39,458 research outputs found

    Microservices and Machine Learning Algorithms for Adaptive Green Buildings

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    In recent years, the use of services for Open Systems development has consolidated and strengthened. Advances in the Service Science and Engineering (SSE) community, promoted by the reinforcement of Web Services and Semantic Web technologies and the presence of new Cloud computing techniques, such as the proliferation of microservices solutions, have allowed software architects to experiment and develop new ways of building open and adaptable computer systems at runtime. Home automation, intelligent buildings, robotics, graphical user interfaces are some of the social atmosphere environments suitable in which to apply certain innovative trends. This paper presents a schema for the adaptation of Dynamic Computer Systems (DCS) using interdisciplinary techniques on model-driven engineering, service engineering and soft computing. The proposal manages an orchestrated microservices schema for adapting component-based software architectural systems at runtime. This schema has been developed as a three-layer adaptive transformation process that is supported on a rule-based decision-making service implemented by means of Machine Learning (ML) algorithms. The experimental development was implemented in the Solar Energy Research Center (CIESOL) applying the proposed microservices schema for adapting home architectural atmosphere systems on Green Buildings

    Data-driven Soft Sensors in the Process Industry

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    In the last two decades Soft Sensors established themselves as a valuable alternative to the traditional means for the acquisition of critical process variables, process monitoring and other tasks which are related to process control. This paper discusses characteristics of the process industry data which are critical for the development of data-driven Soft Sensors. These characteristics are common to a large number of process industry fields, like the chemical industry, bioprocess industry, steel industry, etc. The focus of this work is put on the data-driven Soft Sensors because of their growing popularity, already demonstrated usefulness and huge, though yet not completely realised, potential. A comprehensive selection of case studies covering the three most important Soft Sensor application fields, a general introduction to the most popular Soft Sensor modelling techniques as well as a discussion of some open issues in the Soft Sensor development and maintenance and their possible solutions are the main contributions of this work

    Sensor failure detection system

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    Advanced concepts for detecting, isolating, and accommodating sensor failures were studied to determine their applicability to the gas turbine control problem. Five concepts were formulated based upon such techniques as Kalman filters and a screening process led to the selection of one advanced concept for further evaluation. The selected advanced concept uses a Kalman filter to generate residuals, a weighted sum square residuals technique to detect soft failures, likelihood ratio testing of a bank of Kalman filters for isolation, and reconfiguring of the normal mode Kalman filter by eliminating the failed input to accommodate the failure. The advanced concept was compared to a baseline parameter synthesis technique. The advanced concept was shown to be a viable concept for detecting, isolating, and accommodating sensor failures for the gas turbine applications

    A component-based model and language for wireless sensor network applications

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    Wireless sensor networks are often used by experts in many different fields to gather data pertinent to their work. Although their expertise may not include software engineering, these users are expected to produce low-level software for a concurrent, real-time and resource-constrained computing environment. In this paper, we introduce a component-based model for wireless sensor network applications and a language, Insense, for supporting the model. An application is modelled as a composition of interacting components and the application model is preserved in the Insense implementation where active components communicate via typed channels. The primary design criteria for Insense include: to abstract over low-level concerns for ease of programming; to permit worst-case space and time usage of programs to be determinable; to support the fractal composition of components whilst eliminating implicit dependencies between them; and, to facilitate the construction of low footprint programs suitable for resource-constrained devices. This paper presents an overview of the component model and Insense, and demonstrates how they meet the above criteria.Preprin

    From Sensor Readings to Predictions: On the Process of Developing Practical Soft Sensors.

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    Automatic data acquisition systems provide large amounts of streaming data generated by physical sensors. This data forms an input to computational models (soft sensors) routinely used for monitoring and control of industrial processes, traffic patterns, environment and natural hazards, and many more. The majority of these models assume that the data comes in a cleaned and pre-processed form, ready to be fed directly into a predictive model. In practice, to ensure appropriate data quality, most of the modelling efforts concentrate on preparing data from raw sensor readings to be used as model inputs. This study analyzes the process of data preparation for predictive models with streaming sensor data. We present the challenges of data preparation as a four-step process, identify the key challenges in each step, and provide recommendations for handling these issues. The discussion is focused on the approaches that are less commonly used, while, based on our experience, may contribute particularly well to solving practical soft sensor tasks. Our arguments are illustrated with a case study in the chemical production industry

    Nonlinear modeling of FES-supported standing-up in paraplegia for selection of feedback sensors

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    This paper presents analysis of the standing-up manoeuvre in paraplegia considering the body supportive forces as a potential feedback source in functional electrical stimulation (FES)-assisted standing-up. The analysis investigates the significance of arm, feet, and seat reaction signals to the human body center-of-mass (COM) trajectory reconstruction. The standing-up behavior of eight paraplegic subjects was analyzed, measuring the motion kinematics and reaction forces to provide the data for modeling. Two nonlinear empirical modeling methods are implemented-Gaussian process (GP) priors and multilayer perceptron artificial neural networks (ANN)-and their performance in vertical and horizontal COM component reconstruction is compared. As the input, ten sensory configurations that incorporated different number of sensors were evaluated trading off the modeling performance for variables chosen and ease-of-use in everyday application. For the purpose of evaluation, the root-mean-square difference was calculated between the model output and the kinematics-based COM trajectory. Results show that the force feedback in COM assessment in FES assisted standing-up is comparable alternative to the kinematics measurement systems. It was demonstrated that the GP provided better modeling performance, at higher computational cost. Moreover, on the basis of averaged results, the use of a sensory system incorporating a six-dimensional handle force sensor and an instrumented foot insole is recommended. The configuration is practical for realization and with the GP model achieves an average accuracy of COM estimation 16 /spl plusmn/ 1.8 mm in horizontal and 39 /spl plusmn/ 3.7 mm in vertical direction. Some other configurations analyzed in the study exhibit better modeling accuracy, but are less practical for everyday usage

    SARSCEST (human factors)

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    People interact with the processes and products of contemporary technology. Individuals are affected by these in various ways and individuals shape them. Such interactions come under the label 'human factors'. To expand the understanding of those to whom the term is relatively unfamiliar, its domain includes both an applied science and applications of knowledge. It means both research and development, with implications of research both for basic science and for development. It encompasses not only design and testing but also training and personnel requirements, even though some unwisely try to split these apart both by name and institutionally. The territory includes more than performance at work, though concentration on that aspect, epitomized in the derivation of the term ergonomics, has overshadowed human factors interest in interactions between technology and the home, health, safety, consumers, children and later life, the handicapped, sports and recreation education, and travel. Two aspects of technology considered most significant for work performance, systems and automation, and several approaches to these, are discussed