5,774 research outputs found

    Computing Difference Abstractions of Metabolic Networks Under Kinetic Constraints

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    International audienceAlgorithms based on abstract interpretation were proposed recently for predicting changes of reaction networks with partial kinetic information. Their prediction precision, however, depends heavily on which heuristics are applied in order to add linear consequences of the steady state equations of the metabolic network. In this paper we ask the question whether such heuristics can be avoided while obtaining the highest possible precision. This leads us to the first algorithm for computing the difference abstractions of a linear equation system exactly without any approximation. This algorithm relies on the usage of elementary flux modes in a nontrivial manner, first-order definitions of the abstractions, and finite domain constraint solving

    Evaluating the integration of proteomic data for the prediction of intracellular fluxes after knockout experiments

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    So far, few large scale kinetic models of metabolic networks have been successfully constructed. The main reasons for this are not only the associated mathematical complexity, but also the large number of unknown kinetic parameters required in the rate equations to define the system. In contrast to kinetic models, the constraint-based modelling approach bypasses these difficulties by using basically only stoichiometric information with certain physicochemical constraints to delimit the solution space without large fitted parameter sets. Although these constraintbased models are highly relevant to predict feasible steady-state fluxes under a diverse range of genetic and environmental conditions, the steady-state assumption may oversimplify cellular behaviour and cannot predict time-course profiles. To overcome these problems, combining these two approaches appears as a reasonable alternative to modelling large-scale metabolic networks. On the other hand, several of the experimental data required for model construction are often rare and in this way it is usually assumed that the enzyme concentrations are constant. In this work, we used a central carbon metabolic network of E. coli to investigate whether including high throughput enzyme concentration data into a kinetic model allows improved predictions of metabolic flux distributions in response to single knockouts perturbations. For this purpose, an E. coli model, based on results obtained from flux balance analysis (FBA) and approximate lin-log kinetics was constructed. The intracellular fluxes distributions, obtained using this model, were compared with published in vivo measurements.(undefined

    Improved Network Performance via Antagonism: From Synthetic Rescues to Multi-drug Combinations

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    Recent research shows that a faulty or sub-optimally operating metabolic network can often be rescued by the targeted removal of enzyme-coding genes--the exact opposite of what traditional gene therapy would suggest. Predictions go as far as to assert that certain gene knockouts can restore the growth of otherwise nonviable gene-deficient cells. Many questions follow from this discovery: What are the underlying mechanisms? How generalizable is this effect? What are the potential applications? Here, I will approach these questions from the perspective of compensatory perturbations on networks. Relations will be drawn between such synthetic rescues and naturally occurring cascades of reaction inactivation, as well as their analogues in physical and other biological networks. I will specially discuss how rescue interactions can lead to the rational design of antagonistic drug combinations that select against resistance and how they can illuminate medical research on cancer, antibiotics, and metabolic diseases.Comment: Online Open "Problems and Paradigms" articl

    Current Challenges in Modeling Cellular Metabolism

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    Mathematical and computational models play an essential role in understanding the cellular metabolism. They are used as platforms to integrate current knowledge on a biological system and to systematically test and predict the effect of manipulations to such systems. The recent advances in genome sequencing techniques have facilitated the reconstruction of genome-scale metabolic networks for a wide variety of organisms from microbes to human cells. These models have been successfully used in multiple biotechnological applications. Despite these advancements, modeling cellular metabolism still presents many challenges. The aim of this Research Topic is not only to expose and consolidate the state-of-the-art in metabolic modeling approaches, but also to push this frontier beyond the current edge through the introduction of innovative solutions. The articles presented in this e-book address some of the main challenges in the field, including the integration of different modeling formalisms, the integration of heterogeneous data sources into metabolic models, explicit representation of other biological processes during phenotype simulation, and standardization efforts in the representation of metabolic models and simulation results

    J Theor Biol

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    We present two modifications of the flux balance analysis (FBA) metabolic modeling framework which relax implicit assumptions of the biomass reaction. Our flexible flux balance analysis (flexFBA) objective removes the fixed proportion between reactants, and can therefore produce a subset of biomass reactants. Our time-linked flux balance analysis (tFBA) simulation removes the fixed proportion between reactants and byproducts, and can therefore describe transitions between metabolic steady states. Used together, flexFBA and tFBA model a time scale shorter than the regulatory and growth steady state encoded by the biomass reaction. This combined short-time FBA method is intended for integrated modeling applications to enable detailed and dynamic depictions of microbial physiology such as whole-cell modeling. For example, when modeling Escherichia coli, it avoids artifacts caused by low-copy-number enzymes in single-cell models with kinetic bounds. Even outside integrated modeling contexts, the detailed predictions of flexFBA and tFBA complement existing FBA techniques. We show detailed metabolite production of in silico knockouts used to identify when correct essentiality predictions are made for the wrong reason.5DP1LM01150-05/DP/NCCDPHP CDC HHS/United StatesDP1 LM011510/LM/NLM NIH HHS/United StatesP50 GM107615/GM/NIGMS NIH HHS/United States2015-03-21T00:00:00Z24361328PMC393392

    A software tool for the simulation and optimization of dynamic metabolic models

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    In Systems Biology, there is a growing need for simulation and optimization tools for the prediction of the phenotypical behavior of microorganisms. In this paper, an open-source software platform is proposed to provide support for research in Metabolic Engineering, by implementing tools that enable the simulation and optimization of dynamic metabolic models using ordinary differential equations. Its main functionalities are related with (i) phenotype simulation of both wild type and mutant strains under given environmental conditions and (ii) strain optimization tackling tasks such as gene knockout selection or the definition of the optimal level of enzyme expression, given appropriate objective functions. The central carbon metabolism of E. coli was used as a case study, to illustrate the main features of the software

    Flux balance analysis of metabolic models: a review of recent advances and applications

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    2016 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.Genome-level reconstructions of metabolic networks have provided new insight into the cellular functions of many organisms. These metabolic models are massive constructs, often including thousands of metabolic and transport reactions and metabolite species for even the most basic organisms. Construction of these models has typically involved an initial genomic analysis to identify known genes or genes with homologous structures for which the function may be inferred, followed by an intensive process of literature searching and experimental validation to refine the model. A number of automated algorithms have been developed to assist with this process. Once the model has been constructed, optimization techniques are applied to predict the distribution of fluxes through the reaction network. The systems then studied by FBA are generally static systems, assumed to be operating at a steady state, and thus constrained by the stoichiometries of the reactions rather than the kinetics. While these assumptions have shown to be valid under select laboratory conditions, evidence indicates that most organisms are not always at this steady state. A number of model improvements have been considered to bring predicted results more in line with experimental data, including the addition of regulatory controls, more detailed incorporation of thermodynamics, and the consideration of metabolite pool and flux data from metabolomics and labeled carbon studies, respectively. The improved predictive capabilities of these models readily find application in metabolic engineering in the custom strain design of organisms. Often this purpose is the production of some valuable bioproduct. This review seeks to give overview the advances made on both the model construction and application ends, with particular emphasis on model improvements via more complex constraints and the incorporation of experimental data