3 research outputs found

    Matching persistent scatterers to buildings

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    Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) is by now a mature technique for the estimation of surface deformation in urban areas. In contrast to the classical interferometry a stack of interferograms is used to minimize the influence of atmospheric disturbances and to select a set of temporarily stable radar targets, the so called Persistent Scatterers (PS). As a result the deformation time series and the height for all identified PS are obtained with high accuracy. The achievable PS density depends thereby on the characteristics of the scene at hand and on the spatial resolution of the used SAR data. This means especially that the location of PS cannot be chosen by the operator and consequently deformation processes of interest may be spatially undersampled and not retrievable from the data. In case of the newly available high resolution SAR data, offering a ground resolution around one metre, the sampling is potentially dense enough to enable a monitoring of single buildings. However, the number of PS to be found on a single building highly depends on its orientation to the viewing direction of the sensor, its facade and roof structure, and also the surrounding buildings. It is thus of major importance to assess the PS density for the buildings in a scene for real world monitoring scenarios. Besides that it is interesting from a scientific point of view to investigate the factors influencing the PS density. In this work, we fuse building outlines (i.e. 2D GIS data) with a geocoded PS point cloud, which consists mainly in estimating and removing a shift between both datasets. After alignment of both datasets, the PS are assigned to buildings, which is in turn used to determine the PS density per building. The resulting map is a helpful tool to investigate the factors influencing PS density at buildings

    Investigations on the Nature of Persistent Scatterers Based on Simulation Methods

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    Using long-time coherent scatterers in SAR data, called Persistent Scatterers (PSs), the deformation signal of objects can be measured from space. However, the nature of the corresponding image signatures is not known in detail. Methods focused on the simulation of highly detailed object models help to understand the origin of PSs. In this paper, simulated SAR data are geometrically linked to PSs for one test site. Thereafter, single PSs are selected and identified in the simulated 3D model. The case study indicates that a high number of PSs lack of geometrical correspondence to building features. Moreover, it is shown that the often observed occurance of PSs located below ground level is not due to processing errors but is a systematic effect caused by fivefold reflection

    Interferometric Synthetic Aperture RADAR and Radargrammetry towards the Categorization of Building Changes

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    The purpose of this work is the investigation of SAR techniques relying on multi image acquisition for fully automatic and rapid change detection analysis at building level. In particular, the benefits and limitations of a complementary use of two specific SAR techniques, InSAR and radargrammetry, in an emergency context are examined in term of quickness, globality and accuracy. The analysis is performed using spaceborne SAR data