8 research outputs found

    CASCH: a tool for computer-aided scheduling

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    A software tool called Computer-Aided Scheduling (CASCH) for parallel processing on distributed-memory multiprocessors in a complete parallel programming environment is presented. A compiler automatically converts sequential applications into parallel codes to perform program parallelization. The parallel code that executes on a target machine is optimized by CASCH through proper scheduling and mapping.published_or_final_versio

    Efficient Machine-Independent Programming of High-Performance Multiprocessors

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    Parallel computing is regarded by most computer scientists as the most likely approach for significantly improving computing power for scientists and engineers. Advances in programming languages and parallelizing compilers are making parallel computers easier to use by providing a high-level portable programming model that protects software investment. However, experience has shown that simply finding parallelism is not always sufficient for obtaining good performance from today's multiprocessors. The goal of this project is to develop advanced compiler analysis of data and computation decompositions, thread placement, communication, synchronization, and memory system effects needed in order to take advantage of performance-critical elements in modern parallel architectures

    Parametrizovani univerzalni editor programskog teksta

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    Trigeminalni neuropatski bol je hronično bolno stanje orofacijalne regije koje nastaje kao posledica povrede trigeminalnog živca. Ova vrsta bola loše ili uopšte ne reaguje na terapiju, te njegovo lečenje predstavlja veliki terapijski problem koji utiče kvalitet života pacijenta. U trigeminalnom ganglionu eksprimiran je veliki broj hemijskih medijatora, a GABA je najznačajniji inhibitorni neurotransmiter. Zbog velikog broja podjedinica i njihovih različitih kombinacija, postoji veliki broj efekata koji GABA ostvaruje. U trigeminalnom ganglionu postoje GABAA receptori koji sadrže α6 podjedinicu. Smanjenje ove podjedinice primenom male interferirajuće RNK pojačava bolni odgovor kod eksperimentalnh životinja na modelima miofacijalnog i inflamatornog bola temporomandibularnog zgloba. Trigeminalni ganglion je supstrat za razvoj većeg broja patoloških stanja koje se sreću u stomatologiji, kao što su trigeminalna neuralgija i trigerminalna neuropatija. Hipoteza ove doktorske disertacije je bila da pojačavanje aktivnosti GABAA receptora koji sadrže α6 podjedinicu utiče na smanjenje bolnog odgovora u modelu trigeminalnog neuropatskog bola. Lekovi koji potenciraju aktivnost ove grupe receptora nisu dostupni u kliničkoj praksi. U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji korišćen je DK-I-56-1, novosintetisani selektivni modulator α6 podjedinice GABAA receptora, koji pripada grupi deuterisanih pirazolohinolinona. Sprovedena je detaljna farmakokinetička analiza ovog jedinjenja na animalnom eksperimentalnom modelu. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da je kinetika ovog jedinjenja u plazmi i mozgu relativno spora, sa poluvremenom eliminacije od 6 h odnosno 13 h, pri čemu je postignuta slobodna koncentracija u mozgu u rasponu 10-300 nM. Ovakav farmakokinetički profil je podesan za ispitivanje u protokolima ponavljane primene...poorly controlled by current treatments. It represents major therapeutic concern and reduces patients quality of life. Numerous chemical mediators are present in trigeminal ganglia, and GABA is most common inhbitory neurotransmitter. Due to different subunit combinations, GABA can show diversity of pharmacological effects. GABAA receptors containing α6 subunit are located in trigeminal ganglia, and their reduction by small interfering RNA increases inflammatory temporomandibular and myofascial pain in rats. One of the most common orofacial pain states like trigeminal neuralgia or trigeminal neuropathy begin in trigeminal ganglia. We thus hypothesized that enhancing GABAA receptors containing the α6 subunit activity may help in neuropathic syndromes originating from the trigeminal system. Selective modulators that activate this specific receptor population are not commercially available. In this doctoral dissertation we used recently developed deuterated pyrazoloquinolinone compound, (DK-I-56-1) that selectively activates α6 subunit of GABAA receptors. Here, we performed a detailed pharmacokinetic analysis of DK-I-56-1 on animal experimental model. Both plasma and brain tissue kinetics of DK-I-56-1 were relatively slow, with half-lives of 6 h and 13 h, respectively, enabling the persistence of estimated free brain concentrations in the range 10-300 nM throughout a 24-h period. We confirmed that chronic constriction injury of infraorbital nerve is considered a reliable experimental animal model for trigeminal neuropathic pain. Results were obtained on IoN-CCI protocol in hypersensitive rats dosed intraperitoneally with 10 mg/kg DK-I-56-1 or DK-I-87-1, structurally similar pyrazoloquinolinone compound that can not induce GABA currents on α6 containing receptors..

    Interactive Parallel Programming Using the ParaScope Editor

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    The ParaScope project is developing an integrated collection of tools to help scientific programmers implement correct and efficient parallel programs. The centerpiece of this collection is the ParaScope Editor, an intelligent interactive editor for parallel Fortran programs. The ParaScope Editor reveals to users potential hazards of a proposed parallelization in a program. It also provides a variety of powerful interactive program transformations that have been shown useful in converting programs to parallel form. In addition, the ParaScope Editor supports general user editing through a hybrid text and structure editing facility that incrementally analyzes the modified program for potential hazards. The ParaScope Editor is a new kind of program construction tool -- one that not only manages text, but also presents the user with information about the correctness of the parallel program under development. As such, it can support an exploratory programming style in which users get immediate feedback on their various strategies for parallelization

    Interactive Parallel Programming Using the ParaScope Editor

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    The ParaScope project is developing an integrated collection of tools to help scientific programmers implement correct and efficient parallel programs. The centerpiece of this collection is the ParaScope Editor, an intelligent interactive editor for parallel Fortran programs. The ParaScope Editor reveals to users potential hazards of a proposed parallelization in a program. It also provides a variety of powerful interactive program transformations that have been shown useful in converting programs to parallel form. In addition, the ParaScope Editor supports general user editing through a hybrid text and structure editing facility that incrementally analyzes the modified program for potential hazards. The ParaScope Editor is a new kind of program construction tool -- one that not only manages text, but also presents the user with information about the correctness of the parallel program under development. As such, it can support an exploratory programming style in which users get immedi..