226 research outputs found

    Towards a Universal Wordnet by Learning from Combined Evidenc

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    Lexical databases are invaluable sources of knowledge about words and their meanings, with numerous applications in areas like NLP, IR, and AI. We propose a methodology for the automatic construction of a large-scale multilingual lexical database where words of many languages are hierarchically organized in terms of their meanings and their semantic relations to other words. This resource is bootstrapped from WordNet, a well-known English-language resource. Our approach extends WordNet with around 1.5 million meaning links for 800,000 words in over 200 languages, drawing on evidence extracted from a variety of resources including existing (monolingual) wordnets, (mostly bilingual) translation dictionaries, and parallel corpora. Graph-based scoring functions and statistical learning techniques are used to iteratively integrate this information and build an output graph. Experiments show that this wordnet has a high level of precision and coverage, and that it can be useful in applied tasks such as cross-lingual text classification

    Data-driven Synset Induction and Disambiguation for Wordnet Development

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    International audienceAutomatic methods for wordnet development in languages other than English generally exploit information found in Princeton WordNet (PWN) and translations extracted from parallel corpora. A common approach consists in preserving the structure of PWN and transferring its content in new languages using alignments, possibly combined with information extracted from multilingual semantic resources. Even if the role of PWN remains central in this process, these automatic methods offer an alternative to the manual elaboration of new wordnets. However, their limited coverage has a strong impact on that of the resulting resources. Following this line of research, we apply a cross-lingual word sense disambiguation method to wordnet development. Our approach exploits the output of a data-driven sense induction method that generates sense clusters in new languages, similar to wordnet synsets, by identifying word senses and relations in parallel corpora. We apply our cross-lingual word sense disambiguation method to the task of enriching a French wordnet resource, the WOLF, and show how it can be efficiently used for increasing its coverage. Although our experiments involve the English-French language pair, the proposed methodology is general enough to be applied to the development of wordnet resources in other languages for which parallel corpora are available. Finally, we show how the disambiguation output can serve to reduce the granularity of new wordnets and the degree of polysemy present in PWN

    One Sense Per Translation

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    The idea of using lexical translations to define sense inventories has a long history in lexical semantics. We propose a theoretical framework which allows us to answer the question of why this apparently reasonable idea failed to produce useful results. We formally prove several propositions on how the translations of a word relate to its senses, as well as on the relationship between synonymy and polysemy. We empirically validate our theoretical findings on BabelNet, and demonstrate how they could be used to perform unsupervised word sense disambiguation of a substantial fraction of the lexicon

    Natural language processing

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    Beginning with the basic issues of NLP, this chapter aims to chart the major research activities in this area since the last ARIST Chapter in 1996 (Haas, 1996), including: (i) natural language text processing systems - text summarization, information extraction, information retrieval, etc., including domain-specific applications; (ii) natural language interfaces; (iii) NLP in the context of www and digital libraries ; and (iv) evaluation of NLP systems

    Sharing Semantic Resources

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    The Semantic Web is an extension of the current Web in which information, so far created for human consumption, becomes machine readable, “enabling computers and people to work in cooperation”. To turn into reality this vision several challenges are still open among which the most important is to share meaning formally represented with ontologies or more generally with semantic resources. This Semantic Web long-term goal has many convergences with the activities in the field of Human Language Technology and in particular in the development of Natural Language Processing applications where there is a great need of multilingual lexical resources. For instance, one of the most important lexical resources, WordNet, is also commonly regarded and used as an ontology. Nowadays, another important phenomenon is represented by the explosion of social collaboration, and Wikipedia, the largest encyclopedia in the world, is object of research as an up to date omni comprehensive semantic resource. The main topic of this thesis is the management and exploitation of semantic resources in a collaborative way, trying to use the already available resources as Wikipedia and Wordnet. This work presents a general environment able to turn into reality the vision of shared and distributed semantic resources and describes a distributed three-layer architecture to enable a rapid prototyping of cooperative applications for developing semantic resources

    The Lexical Grid: Lexical Resources in Language Infrastructures

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    Language Resources are recognized as a central and strategic for the development of any Human Language Technology system and application product. they play a critical role as horizontal technology and have been recognized in many occasions as a priority also by national and spra-national funding a number of initiatives (such as EAGLES, ISLE, ELRA) to establish some sort of coordination of LR activities, and a number of large LR creation projects, both in the written and in the speech areas

    Abstract syntax as interlingua: Scaling up the grammatical framework from controlled languages to robust pipelines

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    Syntax is an interlingual representation used in compilers. Grammatical Framework (GF) applies the abstract syntax idea to natural languages. The development of GF started in 1998, first as a tool for controlled language implementations, where it has gained an established position in both academic and commercial projects. GF provides grammar resources for over 40 languages, enabling accurate generation and translation, as well as grammar engineering tools and components for mobile and Web applications. On the research side, the focus in the last ten years has been on scaling up GF to wide-coverage language processing. The concept of abstract syntax offers a unified view on many other approaches: Universal Dependencies, WordNets, FrameNets, Construction Grammars, and Abstract Meaning Representations. This makes it possible for GF to utilize data from the other approaches and to build robust pipelines. In return, GF can contribute to data-driven approaches by methods to transfer resources from one language to others, to augment data by rule-based generation, to check the consistency of hand-annotated corpora, and to pipe analyses into high-precision semantic back ends. This article gives an overview of the use of abstract syntax as interlingua through both established and emerging NLP applications involving GF

    Supervised sentiment analysis in multilingual environments

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    © 2017. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/. This version of the article: Vilares, D., Alonso, M.A. and GĂłmez-RodrĂ­guez, C. (2017) ‘Supervised sentiment analysis in multilingual environments’ has been accepted for publication in Information Processing & Management, 53(3), pp. 595–607. The Version of Record is available online at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ipm.2017.01.004.[Abstract]: This article tackles the problem of performing multilingual polarity classification on Twitter, comparing three techniques: (1) a multilingual model trained on a multilingual dataset, obtained by fusing existing monolingual resources, that does not need any language recognition step, (2) a dual monolingual model with perfect language detection on monolingual texts and (3) a monolingual model that acts based on the decision provided by a language identification tool. The techniques were evaluated on monolingual, synthetic multilingual and code-switching corpora of English and Spanish tweets. In the latter case we introduce the first code-switching Twitter corpus with sentiment labels. The samples are labelled according to two well-known criteria used for this purpose: the SentiStrength scale and a trinary scale (positive, neutral and negative categories). The experimental results show the robustness of the multilingual approach (1) and also that it outperforms the monolingual models on some monolingual datasets.This research was supported by the Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad (FFI2014-51978-C2) and Xunta de Galicia (R2014/034). David Vilares is funded by the Ministerio de EducaciĂłn, Cultura y Deporte (FPU13/01180). Carlos GĂłmez-RodrĂ­guez is funded by an Oportunius program grant (Xunta de Galicia).Xunta de Galicia; R2014/03
