20 research outputs found

    Dwelling on ontology - semantic reasoning over topographic maps

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    The thesis builds upon the hypothesis that the spatial arrangement of topographic features, such as buildings, roads and other land cover parcels, indicates how land is used. The aim is to make this kind of high-level semantic information explicit within topographic data. There is an increasing need to share and use data for a wider range of purposes, and to make data more definitive, intelligent and accessible. Unfortunately, we still encounter a gap between low-level data representations and high-level concepts that typify human qualitative spatial reasoning. The thesis adopts an ontological approach to bridge this gap and to derive functional information by using standard reasoning mechanisms offered by logic-based knowledge representation formalisms. It formulates a framework for the processes involved in interpreting land use information from topographic maps. Land use is a high-level abstract concept, but it is also an observable fact intimately tied to geography. By decomposing this relationship, the thesis correlates a one-to-one mapping between high-level conceptualisations established from human knowledge and real world entities represented in the data. Based on a middle-out approach, it develops a conceptual model that incrementally links different levels of detail, and thereby derives coarser, more meaningful descriptions from more detailed ones. The thesis verifies its proposed ideas by implementing an ontology describing the land use ‘residential area’ in the ontology editor Protégé. By asserting knowledge about high-level concepts such as types of dwellings, urban blocks and residential districts as well as individuals that link directly to topographic features stored in the database, the reasoner successfully infers instances of the defined classes. Despite current technological limitations, ontologies are a promising way forward in the manner we handle and integrate geographic data, especially with respect to how humans conceptualise geographic space

    Semantic Management of Location-Based Services in Wireless Environments

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    En los últimos años el interés por la computación móvil ha crecido debido al incesante uso de dispositivos móviles (por ejemplo, smartphones y tablets) y su ubicuidad. El bajo coste de dichos dispositivos unido al gran número de sensores y mecanismos de comunicación que equipan, hace posible el desarrollo de sistemas de información útiles para sus usuarios. Utilizando un cierto tipo especial de sensores, los mecanismos de posicionamiento, es posible desarrollar Servicios Basados en la Localización (Location-Based Services o LBS en inglés) que ofrecen un valor añadido al considerar la localización de los usuarios de dispositivos móviles para ofrecerles información personalizada. Por ejemplo, se han presentado numerosos LBS entre los que se encuentran servicios para encontrar taxis, detectar amigos en las cercanías, ayudar a la extinción de incendios, obtener fotos e información de los alrededores, etc. Sin embargo, los LBS actuales están diseñados para escenarios y objetivos específicos y, por lo tanto, están basados en esquemas predefinidos para el modelado de los elementos involucrados en estos escenarios. Además, el conocimiento del contexto que manejan es implícito; razón por la cual solamente funcionan para un objetivo específico. Por ejemplo, en la actualidad un usuario que llega a una ciudad tiene que conocer (y comprender) qué LBS podrían darle información acerca de medios de transporte específicos en dicha ciudad y estos servicios no son generalmente reutilizables en otras ciudades. Se han propuesto en la literatura algunas soluciones ad hoc para ofrecer LBS a usuarios pero no existe una solución general y flexible que pueda ser aplicada a muchos escenarios diferentes. Desarrollar tal sistema general simplemente uniendo LBS existentes no es sencillo ya que es un desafío diseñar un framework común que permita manejar conocimiento obtenido de datos enviados por objetos heterogéneos (incluyendo datos textuales, multimedia, sensoriales, etc.) y considerar situaciones en las que el sistema tiene que adaptarse a contextos donde el conocimiento cambia dinámicamente y en los que los dispositivos pueden usar diferentes tecnologías de comunicación (red fija, inalámbrica, etc.). Nuestra propuesta en la presente tesis es el sistema SHERLOCK (System for Heterogeneous mobilE Requests by Leveraging Ontological and Contextual Knowledge) que presenta una arquitectura general y flexible para ofrecer a los usuarios LBS que puedan serles interesantes. SHERLOCK se basa en tecnologías semánticas y de agentes: 1) utiliza ontologías para modelar la información de usuarios, dispositivos, servicios, y el entorno, y un razonador para manejar estas ontologías e inferir conocimiento que no ha sido explicitado; 2) utiliza una arquitectura basada en agentes (tanto estáticos como móviles) que permite a los distintos dispositivos SHERLOCK intercambiar conocimiento y así mantener sus ontologías locales actualizadas, y procesar peticiones de información de sus usuarios encontrando lo que necesitan, allá donde esté. El uso de estas dos tecnologías permite a SHERLOCK ser flexible en términos de los servicios que ofrece al usuario (que son aprendidos mediante la interacción entre los dispositivos), y de los mecanismos para encontrar la información que el usuario quiere (que se adaptan a la infraestructura de comunicación subyacente)

    Integrating institutional repositories into the Semantic Web

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    The Web has changed the face of scientific communication; and the Semantic Web promises new ways of adding value to research material by making it more accessible to automatic discovery, linking, and analysis. Institutional repositories contain a wealth of information which could benefit from the application of this technology. In this thesis I describe the problems inherent in the informality of traditional repository metadata, and propose a data model based on the Semantic Web which will support more efficient use of this data, with the aim of streamlining scientific communication and promoting efficient use of institutional research output

    Proceedings of the 12th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation (ENLG 2009)

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    An interoperability framework for security policy languages

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    A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophySecurity policies are widely used across the IT industry in order to secure environments. Firewalls, routers, enterprise application or even operating systems like Windows and Unix are all using security policies to some extent in order to secure certain components. In order to automate enforcement of security policies, security policy languages have been introduced. Security policy languages that are classified as computer software, like many other programming languages have been revolutionised during the last decade. A number of security policy languages have been introduced in the industry in order to tackle a specific business requirements. Not to mention each of these security policy languages themselves evolved and enhanced during the last few years. Having said that, a quick research on security policy languages shows that the industry suffers from the lack of a framework for security policy languages. Such a framework would facilitate the management of security policies from an abstract point. In order to achieve that specific goal, the framework utilises an abstract security policy language that is independent of existing security policy languages yet capable of expressing policies written in those languages. Usage of interoperability framework for security policy languages as described above comes with major benefits that are categorised into two levels: short and long-term benefits. In short-term, industry and in particular multi-dimensional organisations that make use of multiple domains for different purposes would lower their security related costs by managing their security policies that are stretched across their environment and often managed locally. In the long term, usage of abstract security policy language that is independent of any existing security policy languages, gradually paves the way for standardising security policy languages. A goal that seems unreachable at this moment of time. Taking the above facts into account, the aim of this research is to introduce and develop a novel framework for security policy languages. Using such a framework would allow multi-dimensional organisations to use an abstract policy language to orchestrate all security policies from a single point, which could then be propagated across their environment. In addition, using such a framework would help security administrators to learn and use only one single, common abstract language to describe and model their environment(s)

    Socioecological learning at Lakshmi Ashram : with an emergent methodology of ethical intercultural research

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    Following the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005–2014), reviews identified a continuing lack of place-based and socioecological learning in culturally diverse contexts. It was suggested that local contexts, divergent cultural voices and alternative pedagogies could provide creative responses to current challenges to planetary wellbeing. This research focuses on one such instance of an alternative educational approach in a girls’ school in India, asking the questions, “What is the experience of community/place pedagogy at this school?” and “What is it to be and become in this intercultural space?” Taking an ethnographic approach in a different culture required particular attention to an ethical intercultural research practice. The emerging theoretical field of postqualitative inquiry, with its relational and processual ontology, offered such a practice. The onto-epistemological insights offered by Karen Barad and Gilles Deleuze, and then considered in the light of India’s own ancient Vedic philosophy, provided an ethical way forward. The research takes the shape of an “unravelling” ethnographic inhabitation of a girls boarding school located in the Lesser (but still very high) Himalayan foothills of Uttarakhand. Run along the lines of Gandhian thinking on education, Lakshmi Ashram concerns itself with the development of head, hands and heart, activating that development with service in the wider community towards socio-economic and environmental justice. I am interested in the experience of place pedagogy and intercultural space in what presents as a socioecological learning community, porous and responsive to the surrounding environment, villages and region. This intimate research aims to contribute to more culturally inclusive educational imaginaries in a global landscape of initiatives to support planetary wellbeing. It contributes to the field as an instance of an educational community that is socioecological in attending to care of self and others, visitors, communities and the environment. It proposes literacies of affect and ethical intercultural (research) practice, to support the work of other researchers in other educational spaces and times. Accounting for the everyday intimacies of pedagogy in this one place, this thesis aims to provide an impetus for thinking differently about education: at the everyday level of enacting pedagogy in diverse cultural contexts, and in a wider landscape of developing humans able to think-otherwise in meeting the world

    Combining SOA and BPM Technologies for Cross-System Process Automation

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    This paper summarizes the results of an industry case study that introduced a cross-system business process automation solution based on a combination of SOA and BPM standard technologies (i.e., BPMN, BPEL, WSDL). Besides discussing major weaknesses of the existing, custom-built, solution and comparing them against experiences with the developed prototype, the paper presents a course of action for transforming the current solution into the proposed solution. This includes a general approach, consisting of four distinct steps, as well as specific action items that are to be performed for every step. The discussion also covers language and tool support and challenges arising from the transformation

    Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning

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    These are the proceedings of the 11th Nonmonotonic Reasoning Workshop. The aim of this series is to bring together active researchers in the broad area of nonmonotonic reasoning, including belief revision, reasoning about actions, planning, logic programming, argumentation, causality, probabilistic and possibilistic approaches to KR, and other related topics. As part of the program of the 11th workshop, we have assessed the status of the field and discussed issues such as: Significant recent achievements in the theory and automation of NMR; Critical short and long term goals for NMR; Emerging new research directions in NMR; Practical applications of NMR; Significance of NMR to knowledge representation and AI in general