23,651 research outputs found

    Internet gaming disorder as a formative construct : implications for conceptualization and measurement

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    Background. Some people have serious problems controlling their internet and video game use. The DSM-5 now includes a proposal for ‘Internet Gaming Disorder’ as a condition in need of further study. Various studies aim to validate the proposed diagnostic criteria for Internet Gaming Disorder and multiple new scales have been introduced that cover the suggested criteria. Approach. Using a structured approach, we demonstrate that Internet Gaming Disorder might be better interpreted as a formative construct, as opposed to the current practice of conceptualizing it as a reflective construct. Incorrectly approaching a formative construct as a reflective one causes serious problems in scale development including (a) incorrect reliance on item-to-total scale correlation to exclude items and incorrectly relying on indices of inter-item reliability that do not fit the measurement model (e.g., Cronbach’s α) (b) incorrect interpretation of composite or mean scores that assume all items are equal in contributing value to a sum score, and (c) biased estimation of model parameters in statistical models. Implications. We show that these issues are impacting current validation efforts through two recent examples. A reinterpretation of Internet Gaming Disorder as a formative construct has broad consequences for current validation efforts and provides opportunities to reanalyze existing data. We discuss three broad implications for current research: (1) Composite latent constructs should be defined and used in models, (2) Item exclusion and selection should not rely on item-to-total scale correlations, and (3) Existing definitions of Internet Gaming Disorder should be enriched further

    Internet gaming disorder, aggression and psychological distress in young adults

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    Introduction: Internet gaming has become a topic of interest since it has positive but also negative effects. Objectives: To explore the relationship between internet gaming, aggression and psychological distress in young adults. Methods: 229 Portuguese subjects (55.5% females), with a mean age of 21.13 years old (SD = 2.075, range: 18-29) filled in the Internet Gaming Disorder Scale-Short Form, the Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire, and the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scales-21. Results: The total score of internet gaming was of 15.90 (SD=6.32), 79.9% (n=183) of the sample used to play videogames and 24.5% (n=56) spent more than ten hours playing a week. Internet gaming was correlated with physical aggression (r=.23**), anger (r=.31**) and hostility (r=.35**); and with depression (r=.36**), anxiety (r=.28**), and stress (r=.31**). A Mann Whitney U test revealed significant differences in internet gaming disorder levels of males (Md=130.75, n=102) and females (Md=102.35, n=127), U=4871.000 z=-3.232, p=.001, r=4.49. Conclusions: Internet gaming disorder is associated with aggression and psychological distress, and males presented higher internet gaming disorder levels. Future studies are needed to explore the bidirectional relationships between gaming disorder, aggression and psychological distress.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Regulasi Diri terhadap Gangguan Perilaku Internet Gaming

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    This study aims to determine the effect of self-regulation on internet gaming behavior. The method used is a systematic review of seven databases (Scopus, Sage, ScienceDirect, CINAHL, ProQuest, Cambridge, Pubmed) published from 2017 to 2020. The results show that there is a significant relationship between self-regulation and internet gaming behavior disorders. Low regulation was associated with more excellent reports of impaired internet gaming behavior, self-regulation directly impacting internet gaming behavior, or mediator between determinants and internet gaming behavior. Self-development strategies, self-monitoring interventions and self-instruction strategies are the dominant types of self-regulation techniques for some studies. In conclusion, the intervention of increasing self-regulation can prevent internet gaming behavior disorder. Keywords: Online Game, Internet Gaming Disorder, Internet Gaming Behavior, Self Regulatio

    Problematic Internet Use and Problematic Online Gaming Are Not the Same: Findings from a Large Nationally Representative Adolescent Sample

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    There is an ongoing debate in the literature whether problematic internet use (PIU) and problematic online gaming (POG) are two distinct conceptual and nosological entities or whether they are the same. The present study contributes to this question by examining the interrelationship and the overlap between PIU and POG in terms of gender, school achievement, time spent using the internet and/or online gaming, psychological wellbeing, and preferred online activities. Questionnaires assessing these variables were administered to a nationally representative sample of adolescent gamers (N=2,073; mean age 16.4 years, SD=0.87, 68.4% male). Data showed that internet use was a common activity among adolescents while online gaming was engaged in by a considerably smaller group. Similarly, more adolescents met the criteria for PIU than for POG and a small group of adolescents showed symptoms of both problem behaviors. The most notable difference between the two problem behaviors was in terms of gender. POG was much more strongly associated with being male. Self-esteem had low effect sizes on both behaviors, while depressive symptoms were associated with both PIU and POG, affecting PIU slightly more. In terms of preferred online activities, PIU was positively associated with online gaming, online chatting, and social networking while POG was only associated with online gaming. Based on our findings POG appears to be a conceptually different behavior than PIU and therefore data support the notion that Internet Addiction Disorder and Internet Gaming Disorder are separate nosological entities

    The relationship between childhood trauma and Internet gaming disorder among college students: A structural equation model

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    open access journalBackground The aim of this study was to investigate the mechanisms of Internet gaming disorder (IGD) and the associated interaction effects of childhood trauma, depression and anxiety in college students. Methods Participants were enrolled full-time as freshmen at a University in the Hunan province, China. All participants reported their socio-demographic characteristics and undertook a standardized assessment on childhood trauma, anxiety, depression and IGD. The effect of childhood trauma on university students' internet gaming behaviour mediated by anxiety and depression was analysed using structural equation modelling (SEM) using R 3.6.1. Results In total, 922 freshmen participated in the study, with an approximately even male-to-female ratio. A mediation model with anxiety and depression as the mediators between childhood trauma and internet gaming behaviour allowing anxiety and depression to be correlated was tested using SEM. The SEM analysis revealed that a standardised total effect of childhood trauma on Internet gaming was 0.18, (Z = 5.60, 95% CI [0.02, 0.05], P < 0.001), with the direct effects of childhood trauma on Internet gaming being 0.11 (Z = 3.41, 95% CI [0.01, 0.03], P = 0.001), and the indirect effects being 0.02 (Z = 2.32, 95% CI [0.00, 0.01], P = 0.020) in the pathway of childhood trauma-depression-internet gaming; and 0.05 (Z = 3.67, 95% CI [0.00, 0.02], P < 0.001) in the pathway of childhood trauma-anxiety-Internet gaming. In addition, the two mediators anxiety and depression were significantly correlated (r = 0.50, Z = 13.54, 95% CI [3.50, 5.05], P < 0.001). Conclusions The study revealed that childhood trauma had a significant impact on adolescents' Internet gaming behaviours among college students. Anxiety and depression both significantly mediated the relationship between childhood trauma and internet gaming and augmented its negative influence. Discussion of the need to understand the subtypes of childhood traumatic experience in relationship to addictive behaviours is included

    Analisis Usia dan Coping Strategy terhadap Kecenderungan Internet Gaming Disorder pada Anak Usia Sekolah

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    Aktivitas bermain game online atau offline yang durasi bermain berlebihan akan membawa dampak negatif bagi anak usia sekolah. Usia dan coping strategy merupakan masalah yang sering terjadi sehingga harapannya yakni tidak terjerumus ke adiksi/ kecanduan yang berujung pada perilaku maladaptif serta mengurangi bermain game online. Penelitian bertujuan menganalisis Usia dan coping strategy terhadap kecenderungan internet gaming disorder pada anak usia sekolah. Desain penelitian yang digunakan analitik observasional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini seluruh anak usia sekolah sejumlah 125 responden. Teknik non probability sampling dengan consecutive sampling untuk penetapan sampel dengan memperhatikan kriteria inklusi: anak usia sekolah yang memiliki gadget sendiri maupun yang pinjam gadget orang tua dan ekslusi: mengundurkan diri sebagai responden dan tidak mau mengisi lembar kuesioner, didapatkan sampel sejumlah 65 responden. Variabel independen dalam penelitian ini adalah usia dan coping strategy. Variabel dependen dalam penelitian ini adalah kecenderungan internet gaming disorder. Instrumen yang dalam penelitian ini lembar kuesioner internet gaming disorder. Uji spearman rank menyatakan nilai p = 0,000 maka p < 0,05 berarti ada hubungan antara usia dengan kecenderungan internet gaming disorder, serta nilai p = 0,006 maka p < 0,05 berarti ada hubungan antara coping strategy dengan kecenderungan internet gaming disorder

    Internet Gaming Disorder among Undergraduate Health Sciences Students in the Pokhara Valley: a Cross-Sectional Study

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    Introduction: Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) is an emerging public health impact of technological advancement and globalization. This study was conducted to assess the prevalence and factors associated with IGD among Undergraduate Health Sciences students. Methods: A web-based cross-sectional study was conducted during the period of November to July 2020. A total of 412 college students from Undergraduate Health Sciences colleges of Pokhara Metropolitan city in Gandaki province, Nepal were enrolled. Online google forms were sent to all the eligible students through email and other social media sites like Facebook with the help of the coordinator and class representative. Collected data were analyzed using SPSS IBM v.22 Results: The finding of the study shows that the prevalence of Internet Gaming Disorder among Undergraduate Health Sciences students was 7.1%. Sex (p=0.027), Loneliness level at home (p=0.019), number of close friends (p&lt;0.001), types of game (p&lt;0.001), time spent on playing game (p&lt;0.001), and, type of gamer (p&lt;0.001) were the factors associated with Internet Gaming Disorder among the participants. Conclusion: Sex of the participants, loneliness level at home, number of close friends, types of game, time spent on the gameplay, and type of gamer are the contributing factors for developing Internet Gaming Disorder. It is important to focus on these factors to address Internet Gaming Disorder and its psychological health effects

    Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD): A Case Report of Social Anxiety

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    BACKGROUND: Internet gaming disorder (IGD) has been included in the 5th edition of The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). At present, many cases are encountered because of the disruption of this internet game, including in various age groups. Internet gaming addiction is a common disorder and often accompanies depression, hostility and social anxiety. CASE REPORT: We found a case of anxiety disorder in people who play games on the network with the chief complaint that they cannot sleep. A 28-year-old man, a Javanese tribe with a job as a builder who came with his wife to the (Universitas Sumatera Utara) USU hospital psychiatric clinic. Experienced by the patient in about one year. CONCLUSION: From the above case, we report that internet gaming disorder occurs in all age groups and social statuses


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    Aktivitas bermain game online atau offline yang durasi bermain berlebihan akan membawa dampak negatif bagi anak usia sekolah. Kognisi dan coping strategy merupakan masalah keperawatan yang sering terjadi. Penelitian bertujuan menganalisis hubungan kognisi dan coping strategy dengan kecenderungan internet gaming disorder pada anak usia sekolah di SDN Kandangan I, Surabaya. Desain penelitian adalah analitik, dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi 239 a dari kelas 4 dan 5. Besar sampel 150 siswa-siswi dari kelas 4 dan 5 dengan tekhnik proportionate stratified random sampling. Penelitian ini terdapat 2 variabel independen kognisi dan coping strategy sedangkan variabel dependen kecenderungan internet gaming disorder. Instrument menggunakan kuesioner. Analisis data menggunakan uji rank spearman dengan kemaknaan ɑ= 0,05 Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan kognisi dengan kecenderungan internet gaming disorder, ini dibuktikan dengan hasil uji rank spearman menunjukkan nilai p = 0,000, maka p < 0,05 yang berarti p <α maka H0 ditolak artinya ada hubungan kognisi dengan kecenderungan internet gaming disorder Hasil uji didapatkan nilai r (koefisien korelasi) didapatkan nilai -0,364. Dapat disimpulkan ada hubungan negatif yang sedang antara kognisi dengan internet gaming disorder, selanjutnya juga terdapat hubungan coping strategy dengan kecenderungan internet gaming disorder, ini dibuktikan dengan hasil uji rank spearman menunjukkan nilai p = 0,007, maka p < 0,05 yang berarti p <α maka H0 ditolak artinya ada hubungan coping strategy dengan kecenderungan internet gaming disorder Hasil uji didapatkan nilai r (koefisien korelasi) didapatkan nilai -0,220. Dapat disimpulkan ada hubungan negatif yang lemah antara coping strategy dengan internet gaming disorder. Semakin adaptif kognisi semakin rendah internet gaming disorder, sebaliknya semakin maladaptif kognisi semakin tinggi internet gaming disorder, sedangkan semakin adaptif coping strategy semakin rendah internet gaming disorder, sebaliknya semakin maladaptif coping strategy semakin tinggi internet gaming disorder. Banyak hal yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengurangi kecenderungan internet gaming disorder pada anak usia sekolah, sebagai contoh pihak sekolah bisa memanfaatkan program ekstrakurikuler agar anak meluangkan waktunya dalam hal yang positif
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