482 research outputs found

    Some New Implication Operations Emerging From Fuzzy Logic

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    We choose, from fuzzy set theory, t-norms, t-conorms and fuzzy compliments which forms dual triplet that is (i,u,c) that satisfy the DeMorgan's law, these dual triplet are used in the construction of fuzzy implications in fuzzy logic. In this work introduction of fuzzy implication is given, which included definition of fuzzy implications and their properties and also distinct classes of fuzzy implication (S, R and QL-implications). Further also described previous work on fuzzy implication and supporting literature of construction of fuzzy implication are given. Finally main contribution of work is to design new fuzzy implication and their graphical representations

    High-resolution truncated plurigaussian simulations for the characterization of heterogeneous formations

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    Integrating geological concepts, such as relative positions and proportions of the different lithofacies, is of highest importance in order to render realistic geological patterns. The truncated plurigaussian simulation method provides a way of using both local and conceptual geological information to infer the distributions of the facies and then those of hydraulic parameters. The method (Le Loc'h and Galli 1994) is based on the idea of truncating at least two underlying multi-Gaussian simulations in order to create maps of categorical variable. In this manuscript we show how this technique can be used to assess contaminant migration in highly heterogeneous media. We illustrate its application on the biggest contaminated site of Switzerland. It consists of a contaminant plume located in the lower fresh water Molasse on the western Swiss Plateau. The highly heterogeneous character of this formation calls for efficient stochastic methods in order to characterize transport processes.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Geomorphic Change Detection Using Multi-Beam Sonar

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    The emergence of multi-beam echo sounders (MBES) as an applicable surveying technology in shallow water environments has expanded the extent of geomorphic change detection studies to include river environments that historically have not been possible to survey or only small portions have been surveyed. The high point densities and accuracy of MBES has the potential to create highly accurate digital elevation models (DEM). However, to properly use MBES data for DEM creation and subsequent analysis, it is essential to quantify and propagate uncertainty in surveyed points and surfaces derived from them through each phase of data collection and processing. Much attention has been given to the topic of spatially variable uncertainty propagation in the context of the construction of DEM and their use in geomorphic change detection studies. However little work has been done specifically with applying spatially varying uncertainty models for MBES data in shallow water environments. To address this need, this report presents a review of literature and methodology of uncertainty quantification in a geomorphic change detection study. These methods are then applied and analyzed in a geomorphic change detection study using MBES as the data collection technique

    Herd Mobility and Waterpoint Use in Northern Kenya

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    In many regions of the world, property rights to natural resources are held under various forms of communal ownership, which often exhibit flexibility for users to access different resources depending on relative need. Here, we analyze the impact of climatic variability on resource use, and examine the transactions cost of access in these flexible systems.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Researches regarding the evolution, magnitude and complexity of the impact generated by the economic activities on the East Jiu River

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    Ongoing development of modern society, based on consumption of goods and services, leads to the increase of compulsoriness of economic agents to face market requirements by increasing the degree of local and regional industrialization. Establishment of new economic activities generates negative pressures on the environment and surface waters, generating increased pollution, manifested by vulnerability of aquatic ecosystems to stressors. Preliminary studies carried out within the doctoral thesis entitled 'Research on the evolution, magnitude and complexity of the impact of economic activities on the East Jiu' include information on characteristic elements of the East Jiu River basin, in accordance with the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/CE. The objectives of the field research aimed to identify economic activities in the eastern Jiu Valley generating an impact on the environment (especially the mining industry, but also timber exploitation and processing, local agriculture, animal husbandry and waste storage), establishing a quarterly monitoring program of the river basin, identification of flora and fauna species and identification of areas vulnerable to potential pollution. Based on observations made in situ and on information obtained from the evolution process of the monitoring program, the appropriate methodologies for assessing physical-chemical and ecological quality of the water were selected. Study of the evolution of the impact generated by economic activities on the East Jiu was carried out by mathematical modelling, with finite volumes, of the East Jiu River basin and plotting of pollutant dispersion maps. The magnitude and complexity of impact generated by economic activities was studied by using a complex system based on fuzzy logic, designed based on interactions between natural and artificial systems, between physical-chemical indicators of water and ecosystem. The research carried out substantiates in development of necessary technical measures to reduce the impact generated by economic activities located in eastern Jiu Valley, without significantly changing the hydrodynamics of the river basin. Following research, during different research stages, methods, techniques and tools were designed and accomplished with the help of which, water and aquatic ecosystems’ quality can be assessed, as well as the impact generated by human activity on the Jiu River, at a given moment and/or continuously.:CONTENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS SUMMARY LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLES ABBREVIATIONS INTRODUCTION PURPOSE OF THE THESIS AND RESEARCH METHODOLOGY CHAPTER 1 THE EAST JIUL RIVER HYDROGRAPHIC BASIN 1.1. Soil and subsoil of the Eastern part of Jiu Valley 1.2. Climate description of the Eastern part of Jiu Valley 1.3. Geology particularities of the Eastern part of Jiu Valley 1.4. Groundwater features of the Eastern part of Jiu Valley 1.5. Flora and fauna of the Eastern part of Jiu Valley CHAPTER 2 SOURCES OF IMPACT ON THE QUALITY OF WATER, RIPARIAN, TERRESTRIAL AND AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS 2.1. Mining industry 2.2. Wood processing industry in the Eastern part of Jiu Valley 2.3. Urban agriculture and local animal husbandry 2.4. Inappropriate urban household waste storage CHAPTER 3 MONITORING PROGRAM AND METHODS OF EVALUATION OF THE QUALITY OF THE EAST JIUL RIVER 3.1. Establishment of monitoring (control) sections 3.2. Monitoring program of the East Jiu River basin 3.3. Sampling, transport and analysis of water samples 3.4. Methodology used to establish the water quality CHAPTER 4 QUALITY ASSESSMENT OF WATER IN THE EASTERN JIU HYDROGRAPHIC BASIN 4.1. Section 1 - Jieț River - upstream of household settlements (blank assay) 4.2. Section 2 - East Jiu River - in the area of Tirici village 4.3. Section 3 - Răscoala brook - before the confluence with East Jiu River 4.4. Section 4 - East Jiu River - after the confluence with the Răscoala brook 4.5. Section 5 - Taia River - upstream of the confluence with East Jiu River 4.6. Section 6 - East Jiu River - before the confluence with the Taia River 4.7. Section 7 - East Jiu River - after the confluence with the Taia River 4.8. Section 8 - Jiet River downstream of household settlements 4.9. Section 9 - East Jiu River - after the confluence with the Jieț River 4.10. Section 10 - East Jiu River - before the confluence with Banița River 4.11. Section 11 - Roşia River - upstream of household settlements 4.12. Section 12 - Bănița River - after the confluence with the Roșia River 4.13. Section 13 - East Jiu River - after the confluence with the Banița River 4.14. Section 14 - Maleia River - before the confluence with East Jiu River 4.15. Section 15 - Slătioara River - before the confluence with East Jiu River 4.16. Section 16 – East Jiu River - before the confluence with West Jiu River CHAPTER 5 INFLUENCES OF PHYSICAL-CHEMICAL FACTORS ON AQUATIC ICHTHYOFAUNA IN THE EAST JIU RIVER BASIN 5.1. Total suspended solids and aquatic ecosystems 5.2. Acidity or basicity reaction of surface watercourses 5.3. Aquatic ecosystem requirements for gas oversaturation 5.4. Nitrogenous compounds in watercourse 5.5. Phenols, aquatic ecosystems and water quality CHAPTER 6 ANALYSIS OF THE IMPACT GENERATED BY ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES IN THE EASTERN PART OF JIU VALLEY 6.1. Impact analysis of mining industry in the Eastern Part of Jiu Valley 6.2. The general impact of Eastern Jiu Valley dumps to water quality 6.3. Research on effective infiltration in the Eastern part of Jiu Valley 6.4. Research on groundwater quality in the Eastern part of Jiu Valley 6.5. Analysis of the impact generated by local micro-agriculture 6.6. Analysis of the impact generated by deforestation and wood processing 6.7. Analysis of the impact generated by non-compliant landfilling of waste CHAPTER 7 EVOLUTION OF THE IMPACT GENERATED BY ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES IN THE EASTERN JIU VALLEY 7.1. Analysis of the dynamic elements of the watercourse - RMA2 mode 7.2. Analysis of pollutants concentration evolution in the water course - RMA4 module 7.3. Computational field and composition of the energy model of the East Jiu River 7.4. Extension and evolution of the impact generated by economic activities on the East Jiu River 7.5. Extension and evolution of the impact caused by organic pollution of the East Jiu River CHAPTER 8 MAGNITUDE AND COMPLEXITY OF THE IMPACT GENERATED BY ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES IN THE EASTERN JIU VALLEY 8.1. Definition of input linguistic variables 8.2. Linguistic outputs of the fuzzy interference system 8.3. Defining the Black Box set of rules 8.4. Proficiency testing of complex systems based on fuzzy logic 8.5. While it is all about the wheel do not forget about the cube CONCLUSIONS AND PERSONAL CONTRIBUTIONS REFERENCE

    Fiduciary Duties and RUPA: An Inquiry Into Freedom of Contract

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    The Revised Uniform Partnership Act of 1994 (RUPA) section 404 establishes a comprehensive definition of partnership fiduciary duties and includes an express recognition of the unique position of a partner. The approach taken by RUPA endorses too great an invasion of the principle of freedom of contract among partners, and a change in the language of RUPA is proposed with the goal of expanding freedom of contract without abandoning the requirement of good faith

    A Deep Study of Fuzzy Implications

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    This thesis contributes a deep study on the extensions of the IMPLY operator in classical binary logic to fuzzy logic, which are called fuzzy implications. After the introduction in Chapter 1 and basic notations about the fuzzy logic operators In Chapter 2 we first characterize In Chapter 3 S- and R- implications and then extensively investigate under which conditions QL-implications satisfy the thirteen fuzzy implication axioms. In Chapter 4 we develop the complete interrelationships between the eight supplementary axioms FI6-FI13 for fuzzy implications satisfying the five basic axioms FI1-FI15. We prove all the dependencies between the eight fuzzy implication axioms, and provide for each independent case a counter-example. The counter-examples provided in this chapter can be used in the applications that need different fuzzy implications satisfying different fuzzy implication axioms. In Chapter 5 we study proper S-, R- and QL-implications for an iterative boolean-like scheme of reasoning from classical binary logic in the frame of fuzzy logic. Namely, repeating antecedents nn times, the reasoning result will remain the same. To determine the proper S-, R- and QL-implications we get a full solution of the functional equation I(x,y)=I(x,I(x,y))I(x,y)=I(x,I(x,y)), for all xx, y[0,1]y\in[0,1]. In Chapter 6 we study for the most important t-norms, t-conorms and S-implications their robustness against different perturbations in a fuzzy rule-based system. We define and compare for these fuzzy logical operators the robustness measures against bounded unknown and uniform distributed perturbations respectively. In Chapter 7 we use a fuzzy implication II to define a fuzzy II-adjunction in F(Rn)\mathcal{F}(\mathbb{R}^{n}). And then we study the conditions under which a fuzzy dilation which is defined from a conjunction C\mathcal{C} on the unit interval and a fuzzy erosion which is defined from a fuzzy implication II^{'} to form a fuzzy II-adjunction. These conditions are essential in order that the fuzzification of the morphological operations of dilation, erosion, opening and closing obey similar properties as their algebraic counterparts. We find out that the adjointness between the conjunction C\mathcal{C} on the unit interval and the implication II or the implication II^{'} play important roles in such conditions

    Hand (Motor) Movement Imagery Classification of EEG Using Takagi-Sugeno-Kang Fuzzy-Inference Neural Network

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    Approximately 20 million people in the United States suffer from irreversible nerve damage and would benefit from a neuroprosthetic device modulated by a Brain-Computer Interface (BCI). These devices restore independence by replacing peripheral nervous system functions such as peripheral control. Although there are currently devices under investigation, contemporary methods fail to offer adaptability and proper signal recognition for output devices. Human anatomical differences prevent the use of a fixed model system from providing consistent classification performance among various subjects. Furthermore, notoriously noisy signals such as Electroencephalography (EEG) require complex measures for signal detection. Therefore, there remains a tremendous need to explore and improve new algorithms. This report investigates a signal-processing model that is better suited for BCI applications because it incorporates machine learning and fuzzy logic. Whereas traditional machine learning techniques utilize precise functions to map the input into the feature space, fuzzy-neuro system apply imprecise membership functions to account for uncertainty and can be updated via supervised learning. Thus, this method is better equipped to tolerate uncertainty and improve performance over time. Moreover, a variation of this algorithm used in this study has a higher convergence speed. The proposed two-stage signal-processing model consists of feature extraction and feature translation, with an emphasis on the latter. The feature extraction phase includes Blind Source Separation (BSS) and the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT), and the feature translation stage includes the Takagi-Sugeno-Kang Fuzzy-Neural Network (TSKFNN). Performance of the proposed model corresponds to an average classification accuracy of 79.4 % for 40 subjects, which is higher than the standard literature values, 75%, making this a superior model

    Applications and Experiences of Quality Control

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    The rich palette of topics set out in this book provides a sufficiently broad overview of the developments in the field of quality control. By providing detailed information on various aspects of quality control, this book can serve as a basis for starting interdisciplinary cooperation, which has increasingly become an integral part of scientific and applied research