29 research outputs found

    Analisis Kualitas Sistem Omnichannel pada PT. BFI Menggunakan Model ISO 25010

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    Omnichannel merupakan suatu transformasi dalam budaya organisasi, operasi dan proses, dan teknologi. Pada tahun 2021 PT BFI Finance mulai menggunakan platform Omnichannel dalam melakukan otomasi reminder (pengingat) angsuran pinjaman nasabah sebelum jatuh tempo. Fitur omnichannel memiliki fungsi yang beragam dengan salah satu fiturnya adalah pengiriman otomatis whatsapp dan sms. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kualitas platform Omnichannel pada PT BFI menggunakan metode ISO 25010. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif. Pengujian ISO 25010 merupakan standar internasional yang digunakan dalam menganalisis kualitas dari suatu perangkat lunak. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai analisis kualitas aplikasi menggunakan ISO 25010 dengan lima karakteristik yaitu Functional Suitability, Usability, Performance Efficiency, Portability and Compatibility. Hasil dari karakteristik functional suitability yaitu platform omnichannel dikatakan baik. Usability mendapatkan 76,67 % yang berarti platform omnichannel disebut layak. Performance efficiency website termasuk baik karena proses load kurang dari 10 detik. Dari hasil tersebut disimpulkan bahwa platform Omnichannel memenuhi predikat puas. Compatibility platform Omnichannel tidak menemukan masalah letak dan performance pada browser Edge, Chrome dan Android. Hasil penilaian diharapkan dapat menjadi rekomendasi dan saran untuk melakukan pengembangan platform omnichannel dalam membantu proses pengiriman digital reminder yang lebih baik dan efisien

    Coffee Shop New Retail Business Model

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    New retail is an innovative business model combining online and offline (O2O) shopping experiences (Alibaba Gorup, 2018) and is discovering how to adapt to the digital transformation. Several factors that could affect consumer experience when shopping online include ease of accessing and using the web, Hedonic and Utilitarian Features, Convenience, personalization, social interaction, and compatibility on various devices. The study aims to measure the relationship between the new retail business model dimension: customer, convenience, and communication to customer experience. This research identifies the factors that influence the customer experience in the new retail business model; three hypotheses were built in this study, then tested. The quantitative approach uses a partial least square (PLS) application to obtain the data and measure the impact of each dimension on the new retail concept. The population in this study is Starbucks consumers who have used all online-offline channels and are living in Bandung West Java. Based on the research objectives, the conclusion from the research results is the establishment of a model that represents the relationship between consumer variables, convenience, communication, and customer experience. Based on the model validation results, consumers and communication are the factors that influence the customer experience in coffee shops online and offline in the new retail concept. The communication variable is the most significant variable that directly affects the customer experience

    Los factores de la experiencia del consumidor en un contexto omnicanal en relación con la intención de compra en el sector de tiendas por departamento en la categoría de electrodomésticos en Lima

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    El proceso de compra del consumidor es cambiante según sus necesidades y las nuevas tecnologías que aparecen constantemente. De ello provienen por ejemplo la multicanalidad y omnicanalidad, siendo esta última la evolución de la multicanalidad. La omnicanalidad se refiere a la presencia de una marca con el mismo mensaje, concepto y calidad de atención a través de todos los canales que tienen contacto con su público final. La omnicanalidad nace con el propósito de mejorar la experiencia del cliente sin interrupciones, dados los constantes desafíos para atender a los clientes de manera óptima. El propósito de este estudio es averiguar qué factores de la experiencia omnicanal son clave para impulsar la intención de compra. En esta investigación se usó el método cuantitativo. El instrumento de medición para medir las 5 dimensiones de la experiencia omnicanal (conectividad, integración, consistencia, flexibilidad, personalización) se desarrolló en base a la teoría propuesta por Hoehle & Venkatesh (2015). El instrumento fue validado por profesores y alumnos de doctorado que conocían el tema de investigación y un pre-test (Shi et al, 2020). Para realizar la encuesta se tomó una muestra de 400 personas pertenecientes a nuestro público objetivo. Estos deben ser hombres o mujeres de 20 a 45 años de edad del NSE A, B y C1, con un nivel de educación superior técnico o profesional.The consumer buying process is changing according to their needs and new technologies that appear constantly. For example, multichannel and omnichannel come from this, the latter being the evolution of multichannel. Omnichannel refers to the presence of a brand with the same message, concept and quality of service through all the channels that have contact with its final audience. Omnichannel was created with the purpose of improving the customer experience without interruptions, given the constant challenges to serve customers in an optimal way. The purpose of this study is to find out which omnichannel experience factors are key to driving purchase intent. In this investigation, the quantitative method was used. The measurement instrument to measure the five dimensions of the omnichannel experience (connectivity, integration, consistency, flexibility, personalization) was developed based on the theory proposed by Hoehle & Venkatesh (2015). The instrument was validated by professors and doctoral students who knew the research topic and a pretest (Shi et al, 2020). To carry out the survey, a sample of 400 people belonging to our target audience was taken. These must be men or women between 20 and 45 years of age from SES A, B and C1, with a technical or professional higher education level.Trabajo de investigació

    Investigating the situated culture of multi-channel customer management:A case study in Egypt

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    This paper investigates the influence of national culture on customers' behavior and customers' choice of channel through the customer life cycle stages. An exploratory in-depth single case study in a multinational organization in Egypt was conducted. Specifically, 31 in-depth interviews were conducted with members of staff in marketing, IT, retail and customer services departments, and external prospects/customers. Based on an interpretive approach, the authors have articulated a situated cultural approach based on structuration theory to identify the cultural dimensions that have provided an understanding of the cultural influence on customers' channel choice. The results highlighted that verbal, human interaction, traditional shopping, and cash based were the themes for customers' channel choice through the four stages of customer life cycle. The results also show that the customers' channel choices were linked to the following Egyptian cultural dimensions: collectivism, market price relationship, emotional, power distance, low trust, uncertainty avoidance, and universalism

    Omnichannel retailing, from the focus on consumer behavior through organizational and retailer impact: A systematic review from a marketing perspective

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    In an increasingly digital world characterized by the rise of web 5.0, mobile internet, and broadband, companies find themselves in a process of profound adaptation. The different modes of interaction with customers also undergo systematic transformations due to the revolution that technology, especially the Internet is imposing on the market. So, this work aims to understand the complexity of Omnichannel retailing using bibliometrics and a systematic review of methodological strategies. This study also presents an investigation of the aforementioned theme considering the marketing lens as the main approach. The research was conducted in seven databases to list the main articles on the topic. The search terms were "Omnichannel" and its main variant "omnichannel". The databases used were: Google Scholar, Web Science, Scopus, Ebsco Host. The main results indicate that marketing researchers are addressing omnichannel from the consumer's perspective (consumer experiences and the importance of the customer journey in omnichannel retailing), the business strategies adopted by companies to act in this retail format (investments in technology to integrate performance across different channels), and the interaction of marketing with other organizational domains (integration of the marketing domain with other domains to act in this retailing context). In conclusion, we suggest the following research perspectives: a) themes for understanding the customer’s journey; b) stages covered and how consumer experiences can impact new purchases; c) understanding how companies are preparing to deal with this omnichannel scenario.In an increasingly digital world characterized by the rise of web 5.0, mobile internet, and broadband, companies find themselves in a process of profound adaptation. The different modes of interaction with customers also undergo systematic transformations due to the revolution that technology, especially the Internet is imposing on the market. So, this work aims to understand the complexity of Omnichannel retailing using bibliometrics and a systematic review of methodological strategies. This study also presents an investigation of the aforementioned theme considering the marketing lens as the main approach. The research was conducted in seven databases to list the main articles on the topic. The search terms were "Omnichannel" and its main variant "omnichannel". The databases used were: Google Scholar, Web Science, Scopus, Ebsco Host. The main results indicate that marketing researchers are addressing omnichannel from the consumer's perspective (consumer experiences and the importance of the customer journey in omnichannel retailing), the business strategies adopted by companies to act in this retail format (investments in technology to integrate performance across different channels), and the interaction of marketing with other organizational domains (integration of the marketing domain with other domains to act in this retailing context). In conclusion, we suggest the following research perspectives: a) themes for understanding the customer’s journey; b) stages covered and how consumer experiences can impact new purchases; c) understanding how companies are preparing to deal with this omnichannel scenario


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    Cijena se po svojoj kompleksnosti razlikuje od ostalih elemenata marketinškog spleta te je u marketinškoj literaturi u određenoj mjeri zanemarena. Određivanje cijena i upravljanje njima u strateškom i taktičkom smislu oduvijek je bilo izazovno te su brojni čimbenici koji se pritom moraju uzeti u obzir, poput profita tvrtke, željenog imidža, konkurencije, zakonskih ograničenja i ciljnih kupaca. Tehnologija je sve učinila transparentnijim i lakšim za praćenje, uključujući i cijene. Razvoj multikanalnog okruženja prvenstveno je pod utjecajem razvoja tehnologije koja omogućuje multikanalni pristup i maloprodavačima i kupcima. Zbog toga je cilj ovoga rada istaknuti važnost upravljanja cijenama u multikanalnom okruženju i izazovima koje donosi. Nadalje, cilj je i utvrditi stanje multikanalnog okruženja na hrvatskom tržištu, i na strani ponude i na strani potražnje. U tu svrhu provedena je studija slučaja vodećih 10 maloprodavača pretežito prehrambenim proizvodima te su analizirane njihove cjenovne i prodajne aktivnosti. Na 305 kupaca provedeno je primarno istraživanje korištenjem visoko strukturiranog upitnika kojim se saznalo u kojoj mjeri su kupci prihvatili različite mogućnosti informiranja o cijenama. Rezultati ukazuju na to da maloprodavači, a posljedično i kupci, relativno sporo prihvaćaju mogućnosti multikanalnog okruženja

    Bütüncül Kanal Pazarlama Yaklaşımında Dijital Dönüşümün Geleceği: Yükseköğretime Yönelik Kavramsal Bir Araştırma

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    Mobil kanalların, tabletlerin ve sosyal medyanın ortaya çıkışı, bu yeni kanalların ve cihazların çevrimiçi ve çevrimdışı perakendecilikle entegrasyonu sayesinde, müşterilerin alışveriş süreçlerinde çoklu dağıtım ve iletişim kanallarını kullanarak kesintisiz ve sorunsuz bir deneyim yaşamalarına imkân tanımıştır. Bütüncül kanal (omnichannel) pazarlama olarak adlandırılan bu bütüncül yaklaşım, perakende sektöründe büyük bir dönüşüme yol açmıştır. Pazarlama alanında başarılı şekilde uygulanan bütüncül yaklaşım, başka alanlarda da etkin ve verimli olarak kullanılmaktadır. Eğitim dünyasındaki dijital teknolojilerin sürekli artan önemi, yükseköğretimde bütüncül kanal stratejilerinin uygulanmasını gittikçe daha önemli kılmaktadır. Bu stratejiler, öğrenci memnuniyetini artırmak, daha geniş kitlelere ulaşmak ve öğrenme ortamını daha esnek ve mobil hale getirmek gibi avantajlar sunmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, yükseköğretimde bütüncül kanal stratejilerinin ve uygulamalarının nasıl hayata geçirileceğine dair mevcut yol haritasının eksikliklerini gidermektir. Bu amaçla, çalışma öncelikle bütüncül kanal pazarlama yaklaşımının temel ilkeleri, yükseköğretimde dijital teknolojilerin önemi, uygulama zorlukları ve yükseköğretimde bütüncül kanal yaklaşımının avantajları, başarılı uygulamalardan elde edilen bilgiler incelenmiştir. Bu bilgiler ışığında, yükseköğretim kurumlarının bütüncül kanal yaklaşımını ve uygulamalarını sistemlerine nasıl entegre edebilecekleri konusunda bir uygulama modeli oluşturulmuştur. Ayrıca, yükseköğretimde bütüncül kanal uygulamaları için en iyi uygulamalar ve başarı faktörleri belirlenmiş, bu sayede öğrencilere başarılı bir dijital dönüşüm, tutarlı bir öğrenme ve hizmet deneyimi sağlama hedefinde olan üniversitelere öneriler sunulmuştur. Çalışmanın literatüre katkısı, yükseköğretim kurumlarına bütüncül kanal pazarlama stratejileri ile öğrenci beklentilerini karşılamada ve iletişim kurmada bir rehber olmasıdır. Ayrıca, başarılı bir dijital dönüşüm, tutarlı bir öğrenme ve hizmet deneyimi ve öğrenci memnuniyeti sağlamayı hedefleyen üniversitelere yönelik uygulama başarı faktörleri ve gelecek çalışmalar için öneriler sunmaktadır. Bu çalışma, bütüncül kanal pazarlama stratejilerinin yükseköğretimde nasıl etkili bir şekilde uygulanabileceğini anlamaya ve bu alanda başarıya ulaşmak için bir yol haritası çizmeye yardımcı olmayı hedeflemektedir

    Omnichannel fashion retailing: examining the customer decision-making journey

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the customer decision-making journey of high involvement female fashion consumers in the context of omnichannel fashion retailing. Design/methodology/approach – The research is qualitative in nature, using a multi-method approach consisting of focus groups, semi-structured interviews, online diaries and follow-up interviews, with grounded theory applied to analyse the data. Findings – The results of the study include a framework to outline the stages of the omnichannel customer decision-making journey for young high involvement female fashion consumers. The findings also reveal that an omnichannel decision-making journey is the one that predicated on risk and that consumers employ specific strategies to avoid such risks. Research limitations/implications – Due to the nature of this research, the sample size is limited and may not be generalised. Data collection was confined to Manchester, UK. Practical implications – Customer journey mapping enables practitioners to view the entire shopping experience through the eyes of the customer and enables retailers’ fault-find issues within the customer and brand experience. Originality/value – The paper advances knowledge about fashion and consumer behaviour. The customer decision journey framework maps the emotional experiences, devices and channels encountered by high involvement fashion consumers across each stage of the omnichannel journey

    Webrooming és showrooming Magyarországon - omnichannel vásárlói magatartás a sportcikkek piacán

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    Napjainkban a vásárlási folyamat egyre inkább dinamikus és digitalizált. A kereskedők számára végtelen lehetőség és eszköz áll már rendelkezésre a különböző kommunikációs csatornák és elérési pontok kombinálásával, annak érdekében, hogy minél zökkenőmentesebb és élvezetesebb vásárlói élményt nyújtsanak. A szerzők kutatásukban e tágabb aspektuson belül az omnichannel vásárlói magatartásra fókuszáltak a sportcikkek piacán. A kutatás fő célja két magatartásminta hazai elterjedtségének vizsgálata: a showrooming és a webrooming. Az 1000 fős online megkérdezés eredményei alapján arra jutottak, hogy a webrooming a leginkább kedvelt vásárlói út-típus, ami azt jelenti, hogy a vásárlók inkább az interneten informálódnak, de a vásárlásra inkább a fizikai üzletekben kerül sor. Emellett öt főbb vásárlói szegmenst azonosítottak, melyek között az omnishopperek is megjelentek, akik mind a webrooming, mind a showrooming magatartást előnyben részesítik. Ők azok a vásárlók, akik a jövő kiskereskedelmi tevékenységének középpontjában állnak, és preferenciáik, illetve vásárlói jellemzőik nemcsak az akadémiai kutatások számára, hanem a piaci szereplők számára is relevánsak

    Impacto del personal de contacto en la experiencia y satisfacción del cliente en el e-commerce

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    El impacto del personal de contacto en la experiencia de los clientes en el comercio electrónico no ha captado una gran atención de investigaciones científicas. Para aportar visibilidad, conectar conceptos ya enunciados y proponer nuevas vías de investigación, esta revisión ha realizado búsquedas de artículos entre 2005 y 2020 con palabras clave relacionadas y ha tenido en cuenta otros artículos a través de referencias contenidas en estos. En base a la información encontrada, se propone una ampliación de los canales de comunicación para la atención al cliente, un modelo de Customer Journey Map para el e-commerce y pone de manifiesto la importancia del personal de contacto en todos los canales. Además plantea la necesidad de seguir investigando sobre las capacidades necesarias para el CX, sobre la preferencia de  canal de atención al cliente por categorías/productos y propone la creación de una clasificación multidimensional de los canales de comunicación