36 research outputs found

    Rice Crop Height Inversion from TanDEM-X PolInSAR Data Using the RVoG Model Combined with the Logistic Growth Equation

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    The random volume over ground (RVoG) model has been widely used in the field of vegetation height retrieval based on polarimetric interferometric synthetic aperture radar (PolInSAR) data. However, to date, its application in a time-series framework has not been considered. In this study, the logistic growth equation was introduced into the PolInSAR method for the first time to assist in estimating crop height, and an improved inversion scheme for the corresponding RVoG model parameters combined with the logistic growth equation was proposed. This retrieval scheme was tested using a time series of single-pass HH-VV bistatic TanDEM-X data and reference data obtained over rice fields. The effectiveness of the time-series RVoG model based on the logistic growth equation and the convenience of using equation parameters to evaluate vegetation growth status were analyzed at three test plots. The results show that the improved method can effectively monitor the height variation of crops throughout the whole growth cycle and the rice height estimation achieved an accuracy better than when single dates were considered. This proved that the proposed method can reduce the dependence on interferometric sensitivity and can achieve the goal of monitoring the whole process of rice height evolution with only a few PolInSAR observations.This research was funded in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant nos. 41820104005, 42030112, 41904004) and in part by the and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (grant no. PID2020-117303GB-C22)

    Land cover and forest mapping in boreal zone using polarimetric and interferometric SAR data

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    Remote sensing offers a wide range of instruments suitable to meet the growing need for consistent, timely and cost-effective monitoring of land cover and forested areas. One of the most important instruments is synthetic aperture radar (SAR) technology, where transfer of advanced SAR imaging techniques from mostly experimental small test-area studies to satellites enables improvements in remote assessment of land cover on a global scale. Globally, forests are very suitable for remote sensing applications due to their large dimensions and relatively poor accessibility in distant areas. In this thesis, several methods were developed utilizing Earth observation data collected using such advanced SAR techniques, as well as their application potential was assessed. The focus was on use of SAR polarimetry and SAR interferometry to improve performance and robustness in assessment of land cover and forest properties in the boreal zone. Particular advances were achieved in land cover classification and estimating several key forest variables, such as forest stem volume and forest tree height. Important results reported in this thesis include: improved polarimetric SAR model-based decomposition approach suitable for use in boreal forest at L-band; development and demonstration of normalization method for fully polarimetric SAR mosaics, resulting in improved classification performance and suitable for wide-area mapping purposes; establishing new inversion procedure for robust forest stem volume retrieval from SAR data; developing semi-empirical method and demonstrating potential for soil type separation (mineral soil, peatland) under forested areas with L-band polarimetric SAR; developing and demonstrating methodology for simultaneous retrieval of forest tree height and radiowave attenuation in forest layer from inter-ferometric SAR data, resulting in improved accuracy and more stable estimation of forest tree height

    Utilisation de la tĂ©lĂ©dĂ©tection pour l’analyse de la dynamique de la biomasse aĂ©rienne sĂšche totale des forĂȘts et des palmiers Ă  huile d’une plantation mature dans le Bassin du Congo

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    Le stockage de la biomasse aĂ©rienne (BA) sĂšche totale des forĂȘts est indispensable Ă  la lutte contre les changements climatiques. Depuis quelques dĂ©cennies, il y a une tendance Ă  l’introduction de cultures agro-industrielles, comme les plantations de palmiers Ă  huile, dans les forĂȘts tropicales dans le Bassin du Congo. Ces conversions participent Ă  l’augmentation ou Ă  la diminution des Ă©missions ou absorptions de dioxyde de carbone (CO2) dans l’atmosphĂšre, tout en occasionnant des changements climatiques. Dans cette rĂ©gion, la disponibilitĂ© des donnĂ©es de terrain et de tĂ©lĂ©dĂ©tection est relativement limitĂ©e pour Ă©valuer la BA. L’estimation de la BA des palmiers Ă  huile n’est Ă©galement pas maitrisĂ©e dans le Bassin du Congo. Les incertitudes rapportĂ©es dans les Ă©tudes prĂ©cĂ©dentes utilisant la tĂ©lĂ©dĂ©tection demeurent encore Ă©levĂ©es. Plusieurs approches Ă  fort potentiel restent encore Ă  dĂ©velopper ou Ă  Ă©valuer. À titre d’exemple, l’approche MARS (rĂ©gressions multivariĂ©es par spline adaptative) pour estimer la BA n’a pas encore Ă©tĂ© testĂ©e, notamment avec des donnĂ©es combinĂ©es optiques, LiDAR et radar. Les pertes et les gains de la BA dus aux changements des forĂȘts en palmiers Ă  huile dans le Bassin du Congo, particuliĂšrement au Gabon, n’ont pas encore Ă©tĂ© quantifiĂ©s. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude vise alors Ă  contribuer au dĂ©veloppement des mĂ©thodes d’estimation de la BA par l’utilisation de la tĂ©lĂ©dĂ©tection pour comprendre l’impact des plantations des palmiers Ă  huile sur les variations de la BA des forĂȘts. Au cours de la prĂ©sente Ă©tude, nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© les premiers modĂšles allomĂ©triques d’estimation de la BA des palmiers Ă  huile Ă  l’aide de mesures in situ originales, que nous avons acquises dans le Bassin du Congo. Des modĂšles de BA des palmiers Ă  huile ont Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© Ă©tablis avec MARS et les rĂ©gressions linĂ©aires multiples (RLM) en utilisant des indices dĂ©rivĂ©s de la transformĂ©e de Fourier (indices FOTO) Ă  partir d’images satellitaires FORMOSAT-2 et PlanetScope. Finalement, cette thĂšse propose aussi des modĂšles MARS qui combinent des donnĂ©es de tĂ©lĂ©dĂ©tection optiques (SPOT 7), LiDAR et radar polarimĂ©trique interfĂ©romĂ©trique (PolInSAR) pour estimer la BA des forĂȘts tropicales. À l’aide des estimations fournies par les modĂšles construits, la dynamique des BA des forĂȘts et des plantations de palmiers Ă  huile a Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©e. Les rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© que le modĂšle allomĂ©trique local de BA, utilisant la variable composĂ©e formĂ©e par le diamĂštre Ă  hauteur de poitrine, la hauteur et la densitĂ©, ou le nombre de feuilles, permettait d’avoir les meilleures estimations (erreur quadratique moyenne relative (%RMSE) = 5,1 %). Un modĂšle allomĂ©trique de BA relativement performant a Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© construit en utilisant seulement le diamĂštre et la hauteur (%RMSE = 8,2 %). Pour l’estimation des BA des palmiers Ă  partir d’images FORMOSAT-2 et PlanetScope, les rĂ©sultats dĂ©montrent que l’approche MARS permet les Ă©valuations les plus prĂ©cises (%RMSE ≀ 9,5 %). Cela est particuliĂšrement vrai lorsque les images FORMOSAT-2 sont considĂ©rĂ©es (%RMSE ≀ 6,4 %). Les modĂšles de rĂ©gression linĂ©aire multiple donnent aussi des rĂ©sultats avec des erreurs faibles, mais n’atteignent pas l’approche MARS (%RMSE ≄ 6,6 %). Cette derniĂšre a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e pour dĂ©velopper une sĂ©rie de modĂšles afin d’estimer les BA des forĂȘts de la rĂ©gion d’étude. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que le modĂšle utilisant la variable individuelle de la hauteur mĂ©diane de la canopĂ©e (RH50) dĂ©rivĂ©e des donnĂ©es LiDAR a estimĂ© la biomasse avec plus de prĂ©cision (%RMSE = 28 %). La combinaison de donnĂ©es de tĂ©lĂ©dĂ©tection (optique, LiDAR et radar) a rĂ©duit de prĂšs de 4 % les erreurs d’estimation de la biomasse du modĂšle exploitant la variable individuelle (RH50). Les analyses de la dynamique de BA due aux remplacements des forĂȘts en palmeraies ont enfin permis de constater que les forĂȘts sont plus des vecteurs de gains de BA que les palmeraies particuliĂšrement pour les forĂȘts matures (512 t ha-1 de plus de BA que les palmeraies, soit un surplus de 88 %). Ce constat est identique pour les forĂȘts secondaires vieilles (168 t ha-1, soit 70 % de surplus de BA que les palmeraies) et les forĂȘts secondaires jeunes-adultes ou inondables (74 t ha-1 de plus que les palmeraies, soit un excĂ©dent de 51 %). En revanche, l’installation de plantations de palmiers Ă  huile dans les zones de sols nus ou forĂȘts en repousse pourrait ĂȘtre gagnante en termes de BA, car celles-ci ne prĂ©sentent que 72 t ha-1 de BA (100 % moins que les palmiers). C’est le cas aussi dans les zones occupĂ©es par les forĂȘts secondaires jeunes-adultes avec des BA minimales et des sols nus ou des forĂȘts en repousse avec des BA maximales de 52 t ha-1 (20 t ha-1, soit 38 % de BA de moins que les palmeraies)

    Radar polarimetry and interferometry for remote sensing of boreal forest

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    Forest biomass is a key parameter of the global biosphere which is linked to many fields of research. Modeling addressing climate, ecology, and economics as well as many other prediction frameworks require an accurate assessment of global forest biomass. Methods for producing forest information are rapidly developing and traditional forest inventory by visual estimation has been gradually replaced by the use of airborne and spaceborne instruments. Nevertheless, the estimation of biomass on a global basis including boreal, temperate, and tropical forests, is still a major challenge. Among other spaceborne sensors, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is one of the most suitable tools for large scale mapping and it has also been often used for forest mapping. However, commonly used backscattering intensity based methods do not provide a satisfactory accuracy for biomass estimation; hence, the scientific radar community has been developing more accurate means based on advanced SAR imaging and analyzing techniques, such as SAR polarimetry and interferometry. The work within this thesis contributes to this effort specifically in the field of remote sensing with the emphasis on SAR polarimetry and interferometry for boreal forest applications. The study concentrates on three main topics: polarimetric SAR image analysis, retrieval of forest height by means of SAR interferometry, and modeling of radar backscattering from trees. The main contributions of this work include a new effective approach in polarimetric target decomposition, novel polarimetric visualization schemes, an improved interferometric tree height estimation method suitable for boreal forest, interferometric tree height estimation capability demonstration for X-band, a novel method for relating SAR measurements to single tree scattering modeling, and taking the scattering modeling from a pine tree to the single needle level with accurate field models. Furthermore, the forest height estimation scheme proposed in this work potentially enables tree height estimation with existing spaceborne interferometric X-band SAR systems. The proposed method uses an interferometric coherence model and a ground elevation model to produce accurate tree height maps from single polarization interferometric SAR data. The method is demonstrated with airborne SAR measurements and will be tested in the near future with satellite data. Since tree height is related to forest biomass through tree allometry, tree height measurements from space would enable more accurate global forest biomass maps

    Understanding forest health with Remote sensing-Part II-A review of approaches and data models

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    Stress in forest ecosystems (FES) occurs as a result of land-use intensification, disturbances, resource limitations or unsustainable management, causing changes in forest health (FH) at various scales from the local to the global scale. Reactions to such stress depend on the phylogeny of forest species or communities and the characteristics of their impacting drivers and processes. There are many approaches to monitor indicators of FH using in-situ forest inventory and experimental studies, but they are generally limited to sample points or small areas, as well as being time- and labour-inte

    Growing stock volume estimation in temperate forsted areas using a fusion approach with SAR Satellites Imagery

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    Forest monitoring plays a central role in the context of global warming mitigation and in the assessment of forest resources. To meet these challenges, significant efforts have been made by scientists to develop new feasible remote sensing techniques for the retrieval of forest parameters. However, much work remains to be done in this area, in particular in establishing global assessments of forest biomass. In this context, this Ph.D. Thesis presents a complete methodology for estimating Growing Stock Volume (GSV) in temperate forested areas using a fusion approach based on Synthetic-Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite imagery. The investigations which were performed focused on the Thuringian Forest, which is located in Central Germany. The satellite data used are composed of an extensive set of L-band (ALOS PALSAR) and X-band (TerraSAR-X, TanDEM-X, Cosmo-SkyMed) images, which were acquired in various sensor configurations (acquisition modes, polarisations, incidence angles). The available ground data consists of a forest inventory delivered by the local forest offices. Weather measurements and a LiDAR DEM complete the datasets. The research showed that together with the topography, the forest structure and weather conditions generally limited the sensitivity of the SAR signal to GSV. The best correlations were obtained with ALOS PALSAR (R2 = 0.61) and TanDEM-X (R2 = 0.72) interferometric coherences. These datasets were chosen for the retrieval of GSV in the Thuringian Forest and led with regressions to an root-mean-square error (RMSE) in the range of 100─200 m3ha-1. As a final achievement of this thesis, a methodology for combining the SAR information was developed. Assuming that there are sufficient and adequate remote sensing data, the proposed fusion approach may increase the biomass maps accuracy, their spatial extension and their updated frequency. These characteristics are essential for the future derivation of accurate, global and robust forest biomass maps

    3D Remote Sensing Applications in Forest Ecology: Composition, Structure and Function

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    Dear Colleagues, The composition, structure and function of forest ecosystems are the key features characterizing their ecological properties, and can thus be crucially shaped and changed by various biotic and abiotic factors on multiple spatial scales. The magnitude and extent of these changes in recent decades calls for enhanced mitigation and adaption measures. Remote sensing data and methods are the main complementary sources of up-to-date synoptic and objective information of forest ecology. Due to the inherent 3D nature of forest ecosystems, the analysis of 3D sources of remote sensing data is considered to be most appropriate for recreating the forest’s compositional, structural and functional dynamics. In this Special Issue of Forests, we published a set of state-of-the-art scientific works including experimental studies, methodological developments and model validations, all dealing with the general topic of 3D remote sensing-assisted applications in forest ecology. We showed applications in forest ecology from a broad collection of method and sensor combinations, including fusion schemes. All in all, the studies and their focuses are as broad as a forest’s ecology or the field of remote sensing and, thus, reflect the very diverse usages and directions toward which future research and practice will be directed

    Applications of SAR Interferometry in Earth and Environmental Science Research

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    This paper provides a review of the progress in regard to the InSAR remote sensing technique and its applications in earth and environmental sciences, especially in the past decade. Basic principles, factors, limits, InSAR sensors, available software packages for the generation of InSAR interferograms were summarized to support future applications. Emphasis was placed on the applications of InSAR in seismology, volcanology, land subsidence/uplift, landslide, glaciology, hydrology, and forestry sciences. It ends with a discussion of future research directions

    Leaf orientation and the spectral reflectance of field crops

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    Leaf angle distribution (LAD) is one of the most important parameters used to describe the structure of horizontally homogeneous vegetation canopies, such as field crops. LAD affects how incident photosynthetically active radiation is distributed on plant leaves, thus directly affecting plant productivity. However, the LAD of crops is difficult to quantify; usually it is assumed to be spherical. The purpose of this dissertation is to develop leaf angle estimation methods and study their effect on leaf area index (LAI) and chlorophyll a and b content (Cab) measured from optical observation. The study area was located in Viikki agricultural experimental field, Helsinki, Finland. Six crop species, faba bean, narrow-leafed lupin, turnip rape, oat, barley and wheat, were included in this study. A digital camera was used to take photographs outside the plot to record crop LAD. LAI and Cab were determined for each plot. Airborne imaging spectroscopy data was acquired using an AISA Eagle II imaging spectrometer covering the spectral range in visible and near-infrared (400 1000 nm). A recently developed method for the determination of leaf inclination angle was applied in field crops. This method was previously applied only to small and flat leaves of tree species. The error of LAI determination caused by the assumption of spherical LAD varied between 0 and 1.5 LAI units. The highest correlation between leaf mean tilt angle (MTA) and spectral reflectance was found at a wavelength of 748 nm. MTA was retrieved from imaging spectroscopy data using two algorithms. One method was to retrieve MTA from reflectance at 748 nm using a look-up table. The second method was to estimate MTA using the strong dependence of blue (479 nm) and red (663 nm) on MTA. The two approaches provide a new means to determine crop canopy structure from remote sensing data. LAI and MTA effects on Cab sensitive vegetation indices were examined. Three indices (REIP, TCARI/OSAVI and CTR6) showed strong correlations with Cab and similar performance in model-simulated and empirical datasets. However, only two (TCARI/OSAVI and CTR6) were independent from LAI and MTA. These two indices were considered as robust proxies of crop leaf Cab. Keywords: leaf angle; leaf area index; leaf chlorophyll; digital photograph; imaging spectroscopy; PROSAIL model; vegetation indice

    ALOS-2/PALSAR-2 Calibration, Validation, Science and Applications

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    Twelve edited original papers on the latest and state-of-art results of topics ranging from calibration, validation, and science to a wide range of applications using ALOS-2/PALSAR-2. We hope you will find them useful for your future research