended pseudo-potential method is developed, which permits to tune the equation of state and surface tension independently of each other. The spurious velocity contributions of this extended model are shown to vanish in the limit of high grid refinement and/or high order isotropy. Higher order schemes to implement self-consistent forcings are rigorously computed for 2d and 3d models. The extended scenario developed in this work clarifies the theoretical foundations of the Shan-Chen methodology for the lattice Boltzmann method and enhances its applicability and flexibility to the simulation of multiphase flows to density ratios up to O(100)

    Dynamical density functional theory for the evaporation of droplets of nanoparticle suspension

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    We develop a lattice gas model for the drying of droplets of a nanoparticle suspension on a planar surface, using dynamical density functional theory (DDFT) to describe the time evolution of the solvent and nanoparticle density profiles. The DDFT assumes a diffusive dynamics but does not include the advective hydrodynamics of the solvent, so the model is relevant to highly viscous or near to equilibrium systems. Nonetheless, we see an equivalent of the coffee-ring stain effect, but in the present model it occurs for thermodynamic rather the fluid-mechanical reasons. The model incorporates the effect of phase separation and vertical density variations within the droplet and the consequence of these on the nanoparticle deposition pattern on the surface. We show how to include the effect of slip or no-slip at the surface and how this is related to the receding contact angle. We also determine how the equilibrium contact angle depends on the microscopic interaction parameters.Comment: 35 pages, 10 figure

    Interface-Resolving Simulations of Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flows in Solid Structures of Different Wettability

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    This PhD study is devoted to numerical investigations of two-phase flows on and through elementary and complex solid structures of varying wettability. The phase-field method is developed and implemented in OpenFOAM®. The numerical method/code is verified by a series of test cases of two-phase flows, and then applied to investigate: (1) droplet wetting on solid surfaces; (2) air bubble rising and interacting with cellular structures and (3) gas-liquid interfacial flows in foam structures