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    Summarization of Spanish Talk Shows with Siamese Hierarchical Attention Networks

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    [EN] In this paper, we present an approach to Spanish talk shows summarization. Our approach is based on the use of Siamese Neural Networks on the transcription of the show audios. Specifically, we propose to use Hierarchical Attention Networks to select the most relevant sentences for each speaker about a given topic in the show, in order to summarize his opinion about the topic. We train these networks in a siamese way to determine whether a summary is appropriate or not. Previous evaluation of this approach on summarization task of English newspapers achieved performances similar to other state-of-the-art systems. In the absence of enough transcribed or recognized speech data to train our system for talk show summarization in Spanish, we acquire a large corpus of document-summary pairs from Spanish newspapers and we use it to train our system. We choose this newspapers domain due to its high similarity with the topics addressed in talk shows. A preliminary evaluation of our summarization system on Spanish TV programs shows the adequacy of the proposal.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish MINECO and FEDER founds under project AMIC (TIN2017-85854-C4-2-R). Work of Jose-Angel Gonzalez is financed by Universitat Politecnica de Valencia under grant PAID-01-17.González-Barba, JÁ.; Hurtado Oliver, LF.; Segarra Soriano, E.; García-Granada, F.; Sanchís Arnal, E. (2019). Summarization of Spanish Talk Shows with Siamese Hierarchical Attention Networks. Applied Sciences. 9(18):1-13. https://doi.org/10.3390/app9183836S113918Carbonell, J., & Goldstein, J. (1998). The use of MMR, diversity-based reranking for reordering documents and producing summaries. Proceedings of the 21st annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval - SIGIR ’98. doi:10.1145/290941.291025Erkan, G., & Radev, D. R. (2004). LexRank: Graph-based Lexical Centrality as Salience in Text Summarization. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 22, 457-479. doi:10.1613/jair.1523Lloret, E., & Palomar, M. (2011). Text summarisation in progress: a literature review. Artificial Intelligence Review, 37(1), 1-41. doi:10.1007/s10462-011-9216-zSee, A., Liu, P. J., & Manning, C. D. (2017). Get To The Point: Summarization with Pointer-Generator Networks. Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers). doi:10.18653/v1/p17-1099Narayan, S., Cohen, S. B., & Lapata, M. (2018). Ranking Sentences for Extractive Summarization with Reinforcement Learning. Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 1 (Long Papers). doi:10.18653/v1/n18-1158González, J.-Á., Segarra, E., García-Granada, F., Sanchis, E., & Hurtado, L.-F. (2019). Siamese hierarchical attention networks for extractive summarization. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 36(5), 4599-4607. doi:10.3233/jifs-179011Furui, S., Kikuchi, T., Shinnaka, Y., & Hori, C. (2004). Speech-to-Text and Speech-to-Speech Summarization of Spontaneous Speech. IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, 12(4), 401-408. doi:10.1109/tsa.2004.828699Shih-Hung Liu, Kuan-Yu Chen, Chen, B., Hsin-Min Wang, Hsu-Chun Yen, & Wen-Lian Hsu. (2015). Combining Relevance Language Modeling and Clarity Measure for Extractive Speech Summarization. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 23(6), 957-969. doi:10.1109/taslp.2015.2414820Yang, Z., Yang, D., Dyer, C., He, X., Smola, A., & Hovy, E. (2016). Hierarchical Attention Networks for Document Classification. Proceedings of the 2016 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies. doi:10.18653/v1/n16-1174Conneau, A., Kiela, D., Schwenk, H., Barrault, L., & Bordes, A. (2017). Supervised Learning of Universal Sentence Representations from Natural Language Inference Data. Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. doi:10.18653/v1/d17-1070Deerwester, S., Dumais, S. T., Furnas, G. W., Landauer, T. K., & Harshman, R. (1990). Indexing by latent semantic analysis. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 41(6), 391-407. doi:10.1002/(sici)1097-4571(199009)41:63.0.co;2-

    On the use of word embedding for cross language plagiarism detection

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    [EN] Cross language plagiarism is the unacknowledged reuse of text across language pairs. It occurs if a passage of text is translated from source language to target language and no proper citation is provided. Although various methods have been developed for detection of cross language plagiarism, less attention has been paid to measure and compare their performance, especially when tackling with different types of paraphrasing through translation. In this paper, we investigate various approaches to cross language plagiarism detection. Moreover, we present a novel approach to cross language plagiarism detection using word embedding methods and explore its performance against other state-of-the-art plagiarism detection algorithms. In order to evaluate the methods, we have constructed an English-Persian bilingual plagiarism detection corpus (referred to as HAMTA-CL) comprised of seven types of obfuscation. The results show that the word embedding approach outperforms the other approaches with respect to recall when encountering heavily paraphrased passages. On the other hand, translation based approach performs well when the precision is the main consideration of the cross language plagiarism detection system.Asghari, H.; Fatemi, O.; Mohtaj, S.; Faili, H.; Rosso, P. (2019). On the use of word embedding for cross language plagiarism detection. Intelligent Data Analysis. 23(3):661-680. https://doi.org/10.3233/IDA-183985S661680233H. Asghari, K. Khoshnava, O. Fatemi and H. Faili, Developing bilingual plagiarism detection corpus using sentence aligned parallel corpus: Notebook for {PAN} at {CLEF} 2015, In L. Cappellato, N. Ferro, G.J.F. Jones and E. SanJuan, editors, Working Notes of {CLEF} 2015 – Conference and Labs of the Evaluation forum, Toulouse, France, September 8–11, 2015, volume 1391 of {CEUR} Workshop Proceedings, CEUR-WS.org, 2015.A. BarrĂłn-Cede no, M. Potthast, P. Rosso and B. Stein, Corpus and evaluation measures for automatic plagiarism detection, In N. Calzolari, K. Choukri, B. Maegaard, J. Mariani, J. Odijk, S. Piperidis, M. Rosner and D. Tapias, editors, Proceedings of the International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, {LREC} 2010, 17–23 May 2010, Valletta, Malta. European Language Resources Association, 2010.A. BarrĂłn-Cede no, P. Rosso, D. Pinto and A. Juan, On cross-lingual plagiarism analysis using a statistical model, In B. Stein, E. Stamatatos and M. Koppel, editors, Proceedings of the ECAI’08 Workshop on Uncovering Plagiarism, Authorship and Social Software Misuse, Patras, Greece, July 22, 2008, volume 377 of {CEUR} Workshop Proceedings. CEUR-WS.org, 2008.Farghaly, A., & Shaalan, K. (2009). Arabic Natural Language Processing. ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing, 8(4), 1-22. doi:10.1145/1644879.1644881J. Ferrero, F. AgnĂšs, L. Besacier and D. Schwab, A multilingual, multi-style and multi-granularity dataset for cross-language textual similarity detection, In N. Calzolari, K. Choukri, T. Declerck, S. Goggi, M. Grobelnik, B. Maegaard, J. Mariani, H. Mazo, A. Moreno, J. Odijk and S. Piperidis, editors, Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation {LREC} 2016, PortoroĆŸ, Slovenia, May 23–28, 2016, European Language Resources Association {(ELRA)}, 2016.Franco-Salvador, M., Gupta, P., Rosso, P., & Banchs, R. E. (2016). Cross-language plagiarism detection over continuous-space- and knowledge graph-based representations of language. Knowledge-Based Systems, 111, 87-99. doi:10.1016/j.knosys.2016.08.004Franco-Salvador, M., Rosso, P., & Montes-y-GĂłmez, M. (2016). A systematic study of knowledge graph analysis for cross-language plagiarism detection. Information Processing & Management, 52(4), 550-570. doi:10.1016/j.ipm.2015.12.004C.K. Kent and N. Salim, Web based cross language plagiarism detection, CoRR, abs/0912.3, 2009.McNamee, P., & Mayfield, J. (2004). Character N-Gram Tokenization for European Language Text Retrieval. Information Retrieval, 7(1/2), 73-97. doi:10.1023/b:inrt.0000009441.78971.beT. Mikolov, K. Chen, G. Corrado and J. Dean, Efficient estimation of word representations in vector space, CoRR, abs/1301.3, 2013.S. Mohtaj, B. Roshanfekr, A. Zafarian and H. Asghari, Parsivar: A language processing toolkit for persian, In N. Calzolari, K. Choukri, C. Cieri, T. Declerck, S. Goggi, K. Hasida, H. Isahara, B. Maegaard, J. Mariani, H. Mazo, A. Moreno, J. Odijk, S. Piperidis and T. Tokunaga, editors, Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2018, Miyazaki, Japan, May 7–12, 2018, European Language Resources Association ELRA, 2018.R.M.A. Nawab, M. Stevenson and P.D. Clough, University of Sheffield – Lab Report for {PAN} at {CLEF} 2010, In M. Braschler, D. Harman and E. Pianta, editors, {CLEF} 2010 LABs and Workshops, Notebook Papers, 22–23 September 2010, Padua, Italy, volume 1176 of {CEUR} Workshop Proceedings, CEUR-WS.org, 2010.G. Oberreuter, G. L’Huillier, S.A. Rios and J.D. VelĂĄsquez, Approaches for intrinsic and external plagiarism detection – Notebook for {PAN} at {CLEF} 2011, In V. Petras, P. Forner and P.D. Clough, editors, {CLEF} 2011 Labs and Workshop, Notebook Papers, 19–22 September 2011, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, volume 1177 of {CEUR} Workshop Proceedings, CEUR-WS.org, 2011.Pinto, D., Civera, J., BarrĂłn-Cedeño, A., Juan, A., & Rosso, P. (2009). A statistical approach to crosslingual natural language tasks. Journal of Algorithms, 64(1), 51-60. doi:10.1016/j.jalgor.2009.02.005M. Potthast, A. BarrĂłn-Cede no, A. Eiselt, B. Stein and P. Rosso, Overview of the 2nd international competition on plagiarism detection, In M. Braschler, D. Harman and E. Pianta, editors, {CLEF} 2010 LABs and Workshops, Notebook Papers, 22–23 September 2010, Padua, Italy, volume 1176 of {CEUR} Workshop Proceedings, CEUR-WS.org, 2010.Potthast, M., BarrĂłn-Cedeño, A., Stein, B., & Rosso, P. (2010). Cross-language plagiarism detection. Language Resources and Evaluation, 45(1), 45-62. doi:10.1007/s10579-009-9114-zM. Potthast, A. Eiselt, A. BarrĂłn-Cede no, B. Stein and P. Rosso, Overview of the 3rd international competition on plagiarism detection, In V. Petras, P. Forner and P.D. Clough, editors, {CLEF} 2011 Labs and Workshop, Notebook Papers, 19–22 September 2011, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, volume 1177 of {CEUR} Workshop Proceedings. CEUR-WS.org, 2011.M. Potthast, S. Goering, P. Rosso and B. Stein, Towards data submissions for shared tasks: First experiences for the task of text alignment, In L. Cappellato, N. Ferro, G.J.F. Jones and E. SanJuan, editors, Working Notes of {CLEF} 2015 – Conference and Labs of the Evaluation forum, Toulouse, France, September 8–11, 2015, volume 1391 of {CEUR} Workshop Proceedings, CEUR-WS.org, 2015.Potthast, M., Stein, B., & Anderka, M. (s. f.). A Wikipedia-Based Multilingual Retrieval Model. Advances in Information Retrieval, 522-530. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-78646-7_51B. Pouliquen, R. Steinberger and C. Ignat, Automatic identification of document translations in large multilingual document collections, CoRR, abs/cs/060, 2006.B. Stein, E. Stamatatos and M. Koppel, Proceedings of the ECAI’08 Workshop on Uncovering Plagiarism, Authorship and Social Software Misuse, Patras, Greece, July 22, 2008, volume 377 of {CEUR} Workshop Proceedings, CEUR-WS.org, 2008.J. Wieting, M. Bansal, K. Gimpel and K. Livescu, Towards universal paraphrastic sentence embeddings, CoRR, abs/1511.0, 2015.V. Zarrabi, J. Rafiei, K. Khoshnava, H. Asghari and S. Mohtaj, Evaluation of text reuse corpora for text alignment task of plagiarism detection, In L. Cappellato, N. Ferro, G.J.F. Jones and E. SanJuan, editors, Working Notes of {CLEF} 2015 – Conference and Labs of the Evaluation forum, Toulouse, France, September 8–11, 2015, volume 1391 of {CEUR} Workshop Proceedings, CEUR-WS.org, 2015.BarrĂłn-Cedeño, A., Gupta, P., & Rosso, P. (2013). Methods for cross-language plagiarism detection. Knowledge-Based Systems, 50, 211-217. doi:10.1016/j.knosys.2013.06.01

    Reverse engineering applied to biomodelling and pathological bone manufacturing using FDM technology

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    [EN] Reverse engineering and medical image-based modeling technologies allow manufacturing of 3D biomodels of anatomical structures of human body. These techniques are based on anatomical information from scanning data such as CT and MRI, whose scanners are used for scanning data acquisition of the external and internal geometry of anatomical structures. These 3D biomodels have many medical applications such surgical training, preoperative planning, surgical simulation, diagnosis and treatments. 3D virtual models of human body structures based on CT are increasingly being used in clinical practice. A data processing methodology is required to obtain an accurate 3D model suitable for manufacturing using AM, and specially the FDM technologies. This study shows a step-by-step methodology to process the CT information in bounded uncertainty conditions in order to obtain the STL models of the degenerated bone components, and to manufacture the 3D biomodels for surgery analysis with optimal design and details, and with an adequate accuracy to ensure proper results by surgeons analysis.The authors wish to acknowledge the support of Ms. Jerica Risent and Mr. Joan Ortiz of Ford Motor Company for his assistance in the scanning of printed models. This work was supported by the Polisabio Funding (UPV-Fisabio 2017)Laura Piles; Miguel J. Reig; Vte. JesĂșs SeguĂ­; Rafael Pla; Fernando MartĂ­nez; JosĂ© Miguel SeguĂ­ (2019). Reverse engineering applied to biomodelling and pathological bone manufacturing using FDM technology. Procedia Manufacturing. 41:739-746. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.promfg.2019.09.065S73974641Van Eijnatten, M., Berger, F. H., de Graaf, P., Koivisto, J., Forouzanfar, T., & Wolff, J. (2017). Influence of CT parameters on STL model accuracy. Rapid Prototyping Journal, 23(4), 678-685. doi:10.1108/rpj-07-2015-0092Lalone, E. A., Willing, R. T., Shannon, H. L., King, G. J. W., & Johnson, J. A. (2015). Accuracy assessment of 3D bone reconstructions using CT: an intro comparison. Medical Engineering & Physics, 37(8), 729-738. doi:10.1016/j.medengphy.2015.04.010Stull, K. E., Tise, M. L., Ali, Z., & Fowler, D. R. (2014). Accuracy and reliability of measurements obtained from computed tomography 3D volume rendered images. Forensic Science International, 238, 133-140. doi:10.1016/j.forsciint.2014.03.005Van Eijnatten, M., van Dijk, R., Dobbe, J., Streekstra, G., Koivisto, J., & Wolff, J. (2018). CT image segmentation methods for bone used in medical additive manufacturing. Medical Engineering & Physics, 51, 6-16. doi:10.1016/j.medengphy.2017.10.008Javaid, M., & Haleem, A. (2018). Additive manufacturing applications in medical cases: A literature based review. Alexandria Journal of Medicine, 54(4), 411-422. doi:10.1016/j.ajme.2017.09.003D.V.C. Stoffelen, K. Eraly, P. Debeer, The use of 3D printing technology in reconstruction of a severe glenoid defect: a case report with 2.5 years of follow-up, Journal of Shoulder Elbow Surgery, 24 (2015) e218-e22

    Measuring volume of stockpile using imaging station

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    It is crucial to know cutting and filling volumes in many surveys, mining, quarry and engineering field of works like dredging and embankment project. Generally, volume calculation is completed using conventional surveying methods. The trapezoidal method and classical cross sectioning have been presented in the literature. In other way around, by using conventional surveying methods, the volume calculation required a lot of time, laborers and risky as the big machineries running around the work areas. Digital close range photogrammetry has been insufficient for the volume calculation of the material need to calculation of volume in risk areas or in short time. In this case, long range surveying and scanning method is an alternative method to volume calculation. By the development of scanning and imaging technologies, Topcon Imaging Station (IS) used for three dimensional modeling (3D) surveying of objects in many field such as topographic survey, mining, construction and as-built survey, etc disciplines has become a productive, faster and accurate method. This study concern is getting the stockpile volume by using Topcon IS known as advanced technology instrument which promotes both scanning and long-range surveying. The instrument, a highly-developed technology specialized with Image Master Software; distinctive software that provides capabilities to reconstructed 3D modeling after the volume data was processed. Three dimensional (3D) surfaces are created through Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) method that supports time saving and more accurate volume calculation. The volume calculated by Image Master (IM) then compared with the volume calculated by 12D software which the data obtained by using total station and prism. The results have been analyzed with respect to different volumes, density factor, three dimensional (3D) models of stockpile and time taken for data acquisition and data processin

    EPiK-a Workflow for Electron Tomography in Kepler.

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    Scientific workflows integrate data and computing interfaces as configurable, semi-automatic graphs to solve a scientific problem. Kepler is such a software system for designing, executing, reusing, evolving, archiving and sharing scientific workflows. Electron tomography (ET) enables high-resolution views of complex cellular structures, such as cytoskeletons, organelles, viruses and chromosomes. Imaging investigations produce large datasets. For instance, in Electron Tomography, the size of a 16 fold image tilt series is about 65 Gigabytes with each projection image including 4096 by 4096 pixels. When we use serial sections or montage technique for large field ET, the dataset will be even larger. For higher resolution images with multiple tilt series, the data size may be in terabyte range. Demands of mass data processing and complex algorithms require the integration of diverse codes into flexible software structures. This paper describes a workflow for Electron Tomography Programs in Kepler (EPiK). This EPiK workflow embeds the tracking process of IMOD, and realizes the main algorithms including filtered backprojection (FBP) from TxBR and iterative reconstruction methods. We have tested the three dimensional (3D) reconstruction process using EPiK on ET data. EPiK can be a potential toolkit for biology researchers with the advantage of logical viewing, easy handling, convenient sharing and future extensibility

    When "It" becomes "Mine": attentional biases triggered by object ownership.

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    Abstract Previous research has demonstrated that higher-order cognitive processes associated with the allocation of selective attention are engaged when highly familiar self-relevant items are encountered, such as one's name, face, personal possessions and the like. The goal of our study was to determine whether these effects on attentional processing are triggered on-line at the moment self-relevance is established. In a pair of experiments, we recorded ERPs as participants viewed common objects (e.g., apple, socks, and ketchup) in the context of an “ownership” paradigm, where the presentation of each object was followed by a cue indicating whether the object nominally belonged either to the participant (a “self” cue) or the experimenter (an “other” cue). In Experiment 1, we found that “self” ownership cues were associated with increased attentional processing, as measured via the P300 component. In Experiment 2, we replicated this effect while demonstrating that at a visual–perceptual level, spatial attention became more narrowly focused on objects owned by self, as measured via the lateral occipital P1 ERP component. Taken together, our findings indicate that self-relevant attention effects are triggered by the act of taking ownership of objects associated with both perceptual and postperceptual processing in cortex.</jats:p

    Natural language processing

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    Beginning with the basic issues of NLP, this chapter aims to chart the major research activities in this area since the last ARIST Chapter in 1996 (Haas, 1996), including: (i) natural language text processing systems - text summarization, information extraction, information retrieval, etc., including domain-specific applications; (ii) natural language interfaces; (iii) NLP in the context of www and digital libraries ; and (iv) evaluation of NLP systems
