522 research outputs found

    Smooth planar rr-splines of degree 2r2r

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    In \cite{as}, Alfeld and Schumaker give a formula for the dimension of the space of piecewise polynomial functions (splines) of degree dd and smoothness rr on a generic triangulation of a planar simplicial complex Δ\Delta (for d3r+1d \ge 3r+1) and any triangulation (for d3r+2d\geq 3r+2). In \cite{ss}, it was conjectured that the Alfeld-Schumaker formula actually holds for all d2r+1d \ge 2r+1. In this note, we show that this is the best result possible; in particular, there exists a simplicial complex Δ\Delta such that for any rr, the dimension of the spline space in degree d=2rd=2r is not given by the formula of \cite{as}. The proof relies on the explicit computation of the nonvanishing of the first local cohomology module described in \cite{ss2}.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    Stable local bases for multivariate spline spaces

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    We present an algorithm for constructing stable local bases for the spaces Srd(Δ) of multivariate polynomial splines of smoothness r⩾1 and degree d⩾r2n+1 on an arbitrary triangulation Δ of a bounded polyhedral domain Ω⊂n, n⩾2

    Contamination Estimation via Convex Relaxations

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    Identifying anomalies and contamination in datasets is important in a wide variety of settings. In this paper, we describe a new technique for estimating contamination in large, discrete valued datasets. Our approach considers the normal condition of the data to be specified by a model consisting of a set of distributions. Our key contribution is in our approach to contamination estimation. Specifically, we develop a technique that identifies the minimum number of data points that must be discarded (i.e., the level of contamination) from an empirical data set in order to match the model to within a specified goodness-of-fit, controlled by a p-value. Appealing to results from large deviations theory, we show a lower bound on the level of contamination is obtained by solving a series of convex programs. Theoretical results guarantee the bound converges at a rate of O(log(p)/p)O(\sqrt{\log(p)/p}), where p is the size of the empirical data set.Comment: To appear, ISIT 201

    Youth Labour Markets in Post-1984 New Zealand: Young People Negotiating School to Work Transitions

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    This paper is part of a larger project exploring the school to post-school choices of New Zealand’s first post-1984 generation. In this paper we analyse census data relating to the employment of young people (aged 15-24 years) in two of the project’s sites, Southland and Auckland. We then discuss out participants’ perceptions of the labour market and find that these perceptions are broadly in line with general labour market trends, and that they incorporate a reasonable sense of the local opportunities for part time employment while at school. But participants lacked this ‘local literacy’ when considering future employment possibilities. That is, they lack a clear sense of engagement with ‘place’ in relation to their imagined working futures

    Narrativas desviantes tramadas com palavras e linhas

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    O objeto de análise constitui-se no estudo de duas obras – vão e Moiras, autoria de Edith Derdyk –, livro de artista e instalação, manifestações artísticas interfaciadas com materiais de diversas procedências – a palavra, a linha branca de algodão, os bastões de ferro. O livro apresenta uma narrativa construída com um conjunto de palavras e frases – dispostas entre ‘vãos’, nos espaços em branco na linha da página. A instalação foi concebida especialmente para a área externa do SESC Ipiranga, cuja proposta foi enredar a linhas brancas de algodão pelos bastões fincados na parede do muro. O objetivo do estudo é apresentar um pensamento sobre poéticas de narrativas desviantes presentes no livro de artista e na instalação

    On dimension and existence of local bases for multivariate spline spaces

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    AbstractWe consider spaces of splines in k variables of smoothness r and degree d defined on a polytope in Rk which has been divided into simplices. Bernstein-Bézier methods are used to develop a framework for analyzing dimension and basis questions. Dimension formulae and local bases are found for the case r = 0 and general k. The main result of the paper shows the existence of local bases for spaces of trivariate splines (where k = 3) whenever d > 8r

    Devires e fabulação da escrita poética em 'O perfeito cozinheiro das almas deste mundo'

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    O estudo apresenta algumas considerações sobre O perfeito cozinheiro das almas deste mundo (Oswald de Andrade). O instante da escrita coletiva do diário compreendeu o período de 1918 a 1919, um registro da criação em ato, um processo contínuo de troca de mensagens sobre os mais variados e inusitados assuntos escritos de modo irreverente e descompromissado. Essa modalidade anuncia uma escrita do devir, uma vez que não-representativa, expande seus limites e situa-se no limiar entre prosa e poesia. Esse traço singular da obra é revelador de uma escrita potencialmente inventiva que experimenta caminhos; portanto, uma escrita inacabada ou mesmo uma não-escrita que coloca o literário ao lado do informe, do inacabado. A releitura do diário nos permite, pela crítica genética, colocá-lo em ação novamente e apreender, a partir de rastros arqueológicos e da matriz inventiva precursora da poética do Modernismo, o devir da escrita em ato de fabulação.The study presents some considerations about O perfeito cozinheiro das almas deste mundo (Oswald de Andrade). The moment of collective writing of the diary comprised the period from 1918 to 1919, a documentation of creation in action, a continuous process of exchanging messages about the most varied and unusual subjects written in an irreverent and uncompromising way. This modality announces a writing of becoming, since it is non-representative, expands its limits and is situated on the threshold between prose and poetry. This singular feature of the work reveals a potentially inventive writing that experiments with paths; therefore, an unfinished writing or even an unwritten one that places the literary beside the formless, the unfinished. The rereading of the diary allows us, through genetic criticism, to put it into action again and apprehend, from archaeological traces and the inventive matrix precursor of the poetics of Modernism, the becoming of writing in an act of fabulation

    Vozes africanas poetizadas:

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    “Vozes africanas poetizadas: a palavra contada na palavra escrita” está centrada no estudo sobre o modo como Mia Couto dá voz às quase-vidas de personagens, narradores e narradoras no universo moçambicano que insurge da guerra. Para refletir sobre essa situação, foram selecionadas duas obras de Mia Couto: A Carta (Cronicando, 1991) e os “Cadernos de Kindzu” (Terra Sonâmbula, 2007). A leitura da carta é conduzida pela intenção da voz narrativa em preservar uma memória afetiva cada vez mais distante. Nos cadernos de Kindzu é a “estoriazinha que se conta para fazer de conta” (COUTO, 2007, p. 126). São esses expedientes que autorizam as vozes narrativas a ficcionar a realidade e a poetizar as ausências. O objetivo que norteia este estudo está centrado na análise dessas vozes narrativas que estabelecem o pacto entre o narrador e seu ouvinte na leitura fabuladora da escrita presente em “A Carta” e nos “Cadernos de Kindzu”.