5,715 research outputs found

    Optimal maintenance of multi-component systems: a review

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    In this article we give an overview of the literature on multi-component maintenance optimization. We focus on work appearing since the 1991 survey "A survey of maintenance models for multi-unit systems" by Cho and Parlar. This paper builds forth on the review article by Dekker et al. (1996), which focusses on economic dependence, and the survey of maintenance policies by Wang (2002), in which some group maintenance and some opportunistic maintenance policies are considered. Our classification scheme is primarily based on the dependence between components (stochastic, structural or economic). Next, we also classify the papers on the basis of the planning aspect (short-term vs long-term), the grouping of maintenance activities (either grouping preventive or corrective maintenance, or opportunistic grouping) and the optimization approach used (heuristic, policy classes or exact algorithms). Finally, we pay attention to the applications of the models.literature review;economic dependence;failure interaction;maintenance policies;grouping maintenance;multi-component systems;opportunistic maintenance;maintencance optimization;structural dependence

    Integration of production, maintenance and quality : Modelling and solution approaches

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    Dans cette thèse, nous analysons le problème de l'intégration de la planification de production et de la maintenance préventive, ainsi que l'élaboration du système de contrôle de la qualité. Premièrement, on considère un système de production composé d'une machine et de plusieurs produits dans un contexte incertain, dont les prix et le coût changent d'une période à l'autre. La machine se détériore avec le temps et sa probabilité de défaillance, ainsi que le risque de passage à un état hors contrôle augmentent. Le taux de défaillance dans un état dégradé est plus élevé et donc, des coûts liés à la qualité s’imposent. Lorsque la machine tombe en panne, une maintenance corrective ou une réparation minimale seront initiées pour la remettre en marche sans influer ses conditions ou le processus de détérioration. L'augmentation du nombre de défaillances de la machine se traduit par un temps d'arrêt supérieur et un taux de disponibilité inférieur. D'autre part, la réalisation des plans de production est fortement influencée par la disponibilité et la fiabilité de la machine. Les interactions entre la planification de la maintenance et celle de la production sont incorporées dans notre modèle mathématique. Dans la première étape, l'effet de maintenance sur la qualité est pris en compte. La maintenance préventive est considérée comme imparfaite. La condition de la machine est définie par l’âge actuel, et la machine dispose de plusieurs niveaux de maintenance avec des caractéristiques différentes (coûts, délais d'exécution et impacts sur les conditions du système). La détermination des niveaux de maintenance préventive optimaux conduit à un problème d’optimisation difficile. Un modèle de maximisation du profit est développé, dans lequel la vente des produits conformes et non conformes, les coûts de la production, les stocks tenus, la rupture de stock, la configuration de la machine, la maintenance préventive et corrective, le remplacement de la machine et le coût de la qualité sont considérés dans la fonction de l’objectif. De plus, un système composé de plusieurs machines est étudié. Dans cette extension, les nombres optimaux d’inspections est également considéré. La fonction de l’objectif consiste à minimiser le coût total qui est la somme des coûts liés à la maintenance, la production et la qualité. Ensuite, en tenant compte de la complexité des modèles préposés, nous développons des méthodes de résolution efficaces qui sont fondées sur la combinaison d'algorithmes génétiques avec des méthodes de recherches locales. On présente un algorithme mimétique qui emploi l’algorithme Nelder-Mead, avec un logiciel d'optimisation pour déterminer les valeurs exactes de plusieurs variables de décisions à chaque évaluation. La méthode de résolution proposée est comparée, en termes de temps d’exécution et de qualités des solutions, avec plusieurs méthodes Métaheuristiques. Mots-clés : Planification de la production, Maintenance préventive imparfaite, Inspection, Qualité, Modèles intégrés, MétaheuristiquesIn this thesis, we study the integrated planning of production, maintenance, and quality in multi-product, multi-period imperfect systems. First, we consider a production system composed of one machine and several products in a time-varying context. The machine deteriorates with time and so, the probability of machine failure, or the risk of a shift to an out-of-control state, increases. The defective rate in the shifted state is higher and so, quality related costs will be imposed. When the machine fails, a corrective maintenance or a minimal repair will be initiated to bring the machine in operation without influencing on its conditions or on the deterioration process. Increasing the expected number of machine failures results in a higher downtime and a lower availability rate. On the other hand, realization of the production plans is significantly influenced by the machine availability and reliability. The interactions between maintenance scheduling and production planning are incorporated in the mathematical model. In the first step, the impact of maintenance on the expected quality level is addressed. The maintenance is also imperfect and the machine conditions after maintenance can be anywhere between as-good-as-new and as-bad-as-old situations. Machine conditions are stated by its effective age, and the machine has several maintenance levels with different costs, execution times, and impacts on the system conditions. High level maintenances on the one hand have greater influences on the improvement of the system state and on the other hand, they occupy more the available production time. The optimal determination of such preventive maintenance levels to be performed at each maintenance intrusion is a challenging problem. A profit maximization model is developed, where the sale of conforming and non-conforming products, costs of production, inventory holding, backorder, setup, preventive and corrective maintenance, machine replacement, and the quality cost are addressed in the objective function. Then, a system with multiple machines is taken into account. In this extension, the number of quality inspections is involved in the joint model. The objective function minimizes the total cost which is the sum of maintenance, production and quality costs. In order to reduce the gap between the theory and the application of joint models, and taking into account the complexity of the integrated problems, we have developed an efficient solution method that is based on the combination of genetic algorithms with local search and problem specific methods. The proposed memetic algorithm employs Nelder-Mead algorithm along with an optimization package for exact determination of the values of several decision variables in each chromosome evolution. The method extracts not only the positive knowledge in good solutions, but also the negative knowledge in poor individuals to determine the algorithm transitions. The method is compared in terms of the solution time and quality to several heuristic methods. Keywords : Multi-period production planning, Imperfect preventive maintenance, Inspection, Quality, Integrated model, Metaheuristic

    AI and OR in management of operations: history and trends

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    The last decade has seen a considerable growth in the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for operations management with the aim of finding solutions to problems that are increasing in complexity and scale. This paper begins by setting the context for the survey through a historical perspective of OR and AI. An extensive survey of applications of AI techniques for operations management, covering a total of over 1200 papers published from 1995 to 2004 is then presented. The survey utilizes Elsevier's ScienceDirect database as a source. Hence, the survey may not cover all the relevant journals but includes a sufficiently wide range of publications to make it representative of the research in the field. The papers are categorized into four areas of operations management: (a) design, (b) scheduling, (c) process planning and control and (d) quality, maintenance and fault diagnosis. Each of the four areas is categorized in terms of the AI techniques used: genetic algorithms, case-based reasoning, knowledge-based systems, fuzzy logic and hybrid techniques. The trends over the last decade are identified, discussed with respect to expected trends and directions for future work suggested

    Integrated Production and Maintenance Planning for Flow Line Systems

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    This study extends the investigation of the capacitated lot-sizing problem to the production and maintenance planning in unreliable flow line systems. An integrated modelling framework is proposed with the aim of seeking a cost-optimal plan for both production and maintenance. In the model, preventive maintenance is scheduled to avoid unplanned failures, and corrective maintenance is carried out in any machine in which an unplanned failure occurs. A regression-based approximation approach was introduced to calculate the production time under random failures. Then, the integrated planning model can be solved by any commercial optimization software. The numerical example demonstrates that the integrated model guarantees the effectiveness of the production and maintenance plan. It also showed that the buffer capacity has significant effects on the capacity utilization

    Joint maintenance-inventory optimisation of parallel production systems

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    We model a joint inspection and spare parts inventory policy for maintaining machines in a parallel system, where simultaneous downtime seriously impacts upon production performance and has a significant financial consequence. This dependency between system components means that analysis of realistic maintenance models is intractable. Therefore we use simulation and a numerical optimisation tool to study the cost-optimality of several policies. Inspection maintenance is modelled using the delay-time concept. Critical spare parts replenishment is considered using several variants of a periodic review policy. In particular, our results indicate that the cost-optimal policy is characterised by equal frequencies of inspection and replenishment, and delivery of spare parts that coincides with maintenance intervention. In general, our model provides a framework for studying the interaction of spare parts ordering with maintenance scheduling. The sensitivity analysis that we present offers insights for the effective management of such parallel systems, not only in a paper-making plant, which motivates our modelling development, but also in other manufacturing contexts

    Joint scheduling of jobs and preventive maintenance operations in the flowshop sequencing problem: A resolution with sequential and integrated strategies.

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    International audienceUsually, scheduling of maintenance operations and production sequencing are dealt with separately in the literature and, therefore, also in the industry. Given that maintenance affects available production time and elapsed production time affects the probability of machine failure, this interdependency seems to be overlooked in the literature. This paper presents a comparative study on joint production and preventive maintenance scheduling strategies regarding flowshop problems. The sequential strategy which consists of two steps: first scheduling the production jobs then inserting maintenance operations, taking the production schedule as a strong constraint. The integrated one which consists of simultaneously scheduling both maintenance and production activities based on a common representation of these two activities. For each strategy, a constructive heuristic and two meta-heuristics are proposed: NEH heuristic, Genetic algorithm and Taboo search. The goal is to optimize an objective function which takes into account both production and maintenance criteria. The proposed heuristics have been applied to non-standard test problems which represent joint production and maintenance benchmark flowshop scheduling problems taken from Benbouzid et al. (2003). A comparison of the solutions yielded by the heuristics developed in this paper with the heuristic solutions given by Taillard (1993) is undertaken with respect to the minimization of performance loss after maintenance insertion. The comparison shows that the proposed integrated GAs are clearly superior to all the analyzed algorithms

    Optimisation of Capacitated Planned Preventive Maintenance in Multiple Production Lines Using Optimisation-in-the-Loop Simulation

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    In a mass customisation manufacturing system, the production schedule is tailored to the customer's specifications. However, the production system must be accompanied by an effective maintenance program to ensure that the production lines operate as intended. The purpose of this study is to optimise planned preventive maintenance across multiple production lines. An optimised Weibull distribution is proposed to model the machine's Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF), and the total expected maintenance cost is calculated using this distribution, taking into account the probability of the machines remaining operational and failing. Because the optimised Weibull distribution is a continuous distribution, in order to simulate the continuous time domain, it will be divided into several sub-systems and optimised using Bayesian optimisation during simulation. The maintenance scheduling is carried out by considering available time capacity after production scheduling was arranged. The study's findings indicate that the proposed method successfully optimised the planned maintenance schedule without interfering production activity with total cost for the proposed maintenance planning as low as IDR 50.017,75/maintenance unit time

    Optimisation of Capacitated Planned Preventive Maintenance in Multiple Production Lines Using Optimisation-in-the-Loop Simulation

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    In a mass customisation manufacturing system, the production schedule is tailored to the customer's specifications. However, the production system must be accompanied by an effective maintenance program to ensure that the production lines operate as intended. The purpose of this study is to optimise planned preventive maintenance across multiple production lines. An optimised Weibull distribution is proposed to model the machine's Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF), and the total expected maintenance cost is calculated using this distribution, taking into account the probability of the machines remaining operational and failing. Because the optimised Weibull distribution is a continuous distribution, in order to simulate the continuous time domain, it will be divided into several sub-systems and optimised using Bayesian optimisation during simulation. The maintenance scheduling is carried out by considering available time capacity after production scheduling was arranged. The study's findings indicate that the proposed method successfully optimised the planned maintenance schedule without interfering production activity with total cost for the proposed maintenance planning as low as IDR 50.017,75/maintenance unit time

    State of the art in simulation-based optimisation for maintenance systems

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    Recently, more attention has been directed towards improving and optimising maintenance in manufacturing systems using simulation. This paper aims to report the state of the art in simulation-based optimisation of maintenance by systematically classifying the published literature and outlining main trends in modelling and optimising maintenance systems. The authors investigate application areas and published real case studies as well as researched maintenance strategies and policies. Much of the research in this area is focusing on preventive maintenance and optimising preventive maintenance frequency that will lead to the minimum cost. Discrete event simulation was the most reported technique to model maintenance systems whereas modern optimisation methods such as Genetic Algorithms was the most reported optimisation method in the literature. On this basis, the paper identifies the current gaps and discusses future prospects. Further research can be done to develop a framework that guides the experimenting process with different maintenance strategies and policies. More real case studies can be conducted on multi-objective optimisation and condition based maintenance especially in a production context
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