807 research outputs found

    A deep learning approach to downscale geostationary satellite imagery for decision support in high impact wildfires

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    Scarcity in wildland fire progression data as well as considerable uncertainties in forecasts demand improved methods to monitor fire spread in real time. However, there exists at present no scalable solution to acquire consistent information about active forest fires that is both spatially and temporally explicit. To overcome this limitation, we propose a statistical downscaling scheme based on deep learning that leverages multi-source Remote Sensing (RS) data. Our system relies on a U-Net Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to downscale Geostationary (GEO) satellite multispectral imagery and continuously monitor active fire progression with a spatial resolution similar to Low Earth Orbit (LEO) sensors. In order to achieve this, the model trains on LEO RS products, land use information, vegetation properties, and terrain data. The practical implementation has been optimized to use cloud compute clusters, software containers and multi-step parallel pipelines in order to facilitate real time operational deployment. The performance of the model was validated in five wildfires selected from among the most destructive that occurred in California in 2017 and 2018. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology in monitoring fire progression with high spatiotemporal resolution, which can be instrumental for decision support during the first hours of wildfires that may quickly become large and dangerous. Additionally, the proposed methodology can be leveraged to collect detailed quantitative data about real-scale wildfire behaviour, thus supporting the development and validation of fire spread models

    Beyond Measurement: {E}xtracting Vegetation Height from High Resolution Imagery with Deep Learning

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    Measuring and monitoring the height of vegetation provides important insights into forest age and habitat quality. These are essential for the accuracy of applications that are highly reliant on up-to-date and accurate vegetation data. Current vegetation sensing practices involve ground survey, photogrammetry, synthetic aperture radar (SAR), and airborne light detection and ranging sensors (LiDAR). While these methods provide high resolution and accuracy, their hardware and collection effort prohibits highly recurrent and widespread collection. In response to the limitations of current methods, we designed Y-NET, a novel deep learning model to generate high resolution models of vegetation from highly recurrent multispectral aerial imagery and elevation data. Y-NET’s architecture uses convolutional layers to learn correlations between different input features and vegetation height, generating an accurate vegetation surface model (VSM) at 1×1 m resolution. We evaluated Y-NET on 235 km2 of the East San Francisco Bay Area and find that Y-NET achieves low error from LiDAR when tested on new locations. Y-NET also achieves an R2 of 0.83 and can effectively model complex vegetation through side-by-side visual comparisons. Furthermore, we show that Y-NET is able to identify instances of vegetation growth and mitigation by comparing aerial imagery and LiDAR collected at different times

    Comparison of machine learning algorithms for wildland-urban interface fuelbreak planning integrating ALS and UAV-Borne LiDAR data and multispectral images

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    Producción CientíficaControlling vegetation fuels around human settlements is a crucial strategy for reducing fire severity in forests, buildings and infrastructure, as well as protecting human lives. Each country has its own regulations in this respect, but they all have in common that by reducing fuel load, we in turn reduce the intensity and severity of the fire. The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV)-acquired data combined with other passive and active remote sensing data has the greatest performance to planning Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) fuelbreak through machine learning algorithms. Nine remote sensing data sources (active and passive) and four supervised classification algorithms (Random Forest, Linear and Radial Support Vector Machine and Artificial Neural Networks) were tested to classify five fuel-area types. We used very high-density Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data acquired by UAV (154 returns·m−2 and ortho-mosaic of 5-cm pixel), multispectral data from the satellites Pleiades-1B and Sentinel-2, and low-density LiDAR data acquired by Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) (0.5 returns·m−2, ortho-mosaic of 25 cm pixels). Through the Variable Selection Using Random Forest (VSURF) procedure, a pre-selection of final variables was carried out to train the model. The four algorithms were compared, and it was concluded that the differences among them in overall accuracy (OA) on training datasets were negligible. Although the highest accuracy in the training step was obtained in SVML (OA=94.46%) and in testing in ANN (OA=91.91%), Random Forest was considered to be the most reliable algorithm, since it produced more consistent predictions due to the smaller differences between training and testing performance. Using a combination of Sentinel-2 and the two LiDAR data (UAV and ALS), Random Forest obtained an OA of 90.66% in training and of 91.80% in testing datasets. The differences in accuracy between the data sources used are much greater than between algorithms. LiDAR growth metrics calculated using point clouds in different dates and multispectral information from different seasons of the year are the most important variables in the classification. Our results support the essential role of UAVs in fuelbreak planning and management and thus, in the prevention of forest fires.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (DI-16-08446; DI-17-09626; PTQ-16-08411; PTQ- 16-08633)European Commission through the project ‘MySustainableForest’ (H2020-EO-2017; 776045

    Advancements in Forest Fire Prevention: A Comprehensive Survey

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    Nowadays, the challenges related to technological and environmental development are becoming increasingly complex. Among the environmentally significant issues, wildfires pose a serious threat to the global ecosystem. The damages inflicted upon forests are manifold, leading not only to the destruction of terrestrial ecosystems but also to climate changes. Consequently, reducing their impact on both people and nature requires the adoption of effective approaches for prevention, early warning, and well-coordinated interventions. This document presents an analysis of the evolution of various technologies used in the detection, monitoring, and prevention of forest fires from past years to the present. It highlights the strengths, limitations, and future developments in this field. Forest fires have emerged as a critical environmental concern due to their devastating effects on ecosystems and the potential repercussions on the climate. Understanding the evolution of technology in addressing this issue is essential to formulate more effective strategies for mitigating and preventing wildfires

    Detecting Fires: A Nationally Consistent, Rule Based Approach

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    One of the continuing challenges in wildland fire management is maintaining accurate vegetation and fuel data of an adequate resolution on an ever-changing landscape. The USGS’s LANDFIRE program produces national, mid-level resolution datasets of fuel, vegetation, and fire regime data useful in the modeling of wildland fire behavior. One of the most effective and least expensive ways for maintaining the accuracy of these layers is to incorporate area updates by detecting landscape changes. While many algorithms exist for detecting change and disturbances, these algorithms are often tuned for a particular landscape and require very precise training data or rely heavily on scene statistics. This research looks at a method for detecting wildland fire across a broad array of landscapes using a collection of computer-generated rules built from hundreds of thousands of points of training data. Verification of the results were assessed by visual comparison to a time series of high spatial resolution imagery through Google Earth and cross-referenced to fires from various historical databases. A majority of the fires detected in this assessment were in either a conifer or grassland landscape. The methods outlined in this thesis performed best in those two landscapes, detecting 73% to 78% of conifer fires correctly and 79% to 83% of grassland fires correctly

    Explaining Sentinel 2-based dNBR and RdNBR variability with reference data from the bird’s eye (UAS) perspective

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    Characterizing the spatial variability of the severity of wildfires is important to assess ecological and economic consequences and to coordinate mitigation strategies. Vegetation indices such as the differenced Normalized Burn Ratio (dNBR) have become a standard tool to assess burn or fire severity across larger areas and are being used operationally. Despite the frequent application of dNBR-like vegetation indices, it is not yet fully understood which variables exactly drive the variability in dNBR observed by multispectral satellites. One reason for this is the lack of high quality prefire information about vegetation structure and composition. Consequently, the influence of prefire vegetation composition and other potentially influential variables such as cast shadows has hardly been examined. Here, we use very high resolution Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) orthoimages collected briefly before and after the large wildfires in Central Chile in the fire season 2016/2017 to derive variables related to the pre- and postfire landscape composition and structure. The variables are used as predictors in Generalized Additive Models (GAM) to explain the spatial variability in dNBR and RdNBR pixel values as observed by Sentinel-2. Our models explain more than 80% and 75% of the variability in dNBR and RdNBR values, respectively, using a sparse set of five predictors. The results suggest that in our study area the largest fraction of variability in Sentinel-2 based dNBR and RdNBR values can be explained by variables related to the fraction of consumed canopy cover while the vegetation composition before the fire does not have a large influence on dNBR and RdNBR. Our results further suggest that cast-shadows of snags and standing dead trees with remaining crown structure have a notable influence on the dNBR signal which may have been underestimated so far. We conclude that spatially continuous, very high spatial resolution data from UAS can be a valuable data source for an improved understanding of the exact meaning of common vegetation index products, operationally used for monitoring the environment

    Improving the estimation of fire danger, fire propagation and fire monitoring : new insights using remote sensing data and statistical methods

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    This thesis covers three major topics related to wildfires, remote sensing and meteorology: (i) quantifying and forecasting fire danger combining numerical weather forecasts and satellite observations of fire intensity; (ii) mapping burned areas from satellite observations with multiple spatial and spectral resolution; and (iii) modelling fire progression taking into account weather conditions and fuel (vegetation) availability. Regarding the first topic, an enhanced Fire Weather Index (FWI) is proposed by using statistical methods to combine the classical FWI with an atmospheric instability index with the aim of better forecasting the fire danger conditions favourable to the development of convective fires. Furthermore, the daily definition of the classical FWI was extended to an hourly timescale, allowing for assessment of the variability of the fire danger conditions throughout the day. For the second topic, a method is proposed to map and date burned areas using sequences of daily satellite data. This method, tested over several regions around the globe, provide burned area maps that outperform other existing methods for the task, particularly regarding the consistency and accuracy of the date of burning. Furthermore, a method is proposed for fast assessment of burned areas using 10-meter resolution satellite data and making use of Google Earth Engine (GEE) as a tool for preprocessing and downloading of data that is then used as input to a deep learning model that combines a coarse burned area map with the medium resolution data to provide a refined burned area map with 10-meter resolution at event level and with low computational requirements. Finally, for the third topic, a method is proposed to estimate the fire progression over a 12-hour period with resource to an ensemble of models trained based on the reconstruction of past events. Overall, I am confident that the results obtained and presented in this thesis provide a significant contribution to the remote sensing and wildfires scientific community while opening interesting paths for future research on the topics described

    Artificial neural networks to detect forest fire prone areas in the southeast fire district of Mississippi

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    An analysis of the fire occurrences parameters is essential to save human lives, property, timber resources and conservation of biodiversity. Data conversion formats such as raster to ASCII facilitate the integration of various GIS software’s in the context of RS and GIS modeling. This research explores fire occurrences in relation to human interaction, fuel density interaction, euclidean distance from the perennial streams and slope using artificial neural networks. The human interaction (ignition source) and density of fuels is assessed by Newton’s Gravitational theory. Euclidean distance to perennial streams and slope that do posses a significant role were derived using GIS tools. All the four non linear predictor variables were modeled using the inductive nature of neural networks. The Self organizing feature map (SOM) utilized for fire size risk classification produced an overall classification accuracy of 62% and an overall kappa coefficient of 0.52 that is moderate (fair) for annual fires

    Advances in Remote Sensing-based Disaster Monitoring and Assessment

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    Remote sensing data and techniques have been widely used for disaster monitoring and assessment. In particular, recent advances in sensor technologies and artificial intelligence-based modeling are very promising for disaster monitoring and readying responses aimed at reducing the damage caused by disasters. This book contains eleven scientific papers that have studied novel approaches applied to a range of natural disasters such as forest fire, urban land subsidence, flood, and tropical cyclones