10 research outputs found

    Viticulture and oenology scientific research: The Old World versus the new World wine-producing countries

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    [EN] The main aim of this study was to analyze the scientific productivity and collaboration between Old World wine-producing countries (Austria, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Switzerland) and New World wine-producing countries (Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, South Africa, United Sates, Uruguay) in viticulture and oenology through bibliometric analyses of articles included in the Science Citation Index Expanded database for the period 1994-2013. A number of 1527 research articles were published in 563 journals. The results highlight an important growth in the collaboration between countries during the second decade (2004-2013). Papers have been published in numerous journals belonging to several subject areas. Food Science and Technology, Horticulture and Biotechnology and Applied Microbiology appeared as the most productive research areas. A social network analysis of collaboration between these countries was also performed in order to analyze the most powerful scientific cooperation. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Aleixandre Benavent, JL.; Aleixandre Tudó, JL.; Bolaños-Pizarro, M.; Aleixandre Benavent, R. (2016). Viticulture and oenology scientific research: The Old World versus the new World wine-producing countries. International Journal of Information Management. 36(3):389-396. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2016.01.003S38939636

    The effect of collaborators on institutions’ scientific impact

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    The effect of collaborators on institutions scientific impact was examined for 81 institutions with different degrees of impact and collaboration. Not only collaborators including both core and peripheral collaborators cite each other more than non-collaborators, but also the first group cites each other faster than the second group even when self-citations were ignored. Although high impact institutions and more collaborative institutions receive more citations from their collaborators, it seems that the number of these citations increases only up to a certain point. In this regard, for example, there is a slight difference between top and middle collaborative institutions; however, only a small fraction of collaborators do not cite back the papers of these two groups of institutions. The benefit of collaboration varies based on the type of collaborators, institutions, papers, citers and the publication year of cited documents. For example, the effect of collaboration decreases as the institutions level of impact increases. Hence, collaborating more does not directly imply obtaining higher impact

    Scientific output of the emerging Cuban biopharmaceutical industry: a scientometric approach

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    "This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Scientometrics. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-016-2023-1"Cuba has developed a biopharmaceutical sector that involves some of the country’s most relevant scientific institutions. Despite the severe constraints on resources resulting from the U.S. embargo, the results achieved by this sector have contributed to put the country’s health indicators at the same level of high-income nations. Recently, the creation of BioCubaFarma as a cluster of high-technology enterprises organized around a closed cycle model becomes one of the most relevant efforts of the Island in order to make biopharmaceuticals one of the country’s leading export earners. The main aim of the current paper was to characterize BioCubaFarma through a battery of Scopus-based bibliometric indicators. A comparison with the most productive multinational pharmaceutical companies was made. Regression analysis of annual productivity, number of citations, scientific talent pool, innovative knowledge and other citation-based indicators was performed. Differences and similarities between BioCubaFarma and multinational companies in four Scopus subject categories related to this sector were identified. The most productive and visible institutions from BioCubaFarma were also characterized. Qualified human resources, innovative knowledge, leadership, high specialization in the field of vaccines development and non-dependence of international collaboration are strengths of the organization. However, it is still necessary to increase the number of articles published in highly visible journals with the aim to achieve a better citation-based performance. Moreover, to increase the contributions from less-productive institutions, more clinical research published in medical journals and more collaboration with universities and health institutions could also have positive benefits for BioCubaFarma’s pipelines and portfolios.This research was supported by 2015 Postdoctoral Short Visiting Program of the Spanish Instituto de Bienes y Políticas Públicas (IPP) from Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC).Peer reviewe

    The effect of collaborators on institutions' scientific impact

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    The effect of collaborators on institutions scientific impact was examined for 81 institutions with different degrees of impact and collaboration. Not only collaborators including both core and peripheral collaborators cite each other more than non-collaborators, but also the first group cites each other faster than the second group even when self-citations were ignored. Although high impact institutions and more collaborative institutions receive more citations from their collaborators, it seems that the number of these citations increases only up to a certain point. In this regard, for example, there is a slight difference between top and middle collaborative institutions; however, only a small fraction of collaborators do not cite back the papers of these two groups of institutions. The benefit of collaboration varies based on the type of collaborators, institutions, papers, citers and the publication year of cited documents. For example, the effect of collaboration decreases as the institutions level of impact increases. Hence, collaborating more does not directly imply obtaining higher impact

    The small world of editorships: A network on innovation studies

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    Editors exert a significant influence on journal's mission and governing the strategic direction of outlets. They are the channels gatekeepers not only by ensuring the quality but also by guaranteeing the integrity of novels produced. For being such an important piece of scientific puzzle, they are a research object of utmost interest which is rather fragmented. This paper aims to better understand the relationships between editors seated on boards of 20 innovation top-tiers. The sample considered comprised 2,440 editors occupying 3,005 editorial positions and assuming 122 different duties. No single journal is free from this interlocking editorship phenomenon and 18.6% of the scholars serve on multiple boards. We deploy social network analysis to further inquire and model the editorial relationships in which innovation journals are embedded. Our results offer new insights on how the field is organised: 627 lines linking the journals were found with a 41.6% interlocking density. Research Policy has the highest number of direct links to other boards (degree) and the shortest distance from all network journals (closeness) while Industrial and Corporate Change is the one bridging the largest number of other pairs of journals (betweenness), followed by Small Business Economics and Research Policy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Rotas da informação : estudo das relações estabelecidas em Paracatu de Baixo na comunicação do maior desastre ambiental brasileiro

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    Trabalho de conclusão de curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Comunicação, Departamento de Jornalismo, 2016.Esta pesquisa buscou observar os fluxos de informação estabelecidos na comunicação da maior catástrofe ambiental brasileira. O desastre ocorreu em 5 de novembro de 2015. Para realizar o estudo, a pesquisadora aplicou questionários, fez entrevistas pessoais com famílias de Paracatu de Baixo e conversou com 40 pessoas da localidade. O trabalho construiu o perfil da comunidade, acesso às TIC e a forma com que a informação foi passada de um indivíduo para outro. Os resultados apontaram que a população não estava preparada para reagir em caso de acidentes, assim como mostraram que não houve qualquer tipo de treinamento ou avisos sonoros para que a região fosse evacuada com tranquilidade.This research focus on examining the flow of information established in the communication of the brazilian biggest environmental catastrophe. The disaster happened on the 5th of november, 2015. In order to execute the study, the researcher has applied surveys, done personal interviews with families from Paracatu de Baixo and has talked to 40 people from the place. The work builds the community’s profile, access to ICT and the way that information has gone from a person to another. The results showed that the population was not prepared to react, in case of acidentes and also demonstrate that there wasn’t any kind of training or alert sounds so that the region could be evacuated at ease

    Estudio de los flujos de citación científica y su relación con los indicadores de impacto

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    De los datos vaciados en Scopus el estudio se realizará con aquellos que aparecen en SCImago Journal & Country Rank. El trabajo se dividirá en dos partes: la primera se centrará en los hábitos de citación de las disciplinas científicas. Para ello, por un lado se seleccionarán un conjunto de revistas, categorías y áreas científicas pertenecientes a Scopus y sobre ellas se aplicarán los distintos indicadores bibliométricos (Factor de Impacto, SJR…) con el fin de obtener unos resultados que muestren cuales de estas categorías científicas son las más exportadoras de conocimiento. Por otro se analizaran los diversos hábitos de citación y los perfiles de referenciación de las disciplinas científicas y si tienen influencia en los indicadores bibliométricos. La segunda parte del trabajo tratara de ver cómo influye en los índices de impacto, la colaboración científica. De este modo, en el trabajo se indagará en la procedencia de la citación obtenida por los diferentes países, igualmente se va a investigar sobre el destino de la citación realizada por los países. También se tratará de averiguar si colaborando con un país se obtienen más citas que en caso de no colaborar. Y si hay diferencias significativas en este sentido entre las diferentes áreas científicas.The study will be realized with data taken from SCImago Journal and Country Rank, two sources extracted from Scopus database. The work will be divided in two parts. The first part will concentrate on the citation habits of scientific disciplines. In order to do this, on the one hand a group of journals, categories, and scientific subjects taken from Scopus will be selected. Different bibliometric indicators (Journal Impact Factor, SJR…) will be applied to these three domains with the aim to obtain a set of results that show which of the scientific disciplines are the most important knowledge exporters. On the other hand, diverse citation habits and the referencing profiles of scientific disciplines will be analyzed in order to show whether these influence bibliometric indicators. The second part of this study will aim to demonstrate how scientific collaboration influences citation rates. In such a way, the work will investigate the origin of the citation obtained by different countries and simultaneously, it will research their citation output. This study will also aim to demonstrate if collaboration between countries gives place to higher citations rates than no collaboration at all. Finally, it will too show how disciplines perform in this sense

    Study on open science: The general state of the play in Open Science principles and practices at European life sciences institutes

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    Nowadays, open science is a hot topic on all levels and also is one of the priorities of the European Research Area. Components that are commonly associated with open science are open access, open data, open methodology, open source, open peer review, open science policies and citizen science. Open science may a great potential to connect and influence the practices of researchers, funding institutions and the public. In this paper, we evaluate the level of openness based on public surveys at four European life sciences institute

    Coautoria, cooperação e produtividade científicas em redes de pesquisadores em organismos geneticamente modificados na agropecuária brasileira.

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    Este estudo assume como pressuposto que a construção do conhecimento científico é um reflexo das práticas de pesquisa e da estrutura de relações existentes entre os pesquisadores. Assim, buscou-se com este estudo identificar características de redes de coautoria de publicações científicas sobre organismos geneticamente modificados e sua relação com a cooperação e produtividade científicas no campo da pesquisa agropecuária brasileira. Para tanto, foi realizado um estudo longitudinal no qual foram considerados os artigos publicados em periódicos científicos no período de 2003 a 2012. A análise dos dados foi feita considerando duas perspectivas. A primeira contempla um diagnóstico da produção científica, que realiza as medidas de cooperação e produtividade e demonstra a evolução do campo, considerando a quantidade de artigos publicados, os pesquisadores e as organizações mais atuantes no campo, comparando o seu resultado com o padrão internacional de produtividade científica (Lei de Lotka). A segunda perspectiva contempla a análise dos relacionamentos entre os autores, por meio da análise de Redes Sociais, em especial, sobre as propriedades estruturais e posicionais da rede. Neste estudo a colaboração científica é compreendida como o trabalho conjunto entre dois ou mais pesquisadores evidenciado por meio da publicação de artigos realizados em coautoria. Os resultados do estudo apontam para o crescimento da produção científica, assim como da colaboração entre os pesquisadores ao longo do tempo.Dissertação (Mestrado) - Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade - FACE, Universidade de Brasília, Brasília, DF

    Coautoria, cooperação e produtividade científicas em redes de pesquisadores em organismos geneticamente modificados na agropecuária brasileira

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração, 2013.Este estudo assume como pressuposto que a construção do conhecimento científico é um reflexo das práticas de pesquisa e da estrutura de relações existentes entre os pesquisadores. Assim, buscou-se com este estudo identificar características de redes de coautoria de publicações científicas sobre organismos geneticamente modificados e sua relação com a cooperação e produtividade científicas no campo da pesquisa agropecuária brasileira. Para tanto, foi realizado um estudo longitudinal no qual foram considerados os artigos publicados em periódicos científicos no período de 2003 a 2012. A análise dos dados foi feita considerando duas perspectivas. A primeira contempla um diagnóstico da produção científica, que utiliza as medidas de cooperação e produtividade e demonstra a evolução do campo, considerando a quantidade de artigos publicados, os pesquisadores e as organizações mais atuantes no campo, comparando o seu resultado com o padrão internacional de produtividade científica (Lei de Lotka). A segunda perspectiva contempla a análise dos relacionamentos entre os autores, por meio da Análise de Redes Sociais, em especial, sobre as propriedades estruturais e posicionais da rede. Neste estudo a colaboração científica é compreendida como o trabalho conjunto entre dois ou mais pesquisadores evidenciado por meio da publicação de artigos realizados em coautoria. Os resultados do estudo apontam para o crescimento da produção científica, assim como da colaboração entre os pesquisadores ao longo do tempo. Apesar do crescimento da produção de artigos no campo, observou-se que uma pequena parcela de autores tem produzido muitos estudos, enquanto uma parcela expressiva tem publicado muito pouco, de forma que comparado com o padrão internacional de produtividade, o campo apresentou-se menos produtivo, apesar de o seu resultado estar próximo a outros estudos realizados nas ciências sociais no Brasil. A análise da rede demonstrou que seus autores não são totalmente conectados e estão distribuídos em grupos que não cooperam entre si, de modo que, a rede se apresentou fragmentada em uma perspectiva global. Todavia, verificou-se que a rede se comporta como um mundo pequeno (small world), na medida em que apresentou uma baixa densidade e um alto grau de agrupamento local, ao mesmo tempo em que seus pesquisadores se conectavam a outros por meio de um pequeno número de intermediários. Além disso, a análise dos aspectos posicionais da rede demonstrou que os pesquisadores com maior produtividade no campo são aqueles que apresentaram maior quantidade de laços diretos e maior capacidade de intermediar relações entre outros (facilitando a fluidez de informações, recursos e conhecimentos por meio da rede).No que se refere à participação das organizações na produção do conhecimento sobre organismos transgênicos, no Brasil, verificou-se que apesar de as universidades brasileiras apresentarem uma participação mais acentuada no campo em termos de quantidade de organizações, pesquisadores e artigos produzidos, os centros de PD&I foram os mais produtivos e colaborativos e seus pesquisadores ocuparam posições centrais na rede, associando-se a novos pesquisadores e atuando como referência nos estudos sobre organismos geneticamente modificados na agropecuária brasileira. Além disso, chama a atenção a participação quase inexpressiva de empresas do setor privado de PD&I na rede de pesquisa, assim como para o baixo percentual de parcerias com universidades e centros de PD&I, em outros países, indicando a necessidade de investigar os fatores que limitam ou favorecem a articulação e formação de parcerias entre pesquisadores das diferentes organizações, que atuam no campo para a elaboração de estudos colaborativos. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis study takes as a premise that the creation of scientific knowledge is a reflection of the research practices and the kind of relationships between researchers. Thus, we tried in this study to identify characteristics of networks of co-authorship of scientific publications on genetically modified organisms and their relation to scientific productivity and scientific cooperation in the field of Brazilian agricultural research. Therefore, we did a longitudinal study in which we considered the articles published in scientific journals in the period from 2003 to 2012. Data analysis was done considering two perspectives. The first consists of a diagnosis using scientific measures of cooperation and productivity showing the evolution of the field taking into account the amount of articles published by researchers and organizations that are most active in the field and comparing its results to the international standard of scientific productivity (Law of Lotka). The second approach involves the analysis of relationships between authors by analyzing social networks, in particular on the structural properties and positional network. In this study the scientific collaboration is understood as the joint work between multiple researchers, proven by the publication of articles written in co-authorship. The study results point to a growth in scientific production over time, with increased collaboration among researchers. Despite the increased production of articles in the field, we noticed that a small number of authors did many studies, while a significant portion of others has published very little, so that compared to the international standard of productivity, the field has become less productive. This result resembled other studies in the social sciences in Brazil. The network analysis showed that the authors aren't really connected and are divided in groups which don't cooperate well, so that the network appears fragmented in a global perspective. However, it was found that the network behaves like a small world, in that it has a low density and a high degree of local grouping, while other researchers were connected through a small number of intermediaries. Furthermore, analysis of the positional aspects of the network demonstrated that researchers with higher productivity are those with more connections and higher capacity of networking (facilitating the flow of information through the resources and knowledge of the network). With regards to the participation of organizations in the production of knowledge about genetically modified organisms in Brazil it was found that despite the Brazilian universities having a strong involvement in the field in terms of number of organizations, researchers and articles produced, the centers of RD&I were the more productive and collaborative researchers occupied a central positions in the network, associating with new researchers and acting as a reference in studies on genetically modified organisms in Brazilian agriculture. In addition, what calls attention is the almost meaningless involvement of private sector firms RD&I in the network, as well as the low percentage of partnerships with universities and RD&I in other countries, indicating the need to investigate the factors limiting or favoring management and creation of partnerships between researchers from different organizations working in the field for the development of collaborative studies