9 research outputs found

    Aprendizaje con robótica, algunas experiencias

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    Este artículo presenta el análisis de experiencias, revisadas en diversos artículos, acerca de la implementación de la robótica en la educación, con el fin de obtener referentes pertinentes para la construcción de una propuesta para el aprendizaje de la robótica en la educación básica secundaria y media. Se consideran dos ámbitos de aplicación de la robótica en la educación: el primero es el aprendizaje de la robótica mediante la conceptualización de cada uno de los subsistemas de un robot para luego realizar la construcción de robots con diferentes propósitos, en este ámbito el objetivo es desarrollar las competencias, en los estudiantes, para el diseño y construcción de tecnofactos robóticos, mediante un proceso de construcción del conocimiento necesario para hacerlo; el segundo ámbito de aplicación es la utilización de la robótica como medio que motiva y da sentido a la construcción de conocimiento en diversas áreas, promoviendo habilidades y competencias en los estudiantes. Además, el aprendizaje de la robótica y el aprendizaje con robótica pueden ser mediados por la informática, la cual aporta tecnologías y herramientas software como los lenguajes de modelado matemático y simulación, tutoriales multimediales, laboratorios virtuales y remotos, entre otros. Así, este artículo se propone destacar cómo la robótica en el aula de clase permite, por una parte, el enriquecer estrategias de aprendizaje como apoyo a la formación integral de los estudiantes, y por otra, es un campo que presenta una demanda creciente en la atención de docentes e investigadores, así como en los estímulos para su investigación, desarrollo y divulgación de parte del estado

    A Project-based Learning approach for teaching Robotics to Undergraduates

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    In this research we used a project-based learning approach to teach robotics basics to undergraduate business computing students. The course coverage includes basic electronics, robot construction and programming using arduino. Students developed and tested a robot prototype. The project was evaluated using a questionnaire. The evaluation result shows that students developed skills in circuit design, problem-solving and robot development for addressing real world problems and team work. The students had challenges of using limited resources for robot circuit design and construction. The research results indicate that robotics education through project-based learning  motivates students to learn and implement computer artefact that addresses real world problems.Keywords: Robotics; Project-based learning; ICT

    Application of LEGO Mindstorms Kits for Teaching Mechatronics Engineering

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    One of the major educators’ challenges is to teach the theoretical lessons with practical examples that can be taught in the classroom or teaching laboratories. The application of these examples will face a major problem for students in engineering: the difficulty of understanding and seeing how a mechatronic device works in everyday life. This requires the use of tools that enable the construction of different low cost prototypes to assist in student learning. Another challenge to educators is the need to motivate students during the lessons and to present models that students can make and develop on their own. Within this context this paper presents a pedagogic proposition based on the use of LEGO Mindstorms kits to teach practical lab activities in a mechatronics engineering course. The objective is to develop teaching methodologies with the use of these LEGO kits in order to motivate the students and also to promote a higher interdisciplinarity, by proposing projects that unify different disciplines. Thus, the paper is divided into three parts according to the educational experiences implemented in the course of mechatronics engineering at the Federal University of Uberlândia, Brazil. The first part presents the use of the kits in robotics discipline. The second part presents the use of the virtual kits in the Computer Aided Design discipline with zero-cost. The third part presents a multi-disciplinary project EDROM in mechatronics using LEGO kits

    Robotik@, a strategy to motivate students to choose engineering careers.

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    Educational robotics is a demonstrated didactical strategy that motivates students to consider engineering careers and benefits both their professional development as well as the learning process. This paper shows an experience carried out in the city of Cartagena de Indias (Colombia) that includes training teachers and facilitating them to take into consideration teaching educational robotics in the secondary school curriculum. The teachers’ training was based on the use of ROBOTREINO, an OER intended to be an educational resource for teachers that introduces them to the world of Educational Robotics. After the training, teachers were able to offer secondary education students a learning experience called ROBOTIK@ based on the use of mobile robots in the field of physics.  The experience shows promising results

    Increasing Students’ Interest With Low-Cost CellBots

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    This paper introduces the use of a flexible and affordable\ud educational robot specifically developed for the practical experimentation\ud inherent to technological disciplines. The robot has\ud been designed to be reconfigurable and extendible, serving as an\ud experimental platform across several undergraduate courses. As\ud most students have a mobile cell phone, this was used as the main\ud control computer for the so-called CellBot, thus avoiding any need\ud to deal with the details of microcontrollers or other embedded computing\ud devices. Assessment results are also presented, based on a\ud pre- and post-survey of student opinion administered to 204 science\ud and engineering students from several universities. Among\ud the conclusions are that 83% of the students prefer to use these\ud low-cost robots as tools to improve their learning of the theory in\ud several disciplines, and 71% of the students stated that they prefer\ud to have their own robot to experiment with, instead of using a didactic\ud kit loaned to them by the universityCNP

    Uso de simuladores en docencia de robótica móvil

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    P. 269-279The main goal of this paper is to present the advantages that the new generation of mobile robot simulators has given to the teaching of robotics to computer science students. We present some of their features, as well as some experiences of their uso in two Spanish universities. These experiences have taken place at different courses, both at graduate and undergraduate levels. We also discuss about those experiences and introduce how we envision teachng in this frekl.S

    Auto-localização e mapeamento de ambientes : uma abordagem para robôs simples

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade UnB Gama, 2017.Grande parte das pesquisas relacionadas à robótica é focada, principalmente, na mobilidade do robô. Isto ocorre pela necessidade, na maioria das atividades, da navegação e auto-localização no ambiente. Com este objetivo, a técnica de SLAM (Auto- localização e mapeamento simultâneos de ambientes) vem sendo implementada em diversos contextos por toda a comunidade de robótica. Esta pesquisa buscou analisar técnicas renomadas de auto-localização no contexto da robótica mundial, a partir da execução de uma revisão sistemática sobre o tema, selecionando a técnica do Filtro de Partículas para adaptação e implementação no contexto limitado da Robótica Educacional. Durante as etapas de implementação e análise dos resultados, a pesquisa busca documentar de maneira clara e objetiva os procedimentos realizados, garantindo a possibilidade da execução dos procedimentos por interessados no assunto. Além da aplicação no contexto educacional, deve-se ressaltar que esta pesquisa faz referência a utilização de robôs simples no processo de auto-localização, o que abrange sua utilização também em contextos reais, porém com limitações de hardware.This research sought to analyse renowned techniques of auto localization in the context of the current world of robotics, starting from the execution of a sistematic revision about the theme, selecting the Particle Filter to the adaptation and implementation in the limited context of Educational Robotics. During the steps of the analysis of results, the research sought to document clearly and objectively the proceedings, ensuring the possibility of the execution of them by the interested researchers in the theme. Besides the application on the educational context, it must be emphasized that this search makes reference to the utilization of simple robots on the auto localization process, which also includes its utilization on real contexts, with hardware limitations, however