53 research outputs found

    Forecasting US unemployment with radial basis neural networks, kalman filters and support vector regressions

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    This study investigates the efficiency of the radial basis function neural networks in forecasting the US unemployment and explores the utility of Kalman filter and support vector regression as forecast combination techniques. On one hand, an autoregressive moving average model, a smooth transition autoregressive model and three different neural networks architectures, namely a multi-layer perceptron, recurrent neural network and a psi sigma network are used as benchmarks for our radial basis function neural network. On the other hand, our forecast combination methods are benchmarked with a simple average and a least absolute shrinkage and selection operator. The statistical performance of our models is estimated throughout the period of 1972–2012, using the last 7 years for out-of-sample testing. The results show that the radial basis function neural network statistically outperforms all models’ individual performances. The forecast combinations are successful, since both Kalman filter and support vector regression techniques improve the statistical accuracy. Finally, support vector regression is found to be the superior model of the forecasting competition. The empirical evidence of this application are further validated by the use of the modified Diebold–Mariano test

    The Kalman Filter Approach for Estimating the Natural Unemployment Rate in Romania

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    The aim of this research is to determine the monthly natural rate of unemployment during the third quarter of 2013 in Romania. The Phillips curve approach is not valid for the Romanian economy, but Kalman filter is a suitable approach for computing the natural rate of unemployment. The presence of cycle component is obvious, making the assumption that this component follows a random walk. A very slow and insignificant decrease was observed for the predicted unemployment rate using Kalman approach during July-September 2013. A value of 5.85% is expected for unemployment rate in Romania in September 2013. &nbsp

    Applications of hybrid neural networks and genetic programming in financial forecasting

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    This thesis explores the utility of computational intelligent techniques and aims to contribute to the growing literature of hybrid neural networks and genetic programming applications in financial forecasting. The theoretical background and the description of the forecasting techniques are given in the first part of the thesis (chapters 1-3), while the contribution is provided through the last five self-contained chapters (chapters 4-8). Chapter 4 investigates the utility of the Psi Sigma neural network when applied to the task of forecasting and trading the Euro/Dollar exchange rate, while Kalman Filter estimation is tested in combining neural network forecasts. A time-varying leverage trading strategy based on volatility forecasts is also introduced. In chapter 5 three neural networks are used to forecast an exchange rate, while Kalman Filter, Genetic Programming and Support Vector Regression are implemented to provide stochastic and genetic forecast combinations. In addition, a hybrid leverage trading strategy tests if volatility forecasts and market shocks can be combined to boost the trading performance of the models. Chapter 6 presents a hybrid Genetic Algorithm – Support Vector Regression model for optimal parameter selection and feature subset combination. The model is applied to the task of forecasting and trading three euro exchange rates. The results of these chapters suggest that the stochastic and genetic neural network forecast combinations present superior forecasts and high profitability. In that way, more light is shed in the demanding issue of achieving statistical and trading efficiency in the foreign exchange markets. The focus of the next two chapters shifts from exchange rate forecasting to inflation and unemployment prediction through optimal macroeconomic variable selection. Chapter 7 focuses on forecasting the US inflation and unemployment, while chapter 8 presents the Rolling Genetic – Support Vector Regression model. The latter is applied to several forecasting exercises of inflation and unemployment of EMU members. Both chapters provide information on which set of macroeconomic indicators is found relevant to inflation and unemployment targeting on a monthly basis. The proposed models statistically outperform traditional ones. Hence, the voluminous literature, suggesting that non-linear time-varying approaches are more efficient and realistic in similar applications, is extended. From a technical point of view, these algorithms are superior to non-adaptive algorithms; avoid time consuming optimization approaches and efficiently cope with dimensionality and data-snooping issues

    Forecasting house prices using dynamic model averaging

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    This work project applies the Dynamic Model Averaging methodology to forecast quarterly house price growth in Portugal, Spain, Italy, Ireland, the Euro Area and the United States. This recent econometric technique uses the Kalman filter to recursively estimate dynamic models and ultimately produces a forecast by averaging these models using a prediction performance criterion. Results show the superior predictive ability of this methodology when compared to the usual autoregressive benchmarks. Furthermore, we make use of the model’s outputs to provide a comparative analysis of the six series, concluding that there is no single predictor transversally important for all series

    Applications of artificial neural networks in financial market forecasting

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    This thesis evaluates the utility of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) applied to financial market and macroeconomic forecasting. In application, ANNs are evaluated in comparison to traditional forecasting models to evaluate if their nonlinear and adaptive properties yield superior forecasting performance in terms of robustness and accuracy. Furthermore, as ANNs are data-driven models, an emphasis is placed on the data collection stage by compiling extensive candidate input variable pools, a task frequently underperformed by prior research. In evaluating their performance, ANNs are applied to the domains of: exchange rate forecasting, volatility forecasting, and macroeconomic forecasting. Regarding exchange rate forecasting, ANNs are applied to forecast the daily logarithmic returns of the EUR/USD over a short-term forecast horizon of one period. Initially, the analytic method of Technical Analysis (TA) and its sub-section of technical indicators are utilized to compile an extensive candidate input variable pool featuring standard and advanced technical indicators measuring all technical aspects of the EUR/USD time series. The candidate input variable pool is then subjected to a two-stage Input Variable Selection (IVS) process, producing an informative subset of technical indicators to serve as inputs to the ANNs. A collection of ANNs is then trained and tested on the EUR/USD time series data with their performance evaluated over a 5-year sample period (2012 to 2016), reserving the last two years for out of sample testing. A Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) model serves as a benchmark with the in-sample and out-of-sample empirical results demonstrating the MACD is a superior forecasting model across most forecast evaluation metrics. For volatility forecasting, ANNs are applied to forecast the volatility of the Nikkei 225 Index over a short-term forecast horizon of one period. Initially, an extensive candidate input variable pool is compiled consisting of implied volatility models and historical volatility models. The candidate input variable pool is then subjected to a two-stage IVS process. A collection of ANNs is then trained and tested on the Nikkei 225 Index time series data with their performance evaluated over a 4-year sample period (2014 to 2017), reserving the last year for out-of-sample testing. A GARCH (1,1) model serves as a benchmark with the out-of-sample empirical results finding the GARCH (1,1) model to be the superior volatility forecasting model. The research concludes with ANNs applied to macroeconomic forecasting, where ANNs are applied to forecast the monthly per cent-change in U.S. civilian unemployment and the quarterly per cent-change in U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP). For both studies, an extensive candidate input variable pool is compiled using relevant macroeconomic indicator data sourced from the Federal Bank of St Louis. The candidate input variable pools are then subjected to a two-stage IVS process. A collection of ANNs is trained and tested on the U.S. unemployment time series data (UNEMPLOY) and U.S. GDP time series data. The sample periods are (1972 to 2017) and (1960 to 2016) respectively, reserving the last 20% of data for out of sample testing. In both studies, the performance of the ANNs is benchmarked against a Support Vector Regression (SVR) model and a Naïve forecast. In both studies, the ANNs outperform the SVR benchmark model. The empirical results demonstrate that ANNs are superior forecasting models in the domain of macroeconomic forecasting, with the Modular Neural Network performing notably well. However, the empirical results question the utility of ANNs in the domains of exchange rate forecasting and volatility forecasting. A MACD model outperforms ANNs in exchange rate forecasting both in-sample and out-of-sample, and a GARCH (1,1) model outperforms ANNs in volatility forecasting

    Prediction of nonlinear nonstationary time series data using a digital filter and support vector regression

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    Volatility is a key parameter when measuring the size of the errors made in modelling returns and other nonlinear nonstationary time series data. The Autoregressive Integrated Moving- Average (ARIMA) model is a linear process in time series; whilst in the nonlinear system, the Generalised Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (GARCH) and Markov Switching GARCH (MS-GARCH) models have been widely applied. In statistical learning theory, Support Vector Regression (SVR) plays an important role in predicting nonlinear and nonstationary time series data. We propose a new class model comprised of a combination of a novel derivative Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD), averaging intrinsic mode function (aIMF) and a novel of multiclass SVR using mean reversion and coefficient of variance (CV) to predict financial data i.e. EUR-USD exchange rates. The proposed novel aIMF is capable of smoothing and reducing noise, whereas the novel of multiclass SVR model can predict exchange rates. Our simulation results show that our model significantly outperforms simulations by state-of-art ARIMA, GARCH, Markov Switching generalised Autoregressive conditional Heteroskedasticity (MS-GARCH), Markov Switching Regression (MSR) models and Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) regression.Open Acces

    Parameterizing and Aggregating Activation Functions in Deep Neural Networks

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    The nonlinear activation functions applied by each neuron in a neural network are essential for making neural networks powerful representational models. If these are omitted, even deep neural networks reduce to simple linear regression due to the fact that a linear combination of linear combinations is still a linear combination. In much of the existing literature on neural networks, just one or two activation functions are selected for the entire network, even though the use of heterogenous activation functions has been shown to produce superior results in some cases. Even less often employed are activation functions that can adapt their nonlinearities as network parameters along with standard weights and biases. This dissertation presents a collection of papers that advance the state of heterogenous and parameterized activation functions. Contributions of this dissertation include three novel parametric activation functions and applications of each, a study evaluating the utility of the parameters in parametric activation functions, an aggregated activation approach to modeling time-series data as an alternative to recurrent neural networks, and an improvement upon existing work that aggregates neuron inputs using product instead of sum

    A contribution to exchange rate forecasting based on machine learning techniques

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    El propòsit d'aquesta tesi és examinar les aportacions a l'estudi de la predicció de la taxa de canvi basada en l'ús de tècniques d'aprenentatge automàtic. Aquestes aportacions es veuen facilitades i millorades per l'ús de variables econòmiques, indicadors tècnics i variables de tipus ‘business and consumer survey’. Aquesta investigació s’organitza entorn d’una recopilació de quatre articles. L'objectiu de cadascun dels quatre treballs de recerca d'aquesta tesi és el de contribuir a l'avanç del coneixement sobre els efectes i mecanismes mitjançant els quals l'ús de variables econòmiques, indicadors tècnics, variables de tipus ‘business and consumer survey’, i la selecció dels paràmetres de models predictius són capaços de millorar les prediccions de la taxa de canvi. Fent ús d'una tècnica de predicció no lineal, el primer article d'aquesta tesi es centra majoritàriament en l'impacte que tenen l'ús de variables econòmiques i la selecció dels paràmetres dels models en les prediccions de la taxa de canvi per a dos països. L'últim experiment d'aquest primer article fa ús de la taxa de canvi del període anterior i d'indicadors econòmics com a variables d'entrada en els models predictius. El segon article d'aquesta tesi analitza com la combinació de mitjanes mòbils, variables de tipus ‘business and consumer survey’ i la selecció dels paràmetres dels models milloren les prediccions del canvi per a dos països. A diferència del primer article, aquest segon treball de recerca afegeix mitjanes mòbils i variables de tipus ‘business and consumer survey’ com a variables d'entrada en els models predictius, i descarta l'ús de variables econòmiques. Un dels objectius d'aquest segon article és determinar el possible impacte de les variables de tipus ‘business and consumer survey’ en les taxes de canvi. El tercer article d'aquesta tesi té els mateixos objectius que el segon, però amb l'excepció que l'anàlisi abasta les taxes de canvi de set països. El quart article de la tesi compta amb els mateixos objectius que l'article anterior, però amb la diferència que fa ús d'un sol indicador tècnic. En general, l'enfocament d'aquesta tesi pretén examinar diferents alternatives per a millorar les prediccions del tipus de canvi a través de l'ús de màquines de suport vectorial. Una combinació de variables i la selecció dels paràmetres dels models predictius ajudaran a aconseguir aquest propòsit.El propósito de esta tesis es examinar las aportaciones al estudio de la predicción de la tasa de cambio basada en el uso de técnicas de aprendizaje automático. Dichas aportaciones se ven facilitadas y mejoradas por el uso de variables económicas, indicadores técnicos y variables de tipo ‘business and consumer survey’. Esta investigación está organizada en un compendio de cuatro artículos. El objetivo de cada uno de los cuatro trabajos de investigación de esta tesis es el de contribuir al avance del conocimiento sobre los efectos y mecanismos mediante los cuales el uso de variables económicas, indicadores técnicos, variables de tipo ‘business and consumer survey’, y la selección de los parámetros de modelos predictivos son capaces de mejorar las predicciones de la tasa de cambio. Haciendo uso de una técnica de predicción no lineal, el primer artículo de esta tesis se centra mayoritariamente en el impacto que tienen el uso de variables económicas y la selección de los parámetros de los modelos en las predicciones de la tasa de cambio para dos países. El último experimento de este primer artículo hace uso de la tasa de cambio del periodo anterior y de indicadores económicos como variables de entrada en los modelos predictivos. El segundo artículo de esta tesis analiza cómo la combinación de medias móviles, variables de tipo ‘business and consumer survey’ y la selección de los parámetros de los modelos mejoran las predicciones del cambio para dos países. A diferencia del primer artículo, este segundo trabajo de investigación añade medias móviles y variables de tipo ‘business and consumer survey’ como variables de entrada en los modelos predictivos, y descarta el uso de variables económicas. Uno de los objetivos de este segundo artículo es determinar el posible impacto de las variables de tipo ‘business and consumer survey’ en las tasas de cambio. El tercer artículo de esta tesis tiene los mismos objetivos que el segundo, pero con la salvedad de que el análisis abarca las tasas de cambio de siete países. El cuarto artículo de esta tesis cuenta con los mismos objetivos que el artículo anterior, pero con la diferencia de que hace uso de un solo indicador técnico. En general, el enfoque de esta tesis pretende examinar diferentes alternativas para mejorar las predicciones del tipo de cambio a través del uso de máquinas de soporte vectorial. Una combinación de variables y la selección de los parámetros de los modelos predictivos ayudarán a conseguir este propósito.The purpose of this thesis is to examine the contribution made by machine learning techniques on exchange rate forecasting. Such contributions are facilitated and enhanced by the use of fundamental economic variables, technical indicators and business and consumer survey variables as inputs in the forecasting models selected. This research has been organized in a compendium of four articles. The aim of each of these four articles is to contribute to advance our knowledge on the effects and means by which the use of fundamental economic variables, technical indicators, business and consumer surveys, and a model’s free-parameters selection is capable of improving exchange rate predictions. Through the use of a non-linear forecasting technique, one research paper examines the effect of fundamental economic variables and a model’s parameters selection on exchange rate forecasts, whereas the other three articles concentrate on the effect of technical indicators, a model’s parameters selection and business and consumer surveys variables on exchange rate forecasting. The first paper of this thesis has the objective of examining fundamental economic variables and a forecasting model’s parameters in an effort to understand the possible advantages or disadvantages these variables may bring to the exchange rate predictions in terms of forecasting performance and accuracy. The second paper of this thesis analyses how the combination of moving averages, business and consumer surveys and a forecasting model’s parameters improves exchange rate predictions. Compared to the first paper, this second paper adds moving averages and business and consumer surveys variables as inputs to the forecasting model, and disregards the use of fundamental economic variables. One of the goals of this paper is to determine the possible effects of business and consumer surveys on exchange rates. The third paper of this thesis has the same objectives as the second paper, but its analysis is expanded by taking into account the exchange rates of 7 countries. The fourth paper in this thesis takes a similar approach as the second and third papers, but makes use of a single technical indicator. In general, this thesis focuses on the improvement of exchange rate predictions through the use of support vector machines. A combination of variables and a model’s parameters selection enhances the way to achieve this purpose

    Nuevos algoritmos de soft-computing en física atmosférica

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    Tesis de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas, leída el 12-03-2019This Ph.D. Thesis elaborates and analyzes several hybrid Soft-Computing algorithms for optimization and prediction problems in Atmospheric Physics. The core of the Thesis is a recently developed optimization meta-heuristic, the Coral Reefs Optimization Algorithm (CRO), an evolutionary-based approach which considers a population of possible solutions to a given optimization problem. It simulates different procedures mimicking real processes occurring in coral reefs in order to evolve the population towards good solutions for the problem. Alternative modifications of this algorithm lead to powerful co-evolution meta-heuristics, such as theCRO-SL, in which Substrates implementing different search procedures are included. Another modification of the algorithm leads to the CRO-SP, which considers Species in the evolutionof the population, and it is able to deal with different encodings within a single population.These approaches are hybridized with other Machine Learning and traditional algorithms such as neural networks or the Analogue Method (AM), to come up with powerful hybrid approaches able to solve hard problems in Atmospheric Physics...En esta Tesis Doctoral se elaboran y analizan en detalle diferentes algoritmos híbridos deSoft-Computing para problemas de optimización y predicción en Física de la Atmósfera. El núcleo central de la Tesis es un algoritmo meta-heurístico de optimización recientemente desarrollado, conocido como Coral Reefs Optimization algorithm (CRO). Este algoritmo pertenece a la familia de la Computación Evolutiva, de forma que considera una población de solucionesa un problema concreto, y simula los diferentes procesos que ocurren en un arrecife de coralpara evolucionar dicha población hacia la solución óptima del problema. Recientemente se han propuesto diferentes versiones del algoritmo CRO básico para obtener mecanismos potentes de optimización co-evolutiva. Una de estas modificaciones es el CRO-SL, en la que se definen un conjunto de Sustratos en el algoritmo, de manera que cada sustrato simula un mecanismo de evolución diferente, que son aplicados a la vez en una única población. Otra modificación hadado lugar al conocido como CRO-SP, un algoritmo donde se definen diferentes Especies, capaz de manejar varias codificaciones para un mismo problema a la vez. Estas versiones del CRO han sido hibridadas con varias técnicas de Aprendizaje Máquina, tales como varios tipos de redes neuronales de entrenamiento rápido, sistemas de aprendizaje tales como Máquinas de Vectores Soporte, o sistemas de predicción vinculados totalmente al área de la Física Atmosférica, tales como el Método de los Análogos (AM). Los algoritmos híbridos obtenidos son muy robustos y capaces de obtener excelentes soluciones en diferentes problemas donde han sido probados...Fac. de Ciencias FísicasTRUEunpu
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