763 research outputs found

    Smooth trajectory generation for rotating extensible manipulators

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    In this study the generation of smooth trajectories of the end-effector of a rotating extensible manipulator arm is considered. Possible trajectories are modelled using Cartesian and polar piecewise cubic interpolants expressed as polynomial Hermite-type functions. The use of polar piecewise cubic interpolants devises continuous first and - in some cases - second order derivatives and allows easy calculation of kinematics variables such as velocity and acceleration. Moreover, the manipulator equations of motion can be easily handled, and the constrained trajectory of the non-active end of the manipulator derived directly from the position of the end-effector. To verify the proposed approach, numerical simulations are conducted for two different configurations

    Neizrazito adaptivno upravljanje silom dodira slijednih mehanizama s jednim stupnjem slobode gibanja

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    The paper presents position/force control with a completely fuzzified adaptive force control system for the single degree of freedom servo mechanisms. The proposed force control scheme contains an adaptive fuzzy force controller and a subordinated fuzzy velocity controller. By using a second-order reference model, a model reference-based fuzzy adaptation mechanism is able to keep the error between the model and system output responses within desired limits. The results obtained by computer simulations indicate a stable performance of the force control system for a wide range of environment stiffness variations. The proposed adaptive force control method has also been effective in case of a contact with a rough surface or a complex form workpiece.Članak prikazuje upravljanje položajem/silom dodira slijednog mehanizma s jednim stupnjem slobode gibanja korištenjem neizrazitog adaptivnog sustava upravljanja silom. Predložena shema upravljanja silom dodira sadrži adaptivni neizraziti regulator sile i podređeni neizraziti regulator brzine vrtnje. Koristeći referentni model drugog reda, neizraziti na modelu zasnovani adaptacijski mehanizam u stanju je držati razliku između odziva modela i odziva sustava u zadanim granicama. Rezultati dobiveni numeričkim simulacijama pokazuju stabilno vladanje sustava upravljanja silom dodira za široki raspon varijacija krutosti okoline. Predložena metoda adaptivnog upravljanja silom se pokazala uspješnom i u slučaju dodira s neravnom površinom ili s radnim predmetom složena oblika

    Dynamics of Hexapods with Fixed-Length Legs

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    Hibrit artık robot kolu kullanarak yüksek performanslı taşlama işlemi geliştirmesi.

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    Automatic grinding using robot manipulators, requires simultaneous control of the robot endpoint and force interaction between the robot and the constraint surface. In robotic grinding, surface quality can be increased by accurate estimation of grinding forces where significant tool and workpiece deflection occurs. Tool deflection during robotic grinding operation causes geometrical errors in the workpiece cross-section. Also, it makes controlling the grinding cutting depth difficult. Moreover small diameter of the tool in robotic grinding causes different behavior in the grinding process in comparison with the tools that are used by universal grinding machines. In this study, a robotic surface grinding force model is developed in order to predict the normal and tangential grinding forces. A physical model is used based on chip formation energy and sliding energy. To improve the model for robotic grinding operations, a refining term is added. In order to include the stiffness of the tool and setup in the force model, penetration tests are implemented and their results are used in refining term of the force model. The model coefficients are estimated using a linear regression technique. The proposed model is validated by comparing model outputs with experimentally obtained data. Evaluation of the test results demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed model in predicting surface grinding forces. In this thesis, a method is proposed for calculation of the tool deflection in normal and tangential directions based on grinding force feedback in these directions. Based on calculated values, a real-time tool deflection compensation algorithm is developed and implemented. Implementing surface grinding with constant normal force is a well-known approach for improving surface quality. Tool deflection in the robotic grinding causes orientation between the force sensor reference frame and tool reference frame. This means that the measured normal and tangential forces by the sensor are not actual normal and tangential interaction forces between the tool and workpiece. In order to eliminate this problem, a resultant grinding force control strategy is designed and implemented for a parallel hexapod-robotic light abrasive surface grinding operation. Due to the nonlinear nature of the grinding operation, a supervised fuzzy controller is designed where the reference input is identified by the proposed grinding force model. Evaluation of the experimental results demonstrates significant improvement in grinding operation accuracy using the proposed resultant force control strategy in parallel with a real-time tool deflection compensation algorithm. The final aim of this thesis is to develop a posture optimization strategy for robotic grinding operation using 12 DOF hybrid redundant manipulator. The 12 DOF redundant hybrid manipulator of present study is composed of a 6 DOF serial ABB IRB2000 robot and a 6 DOF PI H-824 hexapod where the parallel hexapod is connected to the end of the serial ABB manipulator. Here the fifth joint (wrist) of the ABB serial manipulator is the weakest joint in the robot, so the computed torque of this joint is selected as the cost function. The aim is to minimize this factor by finding the best configuration of the hybrid manipulator using genetic algorithm approach. For such a purpose, a complete kinematic and dynamic model of the 12 DOF manipulator is developed where the output of the grinding force model is fed into the dynamic model as external reaction forces. The computed torque of the wrist joint is given to the optimization module and new configuration is generated by the module and is given to the dynamic model. This process continues until converge to the minimum computed torque value. Then the optimal configuration is chosen for the grinding operation. The evaluation of this posture optimization approach shows its great ability to decrease the necessary actuating torques of the redundant manipulator joints.Ph.D. - Doctoral Progra

    Feedrate planning for machining with industrial six-axis robots

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    The authors want to thank Stäubli for providing the necessary information of the controller, Dynalog for its contribution to the experimental validations and X. Helle for its material contributions.Nowadays, the adaptation of industrial robots to carry out high-speed machining operations is strongly required by the manufacturing industry. This new technology machining process demands the improvement of the overall performances of robots to achieve an accuracy level close to that realized by machine-tools. This paper presents a method of trajectory planning adapted for continuous machining by robot. The methodology used is based on a parametric interpolation of the geometry in the operational space. FIR filters properties are exploited to generate the tool feedrate with limited jerk. This planning method is validated experimentally on an industrial robot

    Evaluation of automated decisionmaking methodologies and development of an integrated robotic system simulation

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    A generic computer simulation for manipulator systems (ROBSIM) was implemented and the specific technologies necessary to increase the role of automation in various missions were developed. The specific items developed are: (1) capability for definition of a manipulator system consisting of multiple arms, load objects, and an environment; (2) capability for kinematic analysis, requirements analysis, and response simulation of manipulator motion; (3) postprocessing options such as graphic replay of simulated motion and manipulator parameter plotting; (4) investigation and simulation of various control methods including manual force/torque and active compliances control; (5) evaluation and implementation of three obstacle avoidance methods; (6) video simulation and edge detection; and (7) software simulation validation