3,472 research outputs found

    Broken phase effective potential in the two-loop Phi-derivable approximation and nature of the phase transition in a scalar theory

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    We study the phase transition of a real scalar phi^4 theory in the two-loop Phi-derivable approximation using the imaginary time formalism, extending our previous (analytical) discussion of the Hartree approximation. We combine Fast Fourier Transform algorithms and accelerated Matsubara sums in order to achieve a high accuracy. Our results confirm and complete earlier ones obtained in the real time formalism [1] but which were less accurate due to the integration in Minkowski space and the discretization of the spectral density function. We also provide a complete and explicit discussion of the renormalization of the two-loop Phi-derivable approximation at finite temperature, both in the symmetric and in the broken phase, which was already used in the real-time approach, but never published. Our main result is that the two-loop Phi-derivable approximation suffices to cure the problem of the Hartree approximation regarding the order of the transition: the transition is of the second order type, as expected on general grounds. The corresponding critical exponents are, however, of the mean-field type. Using a "RG-improved" version of the approximation, motivated by our renormalization procedure, we find that the exponents are modified. In particular, the exponent delta, which relates the field expectation value phi to an external field h, changes from 3 to 5, getting then closer to its expected value 4.789, obtained from accurate numerical estimates [2].Comment: 54 pages, 16 figure

    Evaluasi Buku Teks Bahasa Inggris “Stairway: A Fun and Easy English Book” Grade VI Elementary School

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    Choosing a suitable coursebook is not an easy task since coursebook is a key component in most language program. It serves as language input and language practice for learners. It provides the basis for content lesson, the skills taught and the variety of language practice for learner, it also serves as a supplement for teacher’s instruction. The variety of coursebook are available to use by teacher for their classroom. However, teacher need to know the strength and the weakness of the coursebook so that they can choose the best coursebook for their classroom. This study aimed to evaluate coursebook entitled Stairway: A Fun and Easy English Book for sixth grader of Elementary school. The evaluation using the list of criteria of coursebook from Cunningsworth. This study is qualitative descriptive since this study aimed to give the details information about a phenomenon in this case is the coursebook. The result of this study showed that the coursebook entitled Stairway: A Fun and Easy English Book is suitable to use with some adaptation. The result obtained from the suitability from the book with the criteria given. From 44 items of criteria, the book has suitability on 28 criteria or 63% suitability. Accordingly, the book can be used with some adaptation to minimize the weakness in the book. Keywords: ELT Coursebook, Evaluation, Suitability

    Gravitational waves from self-ordering scalar fields

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    Gravitational waves were copiously produced in the early Universe whenever the processes taking place were sufficiently violent. The spectra of several of these gravitational wave backgrounds on subhorizon scales have been extensively studied in the literature. In this paper we analyze the shape and amplitude of the gravitational wave spectrum on scales which are superhorizon at the time of production. Such gravitational waves are expected from the self ordering of randomly oriented scalar fields which can be present during a thermal phase transition or during preheating after hybrid inflation. We find that, if the gravitational wave source acts only during a small fraction of the Hubble time, the gravitational wave spectrum at frequencies lower than the expansion rate at the time of production behaves as ΩGW(f)f3\Omega_{\rm GW}(f) \propto f^3 with an amplitude much too small to be observable by gravitational wave observatories like LIGO, LISA or BBO. On the other hand, if the source is active for a much longer time, until a given mode which is initially superhorizon (kη1k\eta_* \ll 1), enters the horizon, for kη1k\eta \gtrsim 1, we find that the gravitational wave energy density is frequency independent, i.e. scale invariant. Moreover, its amplitude for a GUT scale scenario turns out to be within the range and sensitivity of BBO and marginally detectable by LIGO and LISA. This new gravitational wave background can compete with the one generated during inflation, and distinguishing both may require extra information.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures, added discussion about numerical integration and a new figure to illustrate the scale-invariance of the GW power spectrum, conclusions unchange

    Variational approximations for correlation functions in quantum field theories

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    Applying the time-dependent variational principle of Balian and V\'en\'eroni, we derive variational approximations for multi-time correlation functions in Φ4\Phi^4 field theory. We assume first that the initial state is given and characterized by a density operator equal to a Gaussian density matrix. Then, we study the more realistic situation where only a few expectation values are given at the initial time and we perform an optimization with respect to the initial state. We calculate explicitly the two-time correlation functions with two and four field operators at equilibrium in the symmetric phase.Comment: 60 pages, Latex, to be published in Annals of Physic

    Jet quenching and broadening: the transport coefficient q^\hat{q} in an anisotropic plasma

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    The jet quenching parameter q^\hat{q} is analyzed for a quark jet propagating in an anisotropic plasma. The momentum anisotropy is calculated at high temperature of the underlying quark-gluon plasma. q^\hat{q} is explicitly estimated in leading-logarithmic approximation by the broadening of the massless quark interacting via gluon exchange. A plasma instability is present. Strong indications are found that q^\hat{q} is increasing with increasing anisotropy. Possible implications for the saturation scale QsQ_s in AAA-A collisions are pointed out.Comment: 1

    A many-body perturbation theory approach to the electron-phonon interaction with density-functional theory as a starting point

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    The electron-phonon interaction plays a crucial role in many fields of physics and chemistry. Nevertheless, its actual calculation by means of modern many-body perturbation theory is weakened by the use of model Hamiltonians that are based on parameters difficult to extract from the experiments. Such shortcoming can be bypassed by using density-functional theory to evaluate the electron-phonon scattering amplitudes, phonon frequencies and electronic bare energies. In this work, we discuss how a consistent many-body diagrammatic expansion can be constructed on top of density-functional theory. In that context, the role played by screening and self-consistency when all the components of the electron-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus interactions are taken into account is paramount. A way to avoid over-screening is notably presented. Finally, we derive cancellations rules as well as internal consistency constraints in order to draw a clear, sound and practical scheme to merge many-body perturbation and density-functional theory.Comment: 25 pages, 13 figure