585 research outputs found

    State of the art: Eye-tracking studies in medical imaging

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    Eye-tracking – the process of measuring where people look in a visual field – has been widely used to study how humans process visual information. In medical imaging, eye-tracking has become a popular technique in many applications to reveal how visual search and recognition tasks are performed, providing information that can improve human performance. In this paper, we present a comprehensive review of eye-tracking studies conducted with medical images and videos for diverse research purposes, including identification of degree of expertise, development of training, and understanding and modelling of visual search patterns. In addition, we present our recent eye-tracking study that involves a large number of screening mammograms viewed by experienced breast radiologists. Based on the eye-tracking data, we evaluate the plausibility of predicting visual attention by computational models

    Perception and Orientation in Minimally Invasive Surgery

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    During the last two decades, we have seen a revolution in the way that we perform abdominal surgery with increased reliance on minimally invasive techniques. This paradigm shift has come at a rapid pace, with laparoscopic surgery now representing the gold standard for many surgical procedures and further minimisation of invasiveness being seen with the recent clinical introduction of novel techniques such as single-incision laparoscopic surgery and natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery. Despite the obvious benefits conferred on the patient in terms of morbidity, length of hospital stay and post-operative pain, this paradigm shift comes at a significantly higher demand on the surgeon, in terms of both perception and manual dexterity. The issues involved include degradation of sensory input to the operator compared to conventional open surgery owing to a loss of three-dimensional vision through the use of the two-dimensional operative interface, and decreased haptic feedback from the instruments. These changes have led to a much higher cognitive load on the surgeon and a greater risk of operator disorientation leading to potential surgical errors. This thesis represents a detailed investigation of disorientation in minimally invasive surgery. In this thesis, eye tracking methodology is identified as the method of choice for evaluating behavioural patterns during orientation. An analysis framework is proposed to profile orientation behaviour using eye tracking data validated in a laboratory model. This framework is used to characterise and quantify successful orientation strategies at critical stages of laparoscopic cholecystectomy and furthermore use these strategies to prove that focused teaching of this behaviour in novices can significantly increase performance in this task. Orientation strategies are then characterised for common clinical scenarios in natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery and the concept of image saliency is introduced to further investigate the importance of specific visual cues associated with effective orientation. Profiling of behavioural patterns is related to performance in orientation and implications on education and construction of smart surgical robots are drawn. Finally, a method for potentially decreasing operator disorientation is investigated in the form of endoscopic horizon stabilization in a simulated operative model for transgastric surgery. The major original contributions of this thesis include: Validation of a profiling methodology/framework to characterise orientation behaviour Identification of high performance orientation strategies in specific clinical scenarios including laparoscopic cholecystectomy and natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery Evaluation of the efficacy of teaching orientation strategies Evaluation of automatic endoscopic horizon stabilization in natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery The impact of the results presented in this thesis, as well as the potential for further high impact research is discussed in the context of both eye tracking as an evaluation tool in minimally invasive surgery as well as implementation of means to combat operator disorientation in a surgical platform. The work also provides further insight into the practical implementation of computer-assistance and technological innovation in future flexible access surgical platforms

    Robot Autonomy for Surgery

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    Autonomous surgery involves having surgical tasks performed by a robot operating under its own will, with partial or no human involvement. There are several important advantages of automation in surgery, which include increasing precision of care due to sub-millimeter robot control, real-time utilization of biosignals for interventional care, improvements to surgical efficiency and execution, and computer-aided guidance under various medical imaging and sensing modalities. While these methods may displace some tasks of surgical teams and individual surgeons, they also present new capabilities in interventions that are too difficult or go beyond the skills of a human. In this chapter, we provide an overview of robot autonomy in commercial use and in research, and present some of the challenges faced in developing autonomous surgical robots

    Laparoscopic surgical skills training: an investigation of the potential of using surgeons' visual search behaviour as a performance indicator

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    Laparoscopic surgery is a difficult perceptual-motor task and effective and efficient training in the technique is important. Viewing previously recorded laparoscopic operations is a possible available training technique for surgeons to increase their knowledge of such minimal access surgery (MAS). It is not well known whether this is a useful technique, how effective it is or what effect it has on the surgeon watching the recorded video. As part of an on-going series of studies into laparoscopic surgery, an experiment was conducted to examine whether surgical skill level has an effect on the visual search behaviour of individuals of different surgical experience when they examine such imagery. Medically naive observers, medical students, junior surgeons and experienced surgeons viewed a laparoscopic recording of a recent operation. Initial examination of the recorded eye movement data indicated commonalities between all observers, largely irrespective of surgical experience. This, it is argued, is due to visual search in this situation largely being driven by the dynamic nature of the images. The data were then examined in terms of surgical steps and also in terms of interventions when differences were found related to surgical experience. Consequently, it is argued that monitoring the eye movements of trainee surgeons whilst they watch pre-recorded operations is a potential useful adjunct to existing training regimes

    Exploring And Training Spatial Reasoning Via Eye Movements: Implications On Performance

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    This dissertation sought to determine if eye movements could serve as an indicator of success in spatial reasoning, and if eye movements associated with successful completion could be applied to strategically improve spatial reasoning. Using the line images of Shepard and Metzler, an electronic test of mental rotations ability (EMRT) was designed. Two versions of the test were created, allowing for both a timed (6 seconds per question) and untimed testing environment. Four experiments were designed and completed to relate mental rotation ability (MRA) scores from the EMRT, to patterns in chrononumeric and visual salience data. In each experiment, participants completed the EMRT under a different protocol. These protocols included an untimed EMRT, a timed EMRT, a within-participant crossover study where participants completed both the timed, and untimed EMRT in series, and a training crossover study where low MRA participants completed the timed EMRT in both a guided and unguided environment. In the untimed experiment, individuals of high and low MRA were asked to complete the EMRT while their eye movements were observed. As no time limit was imposed, the results allowed for observations based on MRA alone, and served to demonstrate and how individuals of different skill level differ in terms of eye movement. In the following experiment, the addition of a time limit to the EMRT revealed how individuals of high and low MRA perform when under a time restriction. The results of the Timed experiment confirmed differences between the high and low MRA group in terms of eye movements, and attention to salient regions of test images. In the third experiment, the addition of a time limit was further explored through a crossover design. By adding a time limit to an MRT, the ability of individuals to solve spatial problems is impaired, and is manifest in eye movements. Data derived from the Crossover Experiment suggested that salience-based metrics might serve to distinguish between groups of MRA, and that time restrictions may influence both participant accuracy, and identification of visually salient elements. The results from the first three experiments were then applied in the Guidance Experiment to confirm the role that visual salience plays in the context of spatial problem solving. By mapping the apprehension patterns of successful high MRA individuals onto the EMRT, low MRA individuals could be guided to salient areas on the timed EMRT. The results revealed that the application of visual guidance is an effective mechanism for MRA training. This research attends to a previously unaddressed niche in eye-movement and spatial ability training literature. As a result, it may serve as a foundation to cultivate methods of honing and improving spatial skills in the general population

    Optical techniques for 3D surface reconstruction in computer-assisted laparoscopic surgery

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    One of the main challenges for computer-assisted surgery (CAS) is to determine the intra-opera- tive morphology and motion of soft-tissues. This information is prerequisite to the registration of multi-modal patient-specific data for enhancing the surgeon’s navigation capabilites by observ- ing beyond exposed tissue surfaces and for providing intelligent control of robotic-assisted in- struments. In minimally invasive surgery (MIS), optical techniques are an increasingly attractive approach for in vivo 3D reconstruction of the soft-tissue surface geometry. This paper reviews the state-of-the-art methods for optical intra-operative 3D reconstruction in laparoscopic surgery and discusses the technical challenges and future perspectives towards clinical translation. With the recent paradigm shift of surgical practice towards MIS and new developments in 3D opti- cal imaging, this is a timely discussion about technologies that could facilitate complex CAS procedures in dynamic and deformable anatomical regions

    Intelligent computing applications to assist perceptual training in medical imaging

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    The research presented in this thesis represents a body of work which addresses issues in medical imaging, primarily as it applies to breast cancer screening and laparoscopic surgery. The concern here is how computer based methods can aid medical practitioners in these tasks. Thus, research is presented which develops both new techniques of analysing radiologists performance data and also new approaches of examining surgeons visual behaviour when they are undertaking laparoscopic training. Initially a new chest X-Ray self-assessment application is described which has been developed to assess and improve radiologists performance in detecting lung cancer. Then, in breast cancer screening, a method of identifying potential poor performance outliers at an early stage in a national self-assessment scheme is demonstrated. Additionally, a method is presented to optimize whether a radiologist, in using this scheme, has correctly localised and identified an abnormality or made an error. One issue in appropriately measuring radiological performance in breast screening is that both the size of clinical monitors used and the difficulty in linking the medical image to the observer s line of sight hinders suitable eye tracking. Consequently, a new method is presented which links these two items. Laparoscopic surgeons have similar issues to radiologists in interpreting a medical display but with the added complications of hand-eye co-ordination. Work is presented which examines whether visual search feedback of surgeons operations can be useful training aids

    Training and proficiency level in endoscopic sinus surgery change residents' eye movements.

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    Nose surgery is challenging and needs a lot of training for safe and efficient treatments. Eye tracking can provide an objective assessment to measure residents' learning curve. The aim of the current study was to assess residents' fixation duration and other dependent variables over the course of a dedicated training in functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS). Sixteen residents performed a FESS training over 18 sessions, split into three surgical steps. Eye movements in terms of percent fixation on the screen and average fixation duration were measured, in addition to residents' completion time, cognitive load, and surgical performance. Results indicated performance improvements in terms of completion time and surgical performance. Cognitive load and average fixation duration showed a significant change within the last step of training. Percent fixation on screen increased within the first step, and then stagnated. Results showed that eye movements and cognitive load differed between residents of different proficiency levels. In conclusion, eye tracking is a helpful objective measuring tool in FESS. It provides additional insights of the training level and changes with increasing performance. Expert-like gaze was obtained after half of the training sessions and increased proficiency in FESS was associated with increased fixation duration

    Hand eye coordination in surgery

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    The coordination of the hand in response to visual target selection has always been regarded as an essential quality in a range of professional activities. This quality has thus far been elusive to objective scientific measurements, and is usually engulfed in the overall performance of the individuals. Parallels can be drawn to surgery, especially Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS), where the physical constraints imposed by the arrangements of the instruments and visualisation methods require certain coordination skills that are unprecedented. With the current paradigm shift towards early specialisation in surgical training and shortened focused training time, selection process should identify trainees with the highest potentials in certain specific skills. Although significant effort has been made in objective assessment of surgical skills, it is only currently possible to measure surgeons’ abilities at the time of assessment. It has been particularly difficult to quantify specific details of hand-eye coordination and assess innate ability of future skills development. The purpose of this thesis is to examine hand-eye coordination in laboratory-based simulations, with a particular emphasis on details that are important to MIS. In order to understand the challenges of visuomotor coordination, movement trajectory errors have been used to provide an insight into the innate coordinate mapping of the brain. In MIS, novel spatial transformations, due to a combination of distorted endoscopic image projections and the “fulcrum” effect of the instruments, accentuate movement generation errors. Obvious differences in the quality of movement trajectories have been observed between novices and experts in MIS, however, this is difficult to measure quantitatively. A Hidden Markov Model (HMM) is used in this thesis to reveal the underlying characteristic movement details of a particular MIS manoeuvre and how such features are exaggerated by the introduction of rotation in the endoscopic camera. The proposed method has demonstrated the feasibility of measuring movement trajectory quality by machine learning techniques without prior arbitrary classification of expertise. Experimental results have highlighted these changes in novice laparoscopic surgeons, even after a short period of training. The intricate relationship between the hands and the eyes changes when learning a skilled visuomotor task has been previously studied. Reactive eye movement, when visual input is used primarily as a feedback mechanism for error correction, implies difficulties in hand-eye coordination. As the brain learns to adapt to this new coordinate map, eye movements then become predictive of the action generated. The concept of measuring this spatiotemporal relationship is introduced as a measure of hand-eye coordination in MIS, by comparing the Target Distance Function (TDF) between the eye fixation and the instrument tip position on the laparoscopic screen. Further validation of this concept using high fidelity experimental tasks is presented, where higher cognitive influence and multiple target selection increase the complexity of the data analysis. To this end, Granger-causality is presented as a measure of the predictability of the instrument movement with the eye fixation pattern. Partial Directed Coherence (PDC), a frequency-domain variation of Granger-causality, is used for the first time to measure hand-eye coordination. Experimental results are used to establish the strengths and potential pitfalls of the technique. To further enhance the accuracy of this measurement, a modified Jensen-Shannon Divergence (JSD) measure has been developed for enhancing the signal matching algorithm and trajectory segmentations. The proposed framework incorporates high frequency noise filtering, which represents non-purposeful hand and eye movements. The accuracy of the technique has been demonstrated by quantitative measurement of multiple laparoscopic tasks by expert and novice surgeons. Experimental results supporting visual search behavioural theory are presented, as this underpins the target selection process immediately prior to visual motor action generation. The effects of specialisation and experience on visual search patterns are also examined. Finally, pilot results from functional brain imaging are presented, where the Posterior Parietal Cortical (PPC) activation is measured using optical spectroscopy techniques. PPC has been demonstrated to involve in the calculation of the coordinate transformations between the visual and motor systems, which establishes the possibilities of exciting future studies in hand-eye coordination
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