16 research outputs found

    Jihadist Web Postings and Popular Social Media: A Forensic Psychological Analysis

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    The development of the Internet has made it easy for individuals to communicate with others around the world, especially with the increased ease of social media. The Internet is used for interpersonal communication such as social media, meeting new people in chat rooms, joining interest distribution lists, among others leisure activities (Lennings, Amon, Brummert, & Lennings, 2010). According to Pew Research (2014), 74% of adults, with 89% of individuals ages 18-29 using social media extensively. This statistic is particularly important as it is estimated approximately 70% of the individuals recruited to engage in terrorism are ages 18 to 23 (Lennings et al., 2010)

    Kekerasan Atas Nama Tuhan: Respons "Netizen" Indonesia

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    Violence in the name of God—terrorism attacks, violence toward minority even inter religious conflicts—has nowadays become a global issue. In Indonesia, there are at least 30 cases of “holy” violence committed in the last ten years. The demand to have such freedoms, as of expression, of speech, of getting access to information, could be seen as a process of an ongoing democracy. Internet, in this context, is one of the popular media to channel this ambitions of democracy. On the other hand, many Muslim extremists use this change and this media to channel the ideology of jihad. This article aims to shed light on how the Indonesia netizen\u27s (cyber community) response to those kind of radical Islamist messages. By using descriptive content analysis to the comments of the respective issue in Kaskus website, this paper sees the variety of the responses that would contribute to the prevention of violence in the name of religion and suggest some solutions

    Reinventing jihad’s meaning: A discourse on jihad among salafist figures in Indonesia

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    The jihad discourse can never be separated from the Islamic intellectual tradition. This doctrine partly causes negative views of Islam. Because Islam has a doctrine of jihad, quite a few people think that Islam is closely related to violence. This study aims to examine one group that is often considered to be closely linked to violence in Indonesia, namely the Salafi group. Several Salafi figures have even received much rejection in various regions, plus there is a simplistic perception of Salafi groups, which varies. Methodologically, this study uses a type of qualitative research where data is obtained through observation of the social media channels of three Salafi figures related to discussing the topic of jihad, namely Syafiq Riza Basalamah, Khalid Basalamah, and Firanda Andirja. All three are Salafi figures with authority and influence, especially on social media. This study shows that they are trying to cleanse the meaning of jihad. This is proven by their opposing position to acts of violence in the name of jihad. However, they do not deny that jihad is synonymous with war. They are just trying to ensure that jihad does not always mean war. This effort is a step in reinventing the pejorative meaning of jihad. This also provides clarification that not all Salafis support acts of violence as understood so far. This study implies that new media can build new discourse about the identity of splinter groups (Salafi) in the public sphere.*****Diskursus jihad tidak pernah bisa dilepaskan dari tradisi intelektual Islam. Pandangan-pandangan negatif terhadap Islam di antaranya disebabkan oleh doktrin ini. Sebab Islam memiliki doktrin jihad, tidak sedikit pihak yang menganggap Islam lekat kaitannya dengan kekerasan. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji salah satu kelompok yang kerap dianggap lekat dengan kekerasan di Indonesia, yaitu kelompok Salafi. Beberapa figur Salafi bahkan banyak mendapat penolakan di berbagai daerah, ditambah terdapat persepsi yang simplistis terhadap kelompok Salafi yang sejatinya bervariasi. Secara metodologis, studi ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dimana data diperoleh melalui observasi terhadap saluran media sosial tiga figur Salafi terkait pembahasan topik jihad, yaitu Syafiq Riza Basalamah, Khalid Basalamah, dan Firanda Andirja. Ketiganya merupakan figur Salafi yang mempunyai otoritas dan pengaruh, utamanya di media sosial. Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa mereka melakukan upaya pembersihan terhadap makna jihad. Ini dibuktikan dengan posisi kontra mereka terhadap aksi kekerasan yang mengatasnamakan jihad. Kendati demikian, mereka tidak membantah bahwa jihad identik dengan perang. Mereka hanya mencoba agar jihad tidak senantiasa berarti perang. Upaya ini merupakan langkah menemukan kembali (reinventing) makna jihad dari yang peyoratif. Ini sekaligus memberikan klarifikasi bahwa tidak semua Salafi mendukung aksi-aksi kekerasan sebagaimana dipahami selama ini. Studi ini mengimplikasikan bahwa new media dapat menjadi sarana untuk membangun diskursus baru tentang identitas kelompok sempalan (salafi) di ruang publik

    Brazilians, French, and Americans Debate 9/11: Cultural Scripts of Innocence and Culpability

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    The research examines Brazilian, French, and American discourse regarding the events of September 11, 2001. The article illuminates culturally specific constructions of guilt and innocence that emerged in online communities of discourse fora. The fora were hosted by flagship national newspapers in each respective country: O Estado de Sao Paulo, Le Monde, and The New York Times. The study reveals two parallel overarching scripts regarding culpability for 9/11 that appear across the three cases. However, analysis also illuminates differences in the culturally situated tropes used to determine moral concern in each forum. Together, these two levels of analysis uncover how individuals holding similar opinions may substantiate them in culturally specific ways

    Framing Frances Domestic Response to the November 2015 Paris Attacks Insights from Al Jazeera English

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    This article examines Al Jazeera English s framing of the French authorities domestic response to the November 2015 Paris attacks The objective of the paper was to analyze the way Al Jazeera English framed the French government s domestic response to the attacks using qualitative textual analysis method of the selected news articles The findings show Al Jazeera English s critical stance towards the domestic reaction of French authorities to the attacks The network voicing the opinions of French Muslim minority groups in its framing contests the anti-terror operation and the state of emergency which occurred in the aftermath of the attacks Its framing highlights a further marginalization and exclusion of French Muslim minorities who are already suffering from Islamophobia since the 9 11 attacks and after Charlie Hebdo attack The article concludes that the network in its framings voices the views of the French Muslim minorities in its frame

    Religious Moderation and the Struggle for Identity Through New Media: Study of the Indonesian Ahmadiyya Congregation

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    This study aims to examine the religious moderation promoted by Ahmadiyah through the website. The Ahmadiyah religious moderation discourse is related to the struggle for identity in the public sphere. This study is qualitative with documentation data collection techniques, namely digging documents containing religious moderation texts found on the Ahmadiyah website. The data are analyzed using a new media approach, which is an approach that sees a text that appears on a new media website as connected to the traditional text of the Holy Book. However, because website media texts relate to the offline world, external factors from social complexity also affect website text building. The results of the study indicate that internally the religious moderation text constructed by Ahmadiyah online comes from its ideology which is indeed fighting for peace and non-violence jihad. Meanwhile, externally, complex social realities in the midst of mainstream authorities and the state also contribute to the moderation text of the Ahmadiyya religion. The values of moderation promoted by Ahmadiyah are, first, supporting the strengthening of nationality by developing the concept of a spiritual and moral caliphate, not a political and militaristic caliphate. Second, strengthening peace and non-violence by encouraging jihad with a pen (jihad bi al-qalam) in response to various emerging social issues. Third, strengthening religious tolerance and freedom by emphasizing openness, not coercion in religion. Fourth, strengthening the existence of local culture by optimizing universal Islamic teachings. In the context of the Ahmadiyya as a minority, the discourse on religious moderation can be said to be an effort to struggle for Ahmadiyya identity in the public sphere in the midst of the mainstream and state authorities. However, this identity struggle seems to be hampered by the problem of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's (MGA) prophetic position. Therefore, a more massive dialogue is needed with the local Muslim mainstream

    Konstruksi Berita Dalam Majalah Tempo (Analisis Framing Pemberitaan Terorisme di Majalah Tempo Edisi Januari-Februari 2016)

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    Abstract Human need for information makes mass media have an important role in life in this modern era. The information disclosure process makes the mass media compete in giving information to the public. Each mass media presents a preaching from a certain point of view according to the background of ownership and the standards used to make a news. The news related to terrorist attacks often arises in Indonesian mass media, as Indonesia becomes one of the target countries for terrorist attacks. This focuses on reporting on terrorist attacks that occurred in the area of Sarinah on Jalan MHThamrin Jakarta conducted by ISIS. In this study, researchers used Tempo Magazine 18 -24 January 2016, 25-31 January 2016, 1-7 February 2016 as a unit analysis. This is based on several considerations, among others, Tempo Magazine is one of the mass media in Indonesia that the news is nationwide and published weekly. From previous studies there are certain patterns of mass media in the news of terrorism. This research uses qualitative methods with framing model analysis from Pan and Kosicki. Framing method is used to analyze the text of the media because there is a protrusion of certain information. In the research findings indicate the existence of emphasis language style, photographs and graphics used to menayampaikan particular message. Researchers found the distinction of the target victim of the target perpetrators of terror written in the news. There are important and unimportant victims affecting the news. Keywords: Mass Media, Framing, Terrorism, ISI

    Dijital Din Araştırmalarında Konu ve Yaklaşımlar

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    İnternet ve mobil iletişim teknolojilerinin sosyal yaşama ayrılmaz bir şekilde entegre olması, dinin dijital uzama daha çok boyutlu olarak genişlemesini sağlamıştır. Bu noktada, dinin/dinlerin dijital medya ile etkileşimini ve bu etkileşim bağlamında değişen din algısı ile pratikleri konu edinen ve “dijital din araştırmaları” olarak nitelendirilen yeni bir disiplinlerarası araştırma sahası ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu makale de dijital din araştırmalarının gelişim sürecinde ele alınan paradigma değişimleri, başlıca konular, kullanılan metodolojik yaklaşım ve teknikler incelenmiştir. Analizler neticesinde, dünyada olgunlaşma, Türkiye’de ise filizlenme aşamasında olan dijital din araştırmalarındaki sınırlılıklar ve eksiklikler tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Bu noktada gelecekte yapılacak ardıl araştırmalara yönelik önerilerde bulunulmaya çalışılmıştır

    Overcoming the “Other’s” Stigma: Arab and Muslim Representations in US Media and Academia

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    The present work focuses on Arab and Muslim representations in U.S. media and academia. It suggests to offer an overview of the collective and often stereotyped image of such categories amidst shifting ideological and political contexts. While it rests upon deep investigation of the literature underlying Orientalist discourse, it by no means aims to delve into the controversy purporting to the core tenets of such an age-old trend tackled extensively by renowned scholars like Edward Said and Jack Shaheen. Rather, it endeavors to contribute novel insights into the way Arabs and Muslims are depicted and perceived in the United states, by deconstructing certain Orientalist binary frames to demonstrate, ultimately, how both spheres of influence (media and academia) mimic the same political language and work in conjunction to propagate a Eurocentric culture. The study, eventually, adopts a quantitative approach based on the analysis of literature contents using statistical data to justify and substantiate discussed arguments. It, regrettably, does not cover all American media outlets due to the immensely broad scope of the addressed matter

    New Media to Further Global Engagement

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    This 2010 Brookings workshop paper explores opportunities for expanding the instruments available to foreign policy-makers to engage weak states. Fragmented and internally divided states can be difficult to influence by traditional foreign policy means and further can be difficult to understand through traditional media outlets. New models of civil society action catalyzed by new media—and more broadly grounded civic media—show potential for reducing internal conflict and promoting social trust among tribal, ethnic, and religious groups. Bringing new media communications together with civil society action and model programs creates more powerful opportunities to enhance understanding of these internal conflicts and thereby address them in ways that will help accelerate social and political change. This paper identifies new media tools and connection technologies that can foster or enhance civic engagement through case studies that span the globe. It was prepared for, and its recommendations reflect the proceedings of, the New Media working group at the 2010 U.S.-Islamic World Forum.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/117566/1/2010_Madhany-Hussain_Brookings.pd