1,428 research outputs found

    Data Reduction for Graph Coloring Problems

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    This paper studies the kernelization complexity of graph coloring problems with respect to certain structural parameterizations of the input instances. We are interested in how well polynomial-time data reduction can provably shrink instances of coloring problems, in terms of the chosen parameter. It is well known that deciding 3-colorability is already NP-complete, hence parameterizing by the requested number of colors is not fruitful. Instead, we pick up on a research thread initiated by Cai (DAM, 2003) who studied coloring problems parameterized by the modification distance of the input graph to a graph class on which coloring is polynomial-time solvable; for example parameterizing by the number k of vertex-deletions needed to make the graph chordal. We obtain various upper and lower bounds for kernels of such parameterizations of q-Coloring, complementing Cai's study of the time complexity with respect to these parameters. Our results show that the existence of polynomial kernels for q-Coloring parameterized by the vertex-deletion distance to a graph class F is strongly related to the existence of a function f(q) which bounds the number of vertices which are needed to preserve the NO-answer to an instance of q-List-Coloring on F.Comment: Author-accepted manuscript of the article that will appear in the FCT 2011 special issue of Information & Computatio

    On Polynomial Kernelization of H-free Edge Deletion

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    For a set H of graphs, the H-free Edge Deletion problem is to decide whether there exist at most k edges in the input graph, for some k∈N, whose deletion results in a graph without an induced copy of any of the graphs in H . The problem is known to be fixed-parameter tractable if H is of finite cardinality. In this paper, we present a polynomial kernel for this problem for any fixed finite set H of connected graphs for the case where the input graphs are of bounded degree. We use a single kernelization rule which deletes vertices ‘far away’ from the induced copies of every H∈H in the input graph. With a slightly modified kernelization rule, we obtain polynomial kernels for H-free Edge Deletion under the following three settings

    On Polynomial Kernelization of H\mathcal{H}-free Edge Deletion

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    For a set of graphs H\mathcal{H}, the \textsc{H\mathcal{H}-free Edge Deletion} problem asks to find whether there exist at most kk edges in the input graph whose deletion results in a graph without any induced copy of HHH\in\mathcal{H}. In \cite{cai1996fixed}, it is shown that the problem is fixed-parameter tractable if H\mathcal{H} is of finite cardinality. However, it is proved in \cite{cai2013incompressibility} that if H\mathcal{H} is a singleton set containing HH, for a large class of HH, there exists no polynomial kernel unless coNPNP/polycoNP\subseteq NP/poly. In this paper, we present a polynomial kernel for this problem for any fixed finite set H\mathcal{H} of connected graphs and when the input graphs are of bounded degree. We note that there are \textsc{H\mathcal{H}-free Edge Deletion} problems which remain NP-complete even for the bounded degree input graphs, for example \textsc{Triangle-free Edge Deletion}\cite{brugmann2009generating} and \textsc{Custer Edge Deletion(P3P_3-free Edge Deletion)}\cite{komusiewicz2011alternative}. When H\mathcal{H} contains K1,sK_{1,s}, we obtain a stronger result - a polynomial kernel for KtK_t-free input graphs (for any fixed t>2t> 2). We note that for s>9s>9, there is an incompressibility result for \textsc{K1,sK_{1,s}-free Edge Deletion} for general graphs \cite{cai2012polynomial}. Our result provides first polynomial kernels for \textsc{Claw-free Edge Deletion} and \textsc{Line Edge Deletion} for KtK_t-free input graphs which are NP-complete even for K4K_4-free graphs\cite{yannakakis1981edge} and were raised as open problems in \cite{cai2013incompressibility,open2013worker}.Comment: 12 pages. IPEC 2014 accepted pape

    Incompressibility of H-Free Edge Modification Problems: Towards a Dichotomy

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    Given a graph G and an integer k, the H-free Edge Editing problem is to find whether there exist at most k pairs of vertices in G such that changing the adjacency of the pairs in G results in a graph without any induced copy of H. The existence of polynomial kernels for H-free Edge Editing (that is, whether it is possible to reduce the size of the instance to k^O(1) in polynomial time) received significant attention in the parameterized complexity literature. Nontrivial polynomial kernels are known to exist for some graphs H with at most 4 vertices (e.g., path on 3 or 4 vertices, diamond, paw), but starting from 5 vertices, polynomial kernels are known only if H is either complete or empty. This suggests the conjecture that there is no other H with at least 5 vertices were H-free Edge Editing admits a polynomial kernel. Towards this goal, we obtain a set ? of nine 5-vertex graphs such that if for every H ? ?, H-free Edge Editing is incompressible and the complexity assumption NP ? coNP/poly holds, then H-free Edge Editing is incompressible for every graph H with at least five vertices that is neither complete nor empty. That is, proving incompressibility for these nine graphs would give a complete classification of the kernelization complexity of H-free Edge Editing for every H with at least 5 vertices. We obtain similar result also for H-free Edge Deletion. Here the picture is more complicated due to the existence of another infinite family of graphs H where the problem is trivial (graphs with exactly one edge). We obtain a larger set ? of nineteen graphs whose incompressibility would give a complete classification of the kernelization complexity of H-free Edge Deletion for every graph H with at least 5 vertices. Analogous results follow also for the H-free Edge Completion problem by simple complementation

    Hardness of Approximation for H-Free Edge Modification Problems: Towards a Dichotomy

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    For a fixed graph H, the H-free Edge Deletion/Completion/Editing problem asks to delete/add/edit the minimum possible number of edges in G to get a graph that does not contain an induced subgraph isomorphic to the graph H. In this work, we investigate H-free Edge Deletion/Completion/Editing problems in terms of the hardness of their approximation. We formulate a conjecture according to which all the graphs with at least five vertices can be classified into several groups of graphs with specific structural properties depending on the hardness of approximation for the corresponding H-free Edge Deletion/Completion/Editing problems. Also, we make significant progress in proving that conjecture by showing that it is sufficient to resolve it only for a finite set of graphs

    Exploring Subexponential Parameterized Complexity of Completion Problems

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    Let F{\cal F} be a family of graphs. In the F{\cal F}-Completion problem, we are given a graph GG and an integer kk as input, and asked whether at most kk edges can be added to GG so that the resulting graph does not contain a graph from F{\cal F} as an induced subgraph. It appeared recently that special cases of F{\cal F}-Completion, the problem of completing into a chordal graph known as Minimum Fill-in, corresponding to the case of F={C4,C5,C6,}{\cal F}=\{C_4,C_5,C_6,\ldots\}, and the problem of completing into a split graph, i.e., the case of F={C4,2K2,C5}{\cal F}=\{C_4, 2K_2, C_5\}, are solvable in parameterized subexponential time 2O(klogk)nO(1)2^{O(\sqrt{k}\log{k})}n^{O(1)}. The exploration of this phenomenon is the main motivation for our research on F{\cal F}-Completion. In this paper we prove that completions into several well studied classes of graphs without long induced cycles also admit parameterized subexponential time algorithms by showing that: - The problem Trivially Perfect Completion is solvable in parameterized subexponential time 2O(klogk)nO(1)2^{O(\sqrt{k}\log{k})}n^{O(1)}, that is F{\cal F}-Completion for F={C4,P4}{\cal F} =\{C_4, P_4\}, a cycle and a path on four vertices. - The problems known in the literature as Pseudosplit Completion, the case where F={2K2,C4}{\cal F} = \{2K_2, C_4\}, and Threshold Completion, where F={2K2,P4,C4}{\cal F} = \{2K_2, P_4, C_4\}, are also solvable in time 2O(klogk)nO(1)2^{O(\sqrt{k}\log{k})} n^{O(1)}. We complement our algorithms for F{\cal F}-Completion with the following lower bounds: - For F={2K2}{\cal F} = \{2K_2\}, F={C4}{\cal F} = \{C_4\}, F={P4}{\cal F} = \{P_4\}, and F={2K2,P4}{\cal F} = \{2K_2, P_4\}, F{\cal F}-Completion cannot be solved in time 2o(k)nO(1)2^{o(k)} n^{O(1)} unless the Exponential Time Hypothesis (ETH) fails. Our upper and lower bounds provide a complete picture of the subexponential parameterized complexity of F{\cal F}-Completion problems for F{2K2,C4,P4}{\cal F}\subseteq\{2K_2, C_4, P_4\}.Comment: 32 pages, 16 figures, A preliminary version of this paper appeared in the proceedings of STACS'1

    Preprocessing Subgraph and Minor Problems: When Does a Small Vertex Cover Help?

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    We prove a number of results around kernelization of problems parameterized by the size of a given vertex cover of the input graph. We provide three sets of simple general conditions characterizing problems admitting kernels of polynomial size. Our characterizations not only give generic explanations for the existence of many known polynomial kernels for problems like q-Coloring, Odd Cycle Transversal, Chordal Deletion, Eta Transversal, or Long Path, parameterized by the size of a vertex cover, but also imply new polynomial kernels for problems like F-Minor-Free Deletion, which is to delete at most k vertices to obtain a graph with no minor from a fixed finite set F. While our characterization captures many interesting problems, the kernelization complexity landscape of parameterizations by vertex cover is much more involved. We demonstrate this by several results about induced subgraph and minor containment testing, which we find surprising. While it was known that testing for an induced complete subgraph has no polynomial kernel unless NP is in coNP/poly, we show that the problem of testing if a graph contains a complete graph on t vertices as a minor admits a polynomial kernel. On the other hand, it was known that testing for a path on t vertices as a minor admits a polynomial kernel, but we show that testing for containment of an induced path on t vertices is unlikely to admit a polynomial kernel.Comment: To appear in the Journal of Computer and System Science