140 research outputs found

    Investigating the antecedents to the adoption of SCRM technologies by start-up companies

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    Despite their fairly recent emergence, start-up companies now play an important role in the economic development of countries around the globe. These companies have fewer tangible assets and capital, and therefore, the efficient delivery of services and products is a key business priority for them. Customer relationship management (CRM) technologies, which are designed to facilitate customer engagement during the design, development and delivery of services and products may play a significant role in the success or failure of start-up companies. Developments in new communication technologies have transformed traditional CRM into electronic CRM (eCRM), mobile CRM (mCRM); and more recently, social CRM (SCRM). However, there remains very little understanding of the factors affecting SCRM adoption in start-up businesses. The relative newness of SCRM technologies, coupled with the swiftly evolving nature of start-up companies: which has made them difficult cases to study – has limited the amount of research undertaken in this area. This paper aims to close this gap by proposing a framework that depicts the factors affecting start-up companies’ intention to adopt SCRM applications, and explores the relative importance of these factors. Inspired by an extended Technological, Organisational and Environmental (TOE) framework, this paper investigates effects of technological characteristics (TC), organisational characteristics (OC), environmental characteristics (EC) and managerial characteristics (MC) on start-up companies’ intentions to adopt SCRM applications. The results outlined in this research indicate that the observability, compatibility and trialability of SCRM solutions positively affect SCRM adoption in start-up businesses. Moreover, the availability of internal financial resources has a similarly positive effect. When considering environmental characteristics, it was found that support from venture capitalists, crowd funding support, governmental support, business angels support and external pressure all positively affect the intention to adopt SCRM applications within start-up businesses

    The determinants of social CRM entrepreneurship : An institutional perspective

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    Despite a growing interest in social media adoption by corporations, there is minimal knowledge about the drivers of social customer relationship management (SCRM). This study examines the determinants of SCRM entrepreneurship from an institutional perspective and specifically from the banking sector. Data on 19 banks were obtained from 183 responses to a questionnaire. These data were analyzed using Partial Least Square (PLS) path modeling. The findings show that organizational and technological contexts have a significant positive impact on SCRM entrepreneurship. The results also reveal a significant impact of institutional normative and coercive pressures on SCRM entrepreneurship. The findings of this study provide researchers and practitioners with a deeper understanding of how external institutional pressures and internal organizational and technological contexts can interact to create SCRM entrepreneurship. Furthermore, this study contributes to knowledge about the motivations and methods of SCRM adoption and evaluation


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    Abstract. Today, increasingly enhanced competition in the world has encountered companies with animportant issue, which is how to use IT to improve the quality of services. SCRM technology system is an innovative technology, which facilitates the process of access to develop and maintain customer relationships more efficiently and effectively. The research has been study the factors affecting the acceptance of using SCRM technology system in automotive companies. The research was descriptive-survey research. The statistical population included all employees of Pars Khodro Automobile Company. In total, 240 employees were selected as the sample by simple sampling method to participate in the research. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics (structural equation modeling) have been used to analyze data. According to the research results, it can be said that technical, organizational, environmental, and management characteristics have a positive and significant effect on the acceptance of using social customer relationship management.Keywords: Social Networks, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Social Customer RelationshipManagement (SCRM)

    Influential Article Review - Social Customer Relationship Management (SCRM): What Factors Affect It?

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    This paper examines customer relationship management. We present insights from a highly influential paper. Here are the highlights from this paper: The rise of social media technology has led to new customer relationship management tools that engage customers more easily and directly (social customer relationship management, SCRM). However, the usefulness of SCRM is contingent upon a successful adoption by an organization. Various technology adoption theoretical frameworks have been proposed for social media technologies generally, and for SCRM specifically. This paper extends the literature by exploring network externalities as a potential driver of SCRM adoption in organizations by surveying 363 supply chain professionals regarding their behaviors and uses of SCRM. The results suggest that network externalities have a substantial effect on adoption of SCRM in business organizations and that a perception of higher network externalities has a positive effect on adoption. This implies that organizations should select SCRM systems with better network externalities and also that they should educate their workforce about those strong network externalities leading up to the adoption. For our overseas readers, we then present the insights from this paper in Spanish, French, Portuguese, and German

    Sustainable customer relationship management

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    Purpose – Sustainable customer relationship management (SCRM) is a combination of business strategy, customer-oriented business processes and computer systems that seeks to integrate sustainability into customer relationship management. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the body of knowledge of marketing, business management and computer systems research domains by classifying in research categories the current state of knowledge on SCRM, by analysing the major research streams and by identifying a future research agenda in each research category. Design/methodology/approach – To identify, select, collect, synthesise, analyse and evaluate all research published on SCRM, providing a complete insight in this research area, the PRISMA methodology, content analysis and bibliometric tools are used. Findings – In total, 139 papers were analysed to assess the trend of the number of papers published and the number of citations of these papers; to identify the top contributing countries, authors, institutions and sources; to reveal the findings of the major research streams; to develop a classification framework composed by seven research categories (CRM as a key factor for enterprise sustainability, SCRM frameworks, SCRM computer tools and methods, case studies, SCRM and sustainable supply chain management, sustainable marketing and knowledge management) in which academics could expand SCRM research; and to establish future research challenges. Social implications – This paper have an important positive social and environmental impact for society because it will lead to an increase in the number of green and socially conscious customers with an ethical behavior, while also transforming business processes, products and services, making them more sustainable. Originality/value – Customer relationship management in the age of sustainable development is an increasing research area. Nevertheless, to the authors’ knowledge, there are no systematic literature reviews that identify the major research streams, develop a classification framework, analyse the evolution in this research field and propose a future research agenda

    Managerial Perception of Supply Chain Quality Risk: Risk Analysis and Decision Analysis

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    Due to increased supply chain complexity, ensuring the quality of supply materials or products from upstream suppliers has become a challenge for firms. A great deal has been written on possible solutions and strategies to deal with supply chain quality risk (SCQR) in recent years. However, the manager’s decision-making process in relation to SCQR has not been fully researched. To close this gap, the aims of this study were to scrutinise managers’ perceptions of SCQR, as well as the antecedents of and decision-making related to perceived SCQR. The relevant literature was comprehensively reviewed in order to build a foundation for the conceptualisation of perceived SCQR. This study proposed that the managerial perception of SCQR was a multi-dimensional concept with four representations. A rigorous scale development process was adopted to develop a set of reliable instruments to measure perceived SCQR. With a sample of 316 Chinese manufacturers, the validity and reliability of the measurement scales for the representations of SCQR perception were assessed. Based on the risky-decision making model, a theoretical framework of the managerial decision-making process in relation to perceived SCQR was proposed. Furthermore, the agency theory and resource dependence theory were drawn on to identify factors related to the supply chain relationship and supply chain quality barriers that might have effects on three of the representations of SCQR. Based on the resource dependence theory, it was found that buyer and supplier dependence affect the representations of SCQR differently. The empirical results indicate that the inability to test and inability to trace are significant drivers of the perception of SCQR. The representation of SCQR impact on the intention of adopting two oriented quality management practices was also examined. The result reveals that when managers face increasing SCQR, they tend to be conservative in applying the quality management practices

    L’analyse des variables explicatives de l’adoption du Social CRM par les PME de Tourisme au Maroc : Résultats d’une étude exploratoire

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    Le « Social CRM » est un nouveau paradigme qui a récemment émergé pour décrire l’utilisation des médias sociaux en faveur de la gestion de la relation client. Aujourd’hui, le « Social CRM » offre aux entreprises l’opportunité d’être à l’écoute des clients et de pouvoir créer de la valeur en partenariat avec eux. L’objectif de ce papier est d’expliquer l’adoption du « Social CRM » par les PME de tourisme au Maroc. Il propose un modèle conceptuel regroupant différents facteurs déterminants de l’adoption, et qui a pour fondement théorique la théorie d’adoption des innovations de Rogers et le cadre TOE de Tornatzky and Fleischer 1990. Pour apporter des éléments de réponse à notre problématique de recherche, nous avons mené une première étude exploratoire auprès d’une dizaine de PME à la région Tanger-TétouanAl Hoceima. L’analyse des résultats a été faite à l’aide du logiciel N vivo12. L’analyse a montré que les principaux facteurs influençant l’adoption du « Social CRM », sont le soutien du Top Management, les connaissances des employés en SI, l’avantage relatif, la compatibilité, la facilité d’utilisation, la testabilité, l’observabilité des résultats, et la pression concurrentielle. Aussi bien, un nouveau groupe de facteurs est à ajouter au modèle initial qui sont les caractéristiques liées au dirigeant de la PME. Pour pouvoir généraliser les résultats, une nouvelle étude quantitative confirmatoire sera mise en œuvre à l’échelle nationale. « Social CRM » is a new paradigm that has recently emerged to describe the use of social media for Customer Relationship Management. Today, the “Social CRM” offers companies the opportunity to communicate with customers and create value in partnership with them. The purpose of this paper is to explain the adoption of “Social CRM” by tourism SMEs in Morocco. It proposes a conceptual model of different adoption determinants, based on the theoretical theory of adoption of Rogers innovations and the Tornatzky and Fleischer 1990 TOE framework. To provide some answers to our research problem, we conducted an initial exploratory study among a dozen SMEs in the Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima region. The results were analysed using the N vivo12 software. The analysis showed that the main factors influencing the adoption of the «Social CRM», are the support of Top Management, the knowledge of employees in IS, the relative advantage, the compatibility, the ease of use, the testability, the observability of the results, and competitive pressure. Thus, a new group of factors is to be added to the initial model, which are the characteristics related to the SME leader. In order to generalize the results, a new confirmatory quantitative study will be implemented at a national level

    Social Commerce Adoption to Enhance SMEs Performance: Technology, Organization and Environment (TOE) Perspectives

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    Currently, the shift in consumer behavior has led to an increase in the average value of purchase transactions. This is an opportunity for SMEs to take advantage of the digital space for business acceleration. This study aims to explore the technological, organizational, and environmental (TOE) framework as a driving factor technological adoption. Technological factors used in this study are the benefits obtained and utilized. Then, the organizational factors tested in this study are top management support and knowledge of IT/IS employees and the last environmental factor is customer pressure and competitive pressure. This study uses a quantitative approach and survey methods to 144 SMEs. The findings in this study are perceived advantage, top management support and customer pressure have positive effect on technology adoption and have an effect on SMEs performance both on financial performance and brand performance. Keywords: SMEs, social commerce, technological, organization and environmental (TOE

    Customer Relationship Management in the E-Retailing Environment

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    Small business enterprise (SBE) managers often lack resources, expertise, and impact when selling in an online environment. SBEs can overcome increased competition by adopting customer relationship management (CRM) into their business model for survival and longevity. Using the conceptual framework technology, organization, environment (TOE), this multiple case study explored effective marketing strategies that small store retail managers use to successfully sell apparel and accessories in online markets. The study population included leaders from independent small online retail enterprises with brick-and-mortar stores located in the Central, Tri-Cities, or Southside areas in Virginia. The data collection process included semistructured, on-site interviews of 4 SBE owners or managers and reviewing organizational documents and online postings from those 4 organizations. Using topic coding, the data were organized into nodes grounded in the context of TOE. The thematic analysis yielded 5 themes: social media engagement, price congruency, organizational knowledge benefit, customer satisfaction, and customer engagement. The study findings revealed that a significant strategy for SBEs operating in online markets was social CRM, an inexpensive and critical tool for CRM. Further, CRM tools such as social media required consistent monitoring and the devotion of financial and human resources to deliver constant customer engagement. The implication for social change includes the potential to improve the life cycle of SBEs in smaller communities, which improves community entrepreneurial and startup success. Entrepreneurship contributes to community vitality and economic prosperity by providing employment, skill development, and job training

    Trust and social customer relationship management consequences on donor’s intention to donate via social media

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    Fundraising trough social media platforms started to emerge as an easy, fast and practical instrument for non-profit organizations to collect donations. Users can both directly donate to a non-profit organisation social media page, or organize fundraisers inviting their friends to participate. This article proposes a model to investigate the effect of different factors on the intention to donate via social media. Based on data collected from 130 responses, this study uses the multiple linear regression and mediation analysis to test the research model. The result showed that different factors directly influenced the intention to donate, mainly Social Customer Relationship Management and trust in social media. Furthermore, we proved the mediator effect of trust in the non-profit organisation on the relationship between Social Customer Relationship Management and the intention to donate. This findings contribute both to the context of online donations and Social Customer Relationship Management.Angariação de fundos através das plataformas de redes sociais, tem-se desenvolvido como uma forma fácil, rápida e um instrumento prático para a recolha de doações pelas organizações sem fins lucrativos. Os utilizadores das redes sociais podem facilmente doar diretamente para uma organização sem fins lucrativos via a plataforma e sem sair desta. A presente dissertação sugere um modelo de análise do impacto na intenção em doar através da rede social, da gestão do relacionamento social com o cliente (SCRM), da confiança na rede social (trust in SM) e da confiança na organização sem finslucrativos. Suportado por dados recolhidos através de um inquérito online de 130 respondentes de diferentes nacionalidades, este estudo utiliza os métodos de análise de regressão múltipla e de mediação para testar as hipóteses do modelo conceptual proposto. Os resultados mostram que diferentes fatores influenciam diretamente a intenção em doar através das redes sociais, nomeadamente gestão do relacionamento social com o cliente (SCRM) e a confiança na rede social (trust in SM). Ainda, verificou-se um efeito de mediação da confiança na rede social com a relação entre o SCRM e a intenção de doar através da rede social. Estes resultados contribuem para aprofundar o estudo destes conceitos num contexto quer das doações online, quer da gestão do relacionamento social com o cliente