4,476 research outputs found

    Implementing Web 2.0 in secondary schools: impacts, barriers and issues

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    One of the reports from the Web 2.0 technologies for learning at KS3 and KS4 project. This report explored Impact of Web 2.0 technologies on learning and teaching and drew upon evidence from multiple sources: field studies of 27 schools across the country; guided surveys of 2,600 school students; 100 interviews and 206 online surveys conducted with managers, teachers and technical staff in these schools; online surveys of the views of 96 parents; interviews held with 18 individual innovators in the field of Web 2.0 in education; and interviews with nine regional managers responsible for implementation of ICT at national level

    Towards Green Metaverse Networking Technologies, Advancements and Future Directions

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    As the Metaverse is iteratively being defined, its potential to unleash the next wave of digital disruption and create real-life value becomes increasingly clear. With distinctive features of immersive experience, simultaneous interactivity, and user agency, the Metaverse has the capability to transform all walks of life. However, the enabling technologies of the Metaverse, i.e., digital twin, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and extended reality, are known to be energy-hungry, therefore raising concerns about the sustainability of its large-scale deployment and development. This article proposes Green Metaverse Networking for the first time to optimize energy efficiencies of all network components for Metaverse sustainable development. We first analyze energy consumption, efficiency, and sustainability of energy-intensive technologies in the Metaverse. Next, focusing on computation and networking, we present major advancements related to energy efficiency and their integration into the Metaverse. A case study of energy conservation by incorporating semantic communication and stochastic resource allocation in the Metaverse is presented. Finally, we outline the critical challenges of Metaverse sustainable development, thereby indicating potential directions of future research towards the green Metaverse

    Quality of service optimization of multimedia traffic in mobile networks

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    Mobile communication systems have continued to evolve beyond the currently deployed Third Generation (3G) systems with the main goal of providing higher capacity. Systems beyond 3G are expected to cater for a wide variety of services such as speech, data, image transmission, video, as well as multimedia services consisting of a combination of these. With the air interface being the bottleneck in mobile networks, recent enhancing technologies such as the High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA), incorporate major changes to the radio access segment of 3G Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). HSDPA introduces new features such as fast link adaptation mechanisms, fast packet scheduling, and physical layer retransmissions in the base stations, necessitating buffering of data at the air interface which presents a bottleneck to end-to-end communication. Hence, in order to provide end-to-end Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees to multimedia services in wireless networks such as HSDPA, efficient buffer management schemes are required at the air interface. The main objective of this thesis is to propose and evaluate solutions that will address the QoS optimization of multimedia traffic at the radio link interface of HSDPA systems. In the thesis, a novel queuing system known as the Time-Space Priority (TSP) scheme is proposed for multimedia traffic QoS control. TSP provides customized preferential treatment to the constituent flows in the multimedia traffic to suit their diverse QoS requirements. With TSP queuing, the real-time component of the multimedia traffic, being delay sensitive and loss tolerant, is given transmission priority; while the non-real-time component, being loss sensitive and delay tolerant, enjoys space priority. Hence, based on the TSP queuing paradigm, new buffer managementalgorithms are designed for joint QoS control of the diverse components in a multimedia session of the same HSDPA user. In the thesis, a TSP based buffer management algorithm known as the Enhanced Time Space Priority (E-TSP) is proposed for HSDPA. E-TSP incorporates flow control mechanisms to mitigate congestion in the air interface buffer of a user with multimedia session comprising real-time and non-real-time flows. Thus, E-TSP is designed to provide efficient network and radio resource utilization to improve end-to-end multimedia traffic performance. In order to allow real-time optimization of the QoS control between the real-time and non-real-time flows of the HSDPA multimedia session, another TSP based buffer management algorithm known as the Dynamic Time Space Priority (D-TSP) is proposed. D-TSP incorporates dynamic priority switching between the real-time and non-real-time flows. D-TSP is designed to allow optimum QoS trade-off between the flows whilst still guaranteeing the stringent real-time component’s QoS requirements. The thesis presents results of extensive performance studies undertaken via analytical modelling and dynamic network-level HSDPA simulations demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed TSP queuing system and the TSP based buffer management schemes

    Performance Evaluation of v-eNodeB using Virtualized Radio Resource Management

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    With the demand upsurge for high bandwidth services, continuous increase in the number of cellular subscriptions, adoption of Internet of Things (IoT), and marked growth in Machine-to-Machine (M2M) traffic, there is great stress exerted on cellular network infrastructure. The present wireline and wireless networking technologies are rigid in nature and heavily hardware-dependent, as a result of which the process of infrastructure upgrade to keep up with future demand is cumbersome and expensive. Software-defined networks (SDN) hold the promise to decrease network rigidity by providing central control and flow abstraction, which in current network setups are hardware-based. The embrace of SDN in traditional cellular networks has led to the implementation of vital network functions in the form of software that are deployed in virtualized environments. This approach to move crucial and hardware intensive network functions to virtual environments is collectively referred to as network function virtualization (NFV). Our work evaluates the cost reduction and energy savings that can be achieved by the application of SDN and NFV technologies in cellular networks. In this thesis, we implement a virtualized eNodeB component (Radio Resource Management) to add agility to the network setup and improve performance, which we compare with a traditional resource manager. When combined with dynamic network resource allocation techniques proposed in Elastic Handoff, our hardware agnostic approach can achieve a greater reduction in capital and operational expenses through optimal use of network resources and efficient energy utilization. Advisor: Jitender S. Deogu

    AI and Gender in Persuasion: Using Chatbots to Prevent Driving Under The Influence of Marijuana

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    Will new media techniques, such as artificial intelligence (AI), help refresh public safety advertising campaigns and help better target specific populations, and aid in persuasive, preventative marketing? This paper used hypocrisy induction as a persuasive tool for standalone artificial intelligence chatbots to test potential behavioral change in the context of marijuana. This research further tested whether the chatbots\u27 gender and language styles impact how persuasive and effective the chat agents are perceived to be using hypocrisy induction. An online experiment conducted with 705 participants (Mage = 42.9, 392 women). where participants interact with a chatbot that is manipulated as male/female and uses formal/causal language. Half of the participants received the hypocrisy induction manipulation. hypocrisy induction is more effective when chatbot gender and linguistic styles are appropriately paired. Participants in the hypocrisy induction condition exhibited higher WTP than those in the non-hypocrisy induction condition when the chatbot they interacted with was female in gender and used casual language. However, hypocrisy induction increased WTP than those who did not receive the hypocrisy induction manipulation when the gender of the chatbot they interacted with was male and used formal language. To the researchers\u27 knowledge, this is among the first studies testing the persuasive power of hypocrisy induction using new media platforms in public safety and health advertising in marijuana studies. Findings not only help to shed light on the persuasiveness of gender and language in standalone chatbots but also provide practical implications for practitioners on the future usage of chatbots

    Internet of robotic things : converging sensing/actuating, hypoconnectivity, artificial intelligence and IoT Platforms

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) concept is evolving rapidly and influencing newdevelopments in various application domains, such as the Internet of MobileThings (IoMT), Autonomous Internet of Things (A-IoT), Autonomous Systemof Things (ASoT), Internet of Autonomous Things (IoAT), Internetof Things Clouds (IoT-C) and the Internet of Robotic Things (IoRT) etc.that are progressing/advancing by using IoT technology. The IoT influencerepresents new development and deployment challenges in different areassuch as seamless platform integration, context based cognitive network integration,new mobile sensor/actuator network paradigms, things identification(addressing, naming in IoT) and dynamic things discoverability and manyothers. The IoRT represents new convergence challenges and their need to be addressed, in one side the programmability and the communication ofmultiple heterogeneous mobile/autonomous/robotic things for cooperating,their coordination, configuration, exchange of information, security, safetyand protection. Developments in IoT heterogeneous parallel processing/communication and dynamic systems based on parallelism and concurrencyrequire new ideas for integrating the intelligent “devices”, collaborativerobots (COBOTS), into IoT applications. Dynamic maintainability, selfhealing,self-repair of resources, changing resource state, (re-) configurationand context based IoT systems for service implementation and integrationwith IoT network service composition are of paramount importance whennew “cognitive devices” are becoming active participants in IoT applications.This chapter aims to be an overview of the IoRT concept, technologies,architectures and applications and to provide a comprehensive coverage offuture challenges, developments and applications

    Quality of Service optimisation framework for Next Generation Networks

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    Within recent years, the concept of Next Generation Networks (NGN) has become widely accepted within the telecommunication area, in parallel with the migration of telecommunication networks from traditional circuit-switched technologies such as ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) towards packet-switched NGN. In this context, SIP (Session Initiation Protocol), originally developed for Internet use only, has emerged as the major signalling protocol for multimedia sessions in IP (Internet Protocol) based NGN. One of the traditional limitations of IP when faced with the challenges of real-time communications is the lack of quality support at the network layer. In line with NGN specification work, international standardisation bodies have defined a sophisticated QoS (Quality of Service) architecture for NGN, controlling IP transport resources and conventional IP QoS mechanisms through centralised higher layer network elements via cross-layer signalling. Being able to centrally control QoS conditions for any media session in NGN without the imperative of a cross-layer approach would result in a feasible and less complex NGN architecture. Especially the demand for additional network elements would be decreased, resulting in the reduction of system and operational costs in both, service and transport infrastructure. This thesis proposes a novel framework for QoS optimisation for media sessions in SIP-based NGN without the need for cross-layer signalling. One key contribution of the framework is the approach to identify and logically group media sessions that encounter similar QoS conditions, which is performed by applying pattern recognition and clustering techniques. Based on this novel methodology, the framework provides functions and mechanisms for comprehensive resource-saving QoS estimation, adaptation of QoS conditions, and support of Call Admission Control. The framework can be integrated with any arbitrary SIP-IP-based real-time communication infrastructure, since it does not require access to any particular QoS control or monitoring functionalities provided within the IP transport network. The proposed framework concept has been deployed and validated in a prototypical simulation environment. Simulation results show MOS (Mean Opinion Score) improvement rates between 53 and 66 percent without any active control of transport network resources. Overall, the proposed framework comes as an effective concept for central controlled QoS optimisation in NGN without the need for cross-layer signalling. As such, by either being run stand-alone or combined with conventional QoS control mechanisms, the framework provides a comprehensive basis for both the reduction of complexity and mitigation of issues coming along with QoS provision in NGN

    Information-Centric Design and Implementation for Underwater Acoustic Networks

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    Over the past decade, Underwater Acoustic Networks (UANs) have received extensive attention due to their vast benefits in academia and industry alike. However, due to the overall magnitude and harsh characteristics of underwater environments, standard wireless network techniques will fail because current technology and energy restrictions limit underwater devices due to delayed acoustic communications. To help manage these limitations we utilize Information-Centric Networking (ICN). More importantly, we look at ICN\u27s paradigm shift from traditional TCP/IP architecture to improve data handling and enhance network efficiency. By utilizing some of ICN\u27s techniques, such as data naming hierarchy, we can reevaluate each component of the network\u27s protocol stack given current underwater limitations to study the vast solutions and perspectives Information-Centric architectures can provide to UANs. First, we propose a routing strategy used to manage and route large data files in a network prone to high mobility. Therefore, due to UANs limited transmitting capability, we passively store sensed data and adaptively find the best path. Furthermore, we introduce adapted Named Data Networking (NDN) components to improve upon routing robustness and adaptiveness. Beyond naming data, we use tracers to assist in tracking stored data locations without using other excess means such as flooding. By collaborating tracer consistency with routing path awareness our protocol can adaptively manage faulty or high mobility nodes. Through this incorporation of varied NDN techniques, we are able to see notable improvements in routing efficiency. Second, we analyze the effects of Denial of Service (DoS) attacks on upper layer protocols. Since UANs are typically resource restrained, malicious users can advantageously create fake traffic to burden the already constrained network. While ICN techniques only provide basic DoS restriction we must expand our detection and restriction technique to meet the unique demands of UANs. To provide enhanced security against DoS we construct an algorithm to detect and restrict against these types of attacks while adapting to meet acoustic characteristics. To better extend this work we incorporate three node behavior techniques using probabilistic, adaptive, and predictive approaches for detecting malicious traits. Thirdly, to depict and test protocols in UANs, simulators are commonly used due to their accessibility and controlled testing aspects. For this section, we review Aqua-Sim, a discrete event-driven open-source underwater simulator. To enhance the core aspect of this simulator we first rewrite the current architecture and transition Aqua-Sim to the newest core simulator, NS-3. Following this, we clean up redundant features spread out between the various underwater layers. Additionally, we fully integrate the diverse NS-3 API within our simulator. By revamping previous code layout we are able to improve architecture modularity and child class expandability. New features are also introduced including localization and synchronization support, busy terminal problem support, multi-channel support, transmission range uncertainty modules, external noise generators, channel trace-driven support, security module, and an adapted NDN module. Additionally, we provide extended documentation to assist in user development. Simulation testing shows improved memory management and continuous validity in comparison to other underwater simulators and past iterations of Aqua-Sim
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