121 research outputs found

    An on-line system for hand-printed input

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    The capability of graphic input/output systems is described. Topics considered are a character recognizer and dictionary building program, an initial flow chart element input program, and a system entitled The Assistant Mathematician, which uses ordinary mathematics to specify numeric computation. All three parts are necessary to allow a user to carry on a mathematical dialogue with the computer in the language and notation of his discipline or problem domain

    The effectiveness of features in pattern recognition

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    Imperial Users onl

    An IoT System for Converting Handwritten Text to Editable Format via Gesture Recognition

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    Evaluation of traditional classroom has led to electronic classroom i.e. e-learning. Growth of traditional classroom doesn’t stop at e-learning or distance learning. Next step to electronic classroom is a smart classroom. Most popular features of electronic classroom is capturing video/photos of lecture content and extracting handwriting for note-taking. Numerous techniques have been implemented in order to extract handwriting from video/photo of the lecture but still the deficiency of few techniques can be resolved, and which can turn electronic classroom into smart classroom. In this thesis, we present a real-time IoT system to convert handwritten text into editable format by implementing hand gesture recognition (HGR) with Raspberry Pi and camera. Hand Gesture Recognition (HGR) is built using edge detection algorithm and HGR is used in this system to reduce computational complexity of previous systems i.e. removal of redundant images and lecture’s body from image, recollecting text from previous images to fill area from where lecture’s body has been removed. Raspberry Pi is used to retrieve, perceive HGR and to build a smart classroom based on IoT. Handwritten images are converted into editable format by using OpenCV and machine learning algorithms. In text conversion, recognition of uppercase and lowercase alphabets, numbers, special characters, mathematical symbols, equations, graphs and figures are included with recognition of word, lines, blocks, and paragraphs. With the help of Raspberry Pi and IoT, the editable format of lecture notes is given to students via desktop application which helps students to edit notes and images according to their necessity

    Design of Mobile Application for Assisting Color Blind People to Identify Information on Sign Boards

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    Color blindness is a condition where a person cannot distinguish colors that are of similar contrast. This paper reports an attempt to develop a mobile phone application that can run on any Android or Windows smart phone. The developed application/software tool is able to assist color blind people by converting an image with low contrast to an image with high contrast. The objective of the proposed work was to develop a program on the LabVIEW platform to i) acquire the image whose information should be processed, ii) develop an algorithm to display a high-contrast crisp image of the actual dull image, and iii) identify the colors and characters present in the dull image for messaging to the user's phone. The work was implemented on the LabVIEW platform making use of various image processing tools to identify the color and text from the sign board that otherwise cannot be identified by color blind persons. The implementation was tested with several inputs to validate the performance of the proposed method. It was able to produce accurate results for more than 97.3% of the test inputs

    Cognitive Information Processing

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    Contains reports on three research projects.Joint Services Electronics Program (Contract DAAB07-74-C-0630)National Science Foundation (Grant GK-33736X2

    A Computational Theory of Contextual Knowledge in Machine Reading

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    Machine recognition of off–line handwriting can be achieved by either recognising words as individual symbols (word level recognition) or by segmenting a word into parts, usually letters, and classifying those parts (letter level recognition). Whichever method is used, current handwriting recognition systems cannot overcome the inherent ambiguity in writingwithout recourse to contextual information. This thesis presents a set of experiments that use Hidden Markov Models of language to resolve ambiguity in the classification process. It goes on to describe an algorithm designed to recognise a document written by a single–author and to improve recognition by adaptingto the writing style and learning new words. Learning and adaptation is achieved by reading the document over several iterations. The algorithm is designed to incorporate contextual processing, adaptation to modify the shape of known words and learning of new words within a constrained dictionary. Adaptation occurs when a word that has previously been trained in the classifier is recognised at either the word or letter level and the word image is used to modify the classifier. Learning occurs when a new word that has not been in the training set is recognised at the letter level and is subsequently added to the classifier. Words and letters are recognised using a nearest neighbour classifier and used features based on the two–dimensional Fourier transform. By incorporating a measure of confidence based on the distribution of training points around an exemplar, adaptation and learning is constrained to only occur when a word is confidently classified. The algorithm was implemented and tested with a dictionary of 1000 words. Results show that adaptation of the letter classifier improved recognition on average by 3.9% with only 1.6% at the whole word level. Two experiments were carried out to evaluate the learning in the system. It was found that learning accounted for little improvement in the classification results and also that learning new words was prone to misclassifications being propagated

    A novel approach to handwritten character recognition

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    A number of new techniques and approaches for off-line handwritten character recognition are presented which individually make significant advancements in the field. First. an outline-based vectorization algorithm is described which gives improved accuracy in producing vector representations of the pen strokes used to draw characters. Later. Vectorization and other types of preprocessing are criticized and an approach to recognition is suggested which avoids separate preprocessing stages by incorporating them into later stages. Apart from the increased speed of this approach. it allows more effective alteration of the character images since more is known about them at the later stages. It also allows the possibility of alterations being corrected if they are initially detrimental to recognition. A new feature measurement. the Radial Distance/Sector Area feature. is presented which is highly robust. tolerant to noise. distortion and style variation. and gives high accuracy results when used for training and testing in a statistical or neural classifier. A very powerful classifier is therefore obtained for recognizing correctly segmented characters. The segmentation task is explored in a simple system of integrated over-segmentation. Character classification and approximate dictionary checking. This can be extended to a full system for handprinted word recognition. In addition to the advancements made by these methods. a powerful new approach to handwritten character recognition is proposed as a direction for future research. This proposal combines the ideas and techniques developed in this thesis in a hierarchical network of classifier modules to achieve context-sensitive. off-line recognition of handwritten text. A new type of "intelligent" feedback is used to direct the search to contextually sensible classifications. A powerful adaptive segmentation system is proposed which. when used as the bottom layer in the hierarchical network. allows initially incorrect segmentations to be adjusted according to the hypotheses of the higher level context modules
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