1,230,153 research outputs found

    Implementasi Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Menggunakan Teknologi Web Service Pada Apartemen MERR 101 Surabaya

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    Teknologi informasi pada saat ini berkembang dengan pesat, di sisi masyarakat yang membutuhkan informasi berupa internet, sehingga sangat membantu hampir disegala bidang, terutama di bidang bisnis. Bisnis apa saja yang tidak memanfaatkan teknologi informasi bisa dikatakan kurang memanfaatkan dan mengupdate pola fikirnya yang disebut gaptek, karena hampir seluruh masyarakat sudah merasakan penggunaan internet. Apartemen MERR 101 Surabaya membutuhkan sistem informasi berbasis website untuk menarik calon customer baru, memudahkan customer memilih tempat hunian yang sesuai dengan keinginan dan rencana dan juga memberikan kemudahan pagi pemilik Apartemen MERR 101 Surabaya dalam mengelola data booking order, transaksi dan penjualannya. Sistem informasi berbasis website pada MERR 101 Surabaya ini dibuat menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP yang terfokuskan pada enterprise Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) berbasis web service dan MySQL sebagai basis datanya. Website ini memiliki fitur-fitur yang sangat lengkap seperti home, about, pra NUP, contact, sales agent, property agent, dan login. Hasil uji website MERR 101 Surabaya menghasilkan sebuah sistem informasi yang dapat diakses secara muda dan cepat, sehingga dapat menyuguhkan customer sebuah layanan yang dapat mempermudah dan menghemat waktu tanpa harus mengunjungi Apartemen secara langsung

    Matemàtiques i Internet: 101 anys de teoria de cues

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    Sense precedents en el seu creixement, sense paral.lelismes en la seva heterogeneïtat i imprevisible o, fins i tot, caòtica en el seu comportament, «Internet és una revolució en si mateixa».1 En aquest article farem un cop d'ull a com i per què el trànsit d'informació a través d'Internet difereix en aspectes fonamentals del trànsit de veu a través de les xarxes de unicació convencionals (telefonia fixa) i presentarem un model matemàtic que ha suposat una fita en l'enginyeria del teletrànsit.Unprecedented in growth, with no parallels in heterogeneity, and unpredictable or even chaotic in its behaviour, “The Internet is a revolution in itself” (in the words of Anthony-Michael Rutkowski, named executive director of the Internet Society in 1994). In this paper we will look at how and why traffic information through the Internet differs in fundamental aspects from the voice traffic through conventional communications networks (fixed telephony), and we introduce a mathematical model that represented a milestone in teletraffic engineering

    (A) program for the teaching of English in the Ewha Woman's College, Seoul, Korea ..

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    Typewritten sheets in cover. Appendix: p. 101-103. Thesis (M.A.)--Boston University This item was digitized by the Internet Archive. Bibliography: p. 93-100

    Livestock management and automation system using radio waves

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    The present invention provides a muitiband radio frequency identification-based embedded system (100) for livestock management and automation system, in which an animal carries a passive radio frequency identification (RFID) tag. The system comprises an automation means (102) that is adopted to control and monitor equipments in a house of the tagged animal; an animal detection means (101 ) to identify and monitor animals when entering the RFID coverage range; a server (103) to save data of the animals received from the animal detection means (101) and automation system (102); and an internet connection (104) to send the data to a user (105)

    Exercise-induced tendon and bone injury in recreational runners: A test-retest reliability study

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    Background: Long-distance runners are prone to injuries including Achilles tendinopathy and medial tibial stress syndrome. We have developed an Internet comprehensive self-report questionnaire examining the medical history, injury history, and running habits of adult recreational runners. Objective: The objective of the study was to evaluate two alternative forms of test-retest reliability of a comprehensive self-report Internet questionnaire retrospectively examining the medical history, injury history, and running habits among a sample of adult recreational runners. This will contribute to the broad aims of a wider study investigating genetics and running injury. Methods: Invitations to complete an Internet questionnaire were sent by email to a convenience pilot population (test group 1). Inclusion criteria required participants to be a recreational runner age 18 or over, who ran over 15 km per week on a consistent basis. The survey questions addressed regular running habits and any injuries (including signs, symptoms, and diagnosis) of the lower limbs that resulted in discontinuation of running for a period of 2 consecutive weeks or more, within the last 2 years. Questions also addressed general health, age, sex, height, weight, and ethnic background. Participants were then asked to repeat the survey using the Internet platform again after 10-14 days. Following analysis of test group 1, we soft-launched the survey to a larger population (test group 2), through a local running club of 900 members via email platform. The same inclusion criteria applied, however, participants were asked to complete a repeat of the survey by telephone interview after 7-10 days. Selected key questions, important to clarify inclusion or exclusion from the wider genetics study, were selected to evaluate test-retest reliability. Reliability was quantified using the kappa coefficient for categorical data. Results: In response to the invitation, 28 participants accessed the survey from test group 1, 23 completed the Internet survey on the first occasion, and 20 completed the Internet retest within 10-21 days. Test-retest reliability scored moderate to almost perfect (kappa=.41 to .99) for 19/19 of the key questions analyzed. Following the invitation, 122 participants accessed the survey from test group 2, 101 completed the Internet survey on the first occasion, and 50 were randomly selected and contacted by email inviting them to repeat the survey by telephone interview. There were 33 participants that consented to the telephone interview and 30 completed the questionnaire within 7-10 days. Test-retest reliability scored moderate to almost perfect for 18/19 (kappa=.41 to .99) and slight for 1/19 of the key questions analyzed. Conclusions: We successfully developed a self-reported, retrospective questionnaire, delivered using Internet software, providing stable and reliable answers. We demonstrate that our survey provides a relatively quick, easy to complete, and cost effective method to collect epidemiological data from recreational runners and evaluate these participants for inclusion into a genetic study

    Universal Metadata Standard

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    The creation of a next generation internet (semantic web) is impossible without attributes, allowing the semantic association of documents and their integration into information context. To achieve these goals, the Universal Metadata Standard (ums) may be an ultimative tool, which could serve as a basis for documentography, and is functionally required for interpretation of documents by the automatic operating systems.Comment: http://www.enzymes.at/download/metadata.pdf, urn:nbn:de:101:1-20110320293

    An assessment of cybersecurity awareness level among Northeastern University students in Nigeria

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    The world economy today has adopted the internet as a medium of transactions, this has made many organizations use the internet for their daily activities. With this, there is an urgent need to have knowledge in cybersecurity and also how to defend critical assets. The objective of this paper is to identify the level of cybersecurity awareness of students in Northeastern Nigeria. A quantitative approach was used for data collection and cyberbully, personal information, internet banking, internet addiction, and Self-protection were the items ask for cybersecurity awareness level identification. Descriptive analysis was performed for initial result findings using SPSS and OriginPro for graphical design. the preliminary result shows of the students have some basic knowledge of cybersecurity in an item like internet banking, while other items like cyberbully, self-protection and, internet addiction result show moderate awareness, the students' participation based on gender, males constitute 77.1% i.e. (N=340) and females constitute 22.9% i.e. (N=101). Future research would concentrate on designing awareness programs that would increase the level of their awareness especially the students in the Northeastern part of Nigeria

    Mid-coast basin

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    This archived document is maintained by the State Library of Oregon as part of the Oregon Documents Depository Program. It is for informational purposes and may not be suitable for legal purposes.Includes bibliographical references (pages 101-107).Mode of access: Internet from the Oregon Government Publications Collection.Text in English


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    Program pengabdian dalam pelaksanaan KKN Mandiri 91 Universitas Bengkulu ini bertujuan untuk memberikan edukasi kepada masyarakat tentang pentingnya menjaga kesehatan dan proteksi diri dari penularan virus Corona serta menjadikan masyarakat yang lebih produktif dengan cara melakukan pengembangan diri selama beraktivitas di rumah. Program yang dilaksanakan didasarkan pada kurangnya edukasi yang tepat sehingga banyak masyarakat yang menyalahartikan dan menyalahgunakan informasi yang beredar. Selain itu, physical distancing menyebabkan terbatasnya aktivitas dan mobilitas sehingga banyak masyarakat yang merasa jenuh dalam menjalankan aktivitasnya di rumah. Maka dari itu, dilaksanakanlah program kerja yang dijalankan dengan metode luar dan dalam jaringan yaitu pembuatan artikel opini yang berjudul “Dilema saat Olahraga: Pakai Masker atau Tidak?”, pamflet New Normal Starter Pack, dan video informatif yang berjudul “Produktif #DiRumahAja 101: 5 Website Online Learning untuk Meningkatkan Skill” dan “Produktif #DiRumahAja 101: 5 Aplikasi Legal untuk Membaca Buku Favoritmu”. Hasil dari pengabdian menunjukkan dampak positif bagi penerima informasi yang umumnya adalah pengguna internet dan pengunjung Pasar Tradisional Modern Kota Bengkulu (khusus untuk pembagian pamflet New Normal Starter Pack)FORGING YOURSELF WITH EDUCATION DURING THE PANDEMIC COVID-19. This community service program in implementing KKN Mandiri 91 Universitas Bengkulu aims to provide education to the public about the importance of maintaining health and self-protection from transmission of the Corona virus and making people more productive by developing themselves during activities at home. The program implemented is based on a lack of proper education so that many people misinterpret and misuse the information circulating. In addition, physical distancing causes limited activity and mobility so that many people feel bored in carrying out their activities at home. Therefore, a work program carried out with external and network methods was carried out, namely the production of an opinion article entitled " Dilema saat Olahraga: Pakai Masker atau Tidak?", The New Normal Starter Pack pamphlet, and an informative video entitled " Produktif #DiRumahAja 101: 5 Website Online Learning untuk Meningkatkan Skill "and" Produktif #DiRumahAja 101: 5 Aplikasi Legal untuk Membaca Buku Favoritmu". The results of this dedication show a positive impact on the recipients of information, who are generally internet users and visitors to the Modern Traditional Market in Bengkulu City (specifically for the distribution of the New Normal Starter Pack pamphlet)

    An overview of broadband connectivity: insights from Brazil/ Panorama sobre a conectividade de banda larga: insights para o Brasil

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    The broadband market in Brazil is constantly evolving. We provide a legal basis and particularities of fixed and mobile broadband data, as well as a historical perspective of the beginning of the Internet in the country. We focus on the evolution of access density as the main metric of analysis, however we highlight other variables such as technology employed, payment modality and infrastructure by providers in the Brazilian telecom sector. According to Anatel (2021), responsible for regulating the market, in Brazil 56 in 100 households are connected to fixed broadband, while 101 in each 100 individuals have access to mobile broadband. We present incipient literature studying the effects of Internet expansion on the economy and social outcomes, highlighting important themes for future research