3,352 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2A Aerosol Optical Depth Retrievals Across Chinese Cities and Implications for Medium Spatial Resolution Urban Aerosol Monitoring

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    In urban environments, aerosol distributions may change rapidly due to building and transport infrastructure and human population density variations. The recent availability of medium resolution Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 satellite data provide the opportunity for aerosol optical depth (AOD) estimation at higher spatial resolution than provided by other satellites. AOD retrieved from 30 m Landsat-8 and 10 m Sentinel-2A data using the Land Surface Reflectance Code (LaSRC) were compared with coincident ground-based Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) Version 3 AOD data for 20 Chinese cities in 2016. Stringent selection criteria were used to select contemporaneous data; only satellite and AERONET data acquired within 10 min were considered. The average satellite retrieved AOD over a 1470 m1470 m window centered on each AERONET site was derived to capture fine scale urban AOD variations. AERONET Level 1.5 (cloud-screened) and Level 2.0 (cloud-screened and also quality assured) data were considered. For the 20 urban AERONET sites in 2016 there were 106 (Level 1.5) and 67 (Level 2.0) Landsat-8 AERONET AOD contemporaneous data pairs, and 118 (Level 1.5) and 89 (Level 2.0) Sentinel-2A AOD data pairs. The greatest AOD values (>1.5) occurred in Beijing, suggesting that the Chinese capital was one of the most polluted cities in China in 2016. The LaSRC Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2A AOD retrievals agreed well with the AERONET AOD data (linear regression slopes > 0.96; coefficient of determination r(exp 2) > 0.90; root mean square deviation < 0.175) and demonstrate that the LaSRC is an effective and applicable medium resolution AOD retrieval algorithm over urban environments. The Sentinel-2A AOD retrievals had better accuracy than the Landsat-8 AOD retrievals, which is consistent with previously published research.The implications of the research and the potential for urban aerosol monitoring by combining the freely available Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 satellite data are discussed

    The agricultural impact of the 2015–2016 floods in Ireland as mapped through Sentinel 1 satellite imagery

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    peer-reviewedIrish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research | Volume 58: Issue 1 The agricultural impact of the 2015–2016 floods in Ireland as mapped through Sentinel 1 satellite imagery R. O’Haraemail , S. Green and T. McCarthy DOI: https://doi.org/10.2478/ijafr-2019-0006 | Published online: 11 Oct 2019 PDF Abstract Article PDF References Recommendations Abstract The capability of Sentinel 1 C-band (5 cm wavelength) synthetic aperture radio detection and ranging (RADAR) (abbreviated as SAR) for flood mapping is demonstrated, and this approach is used to map the extent of the extensive floods that occurred throughout the Republic of Ireland in the winter of 2015–2016. Thirty-three Sentinel 1 images were used to map the area and duration of floods over a 6-mo period from November 2015 to April 2016. Flood maps for 11 separate dates charted the development and persistence of floods nationally. The maximum flood extent during this period was estimated to be ~24,356 ha. The depth of rainfall influenced the magnitude of flood in the preceding 5 d and over more extended periods to a lesser degree. Reduced photosynthetic activity on farms affected by flooding was observed in Landsat 8 vegetation index difference images compared to the previous spring. The accuracy of the flood map was assessed against reports of flooding from affected farms, as well as other satellite-derived maps from Copernicus Emergency Management Service and Sentinel 2. Monte Carlo simulated elevation data (20 m resolution, 2.5 m root mean square error [RMSE]) were used to estimate the flood’s depth and volume. Although the modelled flood height showed a strong correlation with the measured river heights, differences of several metres were observed. Future mapping strategies are discussed, which include high–temporal-resolution soil moisture data, as part of an integrated multisensor approach to flood response over a range of spatial scales

    Sentinel-3/FLEX Biophysical Product Confidence Using Sentinel-2 Land-Cover Spatial Distributions

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    The estimation of biophysical variables from remote sensing data raises important challenges in terms of the acquisition technology and its limitations. In this way, some vegetation parameters, such as chlorophyll fluorescence, require sensors with a high spectral resolution that constrains the spatial resolution while significantly increasing the subpixel land-cover heterogeneity. Precisely, this spatial variability often makes that rather different canopy structures are aggregated together, which eventually generates important deviations in the corresponding parameter quantification. In the context of the Copernicus program (and other related Earth Explorer missions), this article proposes a new statistical methodology to manage the subpixel spatial heterogeneity problem in Sentinel-3 (S3) and FLuorescence EXplorer (FLEX) by taking advantage of the higher spatial resolution of Sentinel-2 (S2). Specifically, the proposed approach first characterizes the subpixel spatial patterns of S3/FLEX using inter-sensor data from S2. Then, a multivariate analysis is conducted to model the influence of these spatial patterns in the errors of the estimated biophysical variables related to chlorophyll which are used as fluorescence proxies. Finally, these modeled distributions are employed to predict the confidence of S3/FLEX products on demand. Our experiments, conducted using multiple operational S2 and simulated S3 data products, reveal the advantages of the proposed methodology to effectively measure the confidence and expected deviations of different vegetation parameters with respect to standard regression algorithms. The source codes of this work will be available at https://github.com/rufernan/PixelS3

    New Approach for Temporal Stability Evaluation of Pseudo-Invariant Calibration Sites (PICS)

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    Pseudo-Invariant Calibration Sites (PICS) are one of the most popular methods for in-flight vicarious radiometric calibration of Earth remote sensing satellites. The fundamental question of PICS temporal stability has not been adequately addressed. However, the main purpose of this work is to evaluate the temporal stability of a few PICS using a new approach. The analysis was performed over six PICS (Libya 1, Libya 4, Niger 1, Niger 2, Egypt 1 and Sudan 1). The concept of a Virtual Constellation was developed to provide greater temporal coverage and also to overcome the dependence limitation of any specific characteristic derived from one particular sensor. TOA reflectance data from four sensors consistently demonstrating stable calibration to within 5%the Landsat 7 ETM+ (Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus), Landsat 8 OLI (Operational Land Imager), Terra MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) and Sentinel-2A MSI (Multispectral Instrument)were merged into a seamless dataset. Instead of using the traditional method of trend analysis (Students T test), a nonparametric Seasonal Mann-Kendall test was used for determining the PICS stability. The analysis results indicate that Libya 4 and Egypt 1 do not exhibit any monotonic trend in six reflective solar bands common to all of the studied sensors, indicating temporal stability. A decreasing monotonic trend was statistically detected in all bands, except SWIR 2, for Sudan 1 and the Green and Red bands for Niger 1. An increasing trend was detected in the Blue band for Niger 2 and the NIR band for Libya 1. These results do not suggest abandoning PICS as a viable calibration source. Rather, they indicate that PICS temporal stability cannot be assumed and should be regularly monitored as part of the sensor calibration process


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    Sentinel missions provide widespread opportunities of exploiting inter-sensor synergies to improve the operational monitoring of terrestrial photosynthetic activity and canopy structural variations using vegetation indices (VI). In this context, continuous and consistent temporal data are logically required to rapidly detect vegetation changes across sensors. Nonetheless, the existing temporal limitations inherent to satellite orbits, cloud occlusions, data degradation, and many other factors may severely constrain the availability of data involving multiple satellites. In response, this letter proposes a novel deep 3-D convolutional regression network (3CRN) for temporally enhancing Sentinel-3 (S3) VI by taking advantage of inter-sensor Sentinel-2 (S2) observations. Unlike existing regression and deep learning-based methods, the proposed approach allows convolutional kernels to slide across the temporal dimension to exploit not only the higher spatial resolution of the S2 instrument but also its own temporal evolution to better estimate time-resolved VI in S3. To validate the proposed approach, we built a database made of multiple day-synchronized S2 and S3 operational products from a study area in Extremadura (Spain). The conducted experimental comparison, including multiple state-of-the-art regression and deep learning models, shows the statistically significant advantages of the presented framework. The codes of this work will be made available at https://github.com/rufernan/3CRN

    Automated and robust geometric and spectral fusion of multi-sensor, multi-spectral satellite images

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    Die in den letzten Jahrzehnten aufgenommenen Satellitenbilder zur Erdbeobachtung bieten eine ideale Grundlage für eine genaue Langzeitüberwachung und Kartierung der Erdoberfläche und Atmosphäre. Unterschiedliche Sensoreigenschaften verhindern jedoch oft eine synergetische Nutzung. Daher besteht ein dringender Bedarf heterogene Multisensordaten zu kombinieren und als geometrisch und spektral harmonisierte Zeitreihen nutzbar zu machen. Diese Dissertation liefert einen vorwiegend methodischen Beitrag und stellt zwei neu entwickelte Open-Source-Algorithmen zur Sensorfusion vor, die gründlich evaluiert, getestet und validiert werden. AROSICS, ein neuer Algorithmus zur Co-Registrierung und geometrischen Harmonisierung von Multisensor-Daten, ermöglicht eine robuste und automatische Erkennung und Korrektur von Lageverschiebungen und richtet die Daten an einem gemeinsamen Koordinatengitter aus. Der zweite Algorithmus, SpecHomo, wurde entwickelt, um unterschiedliche spektrale Sensorcharakteristika zu vereinheitlichen. Auf Basis von materialspezifischen Regressoren für verschiedene Landbedeckungsklassen ermöglicht er nicht nur höhere Transformationsgenauigkeiten, sondern auch die Abschätzung einseitig fehlender Spektralbänder. Darauf aufbauend wurde in einer dritten Studie untersucht, inwieweit sich die Abschätzung von Brandschäden aus Landsat mittels synthetischer Red-Edge-Bänder und der Verwendung dichter Zeitreihen, ermöglicht durch Sensorfusion, verbessern lässt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen die Effektivität der entwickelten Algorithmen zur Verringerung von Inkonsistenzen bei Multisensor- und Multitemporaldaten sowie den Mehrwert einer geometrischen und spektralen Harmonisierung für nachfolgende Produkte. Synthetische Red-Edge-Bänder erwiesen sich als wertvoll bei der Abschätzung vegetationsbezogener Parameter wie z. B. Brandschweregraden. Zudem zeigt die Arbeit das große Potenzial zur genaueren Überwachung und Kartierung von sich schnell entwickelnden Umweltprozessen, das sich aus einer Sensorfusion ergibt.Earth observation satellite data acquired in recent years and decades provide an ideal data basis for accurate long-term monitoring and mapping of the Earth's surface and atmosphere. However, the vast diversity of different sensor characteristics often prevents synergetic use. Hence, there is an urgent need to combine heterogeneous multi-sensor data to generate geometrically and spectrally harmonized time series of analysis-ready satellite data. This dissertation provides a mainly methodical contribution by presenting two newly developed, open-source algorithms for sensor fusion, which are both thoroughly evaluated as well as tested and validated in practical applications. AROSICS, a novel algorithm for multi-sensor image co-registration and geometric harmonization, provides a robust and automated detection and correction of positional shifts and aligns the data to a common coordinate grid. The second algorithm, SpecHomo, was developed to unify differing spectral sensor characteristics. It relies on separate material-specific regressors for different land cover classes enabling higher transformation accuracies and the estimation of unilaterally missing spectral bands. Based on these algorithms, a third study investigated the added value of synthesized red edge bands and the use of dense time series, enabled by sensor fusion, for the estimation of burn severity and mapping of fire damage from Landsat. The results illustrate the effectiveness of the developed algorithms to reduce multi-sensor, multi-temporal data inconsistencies and demonstrate the added value of geometric and spectral harmonization for subsequent products. Synthesized red edge information has proven valuable when retrieving vegetation-related parameters such as burn severity. Moreover, using sensor fusion for combining multi-sensor time series was shown to offer great potential for more accurate monitoring and mapping of quickly evolving environmental processes

    Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 Intersensor Vegetation Estimation via Constrained Topic Modeling

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    This letter presents a novel intersensor vegetation estimation framework, which aims at combining Sentinel-2 (S2) spatial resolution with Sentinel-3 (S3) spectral characteristics in order to generate fused vegetation maps. On the one hand, the multispectral instrument (MSI), carried by S2, provides high spatial resolution images. On the other hand, the Ocean and Land Color Instrument (OLCI), one of the instruments of S3, captures the Earth's surface at a substantially coarser spatial resolution but using smaller spectral bandwidths, which makes the OLCI data more convenient to highlight specific spectral features and motivates the development of synergetic fusion products. In this scenario, the approach presented here takes advantage of the proposed constrained probabilistic latent semantic analysis (CpLSA) model to produce intersensor vegetation estimations, which aim at synergically exploiting MSI's spatial resolution and OLCI's spectral characteristics. Initially, CpLSA is used to uncover the MSI reflectance patterns, which are able to represent the OLCI-derived vegetation. Then, the original MSI data are projected onto this higher abstraction-level representation space in order to generate a high-resolution version of the vegetation captured in the OLCI domain. Our experimental comparison, conducted using four data sets, three different regression algorithms, and two vegetation indices, reveals that the proposed framework is able to provide a competitive advantage in terms of quantitative and qualitative vegetation estimation results

    Enhancing temporal series of Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 data products: from classical regression to deep learning approach

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    Treball de Final de Màster Universitari Erasmus Mundus en Tecnologia Geoespacial (Pla de 2013). Codi: SIW013. Curs acadèmic 2020-2021The free and open availability of satellite images covering global extent in recent days provides many novel opportunities for global monitoring of the earth’s surface. Sentinel-2 (S2) and Sentinel-3 (S3) satellite missions capture mid to high resolution imagery with frequent revisit and show data synergy as they both focus on land and ocean observational needs. Specifically, the high temporal resolution of S3 (1-2 day revisit) presents potential in filling the data gaps in S2 (5 day revisit) vegetation products. In this scenario, this study assesses the feasibility of using Sentinel-3 images for Sentinel-2 vegetation products estimation using machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) approaches. This study employs four state of the art ML regression algorithms, linear regression, ridge regression, Support Vector Regression (SVR) and Random Forest Regression (RFR) and two DL network architectures with different depth and complexities, Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to predict the S2 NDVI and SAVI maps from the S3 spectral bands information. A paired S2/S3 dataset is prepared for the study area covering one S2 tile in Extremadura, Spain. The results demonstrate that all the DL architectures except pixel-wise MLP outperformed the ML models with the 3D CNN performing the best. The best performing 3D CNN architecture obtained remarkable mean squared error (MSE) of 0.00198 for NDVI and 0.00282 for SAVI while the best performing ML algorithms were patch-wise RFR with MSE of 0.0035 in case of NDVI and patchwise SVR with MSE of 0.00586 for SAVI. The models and the dataset prepared for this study will be useful for further research that focus on capitalizing the free and open availability of Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 imagery as well as new and advanced technologies to provide better vegetation monitoring capabilities for our planet

    Long time series (1984–2020) of albedo variations on the Greenland ice sheet from harmonized Landsat and Sentinel 2 imagery

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    Albedo is a key factor in modulating the absorption of solar radiation on ice surfaces. Satellite measurements have shown a general reduction in albedo across the Greenland ice sheet over the past few decades, particularly along the western margin of the ice sheet, a region known as the Dark Zone (albedo < 0.45). Here we chose a combination of Landsat 4–8 and Sentinel 2 imagery to enable us to derive the longest record of albedo variations in the Dark Zone, running from 1984 to 2020. We developed a simple, pragmatic and efficient sensor transformation to provide a long time series of consistent, harmonized satellite imagery. Narrow to broadband conversion algorithms were developed from regression models of harmonized satellite data and in situ albedo from the Program for Monitoring of the Greenland Ice Sheet (PROMICE) automatic weather stations. The albedo derived from the harmonized Landsat and Sentinel 2 data shows that the maximum extent of the Dark Zone expanded rapidly between 2005 and 2007, increasing to ~280% of the average annual maximum extent of 2900 km2 to ~8000 km2 since. The Dark Zone is continuing to darken slowly, with the average annual minimum albedo decreasing at a rate of (p = 0.16, 2001–2020)
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